CompanionLink Products

2 ways to do wireless sync between ACT! and iPhone

Here are 2 ways to sync ACT! data to your iPhone: 1. Sync using CompanionLink's wireless sync service 2. Sync…

15 years ago

Update: Fix for Google Calendar sync service outage

CompanionLink has a fix to the synchronization service outage with Google Calendar.  If you sync calendar data from your PC…

15 years ago

Service outage when syncing with Google Calendar

CompanionLink has been getting reports from users that as of today morning, their PC calendar has stopped synchronizing with their…

15 years ago

Phone breakdown of Android platform (October 2009)

In the October 2009 issue of AdMob Mobile Metrics Report, the company has a telling chart that lists the phones…

15 years ago

Outlook 2010 sync options

Update April 27, 2010: CompanionLink syncs with Outlook 2010 32-bit and 64-bit [youtube=] Today, Microsoft announced the public availability of…

15 years ago

Update: wired (USB) sync with Droid

A week ago, CompanionLink unveiled their plans to develop USB sync software for Android phones.  CompanionLink now has more details…

15 years ago

Outlook USB sync with Palm Pixi

CompanionLink for webOS USB is software that does a direct two-way USB sync between Outlook and Palm Pixi.  Contacts, calendar,…

15 years ago

Outlook wireless sync with Palm Pixi

CompanionLink for Google is software that does a two-way ync between Outlook and Google, which automatically syncs with Palm Pixi…

15 years ago

Sync Outlook Business Contact Manager to regular Outlook/Exchange accounts

Outlook Business Contact Manager (known as "BCM") is a powerful extension to the Microsoft Office Outlook system.  It provides CRM-like…

15 years ago

iPhone catching RIM/BlackBerry on sales

Source: CNET and ChangeWave Research From CNET: "ChangeWave Research on Tuesday released the results of its week-long September survey of…

15 years ago

USB sync with Palm Pre

CompanionLink announced the first USB sync solution with Palm Pre.  Before this solution, users had to sync data over-the-air or…

15 years ago

Follow up to Mav 2010 tradeshow (Scottsdale, AZ)

[slideshare id=2202113&doc=mav-slideshare-091012163809-phpapp01] Take-aways from the tradeshow in Scottsdale: 1. CompanionLink has at least one way to sync ACT! data to…

15 years ago

Comparing Google Apps Sync with CompanionLink

One June 9, 2009, Google announced a tool that can sync Microsoft Outlook contacts, calendar, and emails with Google Apps Premier…

16 years ago

Keeping private Outlook data out of ACT!

There are two ways that you can keep your private Outlook contacts from synching to ACT!: 1. Keep your private…

16 years ago

How to select specific ACT! Groups to sync

Don't need all 20,000 ACT! contacts on your phone? CompanionLink has a way to limit the sync to only the…

16 years ago

Video: How to sync Lotus Notes with Google


16 years ago