What Should a Good Sales Enablement Manager be like?

Being a manager of any company is not easy, but when it comes to the sales area, it may seem even more complicated. Why? A sales manager needs to take care of the whole sales process, supervise sales representatives, set goals, or measure the results.

A manager is also responsible for the company’s profit and, of course, the main goal in this area is to increase it. This is a demanding task for any manager and it requires a lot of knowledge and effort.

A good way to deal with these issues is to introduce and use a Sales Enablement strategy within the company.

Sales Enablement – Basic Facts

Sales Enablement is an overall strategy that is used in the sales area, and it is concerned with maximizing profit by taking various actions. The actions are well-planned and interconnected.

Sales Enablement involves a few important steps and guidelines.

They Include:

  • Implementing a more customer-oriented strategy, getting to know customers’ needs
  • Taking care of the content and keeping it high-quality
  • Maintaining the motivation of the sales reps and other workers
  • Keeping the team highly-educated in the field
  • Executing, measuring and assessing the sales processes
  • Keeping all documentation neat and completed

Of course, in order to make Sales Enablement work properly, all of these points need to be fulfilled and remembered. If you’re interested in the methodology of the Sales Enablement, visit this website.

Also, when it comes to Sales Enablement, the MEDDIC methodology is a useful tool to use. The abbreviation stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Plan and Champion. You can read more about it on SalesHood.

The MEDDIC methodology helps to accelerate the process of Sales Enablement.

A Good Sales Enablement Manager

A Sales Enablement manager should be aware of all the facts that were mentioned above in order to build a successful strategy based on this knowledge. The manager should also have some more specific qualities and competencies.

Have A Proactive Attitude

What does it mean in the context of Sales Enablement? A proactive attitude means a willingness to make progress, a high level of problem-solving skills, being open to new solutions and strategies.

Sales is not all about analytics and measuring results. It’s also about direct contact, building brand image, being open to suggestions. A positive attitude towards all these aspects is a must-have for a manager.

Be A Team Player

The manager’s role is not only about establishing rules, delegating tasks, and supervising the team. It also involves cooperation, which is crucial to make the Sales Enablement process smooth and effective. The team needs to establish strong internal relationships, also with the manager, communicate on a daily basis, and become dedicated to the goal.

Be Dedicated And Make People Focus On The Goal

A manager who is not fully dedicated to the project is not a good one and won’t convince anyone to become fully engaged in the work, either.

A vital thing in Sales Enablement management is to focus fully on the goal and to make people work more effectively towards achieving it. We all have a natural tendency to imitate what we see around us – it’s a great asset to use as a manager who wants to maximize employees’ effort in the sales process.

Be A Motivator

Motivation is a key factor in the Sales Enablement strategy. A manager can motivate the team in numerous ways, for example by organizing various workshops, or training sessions.

An excellent idea to keep the motivation high is to take care of the team’s integration. As a manager, you can consider organizing a conference or trip for your team. Arranging some space to relax in the office could also be an opportunity for the team to integrate.

To read about more ideas for team integration, visit this website.

Be Organized

Good organization is inevitable in Sales Enablement, as the whole strategy is based on keeping a record of all documentation.

If any action that a company makes is not documented and stored, there’s no possibility to learn from it or take some advice for the future. If you feel like you’re not organized enough, you can always ask your coworkers for help, or read some tips on how to do it, for example,  here.


Being a manager and performing the function well is not a piece of cake. It is possible, however, to manage the sales team effectively in accordance with the Sales Enablement rules.

Once the strategy is implemented and executed properly, it will only become easier to manage the sales reps and make a profit from this new way of working.

What Should a Good Sales Enablement Manager be like? was last updated October 25th, 2022 by Monika Rose