
Preventing Duplicate Records in Salesforce CRM Before Syncing Your Data

An important first step in setting up any sync is ensuring that the database you wish to sync is ready…

13 years ago

CompanionLink Build 5008 Is Now Available

With over 25 changes, CompanionLink build 5008 is a big update. We have been hard at work improving the software…

13 years ago

How To Remove Duplicates With CompanionLink

We’ve talked about dealing with duplicates before on the blog, but today I wanted to share with you a video…

13 years ago

Hate Duplicates? We Do Too.

 Duplicates. Perhaps the most despised sync issue that could arise. There are few things as annoying and damaging to…

14 years ago

Tech Tip: Avoid duplicates when switching to CompanionLink USB for Android phones

Android does a great job of keeping your contacts in sync between Google and your phone, but many users find…

15 years ago