
Sync Outlook Contacts, Calendar, Tasks and Notes with your Android and iPhone

DejaOffice is rated 2019 Best Paid Android App for Outlook Sync by Lifewire! The reason is simple.  It is the…

5 years ago
DejaOffice changes for Mapping and LocationDejaOffice changes for Mapping and Location

DejaOffice changes for Mapping and Location

There are complexities in the lookup on whether it is just text, or whether we download the map picture and…

6 years ago

Galaxy Note 10-Plus – First impressions from an Android App Developer

A top tier phone is like a new car - the resale drops 40% of your investment in the first…

6 years ago
Sync Galaxy Note 10+ with Microsoft OutlookSync Galaxy Note 10+ with Microsoft Outlook

Sync Galaxy Note 10+ with Microsoft Outlook

DejaOffice CRM works like Outlook for your phone. It keeps your Contacts, Calendar, Tasks and Notes all together. It remains…

6 years ago

CompanionLink and DejaOffice Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin)

I have a Love/Hate relationship with Social Media. Well, mostly Hate. My personal preferences are definitely toward having a quiet…

6 years ago

Reserve Galaxy Note 10 for Sync from Outlook, Act!, Goldmine, and Palm Desktop

Samsung has now made available a reservation system for Galaxy Note 10. Here is sign up form for marketing emails…

6 years ago
Google Calendar Down – How to sync Outlook without GoogleGoogle Calendar Down – How to sync Outlook without Google

Google Calendar Down – How to sync Outlook without Google

Google Calendar and G-Suite Calendar is experiencing a worldwide outage. This is a great time to remind people that "big…

6 years ago
WSJ Shockingly Good Phone article features Nokia 7.1WSJ Shockingly Good Phone article features Nokia 7.1

WSJ Shockingly Good Phone article features Nokia 7.1

The Wall Street Journal published a great article this week called: Shockingly Good Smartphones You Can Get for $350 or…

6 years ago

DejaOffice responds to Google Disruption

The high tech keyword for our century is Disruption.  Investors seek disruptive partners. Disruption means an innovative company enters a…

6 years ago

DejaOffice PC CRM – Beta Released!

Having spent nearly 6 months developing this, it is a great moment for us.  The first time we can show…

6 years ago

DejaOffice PC CRM – Dec 2 Update

Here is a new video we made. We are now feature complete.  As you can see from the video, moving…

6 years ago

How to use Microsoft Office without A Subscription

CompanionLink has published a guide for people who want to “cut the cord” and free themselves from Microsoft’s subscription model.…

7 years ago