NPO or non-profit software is software used by non-profit charity organizations to help them handle various operations like payroll, accounting, fundraising, and managing donor data and relations. There are two options that you can choose from when purchasing an NPO software; a stand-alone tool that will offer very few features or a suite that will offer various options which will enable you to run your charity organization smoothly. If you are new to the world of NPO software then you probably want to find the best one with the most helpful tools to help you manage and organize your process. In this article, we are going to help you by giving you the three most important features to look for in NPO-friendly software.

Managing Donor Database
One of the most important aspects that you need to look for in NPO software is a donor management database. The database will enable you to better engage with your donors and keep all of their information stored on a cloud-based system. Additionally, donor database management will make it easy for your charity organization to track all of your campaigns and view their success rate, and monitor donors’ donations and observe if they are still engaging with your organization or not.
Having a donor database will give you the chance to establish strong and beneficial relationships with your donors. You can also get in touch with potential donors to inform them of your mission to grow your fundraising.
Another feature that you need to look for is accounting. Accounting will make it easy for you to manage your funds and track all of your organization’s transactions, profits, and expenses. According to reviews on Aplos Nonprofit Accounting Software, an accounting feature will help you recognize your income tax-deductible, manage sponsorships, and easily track all forms of your organization’s income. This feature is essential in order to keep accurate records of your finances. As a non-profit organization, you will need to report your financial transactions to the government without any mistakes or you will lose your non-profit status.

Scheduling and Planning Events
Most donations depend on fundraising events, therefore, you will need NPO software that provides you with features that will make it easy for you to schedule and plan events for your charity. Additionally, you can use this feature to contact the people who will attend the event, market it, and handle registration.
Fundraisers attract donors and help you collect donations as well. However, these events can be overwhelming at times which is why you will need an event management feature in your NPO software that will make your job much easier and enable you to throw a fundraiser efficiently. Fundraising software can greatly aid this process by providing specialized tools for managing and executing successful fundraising events.
Running a non-profit charity organization isn’t easy. There are many things that you need to take care of like donations, attracting donors, keeping track of your finances, and throwing fundraisers. Human error is possible in any of these cases and can have serious consequences. Opting for NPO-friendly software will guarantee that all operations will run smoothly without any glitches. Additionally, the software will handle tax deductions for your organization so you won’t face any legal problems.