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CompanionLink for Outlook (CLO)

Sync Classic Outlook, New Outlook, Outlook-dot-com, Office 365 to Android, iPhone and Google - One profile.

CompanionLink for Google (CLG)

Sync Classic Outlook or New Outlook to Google
One profile.

CompanionLink for Palm Desktop (CLPDT)

Sync Palm Desktop to Android, iPhone and Google
One profile.

CompanionLink Express (CLX)

Sync Act!, Time & Chaos plus all CLO devices.
Two profiles. Supports Doublelook Mode.

CompanionLink Professional (CLP)

Sync GoldMine, plus all CLX devices.
Five profiles. Advanced features, Doublelook Mode.

CompanionLink for Apps (CLFA)

Legacy Data Sources: Sync Keap/Infusionsoft, SalesForce, IBM/Lotus Notes, SugarCRM, SuiteCRM, HighRise, Zoho plus all CLP databases.
Five profiles.

CompanionLink for Mac (CLM)

For Mac: Sync Outlook to Google, Android and iPhone.
One Profile.

DejaOffice PC CRM Standalone

DejaOffice on your PC for use with
Palm Desktop, Google, Classic Outlook,
New Outlook.
Include sync to Android and iPhone.

DejaOffice PC CRM Express

DejaOffice on your PC for use with Act!.
Includes Outlook Sync, Android Sync, and iPhone Sync.

DejaOffice PC CRM Professional

DejaOffice on your PC multi-user. For use with
Act!, GoldMine, Outlook and Google.

Last modified: Oct 4, 2024 9:51 am