tech tip

Resolving A Google Calendar Error [Tech Tip]

Some users have reported seeing the following error message display in CompanionLink when attempting to sync with Google: "Unable to…

14 years ago

Tech Tip: Use CompanionLink with Google’s New “2-Step Verification” Feature

Google recently rolled out a new security feature called "2-step verification." As Google puts it, this is designed to add…

14 years ago

How to separate business and personal data on your phone

The easiest way to do this is to use Categories to manage your contacts. You can set up Business and…

14 years ago

Tech Tip – How to see all calendar entries in Outlook 2007 when synchronizing with Google

CompanionLink allows you to easily sync your Outlook calendar with Google.  A common problem Outlook 2007 users have is that after synchronizing,…

15 years ago