Webinars are convenient for people to attend whenever they want to learn something new. For companies, a high webinar conversion rate is a measurement of the online event’s success. A higher conversion rate is a milestone—more sales, compelling content, and a more engaged audience.
But what are the things that make interactive webinars appealing to the audience? Read on to know more.
What You Need To Create an Engaging Webinar
Pave your way to a successful webinar with these elements:
1. A firm grasp of audience understanding
Before you even plan your webinar, you need to understand how your target audience behaves, their preferences, and interests. Monitor how your website performs with Google Analytics. You can also do market research to identify the market trends and use it for your content.
2. Interesting topic
Coming up with a good topic for a webinar is a work in itself. You have to brainstorm to get the ideas you need. After throwing ideas back and forth, choose one that you think could work for the webinar.
3. A structured webinar format and a solid webinar platform
These two go hand in hand when planning a webinar. First, you have to think of a format that would engage the audience. A product showcase, a Q&A format, a panel discussion, or a series of webinars about the same topic are effective webinar formats.
After choosing the format, look for a webinar platform that can cater to your needs. Consider these features to achieve your webinar goals:
- High-quality live video and audio
- Recording capabilities to record your webinar for on-demand viewing
- Integration with YouTube Live and Facebook
- Ability to host more panelists in one frame
- Top-notch and prompt customer support
4. Good content
Writing good content is essential when you’re hosting a webinar. Well-written content is the main reason why people tune in to your session.
When writing content, you should:
- Never fall short on research. Some topics need in-depth information. Cover all possible subtopics and rely on facts.
- Keep it short, concise, and simple. No one wants to read a whole load of texts. Focus on the key ideas and explain the rest.
- Always cite credible books and online sources, especially when using numbers and statistics.
- Never plagiarize. You can rephrase the information as long as the original thought remains. If you want to use a quote, use the original words and put the name of the person who said it.
5. Captivating visuals
With visuals, we mean the graphic elements you need to put in your presentation. Create graphics that are relevant to your topic. Be consistent with your colors when you want consistency in your graphics.
But don’t let the flashy graphics and design take over the slides. Use them to complement your written text for each slide.
6. Humor, heart, and storytelling
Turn a boring webinar into an engaging one when you use storytelling elements and humor in presenting your content. You can add a little bit of heart and emotional undertones when the webinar presentation calls for it. These elements give life to an otherwise boring online session.

7. The best speakers
Invite industry experts to provide insights and supporting facts on your webinar’s topic. Reach out to them and explain your webinar to convince them to join you. Having the best speaker hire available for your event helps build authority and credibility for your audience.
8. Audience participation
At some point in your webinar, you have to shine the spotlight on the audience. You don’t have to do all the talking.
Keeping your audience engaged is one thing. How to engage them is another. Ask your webinar attendees questions related to the topic to get their thoughts. Put a little banter in between to ease the tension. Encourage attendees to share what they think about certain areas of the topic.
Post polls and surveys for your audiences to answer. Their responses can give you insights into their thoughts about the topic and tailoring your future webinars.
9. Strategic scheduling and promotions
The best days to schedule a webinar is the midweek—from Tuesdays to Thursdays. Schedule your webinars from 11 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon. It’s the midday, and everyone is awake. If you’re hosting a webinar for every attendee in the world, automate the schedules to their time zone.
Share your webinar on various social media channels to draw more attention and audiences. Promote as much as you can before the scheduled virtual event. Who knows, you might just get a few new audiences with your webinar promotions alone.

10. A seamless webinar landing page
Users turn away from registering for your webinar when your landing page has issues. Check your landing page to see if it’s easy to navigate and loads fast. Your potential attendees want to register quickly to avoid wasting time.
Final Thoughts
Unlike a live event, mounting an interactive webinar is doable from the comfort of your home. Just use the abovementioned elements for your webinar, and you’re on your way to hosting a good session.