Why Video Brochures are Great for Advertising

Published by
Allen Brown

In a day and age where everybody wants to be entertained by Youtube or memes in social media, the advertising industry must see to it that they’ve got the right platform to effectively market their clients’ products and services. 

Video brochures are one of the best ways to catch the modern buyers and even convince them to try some things out. But why is it effective? Let us tell you its secret.

They create connections with customers

Consumers or rather, people have a very short attention span. An average person can give you his undivided attention for only eight seconds, after that it all comes down to what you showed them was interesting or not. Going for quality Custom Video Brochures can do the job for you. You can create and adjust any aspect of your video brochure to suit the taste of your audience and get them hooked.

A story told in a motion picture gives clarity to the message

No one could argue that knowing a story through a video is more enjoyable than reading a pamphlet. It gives people clearer picture of what something is and what it can do for you. While a printed brochure is likely to be informative, no one can digest every detail by just reading and as an instinct, people usually just scan it. In contrast, when you watch something, you tend to understand quicker, the details are more vivid, and it stays with you.

Most Likely to Be Shared By Others

What’s good with the world wide web and the onset of social media is, anything that catches people’s attention and to their liking catches on like wildfire. When your video is interesting enough for your viewers, it can be rapidly shared with anyone. You can easily make a video using an online product like Fastreel. Your employees, colleagues, and friends can just show it to someone without even saying a word. There you go, you don’t even have to break a sweat, others are doing your job for you.

Videos More Likely Create Trust with Consumers

If you are not fond of business news, you would not know that they have found out that 85% of consumers buy products and services after watching a video. Video content connects with the target audience quicker than a blog or written marketing campaign. Once more, visuals are more attractive to a human than just mere flowering words.

Feedback is Not Always Negative for Sales

Another fact that you have to know is that feedback, especially positive ones from viewers builds trust and confidence for the consumer. If someone says “Hey, I tried this and that and it’s working!”, it gives the consumers an immediate assurance that whatever it is in the video is credible enough to be tried.

Using video brochures is a good way to get your message across to your target audience. It is a more effective marketing option to speed up brand awareness, build trust, credibility, and boost your sales. If you don’t know how to make one yet, just search on Google and you’ll find plenty of videos to show you how.

Why Video Brochures are Great for Advertising was last updated March 30th, 2021 by Allen Brown
Why Video Brochures are Great for Advertising was last modified: March 30th, 2021 by Allen Brown
Allen Brown

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