As anyone working remotely knows, you have to think about your workspace and make sure it is comfortable and well-equipped. The quality of your remote workspace definitely has an influence on your productivity. A calm, well-organized space with all the tools and equipment you need allows you to produce your best work. Here are five techniques to help you optimize your remote workspace.

1. Have the Right Tools and Equipment in Place
It’s vital to have the right tools and equipment in place for you to be comfortable and productive when working remotely. Consider what you lack that could prevent you from working your best and find solutions.
Ergonomic Office Furniture
Think about buying an ergonomic office chair. Your employer may be willing to subsidize its purchase. Try to replicate the type of equipment you used while working in an office. If we’re used to using two monitors, consider using two at home.
The Right Software
When it comes to software, there is probably a wide range of cloud-based software your employer will expect you to use for communication, productivity, sharing information, and managing tasks. You need to make sure it’s all properly installed and up to date.
A Smoothly Operating Computer
No matter where you work, your computer has to work optimally. If you are using a Mac and it begins to work slowly, try to clean up the hard drive to get more storage and ensure faster operations. This improves worker productivity and saves a lot of time for the organization.
2. Minimize Distractions
One of the main reasons for a lack of productivity when working remotely is that you have too many distractions. Not having a dedicated workspace makes it very hard to minimize distractions, such as interruptions from kids, knocks at the door, etc. According to Lensa, employee experience and motivation go together with engagement to boost productivity.
A Dedicated Workspace
Having a dedicated workspace allows you to establish better boundaries. When you enter your workspace, your brain knows it’s time to concentrate. When you leave the space at the end of the time, it knows you are done for the day.
A Schedule
Sticking to a schedule will help you to avoid distractions. When you allocate time for certain tasks, breaks, etc., you will be more productive. For example, email notifications can distract your focus. Turn them off and allocate a specific time every day to attend to them.
3. Optimize Natural Light in Your Workspace
If you regularly experience headaches, eye strain, and blurred vision, your workspace may not have enough natural light. Think about repositioning your desk to take advantage of natural light. Natural lighting in your workspace has many proven benefits. Studies show that when you’re exposed to natural light, you will sleep better and enjoy better health. You tend to be more engaged and productive when you work in natural light.
4. Invest in Good Storage
There’s nothing worse than a chaotic, disorganized mess that affects your productivity. Think about investing in some wall shelving for storage. This will allow you to optimize your floor space. Good storage solutions make it easier to find what you need when you need it. Tidying your desk at the end of the day helps you to approach work the next morning with a clean slate.
5. Keep Junk Food Away From Your Desk
If you want to feel energized and focused, you need to watch what you eat. Maintaining a nutritious, balanced diet will give you the fuel you need to increase your productivity.
- Pay attention to what you eat for your main meals and take a break to eat lunch.
- Avoid eating junk food while at your desk. Junk food will give you a temporary lift from the extra sugar and refined carbs, but this is followed by a crash that makes you feel more like sleeping than working.
- If you want to snack, try snacking on fruit or nuts instead. They will keep you feeling full for longer and enhance your productivity.
Discomfort, a lack of boundaries, an unhealthy diet, and disorganization are just some of the factors that can make your motivation and productivity drop significantly when working remotely. By using the above techniques, including developing a dedicated workspace with the right tools, equipment, and storage, you will find working remotely a happier, more fulfilling, and more productive experience.