Sync Salesforce CRM with Google and Your phone – Android, iPhone & iPad, BlackBerry, Palm webOS, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7

Sync with SalesforceCompanionLink now supports sync with Salesforce! Sync your Salesforce CRM contacts, calendar and tasks with any Google, Gmail, or Google Apps account. Google then provides free wireless sync to most popular smartphone platforms, including Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Palm webOS, Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile and Nokia Symbian.

CompanionLink gives Salesforce users an easy way to sync their crucial CRM data to their phones with no monthly fees. Because Google supports a wide range of platforms, CompanionLink can offer Salesforce sync with the most popular phones currently available, including the Motorola DROID 2 and DROID Pro, HTC EVO 4G, HTC Incredible, Samsung Galaxy S, Apple iPhone and iPad, BlackBerry Torch, and Palm Pre and Pixi. Two-way sync is fully supported so that changes made from the phone or Google account will sync back to Salesforce.

To try it out, you’ll need:

  • A Google, Gmail, or Google Apps account
  • A Salesforce Professional, Enterprise, or Unlimited account
  • CompanionLink Professional

You can find more info and a 14-day free trial of CompanionLink Professional at

Sync Salesforce CRM with Google and Your phone – Android, iPhone & iPad, BlackBerry, Palm webOS, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7 was last updated April 7th, 2011 by Andy Sheragy