In today’s cyberworld, the need for enhanced security is of the utmost importance. Data breaches and cybersecurity attacks are growing year after year. With hybrid and remote workplaces, it’s now commonplace for all of a company’s files and data to be stored online. While this is helpful from a work perspective, it makes your company that much more at risk for data loss.
Thankfully, there are advancements in the data world to keep you and your team working online without fearing that your company files will be compromised. Here are three tips for keeping your business data synched and secure across devices.
1. Data Encryption
Businesses should prioritize securing employee contact information. This is a growing concern as hijackers become more sophisticated in obtaining personal information. One way to do this is through data encryption, which scrambles information while it’s being transferred from one system to another, making it unreadable to outside viewers.
IT departments will need to employ data encryption when synching a global address list. The global address list, or GAL for short, is an electronic address book for all employees within an organization. Think of it as a centralized hub containing employee contact information such as email addresses and phone numbers. The GAL can be accessed via Microsoft Outlook on the web or a desktop computer.
Of course, there will be times when you work away from your desk and need to contact someone on your team. This is why synching the GAL to smartphone devices can be beneficial. Doing so will make on-the-go work easier, and you’ll never be fumbling to remember an employee’s email address or phone number again.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to sync this information via Microsoft Outlook at this time. You’ll need to bring in a software tool to help migrate and sync the GAL to your organization’s smartphones via data encryption. Although this is an extra step, it will make everyone’s life easier and allow for more seamless hybrid and remote work options. These platforms will automatically update information, including adding new employee information when someone new joins the team. Make sure to do some research on the platform you select, ensuring their security and privacy settings are up to your high standards.
2. Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
As a consumer and web user, you’re probably familiar with multi factor authentication (MFA). This is a security measure that requires two-step verification, meaning you’ll need more than just a password to enter a site. The second verification can be a code sent to an email or smartphone device. It can also be a security question that the user has answered when setting up the account. MFA can be utilized across devices, ensuring an extra layer of security whenever someone is trying to log on to a company system or shared network.
At the moment, MFA may seem like an unnecessary step, but there are many benefits from a security point of view for businesses. First, MFA makes it that much harder for hackers to access private information such as contact information, financial accounts, and data. Even if you highly suggest that your employees choose a unique password, they may default to a common word or phrase. A study from 2021 found that 30% of individuals with security breaches were due to weak or repetitive passwords.
For your business needs, you’ll need to select an MFA provider if the software you’re using doesn’t already incorporate it. Think about your current needs and how a provider can integrate with your current platforms and tools. Before enrolling employees, make sure they understand why you’re setting up this practice and how it can act as a double security layer for them. Training may be needed to ensure everyone is up to speed and able to access the information they need no matter where they are working from.
3. Cloud Storage and Backup
Cloud storage has given workers a sense of freedom and ease when it comes to completing their tasks. They are usable, accessible storage platforms with simple interfaces for individuals to find what they are looking for quickly across various devices. Cloud storage has replaced physical filing cabinets, allowing employees to work from home or on the go whenever they need.
There are also several security advantages for using cloud storage. First, most storage providers save data across other servers, which reduces the risk of data loss. Also, cloud storage platforms are monitored 24/7 for suspicious activity. These platforms are updated regularly to ensure that the latest and greatest security measures are put in place.
All that said, just because you’ve saved data onto a cloud storage platform doesn’t mean you should assume it’s been backed up. This can be a costly error if your company information is breached. Be sure to check your cloud storage vendor’s backup policies regularly. These can commonly be found within the console platform under “Backup” or “Backup and DR.” Regardless of which cloud storage platform you’re using, it’s always best to know when and how often the drive is backing up.
Tips and Takeaways
The more layers of security that you add, the better off you and your company files will be. Before onboarding any new software platform or tool, be sure to check their privacy and security measures. Only install tools that you and your IT team feels confident in, and explain to your entire company why these security software platforms are being installed. Having everyone on the same page and following security protocols will help ensure that everyone’s information is safe.