CompanionLink and DejaOffice Affiliate Program

Our Affiliate Program lets you to make money when you refer our CRM and sync solutions. CompanionLink handles the transaction and technical support that your clients need.

How it works

  1. Create an affiliate id name and account.
  2. On our website, choose what pages you wish to recommend
  3. Make a link using the Affliate link generation tool
  4. Your customer clicks on a link, which sets a tracking cookie
  5. For the next 180 days, you get credit for any purchases that customer makes

Tracking Link Format

The tracking link will assigned to you in the form of a six-digit code like XX9999. Generally speaking the letters will be your company name. The digits will be the last four digits of your phone number. We hope that makes it easy for you to remember.

To use the code, add the URL parameter "discountCode=XX9999" to any link on our webpage. This will place a tracking cookie for 30 days. If your customer purchases the software using your code, you are automatically given credit. You can also email us a customer ID and we can check if they made a purchase, and give you credit for it.

Example: will direct to while also placing a 30 day tracking cookie.

Affliate Notes

  • Your link sets a 30 day tracking cookie.
  • Use your link in HTML, Email, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere.
  • We pay 40% affiliate commission on full product sale.
  • Our products commonly sell for $50, $100 and $200
  • We pay out monthly for the prior month if $100 or over.
  • Payments are made through PayPal.
  • Our affiliate software has SEO and Keyword tracking capabilities.
  • No Spamming or Discounts please.

Last modified: Jan 2, 2023 10:11 am