Why you should pick the proper construction scheduling software

Construction scheduling software is offered by vendors and refers to various programs that professionals utilize to organize, assign, and even forecast tasks on construction projects. These programs have been around for years and can come in many forms. Some of these forms can be free and simple tools to highly and sophisticated multi-user systems. 

They can also vary significantly in the functionalities. For instance, large construction companies may need solutions that include a construction scheduling software element. Because construction scheduling software  provides precise planning and increases the pace of projects, there are usually cost savings and shorter completion times. This article explains how you can pick the proper construction scheduling software. 

Understanding a construction scheduling software

If you decide to work on anything that appears to be a complex construction project, then you can benefit from using a construction scheduling software. Regardless of whether you intend to do a simple construction project or a large one, you can suffer if the project doesn’t go as planned. 

The schedule and cost overruns usually happen in many construction projects. These miscalculations can increase and even lead to lawsuits, disputes, or arbitration. Unfortunately, the cost of settling these disputes can cost your company tons of money.

There are various causes that contribute to the inaccuracies like scope creep, change orders, and weather. The big culprit is perhaps the slow adoption of digital technology. As a result, project planning that happens between the office and the field can be uncoordinated and people use paper to do it. 

You need to know that behind-schedule projects can create problems for the owners of the construction companies. Worse still, ahead of schedule can also sometimes create some problems since the funds set aside for these projects may not be invested in other projects. This is the reason why you need to use construction scheduling software to manage the timing and sequencing of the work. 

Increasing scheduling demands for residential and commercial projects

Building projects are usually categorized as either commercial or residential. In most cases, commercial construction projects are usually larger than residential projects. These projects can also need many code requirements like wheelchair access and some fire safety measures. These commercial projects include government facilities, office buildings, factories, and retail complexes.

When it comes to residential projects, these can include development of multi-family residences, such as apartments, individual homes, and single-family homes. Therefore, builders can construct commercial projects utilizing steel and concrete while residential projects can usually have wood frames. 

Commercial projects have a more complex and sophisticated infrastructure. They may need escalators, elevators, parking, and many more. As such, there is also a high level of redundancy build into their internal systems.

Hence, commercial construction projects need more expensive equipment and specialized construction professionals. Commercial contractors can subcontract the work more than residential contractors do. 

There is also an inter-dependency in construction, so a delay in one task can affect all subsequent tasks. This is why you need to buy a construction scheduling software that can be useful to you as a project manager or scheduler.

7 Ways Speech Recognition Technology Supports Physicians and Their Patients

Speech recognition software is helpful in just about any industry, but it’s especially helpful in the medical field. Here are 7 reasons doctors and patients both benefit when medical personnel use this technology.

1. Speech recognition generates accurate documentation

Doctors are human and subject to error when documenting patient information and adding notes to their files. Sometimes errors occur when transferring written information into the computer.

When physicians can capture and record notes regarding a patient’s care just by speaking, the accuracy increases, which ultimately helps the patient receive better care.

2. Physicians can get HIPAA-compliant speech-to-text technology

While there are plenty of speech-to-text applications on the market, clinicians are bound by HIPAA regulations to keep patient data private and secure. Good speech-to-text applications send the content through their servers in order to generate high accuracy. This means medical staff can’t just use any application.

Most medical providers use Dragon dictation software. Dragon is a leader in the speech-to-text industry and now offers a cutting-edge, cloud-based speech recognition solution called Nuance Dragon Medical One. This dictation software fully supports HIPAA requirements and uses state-of-the-art end-to-end encryption to keep all patient data secure.

3. Speech recognition technology is more accurate than ever

When you think about speech recognition software, you might recall a time when you had to speak slowly if you wanted the computer to recognize just 20% of what you were saying. Thanks to Google’s efforts, speech recognition technology has made exponential improvements and is now more accurate than it’s ever been.

A brief history of speech recognition technology’s accuracy

Speech-to-text technology was first invented back in the 1950s. The first version of this technology recognized only numbers when spoken. It took ten years for speech-to-text to recognize words, but was limited to understanding just 16 English words.

DARPA’s Speech understanding Research (SUR) program stepped in around 1971 and created a system called Harpy that could recognize 1,011 English words. By 1985 there were two main text-to-speech software programs: Kurzweil, which understood 1,000 words and IBM’s software, which understood 5,000 words.

Although a 5,000-word vocabulary was considered exceptional at the time, people had to speak slowly, clearly, and enunciate each word carefully or the programs couldn’t understand the dictation.

Speech recognition technology became available to the masses in 1990 when Dragon launched Dragon Dictate. The price tag? $9,000. In 1997, Dragon brought their price point down to $695 with a program called NaturallySpeaking. Although the price had dropped and the program was improved, it still wasn’t reliable enough to use in a professional setting. That’s when Google stepped in and changed everything.

Accurate technology creates better patient care

As previously discussed, accurate dictation results produce better patient care. As the technology is improved with machine learning systems, it will only become more accurate with time.

4. Speech recognition helps patients with complex medical histories

For most patients, physicians can use standard EHR templates to document notes about their condition. However, when patients have a more complex medical history, it’s not that simple. Most physicians aren’t going to be excellent typists and they’re likely going to miss a lot of the nuance involved in a patient’s story.

With dictation software, physicians can simply use their voice to create more complete problem lists that are created instantly.

5. Speech-to-text avoids dictation services

Traditionally, physicians have used tape recorders or mobile phone apps to record information that needs to be typed up by a transcriptionist. With software like Dragon Medical dictation, the transcript is created instantly, bypassing the fees and delays that come with traditional transcription.

6. Speech can be analyzed

Some clinicians are using speech recognition software for more than just dictation. Some medical professionals use speech recognition with predictive technology for diagnostic purposes, for example, to identify Parkinson’s Disease.

7. Data retrieval

Just as speech recognition can digitally document verbal input, it can also pull up those same records. Some software allows clinicians to speak a patient’s name or other keywords to pull up relevant records and other information. This makes a clinician’s job much easier.

Speech recognition technology is only getting better

Despite its slow start, speech recognition software continues to improve and is on an upward trajectory.

Not everyone is convinced of the benefits yet. However, we can expect to see even more improvements in the coming years that will make speech-to-text an industry standard in the medical field.

3 Reasons Not to Use Facial and Fingerprint Recognition Lock on Your Phone

Our phones keep a lot of our personal information. It includes our contacts, accounts, photos, locations, financial information, to name but a few. Therefore, you cannot be too careful when it comes to data protection.

Smartphone security awareness becomes crucial today as most organizations and educational institutions have switched to technological solutions. This exposes people to cyberattacks and different kinds of online fraud. DoMyEssay has been providing online writing help for years, observing the highest security standards. Their experts have shared a few tips on smartphone security that can benefit not only students and their parents but anyone who uses mobile devices. Here are the top 5 recommendations: 

  1. Create unique passwords for all your mobile devices.
  2. Use security settings to protect your identity and location data. 
  3. Use only trusted services and stores.
  4. Update the OS on your device regularly. 
  5. Use a secure method to lock your phone. 

The last point requires particular attention. There are several ways to lock your phone, but biometric identification is probably the most popular. Many people believe that facial and fingerprint recognition gives us security that is impossible to crack. Unfortunately, it is far from being true. Yes, biometric identification is a fast and convenient way to lock your phone, but it is not completely secure. Here is why. 

1. A Lot Depends On Your Device

Some phones appear to be more secure than others. An experiment conducted by Consumentenbond, a non-profit organization from the Netherlands, tested facial recognition on 110 mobile devices. 38% of the smartphones failed the test. Holding a photo of the owner in front of the device was enough for the 42 of the examined phones to unlock. It means that to hack one’s phone, attackers need nothing more but to get a photo from the owner’s social media. They do not even need 3D printed masks or sophisticated software solutions. 

This test made a lot of people worried about the security of their phones. The study results showed that Apple, Samsung, OnePlus, and a few other devices had stronger facial recognition features. Yet, a lot of phones from Sony, BlackBerry, Nokia, Xiaomi, and older models of Huawei, Lenovo, and LG failed the test. Thus, be careful if you use older phone models, and do not forget to install security updates. 

As you can see, there is no silver bullet when it comes to security. If you want to protect your personal data, find out more about the vulnerabilities of a particular phone model. Unfortunately, a lot of people ignore this step.

To make matters worse, this issue is not properly addressed at school. Students grow up knowing how to write an essay and improve it with the EssayEditor service. Yet, educators do not teach them about mobile security issues even though they raise major concerns globally. 

2. Biometrics Can Be Hacked as Well

It seems that our fingerprints and facial features cannot be artificially recreated. Yet, hackers can lift fingertips and trick cameras. This makes facial and fingerprint recognition vulnerable to attacks. 

A few days after the release of the iPhone X, Vietnamese researchers at Bkav managed to trick Face ID with a 3D-printed mask placed at a very specific angle. Obviously, the procedure of cracking Apple’s technology required much effort, special equipment, and knowledge in the field. Yet, this incident has shown that facial recognition cannot be called completely secure. 

Is fingerprint lock more secure? No. We leave our fingerprints everywhere. So there are a lot of places where attackers can find your biometric data and use it to unlock your phone. It is possible to recreate fingerprints using latex and even school supplies like playdough and Elmer’s glue. Besides, hackers can even steal fingerprints virtually, cracking the scanner itself. 

3. Biometric Identification Is Still a Work in Progress

Biometric recognition, in particular facial identification, is still a new technology. Although developers continue to improve it, today, it is neither completely secure nor accurate. Facial recognition might not work if a person wears sunglasses or a mask. Additionally, camera angle and lighting matter as well. Fingerprint identification does not function properly with glows or when the user’s fingers are wet or dirty. It is also not an option for people with damaged skin. 

Furthermore, scanning one’s face or fingertips makes an individual’s sensitive data exposed. This can pose a significant risk to privacy. Our two previous points show that any scanners can be hacked. Users cannot be completely sure that their data is safe. What is even worse, people cannot change their fingerprints or facial features in case of a security breach like they can change a password. 

In Sum

Do the advantages of biometric locks outweigh their disadvantages? It is up to you to decide. The one thing is clear: the technology is still far from being perfect. It is important to know the vulnerabilities of our mobile devices to become more aware and take some extra measures to protect our personal data. Thus, the only fact that you are reading about the risks of biometric identification is a step towards the stronger security of your phone.

Popular Social Media Apps You Can Use to Market Your Small Business

Over 53 percent of people on the planet are active on social media. This translates to more than four billion active users at the beginning of 2021 – a pool of customers waiting to be tapped into. Provided you have a good smartphone or computer and a reliable internet connection, social networking platforms can help propel your small business forward. However, it is crucial to do so using the right social media apps where most of your target audience can be found. In this respect, here are some popular social media apps you can use to market your small business.

1. Facebook

This is the largest and most widely used social media platform in the world. With over 2 .3 billion monthly user average, this should be your top site. It allows you to connect with friends, customers, and many other people. The app allows businesses to create private pages where they can interact with their customers. Members can join for free or at a fee. On your business page, you can update on products, discounts and even answer customer questions. Facebook also runs ads that help businesses get discovered or just be connected to their clients. It is an app where connections are easily converted to customers.

2. Telegram 

While Telegram is similar to the more popular social media platforms, the increasingly famous social networking app has been adding newer features that set them aside from the rest. For instance, it is now possible to pin multiple messages, share songs, and view post stats as a channel admin. As seen in a post on Alrigh, Telegram recently launched a new feature called Voice Chat 2.0. The new voice chat functionality will allow unlimited participation in groups and channels. It will have several features, including raise hand, recorded chats, speaker links, and listener links, among others. The most interesting thing about it is that it allows voice interaction with an unlimited number of participants in groups and channels. This is something small businesses can utilize to interact with their customers and market their brand effectively.

3. Instagram

Sometimes words do not do enough justice to a brand or product, and that’s where Instagram comes in. It is a photo-oriented platform that allows you to share your actual product or market your services to an audience through images and videos as well as text.

To benefit the most from Instagram, there are a few things you need to do. For starters, you may want to invest in a good camera that allows you to take quality photos. After creating a business account, all you need is an effective IG marketing strategy and you can start posting. By liking, commenting, sharing, tagging, and using hashtags correctly, you can grow your customer base and maximize sales. With its wide selection between posts, stories, and photo & video ads, Instagram can help grow your brand to the next level. Ensure to use posts that are relevant to your brand.

3. Twitter

This is the platform where your voice is heard. It is the easiest platform to engage influencers by use of “@” and “#”. As of 2021, the site attracts over 192 million users per day. Unlike the other two, the Twitter crowd is more censored. These are people who are sure of what they want and are not shy when expressing it. It is all about representation. You have to represent your brand with a good first impression. By use of Twitter cards and ads, it allows you to grow your business. Using the right keyword in your hashtag will attract visibility and re-tweets.

4. You Tube

It is a great marketing tool that allows you to connect with users via videos. Despite your age or location, a good video will always be appreciated and loved. With over 2 billion monthly users on average, it is the second largest search engine and social networking channel. When promoting your small business via YouTube, it is all about representing your brand using videos that will best attract your target audience’s attention. Marketing with the YouTube app requires you to create one or several great videos. This can be brand, educational, product, or even testimonial videos.

5. WhatsApp

Every single person with a smartphone probably has WhatsApp. The famous app has close to two billion users worldwide, with more than three quarters accessing Whatsapp monthly. It is the easiest social media platform to get a quick sneak peek while doing your task. In the past, it was just for friends and family. In recent times, its business platform allows businesses to interact with their customers. This app offers small businesses features like labels, quick replies, and chat filters that enable them to stay connected with customers. With its catalog feature, businesses can show their products more easily.

Finally, other apps such as messenger, LinkedIn, and TikTok are also gaining massive popularity.


Being on social media does not guarantee sales for your small business. A social media engagement tool will help you gauge and increase your success on social media platforms. Your presence must be felt through videos, photos, and captions that will have people talking. Also, remember to use keywords and titles that people will respond to.

PC Vs Tablet Comparison

What is best? Personal Computer or a Tablet? It is always an ongoing debate. But the question stands that why even draw a comparison? It all depends on the nature of the buyer as well as the work he does. Once the buyer answers this to himself there won’t be left any confusion with him. There are a number of IT services that assist you in making a decision for your purchase. Small business IT services not only understand your personal needs but also give you a bunch of recommendations and insights on why and how to speed up a computer, laptop or a table. Before drawing a comparison of personal computers and tablets, let us first understand thoroughly what these devices actually are.

A small and low-cost device or machine designed for personal use, however, it can be used by a group of few persons as well. It consists of several components like a CPU (Central Processing Unit), two kinds of memory; RAM and ROM, a magnetic hard disk and a compact disc, display screen, mouse and a keyboard.

While a tablet is a flat thin mobile or portable computer with all of its components built in, fitted with a touch screen display and rechargeable battery. However, they are highly customized hence why their operating systems and processors vary. Recently, they have gained much popularity because of their excellent and significant features, specialized apps and portability in particular.

Let’s now have a look at their features in detail.


Beginning with the storage feature, PCs have comprehensive hard drive storage normally more than 1 TB (terabyte). You don’t have to purchase a handy external hard drive unless you are using it professionally and it requires you to have that much storage capacity. On the other hand, a tablet lacks this much storage with 8 GB as its minimum and 128 GB as its maximum storage. However, it does have an extension slot for external hard.


Processing power of both devices differ. A computer consists of necessary power required to cool high end power processors but a tablet being more compact in nature is unable to provide this same amount of support to its processor.


As compared with tablets, PCs are costly. An average PC with moderate features can cost you up to $1000. Prices vary from $400 to $2000. In contrast, tablets are cheap normally within the price range of $150 to $500 but in some highly customized items, it may cost you up to $800.

Screen size and Portability

Monitor screen size is large enough usually from 13 to 43 inches but keep in mind that the larger the monitor size the higher the cost. Tablets are comparatively smaller in screen size not larger than 10 inches. They are made to stay fixed on the desk or table may be in your office or any other workplace or your study room. Tablets can be carried anywhere with you.

Running Battery

For a desktop, you might not have to worry about the running battery since there is no need to charge it and you can leave it on for as many days as you want. While in the case of a tablet, you are always concerned about if you charged it enough and if you left it uncharged it will shut it down once the battery has been consumed.


Repairing for the PC’s is much easier and cheaper as compared with the tablets. While tablets might require some expertise to spot and identify the issue that needs to be fixed but for a PC, a smaller issue can be resolved by yourself at home.


There are no limitations to the upgrades of the system and the software update in the case of the desktop. Since tablets are all built-in one unit, it is not easy and sometimes possible to upgrade certain systems and features.

Web Camera

Not all desktops, especially old ones, have built-in web cameras but a tablet comes with a built-in high-resolution web camera for recording videos and having a video chat.


The primary functions for a desktop include graphic designing, research, gaming and data entry. It won’t be wrong saying that their purpose is mainly professional use most of the time. Nonetheless, the tablet is more of a personal gadget.


While carrying a smart-looking tablet, it might be an invitation to the thieves and easier for them to dodge you in the bus or a cafe. But it is literally impossible to steal a desktop-based in an office or your house.


Summing up the above comparison, it is concluded that it is all up to the buyer and his or her needs and nature of work and sometimes yes budget as well to decide what to buy. If you are a blogger, a tablet seems like a better option for you which comes with an additional feature of video recording. Just the same, if you are looking for a reliable machine for your office-based work, you must go for a desktop.

Top Tips For The Budding Traveller

Traveling is a pretty rewarding experience. You get to see the world on your own terms, enjoying new cultures and events as you go along. With that being said, there are some aspects of traveling that can be a little stressful.

There are a lot of things to think about, from considering trailer options to figuring out what you need to pack for each trip. With that in mind, here are just a few of our top tips for the aspiring traveler so you can get the most enjoyment out of the experience.

Pick places and things to do that fit how fit and healthy you are. If it is hard for you to move, think about places that have easy access for staying and seeing things. Do not do hard things that could be too much for your body. Check out Fun over 50 Holidays if you are interested in holiday tours for over 50s.

Minimize the Amount That Your Pack

The first thing that we would advise to any new traveler is don’t pack a massive amount of stuff. When you’re first getting into traveling, it’s easy to think that you need to bring every little thing with you. Maybe you think you need a year’s worth of clothes, five different toothbrushes and four first aid kits.

While this can be seen as very responsible because you are preparing for every eventuality, you really don’t need to go this far. First of all, not every disaster is going to occur on your travels. Secondly, you’re going to be the one lugging your travel bag around with you all the time. It can get incredibly heavy if you’re carrying a lot of stuff with you.
So what should you pack? You only really need the essential items like neck gaiters which protect you from warm weather and other insects if you are on a jungle adventure,  consider checking 4inbandana and get yours custom neck gaiter today of your own choice and printing , ultimately. There’s no need to prepare for every possible natural disaster known to man – you aren’t always going counter some of the common horror stories that you hear people talk about when traveling.

Free Yourself Up For New Experiences

Sure, planning can be very beneficial. It can help you to know where to go next or what to do. But don’t travel entirely according to your itinerary. Sometimes it’s great just to have some flexibility – you may see some things that you otherwise wouldn’t have seen. Let yourself interact with locals, be friendly and have an understanding of how to be respectful in the country that you’re visiting.

If you don’t know where to start, choose a destination that’s well-known for its exciting attractions that won’t break your budget. For a beautiful stay in a small beach town, check out the best hotels in Galveston.

Get a Map

Look, we know that we live in an age of smartphones. A phone GPS can be an absolute lifesaver when you’re traveling. With that being said, you never know what’s going to happen. Sometimes you may have very little signal, or your phone could suddenly die. For this reason, it’s better to get a map so that you can find your way to where you’re going without getting lost in a foreign area. You can also ask for some directions when you’re confused – there’s no shame in that! A map is an old tool, but sometimes it’s better to go back to the basics for the best results! 

Additionally, a map can be a live savior if you love exploring local communities and places on the road. For example, if you’re exploring the sunshine state of Florida by renting an RV, you can use the map to explore local communities, places that are often even hidden on GPS.

A quick side note though, sometimes getting lost is a good thing. This is because it allows you to see all new sights that you may not have seen otherwise. 

Have Some Extra Copies of Important Documents

When you’re traveling, your documents are absolutely essential. Make sure that you have some copies in the event that you don’t have the originals on you and you get asked to identify yourself. This is also important if you end up getting your passport lost or stolen. Send a copy of it to your email address and make another paper copy just in case.

Take a Little Time

When you’re going traveling you should spend a little bit of time just to take in your surroundings. Try not to rush – this is for you, so you should allow yourself to enjoy it! Don’t just focus on doing things, allow yourself to truly experience the culture and the atmosphere of where you are. You don’t need to force yourself to visit every museum in Italy! Just allow yourself to take in your surroundings and you will have a good time.


Traveling can be a whirlwind experience, but with a little bit of knowledge and an understanding of what to expect, you can have a fantastic time. Ultimately, the goal of traveling is to have new experiences that will stay with you for the rest of your life, so make sure that you allow yourself a little flexibility while also having some idea of what you plan to do. Maybe do a little bit of preparation in advance such as learning a new language. Let yourself interact with locals to understand more about the culture. Finally, allow yourself just to enjoy the journey! 

4 Upcoming Games That Should Be in Your Top List

With 2021 well underway, it’s time to start focusing attention on what games you should be looking at purchasing when they are released. Whether you enjoy multiplayer games or single-player games, the new releases are looking exciting, and it appears there is something for everybody, so to avoid missing out on the best releases, let’s get to grip with them.

Back 4 Blood

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, you are needed to come and fight off the zombies. The game can be played in 4 cooperative player games and eight players in a PvP mode. Humanity is infected or diseased, and they need to be eradicated. You will tackle ridding the world of the undead (zombies) in missions that will change each time you play. There is also a 4v4 mode. This is interesting as one team takes on the zombies’ role, making for hours of competitive gaming and entertainment.

Chivalry 2

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare was massive in 2012, and this is the sequel, which features next-gen graphics, improved combat, and massive 64-player battles. To bring cinematic moments to the series Chivalry 2 will allow players to live out their favorite battle movie scenes and promises to be gory. It will feature new voice-lines, and players will have greater control over characters, including deep character customization. Players are pushed into the action of every moment, and it promises to be iconic. Within 12 months, it should be available on all Platforms:  Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One.

Gore, epic fight scenes, and multiplayer options mean that there are many opportunities within gameplay to challenge your friends, family, and work colleagues. Whether you want to be a fighter or an assassin, you can do it this year through improved gameplay.  To ensure you make the most of your free time,  Gramno.com has produced an even bigger list of games you should be looking to get in 2021. The good thing with most of the new and upcoming releases is that they are thrilling, exciting, and jam-packed.

Evil Dead: The Game

Taken from the successful movies franchise, this could prove to be just as popular and gory. The game will feature co-operative gameplay as well as player versus player. Characters and locations from all three of the Evil Dead films will feature in the gameplay, which should nicely tie everything together.

Hitman III

Hitman 3 is a game played from a third-person perspective. You have to take control of assassin Agent 47. Agent 47 travels to various locations and carries out assassinations. New locations are featured, and they include Berlin, Mendoza, Dubai, Dartmoor, and Romania. At each stage within the game, several locked doors can only be unlocked from one side. After the locked doors have been unlocked, then they will remain open. Through open doors, you will be able to access closed-off locations quicker and with ease. If you own the previous two games, You can import maps and progress to take advantage of Hitman 3’s improvements if you have owned the last games.

With these new launches, there is something for every type of gamer, and the best news is that these games feature even better graphics than before, so you can lose yourself and experience total immersion from the moment you start playing.

The Benefits of Using APIs in Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is often a monotonous and time-consuming task. It requires a lot of precision and patience to develop a robust and flawless mobile app. Moreover, it’s a fact that the larger the time it takes to create the mobile app, the larger will be the cost of the overall development process. App developers, for years, have been trying to employ ways to cut down development costs. Integrating APIs in mobile app development is the best way to cut down costs and substantially reduce the development time.

API stands for “application program interface,”. It includes a set of protocols, procedures, and tools that help an app establish a connection and enable data transmission with another software, OS, or third-party service. API integration in mobile app development holds several benefits, most of which will be discussed in this post.

This integration reduces the number of working hours by eliminating the labor needed in designing some essential functions that can be directly powered in apps by using APIs. Let’s move forward and learn more about the importance of using APIs in mobile app development and the top benefits.

1. Reduces Development Time Significantly

The most crucial benefit of using APIs is that integrating them in mobile development platforms considerably reduces the overall development time. There are many APIs available in the market that help mobile apps connect with third-party service providers to meet different needs. For example, suppose developers don’t have enough time to design a log-in module for authenticating the users in mobile apps. In that case, they can use Google sign-in APIs, Facebook APIs, etc. Such API integrations not only make things easier and faster for the app developers but also the end-users. They don’t have to insert their log-in credentials repeatedly; instead, they can authenticate themselves using their pre-saved Google or Facebook sign-in credentials. Another example is storage APIs; instead of developing storage for mobile apps, they can directly use google drive API or Dropbox APIs for storing various details and progress of users, especially in gaming apps.

2. Lesser Coding Requirements

API integration in app development reduces development time because the coding requirements and hours usually spent on it are reduced significantly. The developers can engrave a variety of functionalities in the mobile app just by integrating the respective API and utilizing clear API documentation. Usually, mobile app developers need to code every functionality and feature they want in their app. APIs eliminate those coding requirements and offer those same functionalities effortlessly with the help of third-party service providers.

You might have seen “powered by Google” or Google Maps whenever you’re using some hotel booking app and trying to locate the respective hotel. This way, the developers don’t need to design their map( which is a tedious and time-consuming process); instead, they can integrate a more precise map powered by Google into their apps.

3. Makes Mobile Apps more Creative

There is a range of APIs available in the market, and each of them supports a variety of functionalities. Usually, app developers try to keep the number of functionalities and features as minimum as possible due to time constraints. Many times in the process of limiting features, the creativity of the app is compromised. But by integrating APIs, the app can be powered by those features that are hard to design but can add significant value to creativity. For example, using Youtube API, the mobile app developers can add video streaming to their platform without the need of creating their own. These small things play a significant role in enhancing the creativity of the app. Those seeking app development services must check the list of top app development companies cataloged by Goodfirms for finding the right service provider to meet your needs.

4. Less Complex Codebase

The higher the number of features and functionalities a mobile app supports, the more extensive and complex its codebase will be. Even designing the simplest features requires a lot of coding; hence it’s entirely predictable that the more complex the feature is, the more complex and lengthier its code will be. APIs resolve this complexity to a great extent by helping the developers add complex but important functionalities in their mobile app development handily. The developers don’t have to design these functionalities; instead, they can integrate respective APIs for such features that are difficult and ineffective to develop. This makes the codebase less cumbersome and more comfortable to read and understand.

5. Increases the Productivity and Efficiency of the App

Mobile apps can be integrated with different sets of APIs such as Whatsapp API, Facebook API, Linkedin API, Twitter API, etc., to help the users share information. These APIs help make the mobile app more efficient, productive, and famous by empowering the users to share the app’s permissible content on different channels. This is a very efficient practice as it increases the visibility of your app on other media. If the contents match potential users’ expectations from other channels, it might improve your app’s download rate. This is very helpful for News apps; if the user likes the app’s content and shares the article on other channels, it can attract more users who are impressed by that content.

6. Easier Payments

Payment gateway APIs are the most popular type of APIs that you can find in almost all mobile apps nowadays. These APIs have emerged as the most popular and successful payment method. Mobile app developers can integrate multiple Payment APIs in their apps to help users carry out hassle-free transactions. Paypal API, Square API, Stripe API are some of the popular payment APIs you might have come across on most ecommerce apps. The integration of these payment APIs has made transactions more effortless and less time-consuming.

Wrapping Up

Mobile apps are evolving rapidly; the advent of new technologies and trends play a significant role in making them more creative, productive, and effective. One such trend that has contributed to creating mobile apps more powerful is API integration. APIs reduce development time and the app’s development cost significantly, helping the mobile app enter the market more early. All the benefits listed above highlight the importance of API integration in mobile app development. API integration allows mobile app developers to make more creative and productive apps with a little coding. Hence mobile app developers should use APIs to power their apps with such functionalities that are difficult to develop.

Author Bio

Hi There, I am Shaun Williams, a content writer with Goodfirms, a research platform for Cloud Computing, Ecommerce companies, Translation services companies, among many others. I enjoy communicating ideas and knowledge creatively and also ensure that the readers never suffer from boredom while reading my posts.

To Sync or Not to Sync Your Mobile Devices

To sync or not to sync, that is the question! And it’s one we hear a lot, especially with regard to people’s mobile devices. There are so many of these that we use each day, from smartphones to laptops, PCs, and more. Our entire life tends to be spread across them, and it can sometimes feel pretty chaotic.

That is why a lot of people consider syncing their tech, amalgamating all of the data, settings, documents, and applications contained across their devices. This means that if you save a convoluted, Safari-suggested password to one device, for example, it will instantly be stored on your synced devices too. It’s convenient, easy, and streamlines your important information.

So why would you hesitate? We take a look at the pros and cons.

The Upside

Believe us when we say that there are plenty of upsides to syncing your personal devices. The process is designed to make your life easier and more efficient, and there’s no doubt that it does. Benefits include:

  • Automatic setup for new devices. While it’s always fun to unpack a new device, the thought of setting it up can be enough to cause a headache. When your tech is synced, it makes the entire process quicker and easier.
  • Access webpages from any device. Say you navigate to this website and imagine for a moment you’re on the lookout for a onus. You find the perfect provider and offer but want to click the ‘get this bonus’ button and open the webpage on your desktop rather than the mobile you’re browsing from. Sync your devices and suddenly it’s simple, seamless, and pain-free.    
  • No need to remember convoluted passwords. Do you struggle to remember ordinary passwords, let alone the complex chains of letters and numbers generated by your browser? Then syncing your devices can help. Storing all of your information together makes the login process quicker and more straightforward.
  • Access files from anywhere. Would you like to access that Word document you just created on your browser while you’re out and about later? You can also open it on your mobile, tablet, or on any other synced device. This makes collaborating in real-time easier than ever.
  • Interact with people across platforms. If you’d like to be able to use Skype, Messenger, and more from your desktop and on the go, sync your devices to accommodate this. This way, you’ll have access to your address book no matter where you’re connecting from.

The Downside

All of the above sounds attractive, doesn’t it? So what’s the downside, we hear you ask. Well, the disadvantages of syncing your device mainly tie into how it impacts your privacy. They include:

  • Access to all of your information in the event of theft or hacking. If one of your devices is compromised, either physically or virtually, data from across the board is at risk of being stolen.
  • Compromised security. In addition, the ability to sync your devices is often reliant on external memory storage, such as Apple iCloud or Microsoft OneDrive. In the event that this falls victim to cybercrime, there’s a much larger volume of data at risk of being compromised.

When it comes to your mobile devices, what do you think: to sync or not to sync? The correct answer is whichever one feels right for you.

7 Phone Apps to Help Your Small Business Thrive

Ever since the legacy office was disrupted by mobile and B.Y.O devices flooded the workplace, app development’s principal aim has been rebuilding the office – on your phone.

It must be said: most entrepreneurs are innately skewed towards mobile apps. When time is critical – and portfolios and their tasks are numerous – mobile apps have found some of their greatest application in the hands (or on the phones) of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.

Startups, too, have embraced mobile apps as basic business tools. If you ask a reputable IT support outfit like Computers In The City what their percentage of mobile app support is compared to overall office tech issues, they’ll confirm it’s become almost the default call.

Here are seven of the best phone apps for businesses large and small. The best apps have a basic functionality that includes all the essentials, allowing for greater use at scale once your business grows. These apps truly benefit small and large companies because they’ve enabled a set of core functions to allow a similar experience across the commercial spectrum.


Monday.com has made a meal of time and task management and their associated needs. Additionally, it’s highly interactive and visually appealing. The app is an aid to business process mapping and costing, and – while it can’t do the work for you – it’s unambiguous about what happened when, where, and how much it cost at any stage of a project.

That said, besides facilitating workflows through a visual ‘master plan’ that captures it all in one place, many tasks can be put on autopilot. The platform is open to integration with personal favourite tools, too.

Microsoft 365

Needing no introduction, Microsoft 365 remains a default app for millions all over the world. Universally used, four big tickets come with the app; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and cloud backup OneDrive.

It’s hard to avoid with such an essential basic composition, and Microsoft is still trading on its successful entrenchment of Word and Excel as basic business tools that were developed decades ago.

A synced online backup has saved many business owners from disaster, and even if you employ other cloud facilities, it’s worthwhile doubling up on OneDrive.

Previously Microsoft Office, Microsoft 365 is a fundamental platform in the sense that it offers a suite of useful tools for the daily grind. It’s success and value show in that most people don’t even distinguish between “computing” and Microsoft anymore – everyone uses this app, and for obvious reasons.

It has competitors, it’s true, but there always seems to be issues with file conversions, or absent familiar features with other apps and – like Bill or hate him – Microsoft 365 remains the king of essential apps.

Avast Business Antivirus Pro

Not so long ago, it seemed as if the top antivirus would always be McAfee. While McAfee still ranks as one of the world’s best antivirus software.

But, Avast Business Antivirus Pro has a serious claim to the throne.

Where McAfee boasts very few false positives, a file shredder, and is great at protecting your ID online, Avast appears more skillful at online malware detection, protects your webcam and inhibits ransomware attacks, and also has a great sandbox for handling dubious packages.

Taken as a whole, Avast is a more practical protection for modern business – with no disrespect to McAfee – and their free version isn’t bad, either. Businesses should use the Pro version, however-comprehensive protection is needed for commercial conduct, as there’s far too much at stake.

RingCentral Office

With Zoom and Microsoft Teams all the rage these days, RingCentral Office is often overlooked as a business communications system. It has enterprise-grade voice, text, fax, and conferencing-stroke-collaboration capabilities, and has hit a sweet spot for millions of users the world over.

Coming as a Service (aaS), RingCentral Office is bought, installed, and managed online, and allows for fluid comms between multiple locations, people and devices easily. You use, and the cloud manages everything else.


For many years, QuickBooks has been the preferred small business accounting package, and – in fairness – it did evolve to greater application over that time.

However, FreshBooks is better suited to startups, while QuickBooks is geared towards businesses that sell products. While QuickBooks is highly scalable and many accounting types know it and prefer it, FreshBooks is far more intuitive with greater ease of use, especially when the entrepreneur is still the bookkeeper.

FreshBooks has straddled the world stage because it’s also incredibly easy to integrate with other tools. Indeed, the company has an integration library that makes CRM functions seamless and synced. It has a strong affinity for Capsule, AgileCRM, and HubSpot.

Considered the accounting app for freelancers, FreshBooks is meeting modern startup needs head on. Cloud-based and uncomplicated for non-accounting types, FreshBooks is a better QuickBooks for most small, modern startups.


Asana is project management software that, in the words of the company itself, moves “from the small stuff to the big picture,” and “organizes work so teams know what to do, why it matters, and how to get it done.”

But that’s not the real value of this software.

As any decent UX designer will tell you, an app’s value lies in a muted ease of use, which indicates that designers have done their job well. Asana is such an app – simple in presentation, but detailed enough to scale with any project.

The app lets you generate reminders and to-do lists, dates and timelines, instructions and collegial intel – all in one place. You can share images directly from apps like Google Drive, and one of the app’s main focuses is on tracking and reporting.

HubSpot Marketing Hub

Now a household name, HubSpot is a diverse and incredibly valuable platform – hence its dominant position in content marketing and CRM.

A content management and marketing tool (including social media management), HubSpot might be outdone on occasion on individual points by competitors focused solely on a particular functionality, but as a suite of tools with marketing savvy, it’s hard to beat.

Very welcoming towards startups and small-scale entrepreneurs, the HubSpot Marketing Hub simplifies their forays into the market and ensures campaigns have consistency, while following strong Inbound Marketing principles. In short, it’s a must-have not only for small business and mobile activity, but rather the baseline app for proactive businesses.

Mobile Business Apps Can Help Your SME Succeed

If you’re a small to medium-sized business owner – or would like to become one in the near future – these seven phone apps are sure to help get your business started on the right foot.

Best Business Apps Every Entrepreneur Should Install on Windows 10

Running a business is a complex process that needs to be constantly optimized to suit daily market changes. This is almost impossible without the proper tools that technology can provide us nowadays.

Can you imagine dealing with all the procedures without using modern technology like excel to keep track of your numbers, a smartphone to communicate with your team, and without the internet? It is impossible.

Managing a business is even harder for people that are operating with small budgets and cannot afford to hire many people to take care of business procedures. At that point, you are on your own, and finding business apps that can help you use your time more efficiently should be your first priority.

In today’s article, we will highlight some of the best business apps every entrepreneur should try.


In our modern world, e-mail communications are considered an outdated way of communicating in your organization. Email is great for many things, but ongoing projects require a lot of back-and-forth, which creates long email chains that are hard to read.

That’s where Slack comes in handy. This is a powerful chat app that goes beyond the old-fashioned text-based messages. Slack offers an easy-to-use interface with powerful messaging tools that can be installed across your team members.

Even though the messaging aspect of Slack is a good enough reason to download this app, it is also packed with other features. This app can be used for sharing and editing documents, track the progress of the project, and tracks all actions in real-time which makes collaboration easier with remote team members.

This app also works perfectly with Dropbox or Google Drive which makes it great for storing files on the cloud.

Slack offers impressive features that will improve the organization and communication within your company, but it all comes at a price. Today’s standard Slack features will cost you $6.67 per user, per month.


When it comes to running a successful business it is very important to anticipate new technology trends. Even though cloud computing isn’t something new, you’d be surprised to hear that most companies still use old-fashioned ways of storing their files in hard copy.

This makes collaboration between sectors in the organization very hard since and it also increases the company’s expenses.

Nowadays, you don’t need to invest in expensive cloud computing servers just because you can use third-party apps that provide such features. Dropbox is one of the first cloud-based apps that allows you to store files and access them everywhere you go.

Additionally, it lets you revert to previous versions of the document at any time which prevents data loss. If your business operates with a large number of files, Dropbox is a vital tool that will help you store content, make better analysis, and access it everywhere you go.


This is an organizational tool that is designed to improve collaboration in every organization. The interface is based on boards, cards, or lists. Its design is very similar to Pinterest, but it is about productivity.

The best thing about Trello is its appealing design and easy-to-use features even for beginners. You can make to-do lists, add attachments, reminders, and keep everyone updated.

Additionally, you can assign tasks to team members by giving due dates and reminder messages. Maybe the coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers in The TwinSpires Edge NBA odds can use Trello to remind their players that the season has already started!

Invoice 360

Having trouble creating invoices for your business? – Those days are long gone if you plan to use the Invoice 360 app. The app will allow you to input customer information directly and create a very appealing invoice template.

The best thing is that you can build an inventory with prices and stock in the app, which will speed up the invoice making process. After you’ve made an invoice you can save it as a PDF and send it through e-mail with one click.

It is time to make a change and transform from paper to digital invoices (if your country allows). That way you’ll keep everything organized and make the tracking process much easier since the apps track every invoice you make.

A Complete Guide To Buying A Laptop On A Budget (Under $1000)

Buying a laptop on a budget can present many challenges.  The computing industry is inundated with offerings from different brands and the technical jargon can often make it difficult to identify the best option for your requirements. 

When considering laptops, there are several factors that you will need to account for, particularly for those who are focusing their search on laptops that retail for $1000 or less. 

We have identified the technical specifications that you will need to consider along with a few other factors to make the process easier for you. 

What is the laptop being used for?

First, you will need to consider your intended use of the laptop. Do you require it for casual purposes, e.g browsing the web, watching Netflix, or checking your social media applications, or do you need it for work and study purposes? For the aforementioned, a Chromebook will likely suffice as they are affordable and perform well too. For the latter, you will need to select a laptop that copes well when subject to intense and prolonged use, for example, a Lenovo or Acer model. 

You must also be willing to make compromises. Approaching the market with high expectations when looking for a laptop on a budget can often lead to disappointment. The value of the laptop is often reflected in the quality and features. While a laptop may flourish in some areas e.g impressive performance speed, you will likely identify a flaw elsewhere. For that reason, it is important to assess what you need in a laptop rather than what you want. Doing so will allow you to make your selection accordingly. 

Technical Specifications

Understanding the technical specifications of different models can be daunting, particularly for those who do not have much knowledge in this area. However, considering these features will make it easier to find a laptop within budget.

The Operating System

One of the first things to consider is the operating system. The operating system is responsible for the memory, hardware, software, and processes of the computer. Chrome OS and Windows 10 are the two operating systems that are commonly found on budget-friendly laptops. Chrome OS is a lightweight system that is only available on Chromebooks. Offering a low-cost option, it will likely cater to those who require a laptop for basic uses. There are limitations to be aware of, the main ones being that Chrome OS only supports Google and Chrome Web Store Applications. 

Windows laptops utilize a Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. Another inexpensive option that offers power and productivity while allowing you to enjoy a selection of apps that are available on the Windows Store and desktop. There are some issues concerning the compatibility of this system with particular software and hardware. 

Both provide budget-friendly options, although it is likely that you will find one to be better suited to your requirements in comparison to the other.

The Memory

The majority of budget laptops have either 256GB SSD and 512GB SSD, of memory pre-installed. In some instances, you may discover a laptop that fits your budget that has more memory. If you like to store data like photographs you will benefit from the use of a USB flash drive if the current memory of the laptop doesn’t satisfy your needs. 


RAM is an abbreviation of Random Access Memory and is a crucial element of computing. It is the temporary data storage space that stores data and information that needs to be accessed quickly. 4GB is doable although 6GB to 8GB of RAM is recommended as this will support most basic computer programs.

The Processor

A computer processor, otherwise known as the CPU plays an integral role in the functioning of a laptop. Essentially, the processor provides the laptop with the instructions and power it requires to operate. A poor CPU can impact how well the laptop performs and handles tasks. The most common processors used in budget laptops are Intel Core I5,  AMD A6, Intel Pentium, and the AMD A9. The performance of the processor is influenced by the clock speed, cache speed, and the number of cores. Conducting a simple online search will provide you with information as to which processor is best. Most entry-level, budget-friendly processors are deemed to be mid performers. 

The Size

Considering the size of the laptop is also important. Do you require one that is smaller and more portable or one that is larger and more substantially built? The size of the laptop determines the screen size which in turn affects the resolution and image quality. While some have screens as small as 11.6″, others are bigger at 15.6″. Although laptops with a lower resolution can still provide a decent image, those with a higher resolution will display the image with more precision and detail. 

The Battery Life

The battery life will determine how long the laptop can be used on a singular charge.  This can vary from a couple of hours to a day and often depends on how the laptop is used. A laptop with a long battery life will allow you to use it for prolonged periods without needing to plug it into a power supply. Many budget laptops offer between 7 to 10 hours of use on a single charge. The specifications tend to exaggerate the longevity of the battery life so it is important to be cautious of this. 

Test a few before you pick

Conducting thorough research before selecting your laptop is fundamental in ensuring that all of your needs are met. While you can gather valuable information from browsing the web, you will likely benefit from visiting a selection of stores and looking at the selection that they offer. This will allow you to gain a feel for the laptop and assess whether it is a worthy investment. Analyze the trackpad, the keyboard, and the number of ports. You may even wish to invest in a 2-in-1 laptop that functions as both a laptop and tablet providing you with the best of both worlds.

6 Smartphone Security Tips That Will Keep Your Device Safe

Technology is advancing at a fast pace and even though it provides us with many useful solutions, it also makes us target for cyber-attacks if we don’t have the right security.

Since smartphones are one of the devices that we use the most throughout our day, it is easy to fall for a scam that will leave you venerable to viruses that can cause more problems for you. We’ve seen many examples from the past where people’s personal information is leaked, or even used in criminal activity against the victim.

The point is, we have to do everything in our power to improve the security on our phones, and in this article, we will go through some of the simple ways you can do that.

1. Lock your phone

Your first protection if your device is lost or stolen is your password.  Face ID, Code, Fingerprint, Pattern, or any other type of protection can prevent thief access to your personal information.

So, the first thing you need to do is enable phone locking and choose the shortest amount of time possible. This might seem like a basic way of protecting your phone, but you’ll be surprised at how many people avoid this option.

Of course, a phone lock doesn’t mean that your smartphone is inaccessible, just because some of the more experienced hackers and thieves can bypass the locking process. However, it is an extra layer of security that you must have on your phone.

2. Choose Secure Passwords

We all know that it is very frustrating when you have to sign up with a complicated password including an upper case, a symbol, and a number, but there is a reason for that. Secured passwords are almost impossible for a hacker to guess.

Brute force attacks (guessing a password until you log in) is the most common way that hackers gain access to accounts. That’s why it is very important to set strong passwords that are impossible to guess.

3. Keep Your Operating System Up-To-Date

One of the biggest mistakes is avoiding updating your operating system. Big software companies like Google and Apple are constantly updating their software just to improve its stability and security.

Hackers are constantly searching for bugs and backdoors that are usually opened when the OS is not updated. That way they can access your phone very easily, so make sure you turn automatic updates on and keep your phone safe at all times.

4. Avoid Public Wi-Fi

The network you use can be a gateway for hackers when trying to access your phone. Hackers are trying to access people’s information by encrypting public networks. That way everything you type on your phone can be seen by the cybercriminal on the other end of the network.

So, make sure you use only secure Wi-Fi networks, and if you must use a public network avoid logging in with your credentials on social media pages or any other accounts.

5. Avoid Downloading Suspicious Programs or Files

Every time you want to download a file from the internet, make sure you go to the company’s official website and check for reviews. There are a lot of scams when it comes to downloading files from the internet and hackers are using popular brand names to sneak a virus into your phone.

If you want to shop at an online store, make sure you check their reviews and sometimes even contact the support team through their live chat software in order to make sure that you are dealing with a reputable company.

So, before every download, make sure you check out their reviews and see what people have to say about their experience.

6. Encrypt Data on Your Phone

One of the best ways to prevent access to your phone if it is stolen or lost is by encrypting your data. Most operating systems have encryption options that will cover up emails, contacts, financial information and prevent someone from accessing them.

You can check if you have “Data Protection” enabled in Settings on your iOS device, and go to “Security>Encrypt Phone” on your Android device.

Final Words

These are some of the best ways to keep your smartphone data safe at all times. If you go through all of the steps we mentioned before, you can be sure that your data is safe even when you lose your phone.

What to Do When Your iPhone Storage Capacity Is Full

Imagine this: you’re trying to save an important file on your phone but a notification suddenly appears and says “Storage Almost Full.” Annoying, right? You could’ve easily saved that file. But now you need to find which ones in your phone are eating up a huge space in your storage. If you find yourself in this hassle situation, fear not. 

Here are the steps you can do to free up more space on your iPhone.

Remove Apps

We all have apps that we don’t usually use or have forgotten to use. If you need to free up space on your phone, these are the ones you need to look at first. This is because these apps can take up an unexpected amount of space even if you rarely use them.

You can also delete unused preinstalled apps. However, this would depend on the operating system that you have. You can only delete the built-in apps if you have iOs 12, 13, or iPadOS 13. Depending on your OS, you can get rid of apps such as Tips, Notes, Videos, Measure, Maps, iTunes Store, to name a few, but naturally, for learning more about this you can always head to the website. 

Transfer Files

Sometimes our storage gets full because we don’t get rid of old photos too. It’s understandable though, as they usually hold a sentimental value for us.

But your phone needs to let go of them so you can save more files. If this happens, you can transfer your images from an iPhone to PC.

This will free up space in your phone very easily. Or, you can save your photos and other files on an external hard drive as they can hold more files.

Lower Your Resolution

If you only have a few photos and videos but your phone says its storage is still full, this is probably because your photos and videos’ resolution is too high. A photo or video with a high resolution sure is good to look at. However, a higher resolution also means a bigger file.

You can rescale your photos or videos instead to lower their resolution. Then, change your photo and video settings so your future files will be smaller.

Delete Burst Mode Photos

Burst Mode sure is nice as it helps you capture better photos of moving subjects. However, it can also eat a significant amount of space in your storage. You can still use it, though. But be sure to delete those identical photos or the ones you don’t need anymore once you’ve selected your key photo. Or, you can simply turn it off instead and only use it when necessary.

Get Rid of Old Conversations

Text messages might seem harmless. But old conversations can use up your storage space too. But if there are too many of them, you can purge them after a certain time. You can have them automatically deleted after 30 days, a year, etc. Just go to Settings > Messages > Keep Messages. Then, select your desired time frame.

Phone storage might seem like a trivial matter but in truth, this is very crucial. This is where you can store photos, videos, and other important files. With these tips, you’ll surely never run out of storage space. 

How Your Small Business Can Benefit From Using the Best VPN

VPN or the Virtual Private Network provides its users a secure connection to another server then to the world wide web. It gives its users a sense of anonymity on the seemingly safe but hostile world wide web and secures their data and browsing activity. But how can small businesses benefit from this service? Let’s find out.

What makes a VPN service the best?

The best VPN services are those that can do so much more than absolute anonymity, mask your location, secure your data, and safeguard your internet browsing activities. As per Observer.com, here is a list of the best VPN services, which are handpicked for their speed, iron-clad security, and surfing capabilities. Search online and read reviews so you will know if the VPN service is reliable in protecting you or your small business.

How can small businesses benefit from the best VPN services?

The capabilities of a VPN service are varied but they all have a universal goal, to protect its users from unscrupulous individuals who just want to wreak havoc or take advantage of the weakness of the internet framework. Small businesses can benefit from this protection. But how? Here are some ways where the choosing a VPN service can help you with managing your growing business.

Enhanced Online Security

Poor IT infrastructure is what makes an individual vulnerable to hackers, malware, and viruses on the world wide web. However, building a robust internet framework would need not only financial capability but a handful of IT experts. And this cannot be afforded yet by small businesses. By subscribing to a monthly VPN service for your online transactions, you can better protect your data and your consumers’.

Every hack starts with knowing the details of your IP address. And VPN secures your computer by masking or changing your IP which makes it impossible to harm or harvest data from your device. The same VPN IP address is being used by other users as well who avail of the service. So your device cannot be traced. It is in this scheme that you get some kind of anonymity when doing transactions online.

Access Public Networks Safely

Public wifis are what in the IT world is known as an unsecured connection. This is because everybody can use it and there are no protections afforded to the individual. When you are on a business trip, it would be inevitable to use the hotel or cafe’s wireless internet. The best VPNs can safeguard your data and transactions without having to log on to your device at home. 

Most public Wi-Fis are home to hackers that are after your sensitive data such as your name, address, birthday, and passwords for your email and others. This happens because when you log in to the public network, they get to snoop and see what you’re doing remotely. They may not be seeing your face but they can read through the jumble of codes and protocols. 

Remote Access

Another cool feature of the best VPN services is that it can give you remote access to your data and files in the office when you’re traveling. This is possible because your IT guy can store all your company’s software, files, and other data on one data center where everybody that has been given authorization can use all the programs and files on that data center. If you have a personal VPN service, then your IT personnel need not spend a hefty amount on your networking gear. And you can work anywhere, anytime with enough internet security for your device and your data.

No-Fuss Set Up

VPN services don’t need cables and what-nots to operate and give you internet security and safeguard your information. It only needs a stable internet connection. When using a VPN service the first time, it can be mind-boggling because of the almost alien terms and protocols. But fear not. Most VPN services nowadays offer a virtual setup, where you just log in your details and it does all the work for you. What you only need to do is wait and press “Enter”, “Enter”, “I agree”, and “Okay” and you’re all set. 

Since VPN has been launched to the public for quite some time now, its interfaces have gotten better. Letting anyone who is not really well-versed in internet network setup use the service in a breeze.

These are just the three benefits that the best VPN service can give you. Others include giving you access to websites that are otherwise censored in countries like China and mask your current location. All these can help in making sure that you are well protected when on the world wide web with less money to spend.

Why You Can’t Ignore Mobile Marketing

In the seven years between 2013 and 2019, worldwide mobile traffic increased by 222%. In the third quarter of 2020, traffic from mobile devices generated 50.81% of global Internet traffic, and mobile tech trends continued to skyrocket. From these stats, you can see that traffic originating from mobile devices is on the rise. For marketers as well as business owners, this means that it is necessary to make sure that people who access your website from their smartphone or tablet have the same experience as a person who is accessing your site from a laptop or desktop.

People Prefer To Shop Online

Online shopping has been around for several years. However, over the past year, it has gained popularity and has become the norm rather than the exception.

While the first generation of online shoppers would prefer accessing the eCommerce sites from their PCs, now people prefer to shop using their smartphone or tablet. They expect to be able to make their purchases via an app as this provides a seamless, mobile-friendly experience as opposed to having to access the shop’s desktop site.

The Mobile Device Is The New Shop Assistant

Consumers nowadays are informed and thoroughly research what they want to buy before they even set foot in a shop. Also, they will prefer to use their smartphones to assist them in making purchasing decisions instead of asking a shop assistant. In fact, studies reveal that 84% of in-store shoppers use their mobile devices when making a purchase.

With most shoppers having their mobile device at close range while in malls, this provides a great opportunity for other shops in the center to serve notifications to people’s phones based on their preferences and where they’ve shopped before.

People Want Easy Answers

When researching products and/or services that they want to purchase, people don’t want to have to work and want to find the easiest solution in the least amount of time. Taking out a smartphone from a handbag or pocket and quickly typing in a search query is simpler than going to a laptop, which is why this is the preferred method of looking for things that they need.

Mobile Marketing Trends For 2021

If you would like to succeed in mobile marketing in 2021, there are some trends that you can’t ignore.

Optimize Videos

For several years, video marketing has consistently been the most effective traffic source, especially on mobile devices. This year, it projected that over 75% of mobile traffic will come from videos so this is a good option to invest in.

Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is set to generate far more click-throughs than ‘normal’ digital advertising. This means that you should be putting together a budget for this in your overall marketing plan.

Invest In A Mobile App

As we mentioned earlier in this article, more and more people prefer to shop via their mobile devices and want apps to help them facilitate this process. They also use apps for just about everything, to watch movies and chat to friends via popular apps. If you have eCommerce as part of your sales strategy, you need to consider investing in an app seriously too.