ACT! versions that work on Windows 8

This account is our QA team’s experience and is not in any way a definitive guide.  We offer it as it may assist others to set expectations with the new Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro and Windows 8 Enterprise operating systems.  Windows 8 RT for Surface is a tablet OS and is not presumed to run the ACT! application.  We will confirm this when our Surface device arrives.

Testing Environment

ACT! 2013 was tested on a new PC: Athlon II X4 645 3.1GHz 64-bit , 4GB DDR3 RAM, Windows 8 Pro 64-bit.

All other tests: Intel Xeon E5520 2.27GHz 64-bit, 2GB RAM, Windows 8 Pro running in VMWare

ACT! versions that work on Windows 8 without issues

  • ACT! 6
  • ACT! 2009 and 2010 – works fine, but you are shown an error message during installation. “This program has compatibility issues (Microsoft SQL Server 2005)”. When running ACT! and upgrading a database we noted the message:  “Exceptions occurred while executing the database Schema Update Script”. Database seemed to successfully update.
  • ACT! 2011
  • ACT! 2012
  • ACT! 2013

ACT! versions that do not work with Windows 8
ACT! 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 – these do not install correctly on Windows 8. An error message is generated that reads “This app cannot run on your PC”.

CompanionLink works with all versions of ACT! 3.0 and higher.

ACT! versions that work on Windows 8 was last updated October 26th, 2012 by Rushang