Wayland Bruns

How to Sync Outlook Contacts, Calendar, Tasks and Notes with iPhone 6s

There seems no end to sync solutions for iPhone.  The problem is; they all devolve into Apple-like simplicity. Face it. …

9 years ago

How to sync Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ to Outlook

Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ are the newest additions to the Wide World of Phablets. The Edge+ is…

10 years ago

Palm Desktop on Windows 10 – Works great, less filling, lighting fast

I have to admit it.  I'm a closet Palm Desktop user.  Long ago I was seduced by the fast load…

10 years ago

Windows 10, Misery and Magic

Having been in this business 27 years gives me some experience.  But nothing in my experience matches what Microsoft is…

10 years ago

CompanionLink Solves Galaxy S6 Kies Sync Problems

I got the Galaxy S6 and it is AMAZING.  We put it side-by-side with an iPhone 6.  It is immediately…

10 years ago

9 ways to Synchronize Standalone Outlook to your Android Kitkat Phone

If you are like me, you depend on your PC Outlook for email, contact list and calendar.  It’s the only…

11 years ago

CompanionLink and DejaOffice 2014 Plans; DejaVoice, Galaxy S5, Galaxy Gear Watch, iWatch, iPad, Google Glass

Here is a roundup of our current projects and how they relate to upcoming products: For Galaxy S5 - we…

11 years ago

Predictions for 2014, Wearable Computers, iPhone 6, Google Glass and Voice CRM

Happy New Year all!  I'm not the only one that is happy to put 2013 behind us.  Another year of…

11 years ago