There are tons of great frameworks available on the market. Some of them are used to build full-blown native solutions, while others are ideal for web apps. Today’s article is concerned with AngularJS, a well-known JavaScript framework.

AngularJS development is a great way to build interactive elements. That is why the AngularJS framework can be the best fit for custom website development. What’s more, AngularJS can go a long way in developing robust and responsive apps. So, if you are interested specifically in this solution, make sure to read this article to the end.
Some History
AngularJS was created in 2010 by famous Google developers. They called the new framework Angular because it works in an HTML file, and HTML has angular brackets. Six years later, it was completely rewritten so much so that you couldn’t simply update to the new one. You had to rewrite your whole application. This created a reasonable divide between the users. Some couldn’t justify the long and costly migration, while others became fans of the improved version. The older one bears the classic naming, the new Angular removed the ending in the minimalistic fashion. Still, AngularJS is supported and used on some current Google platforms.
What is Special About AngularJS?
AngularJS appeared at the same time other classic JavaScript frameworks like Knockout and Backbone were born. How exactly was it special then?
Let’s talk about the three pillars of AngularJS. They are two-way data binding, dependency injection, and directives. Let’s tackle these complex phrases one by one.
Frameworks basically define what architecture the app will have. The original AngularJS implemented an architecture called Model View Controller or MVC. It means that the application is separated into three layers. The first model layer is responsible for the core logic of the app, its rules. The view layer is basically an interface, while the controller acts as a part accepting user inputs and sending responses back from the model.
The model and view layers are synchronized, meaning whatever is happening within the model layer is instantly displayed on view and vice versa. And this spares developers the bother of writing code for that exact purpose.
Dependencies, as their name suggests, are responsible for maintaining relations between different pieces of code. As any experienced developer knows, each object in the code needs to construct a dependent object. Therefore, every time there is the need to incorporate any changes to the existing dependency, you have to change the object, as well. That’s where AngularDS comes in and saves the day. The point is AngularJS doesn’t attach dependencies to objects. Instead, it attaches injectors to objects and makes sure they link with dependencies. This enables developers to reuse code and quickly copy dependencies when creating unit tests.
Directives are the most used part of the framework in question, and for good reason. They act as extensions to HTML and take the role of markers on a DOM element. That way, they can dictate AngularJS what behavior to attach to a particular element. Thus, directives enable HTML to create dynamic content.
So, all of this established AngularJS is a perfect tool for crafting single-page applications with multiple elements to interact with. This has gone a long way towards helping engineers solve lots of problems that used to slow down the development process. But this is not the only reason why you should set your sight on AngularJS for your next project. Check out other benefits of using AngularJS.
More Benefits
We have already briefly mentioned some pros of AngularJS. As you already know, this framework comes in handy when there is a need for a robust single-page solution. What’s more, developing apps with AngularJS allows saving time and thus reducing development costs. No wonder, lots of people that cannot afford to spend a bundle on sophisticated full-blown solutions opt exactly for Angular JS. Hire Angular developers to build a secure, scalable, and reliable web app.
An angular development company will use the most recent Angular developer tools and skill sets and create front ends that are extremely scalable, interactive, and dynamic. Another reason why AngularJS can be your best fit is massive Google support. As you know, the Big ‘G’ currently takes care to pack its creation with the most advanced features that can be subsequently utilized by developers for creating clean, high-quality code for their apps.
In contrast to other frameworks that require additional tools like plug-ins for launching the app building process, AngularJS comes as an out-of-the-box solution you can use from the get-go.
AngularJS is one of the most popular frameworks among those who desire to create a visually appealing, easily navigable, and fast business application. With AngularJS your online store or business app will have the look and feel of a full-fledged native app but with less coding and for less money. So, don’t you think AngularJS can be the best fit for your project?