Since its first launch, FaceTime has proven to be a convenient and simple way to stay in touch with your family and friends. It is one of the top-rated tools for communication used by millions of people all over the globe.
Unfortunately, despite its popularity, sometimes the app fails. Such issues often catch users by surprise, leaving them without connection. This situation can be rather frustrating. What to do in this case? Our article will give you the answer!

Simple Ways To Deal With The Problem
If you have found the application not responding or stuck on connecting or your iPhone 13 stuck on screens, chances are it is an internal failure of the app itself. Thus, your main task is to define the causes of the issues you’ve faced and find possible solutions. In the guide below, we will tell you about the main steps you could undertake to find the reason behind the problem and fix it. The solutions are offered in a special sequence from the simplest to the most complex ones, so make sure you try them in the same order!
1. Restart
Whenever you face any sort of issues, the first thing to try is to restart your computer or another device. If it’s only the application itself that is not responding, you can reboot your device the traditional way. Otherwise, you may need to use special tools.
You can try doing a force restart, otherwise known as a hard reset.
In any case, this is the first step to take. After the reboot is complete, go back to the application to see if the issue is solved and if not, go on to the next step.
2. Make sure you haven’t missed an OS update
Since FaceTime is one of the default apps on iOS devices, it may work improperly when your OS version becomes too outdated. This means that if you find FaceTime stuck on connecting screen, you might want to upgrade to the newest OS. This will likely solve the problem. In fact, this tip can apply to all the other system or app failures.
3. Reactivate the application
Sometimes, connection failures can be resolved by reactivating the app. To do this, go to your Settings and find FaceTime tab. Open it and turn it off. Then turn it back off and wait until the activation is completed. Once you do this, go back to the home screen and try launching the app now to check if it works.
4. Check your settings
Sometimes, you may be unable to make or receive calls when you are using FaceTime not with Wi-Fi, but with a cellular connection. Why does this happen? Most often, the reason for such failure is just the wrong settings. To check if it is the case, go to your device’s settings and find the section that manages Cellular connection settings. Then, find a tab called Use Cellular Data For and make sure that you allow the app to work when you are not connected to Wi-Fi.
5. Reset settings
One more effective method requires you to resetting all network settings. This action will not remove your files from the device, so you shouldn’t be worried about that. It will only delete all the previous network settings including VPN, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi.
To try this method, go to your phone’s settings and navigate to the General tab. Next, find the Reset section and pick an option that resets only network settings. Wait for the process to be completed, connect to Wi-Fi again and see if FaceTime works now.
6. Try a VPN
Planet VPN is a completely free VPN service that ensures unrestricted traffic and connection speed. A VPN will allow access to music streaming websites, sport events, games, social media, messengers, and more, while having a safe connection.
Completely free VPN service that provides unlimited traffic and connection speeds; Improves online security and privacy for everyone; The product has received excellent reviews in all app stores and works with all popular devices.
7. The Last Option
What if any of these steps help you? It may be worth your time to check out the best platform to stream on for new options that will work for you.
In this case, it might be a problem with the device itself. It may be worth your time to check out the best platform to stream on or contact the iPhone repair center in your neighborhood. Your last option would be to take your device for a repair.