The Future of Smart Homes: Trends and Predictions

Needless to say, the world as we know it is going through some significant changes. Of course, we won’t focus on the negative. There’s no reason to do so since today’s topic is somewhat more optimistic than anything else one could think of once the “the world is going through some changes” phrase comes up in a conversation. Anyway, when it comes to technological advancements, one can’t help but mention the current & future state of so-called smart homes. We’re witnessing a massive influx of consumers looking for ways to reduce energy consumption, improve safety, and automate every necessary yet irritating household task they can. That being said, today we’ll talk a bit about the future of smart homes and the trends & predictions related to the subject in question. Stay tuned!

What Is a Smart Home?

Before we continue, let’s consider the main term for today. Therefore, let’s pose the following question: what is a smart home?

The definition of a smart home is quite simple: we’re talking about a home that’s equipped with lighting, heating, and electronic devices that a person is able to control remotely by using a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Of course, there are certain examples of smart home innovations & trends that will most probably dominate the market in the following years. Let’s take a look at some of them!

Smart home devices make our lives easier.

The Future of Smart Homes: Trends and Predictions

Without further ado, let’s see smart home trends & predictions for the following couple of years!

1. Who Else but Robots

That’s right, the first thing we’ll mention are robots, even though they’re a bit of an obvious answer here since they’ve already found their way into our homes. However, the model for the future will be further away from just a digital voice assistant. Here’s an example: have you heard about Amazon’s home robot called Astro? Astro is just another point in the line of Alexa-powered devices (Alexa is Amazon’s Siri). The device in question will include a home security drone and a video-chat service aimed at helping young people communicate with their relatives or friends from far away. Also, Astro acts like an ordinary home robot we’ve seen in the movies. It can, for instance, deliver drinks or assist the oldest members of your family in various activities.

All in all: one should expect that this technology will gain more & more popularity in the upcoming period. Who knows? Robots might even help you make a super-productive weekly schedule.

Needless to say, robots are the future of smart homes.

2. Smart Kitchen Gadgets, Anyone?

One can expect a ton of innovations in the smart-kitchen-gadgets field in the following years. Currently, there are many of these on the market. For instance, we’re talking about smart rice cookers being connected to Alexa, smart crackpots, and integrated apps. What was once a dream (an app telling you in a human voice how much time’s left to cook rice or you being able to control the cooker with your smartphone) is clearly a reality now. All in all: experts note that there’s still enough room for innovation. Therefore, we shouldn’t worry about the smart-kitchen-appliances market in the years to come.

3. Smart Thermostats

Remember the whole energy-saving part we mentioned earlier? Yup, now it’s time to talk a little about that. We’re witness to smart thermostats being one of the most widely accepted smart home devices. Who or what can we thank for their popularity? Well, they’re pretty easy to install. Also, you can customize your desired temperature and your routines. In other words, you’re able to modify the atmosphere & environment inside your home from, well, just about anywhere.

So, where’s the eco-friendly, energy-saving part? Here’s the thing: since you can control the temperature inside your place while you’re away from home, you turn the heating or cooling off or on from whatever location. Therefore, you can cut a good percentage off your energy bills. Some sources, like Consumer Opinion, claim that US citizens save about 10-12% on average on their heating bills and around 15% on their cooling bills in annual usage. All in all: this will most probably encourage many folks to welcome smart thermostats into their homes.

4. What About a Smart Home Office?

There’s no need to underline that the recent pandemic (we won’t mention its ugly name) somewhat revolutionized how we imagine the workspace. Currently, we’re in something folks like to call the post-pandemic period. However, we haven’t seen the expected back-to-the-old-office wave as more & more companies adopted the remote-work concept, regardless of whether there’s a pandemic. So, one can assume that smart home office gadgets will go through a boom in the following years due to the remote vs. in-office battle. Smart devices such as noise-canceling windows or air-filtration systems have become a necessity.

A smart home office hasn’t got an alternative.

5. The Future of Home Security

Nothing is more pleasant than knowing your home’s safe from intruders. Therefore, many folks are investing in smart home security systems. Even folks that aren’t so afraid of the good old jeez-someone-just-broke-into-my-crib scenario appreciate advancements in home security technology. For instance, security cameras let you see what your pets are up to once you’re not home, away during the day. Also, you can see once a package has been delivered to your porch. Anyway, it’s not just the security cameras; there are many security devices one can choose from. You’ll have to pick out an option that suits you best. For instance, you might want to opt for a smart video doorbell such as the Ring, which is something of a virtual butler, all thanks to Amazon’s Alexa Smart Responses.

Final Words

Okay, folks, so much for the future of smart homes. We’ve gone through some of the trends & predictions for years to come. There’s a good chance you’ve heard about some of these additions and introduced them to your home. One can conclude that the future seems bright for smart home devices. Also, one can hope that none of these will compromise our privacy, as we’re all concerned about our personal data. But, as we’ve said at the beginning, let’s avoid discussing the negative.

What is an Air Conditioning System, and How Does it Work?

The system uses refrigerant to remove heat from a room. The refrigerant is circulated through the system and used to cool the air. The air conditioner can also be used to dehumidify the air.

How to choose the right air conditioning system for your home

1. Know Your Energy Requirements

The size and type of home system you need will depend on your home’s energy. A simple rule of thumb is to multiply the square footage of your house by the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. That will give you an idea of your monthly cooling needs.

2. Estimate Your Budget

This system can range in price from around $200 to over $5,000. Estimating how much money you want to spend before you start shopping for a home conditioning system automation plan is essential.

3. Consider Your Comfort Requirements

Do you want a system that is easy to use or one with more features? Are you looking for a climate control solution or a way to cut down on your cooling costs? Once you have answered these questions, it’s time to research conditioning systems and their features to find the perfect one for your home.

How to Install the Conditioning System

Certain rooms in your house will need more cooling than others, so make a list of which rooms need the most relief and choose the conditioning system that can handle those rooms.

Next, you’ll need to choose a location for the conditioning system unit. Find an area that is cool, free from drafts, and accessible for maintenance. Most conditioning units are mounted on the wall or ceiling, so find a spot that will work best for you. First, remove any furniture or other obstructions from the ductwork and fan installation. Then, mark the unit’s location on the wall or ceiling with a pencil or marker.

Types of Air Conditioning Systems

There are a few conditioning systems, but the most common is the compressor-driven system. This system uses a motor to compress air and send it through a cooling coil. The downside to this system is that it can be noisy and require regular maintenance.

Another type of air conditioning system is the evaporative cooler. This system uses a fan to send air over a water basin. The water absorbs heat from the air and then evaporates, sending cold air into the room. This system is quieter than the compressor-driven system, but it requires more maintenance due to the frequent need for cleaning.

How to Maintain Your Air Conditioning System

  • Check the filters. Replace them every month if needed and clean the interior of the unit.
  • Check the coils. If they are dirty or have build-up, it will affect your AC unit’s airflow and cooling ability. Clean them with a coil cleaner once a month.
  • Furthermore, air-conditioners require maintenance to provide the best quality of air. Filters are one of the common parts that need to be replaced, and usually, each has a different purpose. For example, furnace filter merv 11 is great for people with health conditions like allergies.
  • Check the compressor. It should run smoothly and not make too much noise. If it does, it may need to be replaced.
  • Check for any airflow obstruction. If the AC unit is not cooling the room properly, something may block the airflow. Try to remove any furniture or objects that may be in the way and see if that makes a difference. If not, call a technician to come and take a look at your system.

You Can Automate These Property Management Tasks

There is essentially no aspect of management that can’t be simplified with technology. It’s amazing how far various software programs have progressed in such a short amount of time. We’ll show you several property management areas that can be automated so you can track the progress yourself.


There are numerous aspects of property management that consume far too much of your time. As a result, you’ll need some software to handle all of these minor chores. These software programs will be able to monitor your cash flow, perform their own calculations, and make decisions based on them. Why shouldn’t you invest in a piece of software that will take over a great deal of work that was previously done by many people? Furthermore, in the long term, this will pay off because you will not need as many personnel to complete this task because you will have software that will do it faster and more accurately.

Lease Renewal

You should automate the lease renewal process straight away. Why would you take time out of your day to renew your renters’ leases when you could be doing something more important? If you want to automate this aspect of your business, you can either design an algorithm that will handle everything for you or hire someone to do it for you. You should be aware that creating this algorithm takes time, depending on who is doing it. It can work in a number of ways, and one of them is that when someone requests the lease renewal contract from the software, it sends it out to them, and once they sign it, it gets redirected to you for your signature. 

Furthermore, after you offer the new software that will handle this duty, you must be prepared for a slew of bugs. This is usually not a significant issue if the bugs get detected on time. Once it is in full operation, you won’t need to consider it for some time, except to do some checks to see if it is doing what it is supposed to.

Rent Payment

Rent payments, like lease renewals, can be done much more quickly than the individual renting the property coming to you and handing you the money. It’s a lot easier if you have software in place that just extracts the funds from the renter’s bank account. As a result, you do not need to be available at all times in order for them to give you the rent; instead, everything is done online. 

You also don’t need to pay someone to collect the money because it’s all deposited directly into your account. This type of software is usually rather affordable when you consider the value it provides to your company. 


It would be ideal if you had a system in place as a property owner that could handle a variety of packages and make it easy for your residents to receive or pick them up. Installing a specific box where the mailman can leave his or her package and only put things in, rather than take things out, is one way to accomplish this. A tenant with a special key is the only one who can take items out of it.

 When the mailman places the package inside the box, it would be fantastic if the tenants were informed. This feature will delight your residents because it allows them to pick up their mail much more quickly.


Imagine going to look for a place to rent an apartment or a house and being greeted by a robot who will show them around. The field of robotics has progressed significantly, and it won’t be long until you see them all over the country. If your budget allows you to do so, hire a team of top software developers to create a robot that will take your house tours instead of your personnel. You won’t need to hire somebody to do it for you, and it will be a lot more fascinating for your potential tenants. They’ll appreciate your presentation’s approach. Also, if there are some questions that need to be answered that your robot could not address, then they should call you or someone you dedicate to doing that task.

Why should people not take advantage of the many benefits that the digital age has brought to their lives? With so many technological advancements, any firm can function better and more accurately with fewer people. Hopefully, this text was able to show you some fantastic things you can do as a property seller or renter.

Top Ways Drones Are Evolving Real Estate Businesses

As technology advances, businesses must advance with it to stay competitive. And the real estate industry is no exception. Drones are changing how real estate businesses operate, making it easier and more efficient to capture essential data and images. This article will discuss some of the top ways drones evolve real estate businesses.

What Are Drones?

Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), aircraft without a human pilot on board. They are controlled remotely by a ground-based operator, who uses a joystick or other controls to fly the drone. Drones come in different types and sizes, from large military models to small consumer-grade quadcopters. Some drones are even capable of autonomous flight, using onboard sensors and GPS to navigate without the need for an operator.

Makes Aerial Photography Accessible

Aerial photography used to be something that was only accessible to those with helicopters or expensive equipment. But now, thanks to drones, anyone can get their hands on a high-quality camera and capture stunning footage of a property. And with the help of Horizon Imaging, anyone can capture amazing aerial shots of properties. It enables Real estate businesses to provide potential buyers with a bird’s eye view of the property, giving them a better sense of its size and layout. Drones have been a game-changer for real estate businesses, as they can now market their listings in a whole new way. Drones provide potential buyers with a unique perspective of a property that traditional ground-level photos cannot provide.

Inspecting the Property

In the past, inspecting a property could be time-consuming and dangerous. But with drones, real estate businesses can quickly and easily get the data they need to make informed decisions about a property. Drones inspect hard-to-reach areas of a property, such as a roof or gutters, without putting any employees in harm’s way. They can assess the condition of a property after a natural disaster.

After a natural disaster, it can be difficult and dangerous for people to survey the damage. But with drones, businesses can quickly and safely assess the damage and create a plan of action. This has been extremely helpful in the aftermath of hurricanes and other natural disasters. This information is essential for real estate businesses to approve repairs and get insurance claims.

Also, some companies are now using drones equipped with thermal cameras to perform energy audits. It allows them to pinpoint areas where homes are losing heat, saving homeowners money on their energy bills. 

Creating a Virtual Tour

Nowadays, customers want to be able to see every angle of a property before they make a purchase. That is where drones come in handy. A drone can capture images and footage of a property from all angles, creating a virtual tour that potential buyers can view before they even step foot on the property. It allows them to get a better feel for the layout and size of the property and get an idea of the surrounding area. Virtual tours provide buyers with a convenient way to view a property without scheduling an appointment or taking time out of their busy day. And for real estate businesses, it provides a new way to market their properties and reach a wider audience.

Monitor Construction Sites

Construction sites can be dangerous places for workers. But with drones, real estate businesses can monitor construction sites from a safe distance and keep track of progress. Drones check on the progress of a construction project and identify any potential hazards. It helps ensure that everything is proceeding as planned and that there is no hidden damage or defects. This information is essential for keeping construction projects on schedule and within budget.

Surveys Land

Surveying land is a critical part of the real estate industry. In the past, surveying land was a time-consuming and expensive process that required crews to visit each property physically. Now, drones can quickly collect data about large tracts of land, saving surveyors a significant amount of time and effort. This data can then be used to create accurate maps and 3D models, which can help plan purposes. It also allows businesses to get an accurate picture of the land before making any decisions.

Drones have completely changed the real estate industry and have made it easier than ever for businesses to get the data they need. From aerial photography to construction site monitoring, drones provide real estate businesses with many new opportunities. And as drone technology continues to evolve, the real estate industry will only continue to benefit. So if you’re in the real estate business, make sure to take advantage of drones and all they have to offer. It could be the difference between closing a deal and losing out on a great opportunity.

Use Your Android Device for a Keyless Home Entry

Should you get a smart lock or not? Learning more about these devices will make you a true keyless lock aficionado.  

They’re called smart because you can use a Bluetooth connection to link them to your smartphone. The result is that you can lock/unlock the door remotely, but also keep track of who gets in/out of your property, as well as get notified if someone tries to break in.

Why are Smart Locks Superior to Regular Locks?

Learning how smart locks work will help you understand why they are superior to traditional locks. By embracing modern technology, these locks make traditional keys obsolete. Not having a physical key means that you cannot lose it, getting yourself locked out of your home along the way.

It also means that no one can steal it from you, which, in turn, means that keyless locks provide a higher level of security. Instead of using a key to lock your door, you can use a password that no one knows but you.

You might worry that keyless home entry brings along the risk of forgetting the code. However, if that happens, a professional locksmith can help you out. Further, there are some smart lock systems with features that prevent such scenarios from happening.

Advanced Features of Android Smart Locks

Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world, with over 2.5 billion users worldwide. Knowing this, no one should be surprised that most smart locks can be connected to Android devices.

However, the span of security features you’ll get depends not on your Android smartphone/tablet but on the security system you have installed in your home.

Basic systems may only come with a password option for locking/unlocking, meaning that there’s a risk that a thief could crack your code if it’s too short or too predictable. Further, there’s a danger that someone could see the numbers you’re typing in.

Some advanced systems come with features like the fingerprint scan, meaning that it’s impossible for someone else to get into your property without your blessing.  

Further, basic home protection systems may not have security features that would keep the Bluetooth connection between your security features completely secure. The same goes for the smart lock’s app which could be easily hackable.

For all these reasons, it’s of crucial importance to choose the right system for the protection of your home.

Choosing the Best Smart Home Locks System

There are literally hundreds of smart locks out there, but not all deserve your attention. To help you out, here are a couple of Android-friendly keyless locks that we think you should take a closer look at:

August Wi-Fi (4th Generation)

With August being one of the giants in the home security industry, you just can’t go wrong if you buy one of its keyless locks. If you want the very best one, we say go for the one that’s released most recently. What we’re talking about is the 4th generation August Wi-Fi lock. How it works is that after you connect it with the smart lock’s app, you get access to plenty of user-friendly features, including remote control, email notifications, and so on.

Lockly Secure Pro

If you’re worried about your home getting burgled, this lock is for you. There are several reasons why we think it’s one of the most secure keyless locks, starting with the fact that its screen has three button locations with the numbers scrambled around. They activate randomly, making it harder for passersby to figure out what you’re typing in. As if it wasn’t secure enough, this lock also supports fingerprint login, with the ability to remember up to 99 different fingerprints.

Schlage Camelot Connect

Not only can you connect this smart lock with your Android smartphone, but you can also make it a part of a larger security system. For this, you’d need a home security hub, which would link all of your devices together.

Schlage Encode

There are some smart home locks like Schlage Encode which come with a built-in alarm. So, if someone tries to get in by force, the alarm will unleash powerful noise that’s bound to alert not only everyone in the house but neighbors as well. What this means is that even professional thieves will not be able to get inside your property unnoticed.

With one of these smart home locks installed on your property, you will have nothing to worry about. However, if you’d like to take it to the next level, our advice is to create a complete home security system. By doing this, you would cover all bases regarding the safety and security of your property. Such a system would protect you not only from thieves but also from fire, carbon monoxide leaks, and so on.

Ensuring Complete Security of Your Home

A smart home lock is a crucial part of your home security system, but it’s not the only one. In order to make sure your property is 100% secure, you need to create a home security system that includes many other components in addition to the smart lock – security cameras, windows sensors, smoke/carbon monoxide alarms, and so on.

The good news is that cutting-edge technology isn’t impossible to afford. In fact, with a little bit of research, you can find yourself an affordable home security system that’s almost impossible to fail. And even if it weren’t affordable, no price is high to keep your home safe and sound!

Garage Door Reinforcement – Top Experts

Supreme Garage Door Repair has offered professional garage door installation and repair services for over a decade in Texas. Most of their customers think they have already installed the perfect door for the garage of their house. This assumption cannot last long, and your life becomes a mess. A faulty garage door reinforcement for a residential or commercial purpose isn’t durable. Supreme Garage Door Repair understands this pain, and they are here to provide professional help.

Their door repairmen can repair any damaged door or install a new garage door reinforcement. The garage door’s equipment gets out of order anytime. When you find yourself in such a situation, do not hesitate to call Supreme Garage Door Repair.

Supreme Garage Door Experts – Our Services Are Valuable

When garage doors get exposed to heat or rough weather conditions, the garage door’s equipment can malfunction. Supreme also offers brand new door openers and repair garage doors. They can repair broken springs and openers as well, but they usually recommend replacing them with new equipment. They are known to be the best door supplier for garages in this area. Call Supreme 24/7 to get repairing of your garage door, reinforcement, installation, or door replacement from them.

Several reasons should make you decide to schedule a garage door adjustment for your house or business. Finding yourself in urgent need of a garage door reinforcement or repair is a serious concern, and all you need to do is contact Supreme. They will help improve your home or business through the adjustment process of a garage door.

Garage Door Reinforcement – Emergency Service

At Supreme Garage Door Repair, they try to reach out fast to our valued customers, and everyone should access quality expertise with fast service for all the needs they may have. Therefore, they specialize in repairing and garage door reinforcement emergency services for bridging the quality gap we found in the door maintenance industry.

All your garage door needs are fulfilled by a garage door service that is dedicated to helping its valued customers. A garage door repair service having experts for your garage door maintenance is always desirable. The skills and equipment for helping with garage door makeovers, overhead door remotes, garage door repair, and adjustments should be of optimum level to ensure quality work. At the end of the day, Supreme strongly feels for people living and doing business; the only premium-level garage door service is Supreme Garage Door service, the authentic garage door contractors.

Garage Door Reinforcement – Quality At Its Finest

Supreme Garage Door does not sell you marketing phrases; they are dedicated to delivering quality service. They are always concerned regarding delivering value to customers in Texas. If you contact Supreme for a door maintenance specialist, their premium garage door service sends the staff of the best experts. They believe in helping their customers anytime and anywhere round the clock, and that is why their service is credible and trustworthy in the Texas area. You can depend on Supreme to make your garage door work durable and reliable with their highly sought-after service.

Garage Door Reinforcement – Contact Us Today!

It does not matter what kind of material your garage door is made from or how sophisticated it is. If proper care of a garage door is not taken, you will not get the comfort from them that you deserve, and soon they will be security liabilities. Supreme will help you with garage door maintenance activities. When you have frequent garage door maintenance, and you do this with garage door expert repairmen affiliated with Supreme, it is assured that there will be no regret because the garage door will possibly become strong and looks better.

Supreme Garage Door Repair

1600 N Stemmons Fwy #104, Carrollton, TX 75006

Phone: (214) 915-0384

Consider Features of Portable AC Before Buying

The most important features that you should look for in a portable air conditioning unit are energy efficiency, quiet operation, comfortable cooling, and easy component removal. A portable air conditioning unit should have the following features:

Comfortable Cooling

During the summer months, the temperature outside can rise beyond 100 degrees Fahrenheit. While you may be tempted to get out of the house for a cool dip, the heat and humidity can have adverse health effects. With a Portable AC, you can take advantage of the cool air it provides to keep you comfortable even when the temperatures are high. This AC will help you enjoy the summer by cooling the area you’re in, and it will also save you money on utility bills.

In addition to its cooling features, Blast Auxiliary Portable Ac reviews also features a humidifier. This humidifier adds moisture to the air and keeps the skin, eyes, and nasal passages from drying out. As a result, the air is more comfortable and you can breathe easier. The portable AC has a USB port and can be used on a computer as well. It is recommended that you install it near a window, preferably one that is open.


The Blast Auxiliary Portable AC is a fascinating piece of technology that combines raw performance with efficiency. Its user-friendly design allows you to set the temperature in your home or office, choose between three fan speeds, and adjust the humidity level. The AC is also equipped with a humidifier, a feature that helps prevent the buildup of allergens in the air. It has a rechargeable AC adapter and an automatic shutoff button for energy conservation.

The Portable AC is easy to carry and lightweight, weighing less than two pounds when empty. Its adjustable louvers and mood lighting add a fascinating touch to the device. And because it runs on lithium batteries, you don’t have to worry about installing it in the house. You can use it anywhere you want – it has a handle so you can carry it around with you wherever you go.

Quiet Operation

The Blast Auxiliary Portable AC reviews is a lightweight and energy-efficient cooling solution that is ideal for small rooms. Its lithium batteries can be recharged via USB and allow for easy transportation to any location. It is lightweight and requires no installation. Besides, it can run up to 8 hours on a single charge. Its adjustable temperature controls also enable you to set the temperature to your preference. Adaptability is the most important consideration before buying a portable AC.

The Blast Auxiliary Portable AC Ultra is a dual-function cooling device that provides instant cooling and humidity. It uses evaporative cooling to achieve its low air temperature. It works by passing warm air through a curtain that is saturated with water. As the water evaporates, it bumps with the heat in the air, resulting in a cooler layer. This colder air is then drawn into the gadget using an integrated fan.

Easy to Remove Components

Using your portable AC is simple. If you are not satisfied with the air conditioning performance, you can easily remove its components and clean them yourself. Whether you are on vacation or need a cooling device to keep the room temperature consistent, you can easily remove the portable AC. Its compact design allows for easy storage and transport. It weighs less than two pounds when it is empty.

The portable AC is easy to use. It can be set up on a table or working station. It also comes with a water curtain. You can soak it in the drawer before using it. Then, simply place it back in the drawer. The water curtain can be removed as well. You can also wash the unit by hand or using a soft cloth. Then, you are ready to go.

Home Security Apps for Android and iOS Users

Feeling secure across all your digital and physical experience is important to our wellbeing. Home security apps allow you to monitor your property whenever you want and wherever you might be. By installing one such app on your Android/iOS device, you’ll be able to see what’s going on in your home in real-time.

Live video stream is just one of the many features you can use. Depending on the app, you might be able to turn on a motion detector, remotely control the locks in your home, use the microphone on your security cams, and so on.

If all this sounds good, you probably wish to learn which mobile applications will provide you with such features. To see which home security apps we believe are the best you can get, all you have to do is keep on reading.

Alfred Security App

Alfred Security App is probably the best free-of-charge home monitoring app. After installing it on your smartphone, you will be able to connect it to the security camera in your home, as long as it has Wi-Fi.

Depending on the cam, you might be able to get a remote view of your home through Alfred Security App, motion detection, two-way audio feed, and similar.

Still, the #1 selling point of this app is that it enables you to make use of your old smartphone. By using Alfred Security App, you can turn almost any mobile device into a security cam. To do that, all you have to do is install the app and turn on the security cam option.

Just make sure that you place the phone in a place from which it would provide you with a good view of your property. Also, it’s best to keep the smartphone-turned-security cam plugged in the charger. Otherwise, the battery might run out when you need it the most.

August Smart Lock

If you don’t already have smart locks installed in your house/apartment, we recommend getting the ones made by a home security manufacturer called August. The product we advise you to get is August Smart Lock, which is recommended by locksmiths as one of the most advanced solutions for home monitoring.

Not only is the lock itself very secure and reliable, but it also comes with a fantastic mobile app. Just install the August app on your device and you’ll be able to control the lock remotely. Further, you will also be able to connect it with other home security devices, including security cameras, window sensors, motion detectors, and so on.

tinyCam Monitor

This could be the very best mobile surveillance cam app for Android devices. At least that’s the impression we get from the fact that tinyCam Monitor is one of the most-downloaded apps in Google Play’s House & Home category. Nearly 80,000 users have rated the app so far, setting its rating to four stars (out of five).

What they like the most about it is that you can use the app to get live feat from most types of security cams. The app also comes with some interesting features like email motion alert, face detection, and so on.


Here’s an app you can use to create a surveillance system using several different cameras. Plus, you can install the app on multiple devices, including not just mobile ones but computers as well. This way, you and your whole family can keep an eye on your home at any given moment.

A great thing about i-Security is that this is a cloud-based app. What this means is that instead of storing the security footage on your device, the app will store it in its cloud storage. So, even if you lose or break your smartphone, you will not lose the footage.

Last, but not the list is an app that works equally well on iOS and Android devices. The app is what we’re talking about, which can be connected not just to smartphones but tablets and smartwatches as well.

It’s a fantastic home security app but keeping your home secure from burglars isn’t its only purpose. This app can also protect you from fire, water damage, carbon monoxide leakage, etc. It all depends on which devices you connect to the app.

The app is free if you’re using the basic package, which seems ideal for regular users looking to use their security cameras remotely. However, if you’re in need of more advanced features, getting the paid package is advised. With the premium (business) package, you’ll get such options as remote control of the locks, lights, and thermostats in your home. 

Final Thoughts

Home security apps allow you to monitor your property whenever you want and wherever you might be. These technologies are no longer new to the market. They are becoming established parts of our lives and soon may be as ubiquitous as our smartphones. Now is a great time to think about securing your home with one of these solutions.

5 Downsides of Solar Energy

Green energy activists, manufacturers, and even the government often shed light on the amazing benefits of solar energy. This makes people assume that the energy source is perfect. But that isn’t true. In fact, it may surprise you to know that utilizing solar energy in homes has a couple of disadvantages. In this article, we are going to be exploring a few of them.

While electricity comparison companies have helped many households find providers that offer power at an affordable price, many homeowners aren’t satisfied, as they still spend thousands of dollars yearly on electricity. This is likely why more people are leaning towards solar energy.

Several reports have shown that many homeowners in Australia are embracing solar energy to cut down their electricity bills.

Negative Impact on the Environment

Solar energy is clean and renewable, but it isn’t perfect. As evident in this study, solar energy fields can take up landmass that could have been used for agricultural activities.

Even more, they affect the plant and animal species in the area where they are present.

The Union of Concerned Scientists has pointed out that large solar farms raise concerns about habitat loss and land degradation. Granted, solar energy is a lot less harmful than many non-renewable energy sources, but it can still harm the environment – for example, when solar panels aren’t disposed of properly.


The cost of installing solar panels is ever-rising. One report shows that the initial cost of solar panel installation can generate 8kw is around $30,000.

Note that the installment cost covers everything from the cost of panels and inverters to wiring, labor, solar charge controllers, and repairs.


Many residential properties have enough space to accommodate the number of solar panels needed to address their electrical needs.

The same cannot be said of large apartment complexes and office buildings. These buildings just don’t have enough space on their roof for the number of panels needed to power them. Adding to the problem is the high amount of energy that many homes require.  

Many commercial buildings have to utilize electricity comparison companies to find the best energy deals and ultimately save on costs, as they don’t have enough room to install the number of panels, inverters, and batteries they need.

Poor Energy Conversion

Many experts agree that solar panels aren’t very energy efficient.

Multiple studies have supported the claim of these experts. This study, for example, shows that the best panels on the market are only 23% effective.

This means that they can only transform 23% of the energy from the sun to electricity.


The sun’s unpredictability is one of the main downsides of solar energy.  

As you likely know, sunlight production is linked to factors like time of day, location, and season. This means that people who live in northern latitudes will be at a disadvantage, while inhabitants of latitudes closer to the equator will be at an advantage, as their region is sunnier.

Final note

These are just a handful of the cons associated with solar energy. However, if you live in a region where there is a lot of sunlight, it may be worthwhile to indeed upgrade to solar energy to reduce your energy bill.

And, if your location isn’t the most favorable for solar energy, you can still save money by using an electricity comparison company to find an affordable and reliable energy provider.

Why You Need a Fat Pocket to Own DGT Boards

Are you looking forward to up your chess experience? Becoming a chess champion is the dream of every player. You want to beat every opponent you encounter both physically and online. However, this is impossible without the right gears and devices.

A DGT board is one of the essential devices in the chess game. These smart boards feature unique designs and tech that enhance how you play chess and outsmart your opponents. The board enables you to record and store your moves. Any chess coach will recommend you to get one.

But one thing is clear. The DGT boards are not affordable. Only a few players can afford to own one due to their expensive price. But why are they so expensive? Here are some possible reasons why you will need a thick pocket to buy one:

DGT is a monopoly 

If you understand economics, you know about monopolies. But for better understanding, a monopoly is a firm without a worthy competitor. This means that it is the only supplier of the product in the market.

This aspect applies to DGT. It is the only company capable of making and selling electronic chess sets. No other company can match their board and chess pieces. With this freedom, they have the power to charge customers what they feel is the right price for the device. So, DGT determines the board prices depending on their profit targets and other organizational goals.   

Powerful features and functionalities 

Although they are a monopoly, DGT is not out there to only make money. They design products that are worthy of the high prices. The DGT boards have great features and functionalities that will transform your chess-playing experience. The board helps you to record, store, and retrieve your moves for real-time analysis.

You can use it to play virtually with computer software. Also, it allows you to play against an online opponent. If you have fans or friends, the board comes with a live broadcasting feature. This aspect helps you to relay the games via the internet or audio-visual devices.  Other features include tutor mode, high accuracy, and powerful sensor power. 

With such features and functionalities, you will need to pay more to enjoy their benefits. 

Unique operational and connectivity technology

The DGT boards are not just parts for playing chess but they are transformational devices. The manufacturer fits them with power and unique technology that changes the way you play chess. First, it comes with Bluetooth and USB connectivity. You can decide on the best connection option depending on your luxury needs.

Also, the board has powerful sensors with a speed of 6 scans per second. This aspect ensures that no moves will go unnoticed. Again, each chess piece features a unique chip for easy electronic recognition.   

In addition, the board has a LED indicator that shows your opponent’s moves. You can connect it with DGT Pi for playing on the go. All these luxurious and smart features will require you to dig deep in your pocket to get these devices.

High-quality and sturdy construction

Features and tech are not the only DGT boards selling points. Its construction also contributes to the high price. These boards are products of high-quality materials and skilled workmanship. Most of the boards feature luxury-oriented wooden material such as rosewood. The manufacturer has a strict material selection to ensure what they offer is durable and sturdy.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, the DGT boards are not like any other piece. They employ both crafting and technological innovation to enhance the chess experience. Though the price appears to be high, the features and their quality are worth it.  

How to Reset Firestick and Make it Sleep after You Are Done Watching

The tech industry is developing streaming devices with unique features to suit the user’s daily routine, from watching live and free content to the sleeping ability of the Firestick device. This control feature is easy to set on when one is not using the gadget. It’s an intelligent technology that saves power for the user. However, Firesticks are designed to sleep after few minutes if left idle.  The feature is among the many Firestick controls which offer the ultimate experience. Most users don’t know how to reset Firestick and utilize the sleep feature since it automatically goes to sleep after 30 minutes.

Firestick remote to set the Firestick to sleep

Every Firestick comes equipped with a remote. This helps the user get a better experience on the streaming device. The remote has several controls which function differently. On the remote, there is the home button in the middle of the remote. First, press and hold it down for few seconds; this will open the home menu.

The menu will display some options, one being a moon-shaped figure. Click on the option; this will put your Firestick on low power mode. Note the option is like turning off your device. The new Firestick version has a power button making it easy to turn off the device.

Using an app

Besides the remote control, you can utilize the app to set your Firestick to sleep. Use your smartphone or tablet to control your Firestick. Download the Amazon Firestick app on your Google play store or App store. Launch the app to access some Firestick icons on the app. click on the Firestick remote icon to convert the app into remote mode.  The page will look similar to the remote; click the gear icon on the page to proceed. Next, click the moon-shaped icon or sleep tab to convert your Firestick from active mode to sleep mode.

Importance of sleep mode

The sleep mode is significant to the Firestick gadget as it saves power. The user doesn’t have to shut off the device entirely but can leave it to sleep and move to other activities. The device automatically goes to sleep mode after 30 minutes. One doesn’t have to wait for 30 minutes but can do it immediately. It helps save the remote batteries and power. The device will stop functioning, but the software will be active. It will be easy to update anything when it’s on sleep mode.

Using the remote from sleep mode

Now that we know how to put the Firestick to sleep. It’s also easy to use and continue watching your favorite content. The gadget is always in ready mode; press any tab and continue from where you left.  Suppose you’re using the Amazon app as the remote press any icon to activate the device.

Firestick not going to sleep

Some technical hitches might arise, and the Firestick refuses to respond to the sleep command. You can give it time to go to sleep automatically or just reset the Firestick by turning it off and on again.  You can restart the Firestick and try pressing the home button to get the menu. Now you can click the sleep icon to put the Firestick to sleep. It is typical for the Firestick not to respond to any command. You need to restart or reset and try again.

Other features which make Amazon Firestick unique

  • The shortcut menu for easy access.
  • Alexa voice
  • Smartphone as screen or remote.
  • The parental controls ensure receive safe content.
  • Expanding your internal storage to accommodate games, video, and other apps.
  • Connection for Bluetooth
  • Personalized screen saver.

How to Find a Gaming Laptop That Won’t Cost You an Arm and a Leg

A gaming laptop is precisely what it sounds like. It is a laptop that has been configured with the highest specs possible to handle the most popular games. It has become a lucrative market for many brands, so there are many options to choose from. Nevertheless, these high-quality complaints don’t come cheaply, and the price can increase massively as soon as you begin to boost the specification. Knowing what to look for will help you find cheaper options.

Why Buy A Gaming Laptop?

Desktop PCs have been around for decades, but they’re slowly being replaced by laptops that can do everything a modern desktop can, but in a portable form. Gaming laptops, in particular, are the best of both worlds: you can take your desktop gaming rig with you anywhere you go, but you can also take it with you when you want to work on some documents or spreadsheets. While desktops are far more flexible in terms of upgradability, this is something that many people don’t mind because games laptops are becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, while a hardcore gaming fan will still build a dedicated gaming rig, anyone who plays casually will prefer the laptop’s portability.

How To Find Affordable Models

Although the very top-of-the-line models are costly, there are some things you can look for when searching for more affordable items.


In addition to saving money, refurbished laptops provide you with a like-new device at a fraction of the cost of a second-hand machine. Because you can buy a refurbished laptop that’s as good as new, but at a fraction of the cost, you might save hundreds of dollars even on the most blazing fast models. Moreover, refurbished items are inherently more affordable than new items because you buy a used item that has already been tested, repaired, and put back onto the market. If you want as new as possible but have a limited budget, this is your best option.

Comparison Site

Most savvy shoppers have probably already used a comparison site before. You visit the site, type into the search bar what you want, and see what comes up. Although you will save some money, the variations won’t be as significant as when you shop for a refurbished option.

Black Friday Deals

Traditionally a U.S. marketing term for the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday is one of the year’s biggest shopping days. Businesses traditionally opened at midnight on Thanksgiving to sell their items close to the start of the Christmas shopping season. You can often find deep discounts on all kinds of things, electronics included. The major downside is that it is an annual sale, so you will have to wait a year if you miss it.

Wait for New Models (and then Buy the Previous Option)

Laptops and gaming ones, in particular, have a high turnover rate as new processors and graphics cards come to market. There are a large number of brand-new models that the manufacturer must discontinue. Therefore, if you check sites like eBay or Amazon, you could find the previous models going for far less than before. Furthermore, this is one instance where heading to a physical store may lead to a cheaper option compared to online because they are linked to physical space and should clear their inventory.

Upgrade Yourself after Buying Low-Spec

If you enjoy upgrading yourself, you will save some money by upgrading a lower spec choice by yourself. Ensure that the brand you choose doesn’t have its internals soldered onto the motherboard, as this makes upgrades impossible.

What To Look For

Current gaming laptops are potent beasts, packing some serious hardware into a surprisingly compact design. You get plenty of power, graphics cards, hardware dedicated to memory and storage, and a decent chassis to keep it all safe. That all said, there are still a few things you should look for in a gaming laptop that will prove helpful when you’re looking for a new one.


Price is often the most significant factor that will influence your choice, will be how much you are willing or indeed able to spend. As previously mentioned, these machines can become extremely expensive once you start to configure them. Nevertheless, you can usually find the perfect gaming laptop under $2000 that exactly fits your needs with the tips mentioned above. Anything up to that amount will get you a great gaming laptop that can handle everything up to and including the latest AAA games. Whatever price you go for, you should still ensure that you can upgrade the device as trends change and new internals are brought to the consumer market.


If you want to keep your laptop for several years and still play the latest game releases, you will need to ensure that you can upgrade the parts when possible. Unfortunately, most laptops make this problematic, and it is almost impossible to change the Central Processing Unit (CPU) or the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Nonetheless, the things you can change include:

  • Random Access Memory (RAM): This has a profound effect on the loading times of games. Therefore, as games become more extensive, the amount of memory needed will increase.
  • Storage: There are two options, a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or a Solid State Drive (SSD). Laptops will often come equipped with a fast M.2 SSD that is ultra-fast and stable. You will need to upgrade over time as the dive begins to degrade, or you fill it up with games.


The CPU is an electronic, digital, and electronic computer chip embedded into your computer’s motherboard and performs various operations, such as interpreting and executing instructions stored in programmable read-only memory in the computer’s RAM. You have two options these days between Intel and AMD, both offering up exciting solutions. The latest is their Core i9 processor, a staple in the gaming world for a couple of years with Intel. It can be overclocked (made to run more computations) quickly but consumes large amounts of power and heats up rapidly. On the other hand, AMD has brought to the market their Ryzen chipset, which has more cores and consumes less power than their Intel counterparts.


A graphics processing unit (GPU) is a chip designed to quickly and efficiently perform computations that simulate the visuals of a 3D world. GPUs are used in computers, video games, and other devices that display 3D images. This is arguably the most important thing you need to consider in a gaming laptop. The GPU is the part that will take your gaming from average to 4K resolution at 120 FPS. As mentioned earlier, you will not upgrade this, so make sure the laptop you purchase has the very best you can afford.


During digital information processing, RAM stores information temporarily. When a computer accesses a piece of information, RAM is where that information resides. Without access to the information stored in RAM, the laptop will not quickly access that piece of data and render it to the screen. So, in a way, RAM is the computer’s short-term memory as it is the place that the computer stores information for quick access to it. 


There are two choices for storage:


Hard disk drives are the most popular storage devices today and have been since the dawn of the computer era. Today, you can find those drives in computers, external storage drives, and more. While hard disks haven’t changed much over the years, the data storage industry has developed through a constantly moving target, with many new technologies and storage options coming to market over the years.


  • A large amount of storage.
  • Cheaper.


  • Slower than SSD.
  • More prone to failure.


Solid State Drives (SSD) are non-volatile memory, meaning they can retain data even after power is cut from the device. These differ from hard drives, which lose data once the drive is powered down.


  • Fast
  • Stable
  • Handles bumps and knocks better


  • More expensive
  • Lower storage capacity than HDD


An excellent cooling solution will help you get the most out of your laptop. Keeping it cool is not only for comfort, but lower temperatures mean a faster CPU and GPU.

Display Quality

You will need to decide what resolution and frame rate you want. The two top choices of resolution these days are 4K and 1080. When it comes to a laptop, it might sound like a good idea to get the highest amount of pixels possible, but this is not always the case. For example, the 4K screen will have to work harder and use up more battery in the process. Likely, you won’t even see the difference on such a small screen. Instead, the best thing to look for is the frame rate. It is this that will improve your gameplay experience. You should look for at least 120 FPS and go higher if you can.

A gaming laptop is an excellent tool for gaming, whether it be on the go or in the comfort of your home. It gives you the ability to play your games the way they are meant to be played: on a large screen with a keyboard and mouse. In addition, top models have the power to play any game at an almost maxed-out setting. You don’t have to break the bank to get one of these machines, and you can save some money if you know what to look for.