CompanionLink provides effective alternative for Telexis PHONEslips and Group Scheduler

CompanionLink's DejaOffice PC CRM provides an effective replacement for PHONEslips with Group Scheduling. You can easily import your PHONEslips contacts into DejaOffice. Continue reading →

Published by
Wayland Bruns

CompanionLink Software is offering customized import for the discontinued PHONEslips and Group Scheduler programs provided by Telexis Software.

Telexis has announced that these products have been discontinued and support ended December 31, 2019. Customers who currently use PHONEslips will continue to run, and can still export their contact database.

CompanionLink provides a program with similar functionality called DejaOffice PC CRM.

Click on these links for more information:

To take a call using DejaOffice PC CRM, you display the Contact List and then Search for the contact who is calling. You can start the search simply by typing their name in the contact list. If the contact is found, you can record a call by clicking the Telephone Icon. Then you can put in the details of the call. To assign it to another user, put their name as the “owner” of the record. The call will appear on that person’s task list. You can also assign a priority and category color to the call.

DejaOffice PC CRM Pro also has a group scheduling screen. You can use this to view a the calendar for multiple people, and easily move scheduled events from one to another.

DejaOffice PC CRM has well rated Mobile Apps. USB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and DejaCloud Sync may be used to move data from the PC to DejaOffice on your smartphone.

For a limited time you can order DejaOffice PC CRM Pro, for 5 users ($199.95), with the optional RunStart service ($49) where we will assist you to import your PHONEslips contacts and help set up your office database. We offer $10 off for a total price of $139.95. Click here to order this today.

DejaOffice PC CRM Standalone
Average User Rating:
Average rating: 4.83 out of 5 based on 660 reviews.
Free 14 day trial. Price $69.95
CompanionLink provides effective alternative for Telexis PHONEslips and Group Scheduler was last updated January 4th, 2020 by Wayland Bruns
CompanionLink provides effective alternative for Telexis PHONEslips and Group Scheduler was last modified: January 4th, 2020 by Wayland Bruns
Wayland Bruns

Wayland founded CompanionLink in 1987 as The Jorf Company, a maker of shareware 4gl products. As a leading maker of CRM Add-On products, the company started with Sync Products in 1996 for the PalmPilot. As CEO of CompanionLink, Wayland strives to balance quality customer service, products with good value, low prices, and a positive workplace..

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