Discover the 4 steps for CRM development which will guide you towards a solution that aligns perfectly with your business…
There is nothing that CRM in the Cloud does better than CRM on your PC. Here are five things that…
On-premise CRM is more desirable for users because of its high level of data protection. Continue reading →
Suddenly, there is an overwhelming reason for corporations to change from Exchange to MAPI. The Hafnium hack of Microsoft Exchange…
This week we are releasing changes to DejaOffice PC CRM. A focus of these changes are to shorten the number…
Outlook Customer Manager was introduced by Microsoft in 2016 as a replacement to Business Contact manager. It sits on top…
No one can predict what our economy will throw us in 2020. But it seems clear that the last 14…
CompanionLink's DejaOffice PC CRM provides an effective replacement for PHONEslips with Group Scheduling. You can easily import your PHONEslips contacts…
Thousands of people still use Palm Desktop as their primary contact management system. It has the essential features that people…
Forbes writer Gene Marks has highlighted DejaOffice n an article titled Is A CRM Necessary? And to answer the title…
If your business can survive on 300 customers, how much better will it be with 600 customers or 900 customers.…
DejaOffice CRM works like Outlook for your phone. It keeps your Contacts, Calendar, Tasks and Notes all together. It remains…