Link Building for SaaS Companies: The Ultimate Guide

The number of SaaS projects in the world is growing annually. As a rule, all of them have an interesting mission and a great technical background behind the founders. However, after releasing a product on the market, companies often face problems with creating a marketing strategy and SEO promotion.

From this article, you will learn what aspects should be taken into account to create and implement an effective marketing strategy for a SaaS project, bring your company to the top in Google SERP, and get links from niche resources. 

Corporate Structure

Corporate structure needs to be set from the start for a form that is appropriate to your long-term goals. An LLC is more beneficial than a sole proprietorship in terms of taxation and liability. You can also take advantage of tax deductions for LLCs and better liability protection. Forming a C-Corp is both expensive and leads to double-taxation, but it may be appropriate if you need to issue stock certificates to your key managers and staff.

One of the key tasks of an Internet business is to attract the maximum number of potential customers (leads). Effective SEO optimization and a link-building strategy will help bring your website on top of Google SERP. According to Rahul from Kasera, SEO jobs are high in demand, especially with the popularity of e-commerce.

Since COVID started more and more brands are looking for SEO professionals and we have first-hand experience of this working with many brands. Link building (getting backlinks) is a complex of actions focused on attracting referral traffic and website promotion.

Link Building is a difficult task these days as competition is stiff. It will require you to put together a strong, persistent, and ongoing strategy that will require you to put in a lot of time and effort. You know what they say though: anything worth doing is worth doing well! And link building is definitely worth doing these days. (Lindsey Allard CEO and Co-Founder of PlaybookUX)

Instead of buying backlink packages on stock exchanges, quality link building offers a selective and individual approach. Experts in various SaaS companies carefully study the field of activity of their clients and their target audiences, choosing only reliable and effective donors. This allows them to achieve great results in SEO promotion, although the process requires assiduity, patience, creativity, and consistency in action.

Link building can be more difficult for SaaS companies due to the niche nature of the industry and the competition that comes along with a crowded market. (Emma, Marketing Director at Routific.)

Link building is a whole strategy for getting backlinks exclusively from quality resources. The effective system of attracting traffic is almost impossible for competitors to duplicate by adopting.

For SaaS based companies or products/services link building tasks is a mid-level task that is not so easy or tough. Simply, you have to work with patience and reach different websites/blogs related to your Niche on a daily basis for more reach/engagement to get backlinks for your SaaS business. (Joe Smith, iCrowdNewswire)

Before we get into how to build links for SaaS, it’s important to note what kind of links will actually help your website. When you’re looking to build backlinks, avoid content farm websites. Instead, focus on finding genuine SaaS domain websites. This will help ensure that your site’s ranking is not adversely affected by links from low-quality sources. Alternatively, you can look for link building services for SaaS; the right agency would know how to do link building for SaaS.

Link-building for SaaS can be complicated if you don’t have the resources necessary to create useful content. For one, other websites are not going to link to articles or resources that aren’t helpful for their audience – being relevant, informative, and delivering multiple content pieces a month can be an expensive endeavor. And then there’s the other side: most other websites probably aren’t helpful to your domain relevance. Getting links from blogs about cooking or farming will not help your content rank and may end up being a spam signal to Google.  So, essentially, you end up playing in a small sandbox with other SaaS websites competing for popularity. (Victor Antiu, the CMO of Custify)

One of the most efficient link-building strategies for SaaS is guest posting. There are plenty of websites that accept guest posts and give relevant backlinks in return. The main precondition is to have quality content and find relevant websites to contact. SaaS is a bit specific so not every website may link to it, unless it’s really relevant. (Nick, CEO of DataforSEO)

The link building process involves a combination of several strategies as follows:

  1. Outreach involves collaborating with owners of other websites, media representatives, and popular bloggers (influencers). The main activity is focused on establishing contact with the information platforms where a link (to the customer’s website) can be posted in the future;
  2. Crowd-marketing is one of the link-building branches, aimed at working with hidden product placement of a resource or a specific position in the catalog. Crowd-marketing is a form of feedback, social network posts, and comments on blogs/forums;
  3. Submits represent promotion via posted data about the client’s company on external resources. The summary should contain a direct link to the website. There are several types of submits: sites with reviews and recommendations, online directories, and geotags. Submits are ideal for local businesses such as clinics, spas, specialty stores, bars, and restaurants.

The best way to get high-quality backlinks for a SaaS in 2021 and 2022 is to use the Help a Reporter Out (HARO) platform. Big names in the SaaS industry post daily queries there, which allows you to provide them with first-hand information and get your backlinks quickly. My SaaS has been using HARO for 3 years already and gained over 30 high-authority backlinks and good relations with reporters already. (Dmytro Serheeiv Tax Consultant & Co-Owner at

You can use services like Majestic and Ahrefs for link mass analysis. The latter should be performed constantly since both temporary and permanent links are used to promote a website.

The best strategy is to develop your site’s presence with high-quality original content and build social media shares and followers overtime before trying any advertising methods (paid or organic). A notable exception would be if you can afford costly SEO packages, including professional-level PR through blogs and social media sharing on top of traditional advertising techniques like SEM/PPC ads. (Emir Bacic, Co-founder of Pricelisto)

Ideas for Content Creation

Before you read the following tips, we’d like to remind you that focusing on content and topics that generate emotion, engage, entertain, and inform your customers is the key to success.

  1. Upload semantics on competitors from Ahrefs;
  2. Divide your product into dozens of mini-products. You can put a mini-tool on the homepage and inside an article, combining it with a how-to guide. Otherwise, you can simply go with h1 and Description. The main value of such pages is that you don’t need a lot of content for ranking;
  3. Build mini products based on other products’ APIs. You can use the same data in many ways. Once you get traffic to the web page, immediately start collecting statistics on conversions and revenue. Not all pages will increase your ROI;
  4. Look for other non-standard ways to use your product. Generate the most impossible ideas of what else the product could be useful for. Look at your competitors in Ahrefs with overlaps in requests. By creating a successful experimental landing page, you can discover another great niche for your product;
  5. Focus on comparisons with competitors (…alternative);
  6. Translate the page into other popular languages (where your product is in demand);
  7. Find the best keyword that Google “likes” the most to get to the top immediately.

Ideas for Content Improvement

Unless you have a solid content strategy template, your competitive advantage will remain low.

Google’s algorithms love good content. So, creating long-form expert content will push you up the SERP. Try your best to make it unique. That means you need a darn good writer who can engage the audience with a new angle on something. If the content is fresh and interesting, you’ll definitely build backlinks. You have to promote it heavily. (Jacques Buffet, digital PR tech lead at Zety)

Creating and advertising content for SaaS product promotion to create links is a challenging task. There are many practicalities to consider, and coordination may be difficult, but the premise is simple: provide material that people desire, and they will connect to it. (Aakhil Karthikkeyan,

Creating one is a great way to make your customers notice you on the SaaS market. Apart from that, there are a few other ways to improve your website content as follows:

  1. Check every page on your website to see the whole picture. You can run the process in sections if your website is rather big and assign each page URL one of 3 actions: keep, improve, or remove;
  2. Use quality infographics and strict editorial policy. Precise principles of content creation, unified structure and page templates (home, blog post, ‘About us,’ news archive, contact), unified rules for punctuation, paragraphs and indents, headings, bullets, and numbered lists;
  3. Proofread your articles. Find and correct typos, identify errors of lexical, syntactic, and orthographic nature. Check the correctness of hyphenation, headings, lists, bullets. Monitor compliance with the unified design concept;
  4. Make sure your images, pages, categories, and individual posts are 100% unique. Your website images should not just look attractive but also meaningful. Your designer should be able to quickly grasp the main idea of this or that article and convey it in an image. If you find your own photos/images on the web, demand/request link placement;
  5. Expanding content based on analyzing top results in SERPs;
  6. Page load time acceleration;
  7. Breadcrumb navigation for your blog;
  8. Studying user behavior via Hotjar;
  9. Comparison with competitors. The most targeted customers come by such requests (they’ve already used a similar tool but didn’t like something). Make it clear on the page that you are better than everyone (start with the title and h1). Look at the small but growing competitors. As they grow, traffic to your feeds grows too. 

To develop an effective strategy and avoid mistakes, it’s important to analyze 5-10 competitors. You can find them in several ways as follows:

  • Search for the main key phrases, select the region of promotion, and ignore ads. Your competitors will be at the top. This method works for identifying SaaS competitors since services tend to have 1-2 main traffic pages. However, it’s irrelevant for other websites;
  • Check your competitors through Ahrefs. Type your website into the search bar and click “competitor domains.”

When optimizing your website, it’s important to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. 404 errors;
  2. Image weight;
  3. Page load times;
  4. Duplicate content/pages;
  5. Unnecessary 301/302 redirects;
  6. HTTPS protocol, etc.

Also, do not forget about adaptive design. These days, users spend most of their time on the Internet from their mobile devices. In this case, the time they are willing to use a website, in comparison with going online from a PC, is almost twice reduced. 

Your website should be equally user-friendly and convenient to use both from a PC and smartphone.

Here’s a list of ideas that work for us for generating traffic and backlinks:

  1. Blog comments: Just go to all the articles in the top 50 for your search queries. You can leave comments on quality websites even without links – just mention the name of the domain. The perfect comment will be detailed, demonstrating that you read the article carefully in full and complementing it;
  2. Business listings: Fill out your business profiles to the best of your ability, use your subscriber database for reviews, as well as feedback on your website;
  3. Link exchanges: Put your team members’ contacts and photos on your website. As your traffic and authority grow, you may get requests for interviews and link exchanges. Since you’re linking to other sites in your content anyway, if you’re offered a backlink to a good product, the exchange will be useful;
  4. Broken link building: We tried it, and it didn’t work for us. Alas, in the SEO niche, your found broken links might only get you free hugs;
  5. Google Chrome plugin. Allocate a small but valuable feature in the product with good retention. Create a plugin, carefully verify its title, description, and icon. Translate it into other languages and start driving traffic to the plugin from the website and newsletters. This way, in addition to satisfied users, you will also get one more page of your own; 
  6. Interview bloggers and subject matter experts. Think of interesting questions, write down your conditions (how many links can be placed), provide an offer (why spend time on your interview), find experts on conference websites or Google “best … experts,” “best … blogs,” “… LinkedIn experts,” etc. Start with middle specialists and use social proof once you get to interviewing top specialists.

A great link-building strategy is to create an in-depth report that could be of interest to others. Use numbers you have access to via your platform, relate it back to a larger topic and publish the finished copy on your website. If you do a good job of it and publish a strong piece that covers a topic others will be related to, then you can use it as a way to get links. (Yazan Sehwail CEO and Co-Founder of Userpilot)

A quality interview with a blogger will get you into Google Discover, links from experts’ blogs, links to quotes from interviews, traffic from branded queries, traffic from social networks, and insight into the habits of your target audience.

  1. Help center pages. Write unique and useful content and guide users to the guides from the website and newsletters. Monitor the pages that have made it to the top and improve them further;
  2. Niche blogger reviews. It’s always best to have a few quality reviews. Evaluate websites not only by link profile but also the activity of blog readers (comments), design quality, navigation, etc. Ask for a thoughtful and objective review but talk about your strengths. There may be important features that the blogger won’t notice without your help. Review budget: from $100 to $600 per review;
  3. Freelance exchanges. Create a tool whose data acts as a checkpoint for customers and contractors. Make it clear to customers that they can delegate work to freelancers (you can give a list of exchanges). Create jobs as customers with links to your website and services as performers with links to your website;
  4. Quora. Not all topics are equally important. Use content from the blog but be sure to add your own thoughts. Show that you’re getting into the user’s question. Basic views and clicks will bring in 5-10%. In Google Analytics, you can see the effectiveness of each response (report source/medium, secondary dimension “referral path”);
  5. Facebook. Join all of the related groups. Respond in detail to all your users’ questions (related to your product) on a regular basis. Do not be stingy with words and carefully study their issues;
  6. YouTube. Do one video review of one product. Optimize it considering all aspects, namely: keyword search, title, description, tags, cards, end screen, special splash screen, public accessibility, playlist, email notifications to users who liked the vid, response to user comments, social media distribution, and newsletters. After publishing your video, it’s important to get as many views, comments, and likes as possible in 24 hours (you’ll need this video for business listings);
  7. LTD sites. You can try AppSumo for better sales, increased branded queries (4x or more), and more video/text reviews. You will also get “tough” questions from your target audience who knows products similar to yours, understand what’s critical to fix, and what new features to add. Let alone market change options and positioning;
  8. Live chat. Collect feedback on what users like/dislike about your website, as well as ideas for new products and website pages.

Reclaiming links is an excellent link-building strategy for SaaS companies. It is obtaining links from mentions of your product across different business websites and blogs. When you have an excellent SaaS product, it is highly probable that your app or tool is mentioned on various websites as recommendations from industry professionals and bloggers or cited with good reviews by businesses who use the app or tool. (Sam Dolbel, Co-founder & CEO of SINC Workforce –

You can start reclaiming links by finding your product mentions online by manually searching for them, or you can also use tools that can alert you when you get mentions. Then, obtain the contact information of the blogger, writer, or publisher of the content where your product is mentioned so that you can reach out and request for them to turn the mention into a link leading to your website.”

How Do I Search for Topics?

Almost every landing page has the main keyword in front of it, which is used to “push” it in Google. The same keyword can be used to find topics. You can also use data from the neighboring tab (Search Console) or data from Ahrefs.

Before you search for topics, it’s important to look at the content on the landing page to understand what topics will be the most relevant.

How Do I Choose the Right Topics?

For every landing page theme, there are basically 1-3 of the most valuable topics that are worth the effort. In reality, topics, where you can get a large number of views, have already: 

  • Generated more than 2,000 views in total; 
  • Generated followers (10+ is already OK).

So what you can do? Type in a keyword -> open 10-20 topics in new tabs that seem relevant by their headlines -> choose 1-3 most valuable by the number of views, followers. 

How Do I Create a Response Based on Landing Page Content?

A comprehensive response will provide your users with the following types of information:

  • Exclusive (this is probably the main reason for popularity);
  • Relevant (meaning information that best answers the question). In the first/last paragraph of your answer, it’s important to write text showing that you copied the content from the landing page since it answers the question well;
  • Structured (it’s not only about headings but also bolding key ideas).

In each topic, before you answer, look at the top responses in that topic and make an upvote for the most valuable one – so that there is a natural activity of the account.

  • Check out the following tips and always keep them in mind when optimizing your website: 
  • SEO is just one possible source of traffic;
  • The right SEO strategy derives from the right marketing strategy;
  • If you got traffic, but your SaaS product is not ready yet, try turning to your competitors or experiment with prices;
  • Not all web pages will be good for you, conduct regular assessment of the effectiveness of your website pages, and improve only the best ones;
  • There’s nothing wrong with copying your competitors – copy it but improve it. That’s how all development happens;
  • Remember that your niche competitors don’t cover all semantics.

SaaS Marketing Strategy: Mistakes & Solutions

Here’s a list of common SEO mistakes and solutions to them:

  • Lack of purpose. Understand what you want and why and then create specific results;
  • Lack of strategy. Write a detailed plan with a clear goal, list of activities, milestones, deadlines, costs, and responsibilities. Define reporting metrics;
  • Quantity of leads over their quality. Identify your TA, assess the real interest of users, and focus all your efforts on working with them;
  • Poor website optimization. Check duplicates, page loading time, 404 errors, unnecessary redirects 301 and 302, image weight, HTTPS protocol operation, server errors;
  • Incorrect (or incomplete) assessment of your competitors. Check what and how your competitors do, where their traffic comes from, what content attracts users, and where they promote it;
  • One promotion channel. Use social networks, publications on external sites, remarketing, email marketing, contextual advertising on low-end queries, link building;
  • Inadequate audience management. Consider user engagement when interacting with users;
  • Absence or vague strategy for creating content. Identify topics that are attractive and useful to your visitors, schedule a content plan at least a couple of months in advance;
  • Poor site/content structure. Work out requirements for each page, post, considering even the smallest details. Make sure your site map looks clear. Check your content types (people, products, reviews), content type data (first/last name, position, bio, email, phone number), hierarchical/non-hierarchical taxonomies (e.g. “categories” / “tags” for your blog), and so on;
  • Cancellation of previously posted articles. Update old publications by adding relevant keywords and information.


If you haven’t yet included link building as a core element in your SEO strategy, now is the right time to do so.

2021 is ended and the start of a new year provides an opportunity to make fresh changes to your strategies, the consequences of which you can watch throughout 2022. You need to carefully analyze your site’s link profile, check donor domains, create a link-building strategy, and select trusted donors for linking and optimizing your budget.

Increase traffic, reach top positions in the SERP, and attract the attention of new customers!

What Internet Speed Do You Need to Play PS4 Online Games?

Once you are interested in playing the games on play station, you would probably know that there are a variety of devices out in the market from which you can choose the best one that suits your specific needs and requirements. Even though many online games are available through online app stores, the play station games are a little different from others as the console already has the minimum requirements for playing the games. Therefore, all the games must meet the minimum requirements for playing on the play station platform. Among all other play station devices, the Sony brand play station device requires the minimum requirements for playing the games online.

For playing the games on a PS4 device, you need a download speed of 3Mbps and upload speed of 1Mbps according to today’s standard. This is extremely low, where the average speed of US internet service is about 19Mbps currently. So, any game would run fine when you have the average internet speed at your home; however, the speed of the internet is an important factor when it comes to playing online games.

When playing online games, your internet connection is essential to good gameplay. Of course, your connection has to be safe and secure, but it also has to be fast, especially when playing the games on PS4. Generally, the internet speed gets varied, but the players can still look for a couple of other things to ensure that they are playing the games at the best possible speeds on their PS4 device.

Ping Matters Most with You ps4 When It Comes to Playing the Games

For those unaware of ping, it is nothing but the time it takes to send and receive your information packet to and from the server and usually, it is measured in milliseconds (ms). For example, when you are playing the video games online, ping helps you determine how well your game will play on this current internet speed. When you are having the too high ping over 150ms then you can play the game along with your teammates, and you can play the high quality and resolution online games without any interruption.

Players with too high a ping rate complain about the clipping or lagging into other objects during the online gameplay. Keeping your ping lower is essential to good online games

Connect Your PS4 Directly to the Router – Go Wired

The biggest entertainment to play online gaming is to use the Play Station 4 where is found to be a pretty easy one that helps you to play your favorite online game in the best and efficient way. Having the PS4 connected directly to your router device through ethernet cable will make a huge difference in the speed and playability of the online games where you can see direct results in playing the online game. Not only does the direct ethernet connection reduce the ping and latency where it will also offer you a tremendous effect on your downloading speeds.

Not everyone will be having the same kind of internet speed. Still, when you have the slowest speeds on the internet, it will surely affect your gaming. It is found to be the better choice to have the wired connection to the PS4 where you will be getting the uninterrupted internet connection without a drop in the speed of your internet. So, if you want to experience the best online gaming on your PS4 device, it is best to have the PS4 connected directly with your router to enjoy the gaming mode without delay in the internet speed.

What Is the Best Internet Speed for Gaming?

Compared to all other equipment, your internet connection’s speed makes a huge difference in your online gaming experience. Whether you are playing the huge file size of the online video game that holds a wide variety of gaming characters, high resolution, and higher system requirements and internet speed, it becomes essential to have the high internet speed for enjoying the gaming experience. Having the 1Mbps of upload speed and 3Mbps of download speed is considered a good internet speed where the network devices also impact your gaming experience. Moreover, choosing the higher internet speed gives you the ability to transits more amount of data that offers other kinds of network constraints that hugely impact your gaming.

If you have a high ping rate, you can play multiplayer games well because these fighting games usually require higher system requirements. The ping rate makes this possible. Also, be sure to directly connect your PS4 to your router. The direct connection ensures continuous internet traffic without any delay in the internet speed so that you can play online games in the best way using your high-end PS4 device. Nowadays, most players play online games by connecting their PS4 devices directly with the router through the ethernet cable.

How to Get More Performance Out of a Mac

Although Macs are excellent machines that can help you tap deeper into the Apple ecosystem, like any personal computer, they can suffer from performance problems. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to enhance a Mac’s performance.

Step #1 Remove Malware

You may have heard that Macs don’t get viruses, but that’s not true. Although Apple said so in some commercials back in 2006, the first example of macOS malware dates to 2004. Mac malware incidents only grew as more people bought Macs. Here are some recent trends:

  • A 2018 report claimed that Mac malware attacks grew by 270.
  • There were 16 million instances of Mac malware in 2019.
  • The 2020 State of Malware report found that Mac malware threats per endpoint outpaced Windows.
  • Researchers found a dangerous ransomware strain with spyware capabilities called ThiefQuest targeting macOS users in 2020.
  • A mysterious malware named Silver Sparrow hit over 40,000 Macs, including computers using Apple’s proprietary M1 chip.
  • Mac adware incidents grow every year, slowing down browsers and machines.

For the best free malware removal Mac users need, please look for advanced antivirus software that complements your Mac’s security software and doesn’t hog your system resources. In addition to upgrading your cybersecurity software, please also avoid the following Mac malware threat vectors:

Step #2 Upgrade RAM

While it’s not possible to upgrade every Mac’s memory, it’s doable with some models. You should seriously consider a Mac memory upgrade if you only have 4GB of RAM —nowadays, you should have at least 8GB of RAM to run most apps competently.

Step #3 Upgrade to SSD

A solid-state drive is a newer type of storage drive that’s much faster than a conventional electro-magnetic hard drive. With an SSD, your operating system and your apps will load and run more quickly. Another advantage of having an SSD over a traditional hard drive is that it doesn’t have any moving parts and uses electronic circuits to read and write data, which enhances its longevity.

Of course, not all aging Macs can easily support an SSD upgrade. So, please research how to upgrade your Mac with an SSD first.

Step #4 Reduce Fancy Visuals

Although the visual effects in a Mac look nice, they can impact performance. Try to reduce the visual effects by finding the Display option in System Preferences > Accessibility. Unselect the Reduce motion option for a performance gain.

Step #5 Remove the Bloat

Get rid of the programs and processes your Mac doesn’t need that use precious resources. Go to Activity Monitor in Utilities and examine the processes. Consider removing unnecessary programs that take up a significant percentage of CPU time. By removing the bloat, you may speed up your Mac within minutes.

In addition to the steps listed above, restart your computer periodically. A reboot can clear errant processes in the memory and refresh your machine. Ultimately, you may need to buy a new Mac if none of the tips give enough of a performance lift. Remember to purchase right after a product refresh to get the most value for your money.

Best YouTube to MP3 Converter

Hundreds of thousands of films are posted every day on YouTube. Even if there is no download option, viewers can still browse and listen to the content. If you find yourself in this circumstance, it may be essential to download the audio source, but luck is on your side because numerous external downloaders have been around in the past. There are a number of free and premium youtube to mp3 converter available on the internet. Each has its own advantages. An online YouTube converter is the finest tool to convert YouTube to mp3 and mp4.

YouTube to MP3 converter

An online video converter specializes in mp3 conversions from YouTube videos. The MP3 format allows audio files to be exported to a wide range of devices. YouTube allows you to download audiobooks directly to your audio device, cell phone, or iPod. Keeping films and audiobooks on your phone or tablet takes up a lot of storage space. Audiobooks and podcasts have seen a significant uptick in popularity. When driving or traveling, you can hear them well. As long as you have the audio, you can probably do without the visual component of the video presentation. You can download YouTube videos as mp3 files and listen to them whenever you like.

If you’re looking for a standalone service where you can paste the URL of a video and have it convert it to MP3, you can either use an online youtube to mp4 or MP3 converter or a standalone service. When deciding on a YouTube converter, here are some things to keep in mind:


The best YouTube to MP3 converter can be found online but a reliable converter software is preferable. Ads might be a concern when using online services. In many situations, these advertisements contain malware that might infect your device. Therefore, you have to choose the best online video converter for converting youtube, Instagram, or TikTok videos.


When it comes to converting YouTube videos, you need an online that can handle large playlists quickly. What is the definition of quick? One minute should be enough time to convert ten videos of three minutes each.

Because it takes so much time to convert, this is one of my least favorite things to deal with. When employing online video converters, a new MP3 version of the video can be downloaded in only a few seconds. Depending on how long your video is, the speed at which it’s converted may vary. These services do not require you to subscribe.


Among the great YouTube downloader, this one is capable of converting almost any video format to audio. Keep in mind that the quality of the original sound should not be affected when converting.

Downloading Using URL

The user interface’s upper center side has a link field. To begin, copy and paste a URL. Enter the YouTube URL in the box. The format you choose should be based on your needs after conversion, click on the start button, and downloading. There are numerous MP3 files to pick from.

Downloading Is Unrestricted

Multiple YouTube videos can be converted at the same time using online video converters because there is no conversion limit.

Grab Audio From Youtube

Converting a YouTube video to an audio file may be done quickly and easily with the help of online tools like an online video converter. There is no such option on YouTube’s website or app. Listening to electronic dance music while working out doesn’t necessitate a phone. In order to work out without being distracted, you’ll need an offline song stored on your mobile device. Our devices may also necessitate offline access to music, depending on similar circumstances. Youtube to MP3 downloaders allow you to download any YouTube video as an MP3 file. You can listen to it on a handheld MP3 player if you want.

Why You Need Online Proofing Software

Proofing is an essential process of any creative workflow. It allows stakeholders to review and approve a mock version of creative work (the “proof”) without printing or producing the full version of the deliverable. 

However, the proofing process (and the approval workflow in general) is often a significant bottleneck in any creative workflow, slowing down the whole process in general. 

In short, streamlining the proofing process to ensure it’s as optimized as possible is crucial if you want to improve your business’s efficiency and productivity. 

Thanks to technology, however, now we have online proofing as a more optimal method to improve the speed and efficiency of the proofing process, which in turn will provide numerous benefits for the business. 

The Proofing Process

The proofing process originated when printing was invented with the famous Guttenberg printing machine.

Back then, a “proof” is a mock print that a printing company provides to its client for approval. For example, a client ordered 1,000 pieces of brochures to be printed, and in this case, the printing company first printed one brochure as a “proof.”

Only when the client has approved this proof will the printing company start the production of 1,000 brochures, so as you can see, an approved proof prevents potentially costly errors and acts as an approval agreement between the printing company and the client. 

The evolution of the proofing process

With the invention of computers, however, the proofing process has also evolved. With the popularity of home PCs since the late 1990s and early 2000s, a creative agency can now show “soft proof” by showing the computer screen to a client. 

Then, the internet was widely available, allowing us to send image files over the internet. This enables creative workers to send digital proof files via email, and thus the email-based proofing process becomes the standard. 

Online proofing: the key to optimizing approval workflows

Email-based proofing, however, isn’t perfect and has its significant flaws. 

First, different computer monitors might not be color calibrated so that they may produce different colors. Second, is that email is not a practical method when it comes to real-time collaboration and file sharing. 

For instance, if the project has been going on long enough and we’ve shared multiple different files via email, it can be challenging to look for a specific file (version) when it’s needed. Accountability can also be an issue: we can’t tell whether an assigned approver has opened the email and reviewed a deliverable thoroughly, which is another common issue in email-based proofing. 

Online proofing was invented to tackle these issues with email-based proofing. 

An online proofing process uses dedicated online proofing software to facilitate centralized communication and collaboration between creative workers and approvers. 

A graphic designer can share their deliverable on the online proofing system and send a link to the approver. The approver can then click on the link and view the deliverable on the cloud-based online proofing system right away. No downloads and installations are required, then the graphic designer can communicate, leave feedback, and collaborate in real-time on the platform. 

Also, all shared files on the online proofing platform can be easily searchable whenever they are needed. 

How Online Proofing Software Works

While the actual online proofing process may vary with different software solutions, a typical online proofing software will work in the following manners: 

  1. A creative worker uploads a file (the digital “proof”) to the online proofing platform
  2. The creative worker invites other collaborators and approvers by sending an invite link (or other methods) so the other parties can also access the online proofing software
  3. The invitees can join the cloud-based online proofing system without needing to download and install anything
  4. Communications and collaborations can happen in real-time on the online proofing system. Approvers can view files and leave feedback without needing to move to another app or screen. 
  5. When revisions are needed, the creative worker can upload another file (the revised proof). All the different file versions will be stored in the online proofing software. 

With these features, online proofing will streamline the whole approval process while at the same time improving the transparency of the process and accountability of all stakeholders involved in the proofing process. 

Why You Need Online Proofing Software

To really understand the benefits provided by an online proofing software solution, we have to first discuss some of the common problems that happen in traditional hardcopy-based or email-based proofing processes. 

Common issues without online proofing software

  • Frustrating, back-and-forth proofing process, often with endless revision cycles
  • Lack of a centralized platform for communication and collaborations 
  • Lack of transparency and accountability since we can’t monitor who has viewed (or not viewed) the deliverable, leading to potential confusion and disputes.
  • Back-and-forth emails with scattered attachments
  • Need to render/export files before we can send proofs to approvers, wasting time and resources
  • Prone to errors and mistakes due to inefficiencies and manual operations
  • Printed, hardcopy proofs got lost or broken during transport
  • Approvers forgot to review the proof, resulting in missed deadlines

Benefits of online proofing software

An online proofing software solution can tackle the above issues and can provide the following benefits for your business: 

  • Faster and more accurate delivery of your creative projects
  • Reduce or completely eliminate the need of lengthy phone calls and back-and-forth emails
  • Fewer revision cycles due to a more streamlined, optimized, and transparent approval process
  • Facilitating accurate and efficient proofing processes even when your teams are working remotely, including when clients or approvers are located in different cities or even different countries
  • Searchable files, allowing traceable changes on files and versions
  • Reducing errors, improving the overall quality of deliverables
  • Eliminate costs on printing papers, more environmentally friendly

Closing Thoughts

An optimized proofing process can help streamline and improve the efficiency of creative workflows by removing bottlenecks in the approval process. 

An online proofing software solution can facilitate a more transparent and efficient feedback process by offering a centralized hub where all stakeholders of the creative workflow can communicate and collaborate in real-time. 

As a result, the more effective approval process will make it easier for the organization to manage a higher volume of creative production while at the same time also effectively reducing the compliance risks of the product deliverables. 

Looking to Avoid Business Vulnerabilities? 6 Reasons Patch Management Matters

When a software provider sends you an on-screen notification to update your software, you might be in the middle of a project. You don’t have time to wait for your computer to update, so you click on the “remind me later” option. 

All too often, it’s easy to forget to update your software with the latest patches. If you want too long, you could have serious problems that affect your cybersecurity and other vital issues. When you’re in charge of a business or an IT department, encouraging people to download and install updates can be even more challenging. If you’ve been letting your patches fall by the wayside, here are six reasons why you should manage them sooner than later.

Most Businesses do not Have a Cybersecurity Expert On-Site

Cybersecurity professionals demand high salaries, so many small businesses cannot afford to employ them. These businesses rely on their software companies to provide cybersecurity. 

Whenever software companies discover vulnerabilities in their products, they release updates or “patches” to fix the problem. Unfortunately, many companies often wait three or more months to update their software, creating dangerous situations for your data in the meantime. That risk can grow exponentially if you drag your feet around installing the updates. 

To understand the importance, explore more on vulnerability management to see how timely updates can significantly reduce your exposure to threats. By staying proactive, you can mitigate risks effectively and build a strong foundation for ongoing cybersecurity practices.

If you don’t have a dedicated IT department or you otherwise struggle to dedicate time to your patch management strategy, consider automation. Automated solutions like TuxCare patch management install your patches automatically, taking a massive weight from you and your employees’ shoulders. In this case, you’ll never have to worry about accidentally leaving the door open to thieves and system crashes. 

Antivirus Software Often Becomes Outdated

When you neglect your patch management, your antivirus software loses its efficacy because it becomes outdated. Cyberhackers can access your sensitive data and steal information if your software is vulnerable. Patches update cybersecurity measures, making it harder for hackers to penetrate your system. 

A Security Breach Costs More than Patches Cost

The cost of paying for security breaches is more expensive than any patch. Often, patches are entirely free, but they do require businesses to pause their systems for a short time. You might lose a sale or a bit of productivity, but it is nothing when compared to the cost of losing customers because of a security breach. 

If a hacker invades your system because you neglected a patch, they could take your financial information and steal money from you. Cybercriminals could also steal money from your customers, and your customers could come to you for reparations. Patching your software helps you avoid these potential pitfalls. 

Software Becomes Vulnerable to Hackers

Patches update your software in several ways. These pieces of code can fix bugs that affect productivity and correct problems that open your system to hackers.

Patch Updates Minimize System Downtime

When you update your system each time a patch comes through, you shorten system downtimes. Without patches, your system is vulnerable to problems that could force your system to shut down unexpectedly. If you wait too long to update your system, you could be forced to shut down your system for a longer time to access all of the upgrades. 

Avoiding Compliance Fines

Many industries have compliance rules for software systems, and avoiding necessary patches and updates can force you to fall out of compliance. As the expenses for repairing data breaches, compliance fines can be more costly than the time allotted for the patch itself.

Before You Go

When you neglect your patch updates, you put your business, finances, and customer data in danger. You open your business up to potential fines and time-consuming repairs. The best way to avoid software problems is to upload the patches or schedule the upload as soon as they arrive. 

How to Get Better at Typing

Typing is something you master over time. When you keep on writing large quantities of text, that is when you get a chance to increase your typing speed as well as your skill overall. Yet, just typing in bulk isn’t the only thing that improves your typing. There are a number of other factors as well that can help you get better at this skill. Before we discuss them, the question that needs to be asked is why do you need to get better at typing.

Why Do You Need to Type Better?

Typing better helps you save time, makes you more productive, and helps in better hand and eye coordination. When you start typing, at the beginning you will constantly be switching your view between the keys and the screen but once you become frequent in typing, you will keep on looking at the screen for minutes while you type on continuously for a number of minutes. This is the advantage better typing brings with it. Typing better also helps in lesser procrastination since you get done with work quicker and can then move on to do other things you have planned for yourself. Do typing master free download for windows 7 if you are still using windows 7.

Now that we’ve discussed the advantages you will have once you get to type better, here are the ways you can improve the way you type. Make sure to go through this list carefully as it will surely help you become a better typist.

Ways to Become Better at Typing

Improve Your Workspace

A lot of people believe that fast and correct typing will come to them when they learn to master their keyboard. As true as that might be, it isn’t the entire thing that you will need to master your typing ways. The truth is that you will need to begin with a workspace that is clean, spacious, properly ventilated, and comfortable. For optimal typing, get a table that suits you instead of working with your computer in your lap. If you will be typing for an extended period then make sure you are comfortable. A comfy environment for yourself counts for a lot when you are typing for hours.

Fix Your Posture

If you want to type well then you will need the right posture to go with it because when you have the right posture only then will you have productivity in your work. Typing shouldn’t be done under stress. It is probably the last thing that you should be doing under stress. Make sure that the place where you are typing is comfortable. Your wrists should be positioned in such a way that your fingers can cover the keyboard. Tilt your head a bit as you can look at the screen properly. Adjust your chair so that you can position your chair the way that you like and get yourself the best posture for yourself. You’ll see an automatic rise in your productivity levels the moment you fix your posture.

Hold Your Posture

Just having a posture isn’t enough. The important part is to maintain that posture while you type. Ensure that your posture remains like the one you started with because that is important. At times we get so indulged in work that we forget to maintain the posture we began with hence leaving us with different kinds of pain and aches. These aches are going to slow you down and have a way to keep you out of rhythm. Make sure to not let them get in your way and hold your posture the right way. This is going to prevent you from a lot of back pain! We’re talking with experience here!

Familiarize Yourself with Your Keyboard

Your keyboard is the only thing you’ll ever need for your typing so why not get familiar with your weapon, right? This shouldn’t be a problem because all the keyboards in the world have the same QWERTY layout regardless of where you are. So even if you upgrade your laptop or computer, the keyboard will remain the same. The reason this layout is given this name is because the letters that make up the top-left corner of the keyboard are Q, W, E, R, T, and Y. Apart from this, another important thing that you can learn on your keyboard are the important shortcuts. Some of these include copy, paste, cut, and changing the font.

Speak the Keys Out Loud

When you type the keys, make sure to look at the screen as much as you can and say out loud the key which you are typing. This will help you to remember the pattern of your keyboard and will help you memorize the keys better. This step will go a long way and it will help you memorize the keys. It can easily help you learn how to type faster than before. You can stop speaking the keys out loud once you become habitual in typing and know where your keys are. Until you’re not, telling yourself which key you’re typing is going to help you a lot.

Start Slowly With Touch Typing

Touch typing is the method where you type without looking at the keyboard. The fundamental idea is that each finger is given its own section of the keyboard and your fingers learn the location of the keyboard through practicing regularly and gaining muscle memory to eventually build up speed whilst typing. If you’re only just starting off with touch typing then you might need a lot of time on this step. However, once you learn to type key combinations without looking at the keyboard, your speed will increase.

Don’t Look at Hand Movements

The main goal of typing is to not look at your hands whenever you’re typing so that your fingers are made to learn how the keys work. When you constantly keep looking at your hands, you will notice that your speed reduces. Although it might be difficult to not look at your hands at the start, stick to looking at the screen. This will help you hit higher speeds in less time and you’ll be giving yourself a pat on the back when you end up increasing your speed.

Typing Games

This trick is actually one of the most useful ones on this list. You can download any type of typing game from Getintopc for free. Typing games help you improve your typing immensely. There are a number of websites online that can help you get better at typing. These websites score your and have different modes such as speed typing and typing a number of words inside a minute to help you increase the way you type as well as your speed. You can try improving your record and competing with others as well. Some of these websites are Typing Club, The Typing Cat, and which you can use to improve your typing.

Dictation Practice

If writing is time-consuming for you then another alternative to good practice is to listen to something and then type it alongside. There is no limit of any kind to the number of things you can type. As you listen, keep on typing it side-by-side. This will help you to type better while also improving your hearing and typing coordination. Plus, this is a fun activity as well. You can use an e-book, a YouTube video, an online lecture, or even the dialogues of your favorite movie that you can type.

Monitor Your Progress

Make sure to keep a track of the progress that you’ve made so far as you go on. It is important that you don’t get obsessed with how many words you type in a given time. That’s not what this is about. Yes, improving your speed is important but the most important thing is to be comfortable while typing. With time, the number of words you type in a given time is going to increase as well. Worry about quality over quantity and your typing level will improve automatically.

Get Formal Training

There are specifically designed courses and typing lessons that will boost your abilities to make sure you type better. You just need to go online and find courses that are free and start doing them. These are exercises carefully catered for beginners as well as experts to improve their typing rate. These short-term courses are definitely going to boost up your typing speed and that is what is going to make your typing better than before.

Practice Makes Perfect

The final tip of course is to keep on practicing what you’ve learned so far in the world of typing. These tips mentioned above will be of no use if you don’t apply them whenever you sit down and type so make sure to use these tips as told since they will help you improve the rate of your typing. The more practice you carry out, the quicker your typing is going to improve making sure you get done with your tasks quicker. Typing is one of those skills that is polished every time you carry it out!

Best Free and Cheap CRM Software Apps

During the COVID-19 epidemic, online sales, client retention, and email marketing were critical for organizations. Fortune Business Insights believes that the customer relationship management (CRM) industry will continue to develop significantly over the next several years, owing to the fact that many workers and clients increasingly work remotely.

Businesses utilize CRM software to streamline marketing and communications. It aids both startups and established businesses in improving customer service and interactions while automating and streamlining a large portion of the sales process. A CRM system could support you integrate all the client data on one platform, whether your firm utilizes spreadsheets to manage transactions, needs to update its sales practices, or is a startup that’s just getting started.

It might take a long time, a lot of effort, and several trials to find out which CRM software is right for you and how to utilize it. Companies who aren’t sure if they want to switch to a CRM should try out a free version first. This way, they won’t be out any money if a certain CRM doesn’t work out for them.

Free CRM plans typically lack the sophisticated features found in premium versions, but they might be useful for small organizations that are new to CRM software or for bigger companies with a high number of CRM users who don’t want to pay a per-user price. Unlike a time-limited free trial, a free version allows you to master the new platform at your own pace. You’ll also have more time to figure out which features are most vital to your company before choosing a vendor.

Below, you can read about the best free and cheap CRM Software Apps that are useful for approximately every small to large scale business. (To buy software, you can use Wadav Software Coupons. Wadav offers Software Apps related coupons, discount codes, and promo codes through which you can get discount deals on different CRM and other Software Apps of well-known tech companies).

1. Freshworks CRM

Freshworks CRM’s free plan includes a competitive feature set, with in-built calls, unlimited users, and a robust support package among the features. Contact management, phone and email logging, deal status, and customer-facing chat capability are all part of the fundamental CRM features.

The possibility to add an infinite number of users is a unique advantage; nevertheless, without workflow automation, a growing team would be forced to undertake more manual tasks. You can establish tasks and reminders tied to a transaction, for example, but you can’t make them happen when the deal status changes.

The program allows you to import new data and amend transactions, making managing contacts and deals simple. Although complex capabilities such as custom fields aren’t accessible, small teams can still benefit from the built-in phone and call and email logging functions. Although lead generation is restricted, Freshworks can gather leads from online forms, which is useful if your website receives a lot of traffic.

2. Bitrix24

Most CRMs, especially free versions, limit the number of users and contacts you may have. Bitrix24 is the only one of our picks that gives limitless for both (HubSpot offers unlimited users and 1 million contacts). This, together with its other characteristics, distinguishes it from the competition. Besides contact management, the software includes workgroups, chat, internal activity streams, and polls for team communication.

The numerous features of Bitrix24 might be intimidating at first, but you can conceal, delete, and rearrange the different menu elements. Then, from within each menu item (for example, CRM), you may alter the order of the elements (e.g., deals, contacts, companies, analytics). Click the Sitemap button in the bottom-left of the menu if you ever want to view everything at a glance.

You may invite your complete staff to utilize Bitrix24 and assign them to the app departments you establish with limitless users. Your workers will be granted access to their own personalized version of the app after they accept the invitation. To provide access to each user for viewing and making changes, you must upgrade to the premium editions. 

3. Less Annoying CRM

Less Annoying CRM (also known as LACRM) is an all-in-one CRM solution for small enterprises. They provide a 30-day free trial. They then have a single, low-cost premium plan after that.

Task management, lead-to-sale, contact management, and follow-ups are all handled by LACRM. Track your prospects via sales pipelines and manage all of your client data. Keep track of upcoming events and tasks (in easy-to-use calendar and agenda formats). It’s a fantastic real estate CRM.

Inside LACRM, emails written and received outside of a CRM platform can be tracked. Every user receives a unique email logging address from the app. You may make a contact with any email service provider.

Final Thoughts

Sales operations may be made more effective with features like drag-and-drop deal status management, automatically tracking client conversations and emails, and simplifying fundamental duties, which is especially useful for small and medium-sized firms.

That is why sales and marketing teams use CRM software to manage client interactions more effectively and close more transactions.

8 SaaS Marketing Strategies to Help You Grow Your Business

As a SaaS company owner, there is no such thing as too much improvement. With your competition launching new products or releasing new features for their existing products, you constantly have to be at the top of your game. Your marketing strategies should also be constantly evolving to keep up with market demand and audience tastes. 

Business people in a video call meeting

By working on your marketing strategies, you increase the number of new customers and reduce customer churn. With that in mind, here are eight SaaS marketing strategies that you can implement.

1. Content Marketing

Marketing SaaS products varies a lot from marketing consumer products. First, SaaS customers tend to do a lot of research before deciding to make a purchase. Second, the buyer journey often takes longer. Content marketing will help your brand position itself as a credible source of information, convince your target audience to give your products a try, and improve your website’s performance in search engine rankings. 

Your audience consumes content through a variety of methods, such as blogs, videos, and emails. To ensure that your content helps maintain your authority in your niche, you need to ensure that the content you produce is of high quality. Using a grammar check tool will help you avoid errors that erode your credibility and increase your articles’ readability.

Content marketing goes beyond posting just a few articles on your blog. You also need to create a link-building strategy that will get your content on high-authority websites and increase organic traffic to your own site. Creating different types of content will also increase your brand’s visibility across different demographics. Younger audiences, for example, prefer videos, while those aged 55 or older prefer receiving emails.

Understanding the impact of mass media strategy is crucial in tailoring your content to meet the diverse preferences of your audience, ensuring you effectively reach and engage with each segment.

To create effective content, you need to know the questions your customers are likely to ask as they search for solutions for their problems. Addressing these concerns will help you raise your search engine profile as well as convince potential customers that your solutions are based on solid research. 

Other forms of content that help generate leads include white papers, case studies, and ebooks. You can use those types of free content as lead magnets on your landing pages, allowing you to grow your email list rapidly. You can also use an email tracking tool to get insights into the performance of your campaigns.

2. Co-marketing

Collaborations between brands are nothing new. One type of inter-company collaboration, co-marketing, involves multiple brands getting together to create a product or set of products that carry the names of all brands involved. While co-marketing is pretty common among businesses that offer consumer goods, SaaS businesses are also starting to realize the benefits of this strategy. 

Co-marketing campaigns usually involve two brands that operate in different niches. For example, CRM company HubSpot and professional network LinkedIn collaborated on a book about social selling: 

Your business doesn’t have to be as large as HubSpot to engage in co-marketing campaigns. You may start doing it on a smaller scale by finding a small business that shares your corporate values or offers products that add value to yours. Once you find that business, you can start creating content together. You may publish a common blog, feature their content on your social media platforms, or mention them in your videos whenever you feel it’s appropriate. 

Co-marketing helps you increase your reach rapidly and exposes your brand to new audiences, especially those outside your industry. Collaborating with the right type of partner will allow you to maximize your gains, amplify your message, and generate more leads.

Co-marketing partnerships between same-niche companies with complementary product offerings can also be effective. To learn more, go now to this guide on co-selling.

3. Referrals and affiliate marketing

A good reputation is the best currency your brand can ever possess, and every time one of your satisfied customers recommend your product to others, they are sending potential revenue your way. It’s just right to reward your most loyal customers for promoting your brand to their contacts through a referral program

In a referral program, you offer rewards to customers who bring in more new customers. These rewards range from cash gifts to discounts on future purchases. You may also give them free products, such as extra storage or a few months’ worth of subscription to your product. 

Affiliate marketing runs on the same principle as referral marketing, which is to reward people or websites that help bring in new customers. However, affiliate campaigns almost always give your partners a cut of each sale that you identify as coming from their websites. Most affiliate marketing campaigns include either a code or a special product page that automatically sends a commission to your affiliate partners.

Through referral and affiliate marketing, you recognize your most loyal customers and encourage them to keep being advocates for your brand. 

4. Free trials

SaaS companies are known for offering free trials to potential customers. While this may seem like a total loss for your brand, the cost of offering a month’s worth of free access to your solutions is a lot lower than the cost of losing a potential customer to a competing brand. 

There are a few reasons free trials are popular marketing strategies in the SaaS space: 

  • They allow potential users to experience your solution for themselves before making a purchase decision.
  • Free trials are easier to convert into paid accounts.
  • They also present an excellent opportunity to collect user feedback that can help you improve your product.

Because your business follows a SaaS business model, giving your leads a free limited-time subscription won’t involve a lot of work or expense. Sometimes, it’s as easy as locating the user in your database and adding a few more months to their trial periods.  

5. SEO

Many Saas businesses struggle with appearing on search engine results for their niche, especially if it is crowded with multiple competitors or dominated by one or two large businesses. Search engine optimization (SEO) will help your business stand out and attract organic traffic to your site. You can also show Google reviews on website to increase your organic business.

Most people associate SEO with keywords. However, keyword usage is just one factor that Google and other search engines use to find and rank websites. The Google algorithm is too complex for a detailed discussion on this space, but it all comes down to how easily Google finds and indexes your content and how relevant your content is to your audience. 

For example, building backlinks from high-authority sites to yours will allow you to benefit from potential click-throughs. It also lets your website benefit indirectly from your guest sites’ domain authority score. You also need to do on-page SEO on your content. This involves adding internal backlinks within your domain to allow Google to crawl through your site and index it efficiently. 

The easier you make it for Google to look for your content, the easier it becomes for people to find it. Performing SEO on your web pages and content will not just improve your search engine ranking but also drive traffic back to your site, increasing your potential revenue.

6. Improve your PPC campaign

Aside from SEO, you may also use Google ads to push your content to the top of the search results. Most ads follow a pay-per-click campaign; that is, you only pay for the ad when a user clicks on it. Running a well-planned PPC campaign will allow you to maximize your ads’ visibility and increase the chances of users clicking through to your site. 

To make the most out of PPC ads, you need to target a good mix of short and long-tail keywords. Short keywords are often high-volume and high-competition, which means the cost per click is higher. Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, tend to have lower search volumes and high click-through rates, which lowers the cost per click. You need to use both types of keywords to maximize the number of people your ads reach. 

Aside from creating a list of keywords that you can use to reach Google users, you can also use a list of negative keywords or keywords that you don’t want to rank for. These are often keywords that appear heavily in your niche but refer to a product or service that you don’t offer. For example, if your business involves just selling houses in a specific area, you don’t want to appear in Google searches for property rentals.  

7. Tap into review sites

The growth of your SaaS company will not just depend on your marketing efforts, but also on your customers’ perception of your brand and products. Consumers tend to research their options before making a purchase, and online reviews play a major role in influencing purchase decisions. Embed Google reviews on your website to leverage positive customer feedback, enhancing trust and credibility among potential buyers.

Most users browse through review sites such as G2 or Capterra to find out what current and previous customers think of your products and services. If you are not encouraging your customers to post reviews on these sites, you need to start now. Positive reviews go a long way in convincing your leads to give your products a try as they are seen as more credible than branded content.

Aside from getting your customers to post positive reviews, responding to both positive and negative reviews will allow you to engage your customer base. Acknowledging and replying to negative reviews, in particular, shows that you value all types of feedback and are serious about putting out the best product available.

8. Easy registration process

Marketing doesn’t end when a user visits your site. Unless they’ve successfully completed the sales or registration process, you haven’t gained a new customer yet. In the SaaS industry, many customers complain that complicated registration processes have turned them away from otherwise promising products. 

The longer your registration process is, the more chances you give your customers to back out of the transaction or abandon their shopping carts. However, many brands tend to ask too many questions that don’t seem related to the product itself. Reducing the number of questions to just a few important ones will help streamline the process and increase conversions. 

You may also use the Google and Facebook APIs to simplify the user experience. Because your leads’ Google and Facebook profiles already have their personal and demographic information, your website can import that data instead of requiring new users to fill out registration forms. Better yet, you may also use dynamic QR codes to reduce the number of keystrokes, especially if you’re dealing with mobile device users.

In Closing

SaaS marketing is a bit different from other types of marketing. Your potential customers are less prone to impulse purchases. They will take their time looking for the best option and are not hesitant about doing research about your products. Your SaaS marketing strategies should adapt to this type of behavior and gently nudge them into making a purchase. 

Content marketing, SEO, and PPC, for example, help drive customer awareness of your brand, especially in competitive niches. Free trials, on the other hand, give potential customers a glimpse of what they can expect from your product and a positive experience will help convince them to switch over to the paid version. 

You may also use review sites, referrals, and affiliate marketing to boost your promotional campaigns and expand your audience. Finally, a quick and convenient registration process will remove the last barrier to entry for new customers. 

By constantly seeking and analyzing customer feedback, testing new combinations of content, and streamlining your processes, you set up your SaaS business for greater success ahead.

A Comprehensive Guide to Mobile Phone Recording

Looking for ways to record mobile phone calls for your enterprise but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place. 

Today, we have various different options to record mobile phone calls, and here we’ll look at all the details you might need to know before investing in a mobile recorder solution. 

Let us begin, however, by discussing the concept of recording mobile phone calls, its benefits, and whether it’s the right investment for your business. 

Mobile Phone Recording: Use Cases

Why do you need to record mobile phone calls in the first place? 

In general, there are four main reasons for a business to record phone calls: 

  • To ensure that your business is in compliance with legal regulations
  • To record evidence of customer transactions/deals
  • Investigate the quality of phone calls (i.e. for evaluating employees and for training new employees)
  • To check for unauthorized practices

With that being said, recording mobile phone calls can provide the following benefits for your business: 

  • Can potentially protect your business when you are sued by customers or other legal disputes
  • Better control over the quality of service on your phone calls
  • Comprehensive records of transactions made over phone calls and communication records

However, there are also some key concerns you should have before implementing mobile recording for your business: 

  • Legal requirements in your area, which might vary between states and countries
  • How audio files are going to be stored to maintain data security and accessibility
  • How your employees are going to react when their calls are being monitored

Is It Legal To Record Mobile Phone Calls? 

Is it legal to record mobile phone calls? For some industries, recording calls might be legally required, but it’s very important to ensure that all phone calls, mobile or otherwise, must be recorded in compliance with the legal requirements according to the location of both parties (your business and your caller). 

As you embrace mobile phone recording technology for your business, it’s also crucial to establish your business legally. If you’re based in Georgia and ready to register your business entity, you can learn the steps to apply for an LLC in Georgia. Securing your LLC in Georgia is a big step towards ensuring your business’s compliance and success.

Call recording and monitoring laws vary among states and countries, and we should also take into account the possibility of our callers being located in different countries or states during the phone call.

In general, it is both legal and ethical to record mobile phone calls as long as there’s consent, so you should always inform the customer that the call is being recorded. However, mobile phone call recording laws can be divided into two different types based on consent: 

States that Allow One-Party Consent

Most (38) states in the U.S. require the full consent of only one party on the call. Meaning, your business can technically record the conversation without the consent of the other party, if the other party is also in states with one-party consent recording laws.

However, if your enterprise mainly operates in a one-party consent state, it doesn’t necessarily mean you can freely record all calls without consent. You might still be required to follow the relevant state laws, and again, you’ll need to take into consideration whether the other party is located in a state with all-party consent laws. 

Here are the 38 states with one-party consent recording laws: 

  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arizona
  4. Arkansas
  5. Colorado
  6. Delaware
  7. Georgia
  8. Hawaii
  9. Idaho
  10. Indiana
  11.  Iowa
  12. Kansas
  13. Kentucky
  14. Louisiana
  15. Maine
  16. Minnesota
  17. Mississippi
  18. Missouri
  19. Nebraska
  20. Nevada
  21. New Jersey
  22. New Mexico
  23. New York
  24. North Carolina
  25. North Dakota
  26. Ohio
  27. Oklahoma
  28. Oregon
  29. Rhode Island
  30. South Carolina
  31. South Dakota
  32. Tennessee
  33. Texas
  34. Utah
  35. Vermont
  36. Virginia
  37. Wisconsin
  38. Wyoming

States Requiring Two-Party/All-Party Consent

Twelve states, on the other hand, require the knowledge and consent of all parties involved before the call can be legally recorded. 

  1. California
  2. Connecticut
  3. Florida
  4. Illinois
  5. Maryland
  6. Massachusetts
  7. Michigan
  8. Montana
  9. Nevada
  10. New Hampshire
  11. Pennsylvania
  12. Washington

Also, some states do allow “implied consent”. Meaning, as long as you’ve informed the other party that you are going to record the call, if this other party continues to participate in the conversation, it can be treated as implied consent. 

Again, it’s best to always ask for consent before recording any mobile phone call. This way,  you don’t need to worry whether the other party is in a one-party or all-party state. Remember that failure to follow and understand the recording laws in your area can result in expensive fines and penalties, not to mention damages to your reputation. 

Choose The Right Mobile Phone Recorder Solution

There’s always the possibility of building your own mobile recording solution from scratch, but in most cases, you’d want to rely on a third-party service. 

With that being said, when choosing a third-party mobile phone recorder solution, you should consider three main factors: 

  • Reliability: how reliable is the service in recording mobile phone calls (i.e. audio quality, low error rate, etc.)
  • Data security: whether the solution has implemented security best practices like end-to-end encryption for data at rest and in transit. Very important if you are in a highly regulated industry and/or frequently dealing with sensitive and confidential data
  • Features: based on your objective(s) in performing mobile recording, whether the solution can provide the features you’ll need. 

Especially if you are in a heavily regulated industry, it’s very important to choose the right solution that is compliant with the legal requirements and state laws that might apply to your business. 

If you are in the financial industry, for example, a mobile call recording solution like Truphone for Finance can provide the required experience and features in the complex industry. With Truphone, you also don’t need to worry about storage, since included in the package is access to Truphone’s secure global cloud, although you can also opt to deliver the recording files to another storage infrastructure. 

Closing Thoughts

While all companies can certainly benefit from business mobile phone recording, it’s also important to pay attention to local regulations that might apply to your business before investing in a mobile recorder solution. 

To really unlock the full benefits of recording mobile phone calls, you’ll need a legally compliant solution that can also meet your needs, and secure cloud storage and backup solution to keep your audio files safe. 

Best Crypto Apps For Android

Trading crypto is one of the most profitable investments in the financial market at this time. While trading crypto is seen as the next gold mine, there are some instruments that traders have adopted. One such is the usage of the perfect crypto app to carry out their trading activities. In this article, we will be looking at the best crypto apps for Androids.


Like the web version of the exchange, the Changelly mobile app allows traders to monitor their assets in real-time. The app also provides users with a wide range of services that are available on the website. Asides from offering support to 200+ cryptos, the Bitcoin app for Android charges just 0.25% for exchanging from one crypto to another.

The user interface is easy to use, and new traders can get the hang of it in no time. The mobile app also has support on standby 24/7 to help with user’s complaints.


The eToro crypto trading app is one of the best across the world. With a user base spanning millions, this crypto app for Android allows traders to buy and sell digital assets. But the offer is limited: eToro supports only a tiny amount of digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.

Asides from its simple and user-friendly interface, the app charges low fees for transactions as opposed to most crypto apps. Traders are not mandated to pay any fees if they want to deposit or buy tokens. However, the platform charges traders $5 for withdrawals on the app, a downside, according to traders and analysts.


Founded in 2017, Binance is regarded as one of the biggest and best trading platforms worldwide. This is because it covers a vast number of tokens. In 2018, Binance was the biggest platform globally, with $1.3 billion in market capitalization.

Not only is the Binance app user-friendly, but it also offers its users tutorials on how to begin trading. One thing that sets it apart is that it provides users with a three-way method to deposit their tokens. Traders can use the Bank deposit, peer-to-peer, or credit/debit card options to buy their tokens.


Even though it is very popular, Coinbase offers traders less crypto to trade compared to Binance. Just like Binance, crypto newbies are treated to a tutorial to help them hit the ground running.

Despite its popularity, the app charges a fairly higher withdrawal fee than the three listed crypto apps for Android above. Its user interface is very intuitive and helps new traders get accustomed to the app quickly. In this first quarter of this year, the crypto app saw a revenue of $4.03 billion, with $2.36 billion being its profit. Presently, Coinbase boasts of a user base of over 50 million across the world.

The Bottom Line

Even though most traders prefer to trade digital assets on their computers, it is without a doubt that most traders want the ease of using their mobile phones. The comfort of mobile user experience can never be overemphasized. If a trader needs to make a swift decision regarding his assets, a Bitcoin app for Android will come in handy, allowing you to easily adjust the crypto strategy on the go.

Types of Surveying and International Comparisons


Cross-national surveys refer to studies in which different countries are compared and therefore require the design, implementation, and organization of the study to be comparable. It is important that researchers make additional considerations when conducting cross-national surveys so as to account for the social and cultural settings of different participant groups. A translation agency can assist by providing valid text for cross cultural interpretation. By doing so, the internal validity of the study increases and any differences in cross-cultural comparisons that are found can be attributed to actual differences rather than methodological flaws.

Within this article, we will explore the ways in which researchers accommodate certain social and cultural settings when they design sampling schemes, construct surveys using survey software, and select modes of data collection. 


When sampling in cross-national studies, it is important that researchers carefully select the data their sampling design will be based on. The following are three reliable sources of data that can be used:

Census Data

Census data is useful to use when the countries being compared in the study have census data that is reliable and easily available. Census data not only helps generate macro-level demographic statistics but also makes it possible to create a list of individuals within the population.

Resident Registers

This data source is a good option for countries where resident registration is compulsory. Resident registers will generally provide data that is more current and up-to-date when compared with census data that may become obsolete more quickly.

Voter Registers

In some countries, the percentage of registered voters within the voting age population is high enough to provide comprehensive population data for sampling. In such countries, voter registers can be used as a source to base the sampling design. It is crucial to note that in highly mobile societies, voter registers can become obsolete quickly, and for such societies, resident registers may be more suited.

Questionnaire Design

Designing a questionnaire for cross-national surveys is generally a tedious process as these designs must be modified to take into consideration the different circumstances in countries that differ in their political, economic, cultural, and social settings. This is especially crucial when conducting market research studies using market research software.

Terms and Concepts

One of the most complex problems to solve in order to achieve comparability across cross-national fieldwork are linguistic idiosyncrasies. Literal translations of questionnaires are likely to be counterproductive when trying to achieve equivalence within a survey. If the language employed cannot achieve equivalence, it will threaten the validity of the research.

Skilled researchers appoint both qualitative and quantitative methods to achieve equivalence of meaning and measurement in different languages. The systematic method of translation has two minimum requirements:

  • Detailed annotation of the source of the questionnaire
  • Iterative back-translation

Measurement and Response Categories

Beyond concepts and terms, other aspects of questionnaire design also require careful planning in international surveys. Measurements and response categories must be carefully decided after the pretesting of different numerical scales across different countries. Certain scales may seem unfamiliar or confusing to the people of one country while being completely familiar to those in another country.

Another issue associated with the point scaling system has to do with the cultural values and social norms that differ between societies. Cross-national variations can cause varying response patterns among countries, reinforcing the importance of thoughtful design, practice, and interpretation of cross-national surveys.

Modes of Data Collection using Surveys

There are many different modes of data collection that researchers can use including mail surveys, CATI surveys, internet surveys, and face-to-face surveys; each having its own strengths and limitations. the different factors researchers must consider while choosing a mode of data collection are as follows

● Questionnaire Length and Content

Internet surveys are generally effective for short and basic surveys. However, if the survey is too long or complex, respondents may choose to drop out. Therefore, in more long and complex surveys, other modes that have a moderator or interviewer present, such as telephone surveys or face-to-face interviews, are more appropriate.

● Country

 Certain modes work better in certain countries, For instance, in countries with large populations of illiterate residents, where telecommunications is tedious, face-to-face interviews are most appropriate.

● Costs

With technological advancements, the use of face-to-face surveys continues to decrease as other modes of surveying become easier to use and more affordable. Cost is usually a major factor that is considered when making a decision about which survey mode to employ.

21 Must-Have SaaS Tools For Businesses

SaaS services are an integral part of everyone’s daily life. We use SaaS much more often than we think. And the convenience, simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and other advantages of SaaS gain the trust of consumers without having to explain their complex structure and philosophy of the model. 

In this article, we decided to look into how SaaS companies can help businesses and share a list of SaaS solutions that are most popular with entrepreneurs.

According to market research, the SaaS market is projected to reach $716.52 billion by 2028.

What Is SaaS?

Software as a service, or SaaS, is one of the three main categories of cloud computing and is the most common among consumer-level products.

Gmail, Google Docs, and Microsoft Office 365 are SaaS, providing productivity applications over the Internet. With this platform, you can learn how to sign a Word document digitally, simplifying the process of handling official approvals and document workflows.

For businesses, there are SaaS tools for sales management, call management, customer feedback collection, customer relationship management, financial management, customer experience surveys, human resources management, subscription management and recurring billing, market research, staff interaction…

In fact, anything. SaaS applications are used by a range of IT professionals services and business users, as well as executives at various levels.

In 2020-2021, the need to distance put a strain on the social behavior of people, as well as the characteristics of business and production processes. Cloud technology, already growing rapidly in recent years, has received a tremendous push to develop and improve.

Pros and Cons of SaaS


SaaS is very popular because it has many advantages. They include:

  • Updates. Software hosted on a server can be updated centrally, unlike the traditional model in which the software would need to be updated on each machine. In other words, SaaS can be easily maintained with the latest version of the software at all times;
  • Hardware. With the software running on the server, individual PCs don’t have to be updated to meet hardware requirements, and there are no issues with not meeting minimum requirements;
  • Costs. With a subscription model, acquisition costs are reduced for businesses. In addition, users can be added on an as-needed monthly basis so businesses can expand;
  • Rapid deployment. Because the software doesn’t need to be installed and configured on individual computers, it can be deployed much faster with SaaS;
  • Accessibility. The SaaS application requires only a browser and an Internet connection to access it, allowing users to log in from anywhere. In addition, user data is stored in the cloud and is not tied to an individual user’s PC, making it easy to collaborate with other users.


Despite the advantages of SaaS, there are also some disadvantages:

  • Data security. For sensitive data, in the healthcare or legal spheres, confidential information goes outside the company’s server, which raises issues of access control, privacy, and security;
  • Slow performance. Depending on the speed of your Internet connection and other necessary resources, a SaaS app may run slower than if the software runs locally;
  • Lack of integration. With SaaS, there are fewer opportunities to integrate the software with other programs (compared to the traditional software).

For many companies, the pros have outweighed the cons, and there is a trend toward running more software through SaaS with a cloud computing model.

Must-Have SaaS Tools For Businesses

Since it can be costly to manage your own tools for many tasks in your business, consider the top SaaS tools below.


If your team uses email to communicate, then you need EmailAnalytics. The app visualizes your team’s email activity, showing you essential metrics like emails received, sent, and average email response time.

This enables sales and customer service teams to track and improve response time. In fact, EmailAnalytics customers respond 42.5% faster than non-EmailAnalytics customers, on average. That leads to a 16% increase in sales and 100% happier customers (who doesn’t like faster responses, right?).

EmailAnalytics features:

  • Daily/weekly/monthly email reports
  • Data benchmarks
  • Fast & easy team onboarding

Cost: 14-day free trial, then starting at $5/user per month.


This is one of the most popular services for automating accounting. Entrepreneurs choose it because it works with popular CRM systems, tracks profits and losses, prints receipts, counts taxes, and collects balance sheets. Suitable for small companies who need an accounting system that meets their needs.

QuickBooks Online offers the most efficient, comprehensive, and useful tools. In addition, its flexibility and extensibility often surpass most Quickbooks alternatives.

Cost: by subscription from $12.95 per month. (30-day trial period)


LeadsBridge is an iPaaS solution that enables companies to enhance their omnichannel strategy by orchestrating their business data.

LeadsBridge fulfills your integration needs, focusing on bridging gaps between advertising platforms and sales funnels, and delivering tailor-made integrations made upon your business needs.

The LeadsBridge platform is suited for companies that want to streamline their advertising activities by integrating the marketing technology stack with Facebook & Instagram Ads, Google Ads, and LinkedIn Ads.

With more than +370 out-of-the-box integrations available at the moment, you can easily connect your chosen software with your advertising platform, seamlessly synchronizing data for your marketing workflows.

LeadsBridge main features include:

  • Lead Sync
  • Audience Targeting
  • Online to Offline Tracking
  • Platform to Platform
  • eCommerce Synchronization
  • Tailor-Made integration

LeadBridge offers a free trial for all four paid plans when billed monthly or annually. Paid plans start at just  $29 with the self-service platform that offers up to 1.5k leads/mo.


RecurPost is a social media scheduler you can use to upload fresh content, which will be published instantly.

As a social media planner, they provide all the resources you require to keep your social media accounts active, whether you choose to use applications when on the go, our Chrome plugin while you browse, or regular schedules.


  • Bulk scheduling
  • White label reports
  • Content marketing
  • Royalty free images

Cost: RecurPost offers a 14-day free trial and their least expensive package runs around $12.50 a month.


EngageBay is a HubSpot alternative for startups, solopreneurs and small businesses. Since some of the popular marketing automation and CRM solutions can get really expensive for small firms, EngageBay was launched in 2017 as a one-stop alternative to get marketing, sales, and customer support tasks streamlined and automated.

About 30,000 business owners have tried EngageBay and the reviews are often great.  The platform comes in handy when you need email templates, a landing page builder, canned or automated responses, a free integrated Live Chat widget for all your website pages, and real-time visual sales reports.

EngageBay features:

  • Automation workflows with custom nodes
  • Email & Landing page builder with templates
  • Facebooks ads, social suite for customer tracking
  • Video marketing
  • Customer Support tickets and groups

Cost: Free plan lasts forever; paid plans start at $7.79/month.

Sked Social

Sked Social is an Instagram-first social media scheduler, giving you tools that get you the most out of Instagram, and faster.

It’s perfect for brands that are visually-led, and it can be used anywhere from simple ‘set and forget’ bulk posting to full social attribution tracking, lead generation, content creation, and UGC (user-generated content) sourcing.

Sked Social’s features include:

  • Drag ‘n’ drop visual planner to perfect your grid
  • Queue for set and forget posts that will go live at your best time to post
  • Hashtag and creator search to instantly find trends and UGC
  • Built in customizable link in bio tool, so your links are always on brand
  • Workflows and collaboration for agencies and freelancers that make it easy to work across teams and with clients
  • In-built canva and image editing so you create and post without leaving your dashboard
  • 7+ other social media channels to cross-post to


Planly is an innovative social media scheduling tool that simplifies the process of planning and publishing content across various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. Designed for businesses of all sizes, Planly allows you to manage and schedule your social media posts from a single dashboard. 


  • Powerful team collaboration features
  • Comprehensive social media analytics
  • Exceptional customer support
  • AI-powered content creation
  • HD video upload


  • 14-Day Free Trial
  • Individual: $15/month
  • Team: $40/month
  • Agency: $80/month


InVideo is a video-making platform that has 1.5 million users from 190 countries. It provides the convenience of online video editors directly to your browser. It’s perfect for making video advertising, promo videos, and social media videos, among other things. 4000+ designs, quality stock media, text boxes, and more are included with InVideo. The absence of an InVideo watermark on the free plan is a great way to start.

Features of InVideo Editor include:

  • 4,000+ customized pre-made templates including the social media calendar
  • 8M+ iStock and 1M+ Shutterstock Photos
  • Easily convert articles to Video
  • Easily cut, crop, crop, composite, and brand your work.
  • Text-to-speech for accent free voiceovers
  • Live chat support and online community

Available for: Windows, Mac, and iPad (on popular desktop-based browsers)


HubSpot is a solution for automating marketing and sales tasks. It is a service that covers all the areas of Internet marketing, and it is a universal solution in this area.

The service includes tools for blogging, social media, SEO, email marketing automation, 8 Best Free Digital Marketing Tools for Businesses in 2021content management, and landing pages. So instead of hiring an SEO consultant or content marketer to do everything for you, you can use this tool and it will be of great help. Hubspot can also help you conduct surveys but you can opt for an omnichannel survey software instead.

HubSpot offers the company to work in several directions simultaneously: attracting attention, converting leads into sales, and generating reports.

HubSpot features:

  • Integrated CRM system;
  • Form and landing page designer;
  • Detailed reporting;
  • Tracking of leads;
  • Collaborative work.
  • SMS automation via integration

Cost: free, premium version is required when connecting with the site. Many people find Huspot’s free offering is too limited so it may be worthwhile to check Hubspot Alternatives to find lower priced options.

Antavo Loyalty Management Platform

Antavo is an API-centric, no-code loyalty technology provider that creates complete, enterprise-grade loyalty programs for brands, merchants, and shopping malls to nurture brand love and impact customer behavior. Antavo supercharges omnichannel and eCommerce organizations’ marketing strategies with a scalable and holistic loyalty logic that offers a next-level shopping experience with best-in-class in-store capabilities.

Antavo is a ‘pure-play’ loyalty service provider that has been recognized by Gartner and Forrester for its strong emphasis on a comprehensive, but complex loyalty system. The firm is a great innovator, not just generating new features for its software but also producing new products for the retail space.

Antavo features a simple and smooth integration with corporate solutions thanks to the API layer. Its system provides a robust set of tools for managing all aspects of a sophisticated loyalty program in a consistent manner. Customers may design their own program, manage membership categories, provide rewards, use gamification and non-transactional components, and ultimately boost customer lifetime value.

Service now

The popularity of the ServiceNow platform is gaining momentum every year. It is like a snow avalanche: good applications and new technologies raise the interest of users and spur developers to make their product even better.

This is a service that supports all key ITSM (Information Technology Service Management) processes. Importantly, the architecture of the solution is designed for high loads, so it works without interruptions.

Cost: by subscription (there is a trial period).


SelfCAD is an easy to use 3D modeling software for beginners and professionals. Though it’s main target is freelance designers, professionals and hobbyists, it’s also a great tool for businesses for creating advertising 3D materials and realistic renders much easily without even having to hire  professionals to do it for them. There is also the interactive tutorial feature that businesses can use to bring their new employees onboard much quickly and easily.

Costy: by Subscription (there is a trial period)


Stripe is an international system for secure Internet payments with plastic cards, in other words, a good counterpart to PayPal. Although it took some time for Stripe to catch up to PayPal, it now has millions of customers. Stripe meets international security standards, with PCI Level 1 certification, which is the highest level of certification in the payments industry. A convenient service is gaining popularity among giants as well (SAP, Kickstarter, Facebook, UNICEF, and others).


  • Subscription features are simple;
  • Reports are clear and transparent;
  • Fixed price;
  • Advanced reporting features to help you track your sales.

Cost: 2.9% + USD $0.3 per transaction.


A Canadian platform that allows you to create your own online stores.

Since its launch, the platform has quickly grown from a small player to one of the leading eCommerce solutions next to BigCommerce, Volusion, Magento, or WooCommerce.

It’s easy to work with, requires no knowledge of code, so suitable for private entrepreneurs as well.

Cost: by subscription, from USD $29 per month. There is a trial period of 14 days.


A set of useful office tools: free online document editors, a set of integrated business applications, a user administration, data analytics, and a data backup system. It is the choice of those who need everything at once.

Cost: free trial period of 15 days (then custom).

Many people are familiar with this corporate messenger.

The purpose of the service is to optimize team communication and facilitate interaction between departments. Slack is suitable for companies from different spheres: creative agencies, development teams, education, financial services, production, sales, and other areas. Thanks to Slack integration with many programs and services, it allows a company to create a full-fledged working environment.

Integrated with Google Drive, Office 365, and other useful business platforms.

Cost: from USD $6.67 per month.


Looking to work asynchronously and buid a better culture at work? Friday helps you make the office optional. Add daily standups, weekly check-ins, and one-on-ones in a regular way without having another meeting. You can now embrac flexible work without the fatigue of more video calls. It’s a perfect complement to Slack. You can also add the Friday planner and be productive as an individual employee, too.

Integrates with Zoom, Slack, Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Trello, Asana, and more.

Cost: Free to $9 per month/person


Mailchimp is a marketing optimization platform, but its most useful function for businesses is free email newsletters and their further analytics. Everything a marketer needs, from recipient segmentation and click maps to spam checking.

Cost: free (a basic package), other packages from USD $9.99 per month.


A successful service for communicating with customers (Intercom collaborates with Slack, so you won’t lose anyone). Targeted and delayed messages, A/B tests, integration with Hubspot, Shopify, and others.

Cost: after a trial period (14 days) from USD $49 per month.


One of the most popular services for creating electronic signatures. With just a few clicks, you can sign and submit any document for signature directly from Gmail and Chrome. No need to print, fax, scan, or send documents via express mail.

Docusign is trusted by millions of people in 188 countries. It’s used in virtually every field, including finance, law, recruiting, sales, real estate, healthcare, etc.

Cost: From USD $10 per user.


The COVID-19 forced many organizations to move to a remote-first model. Companies quickly realized that a video-conferencing platform was no longer a nice-to-have, but a need-to-have.

From standard conference calls, to virtual lunch and learns, and even hosting virtual holiday parties, Zoom has proven to be the best-in-class video conferencing software for organizations operating in a remote-first or hybrid model.

Cost: Free then starting at $14.99 USD per month per license.


UserGuiding is an all-in-one user training and onboarding tool for web products and websites. Without any coding, you can create a wide range of interactive UX elements such as product tours, tooltips, checklists, resource centers and more.

You can group users with custom segmentation and analyze the performance of your user onboarding material with in-depth analytics.

And not just for new users too, with UserGuiding’s newest extension UG Now, you can create interactive tutorials for your employees on all your tech stack.

Cost: after a trial period (14 days) from USD $99 per month.

WiseStamp Signature Manager

If your business has an email output in the tens or more daily, then you should be using WiseStamp. This email signature management software lets businesses of any size create a great looking business email signature and assign it to any number of employees with just a few clicks.

Email signature management will allow your business to control your branding in all your email campaign communication. You can choose to create unique signatures by job post or department.  Another useful feature is the possibility to assign editing privileges to team leaders. This lets them run email signature marketing campaigns that target the specific goals of their department (such as recrutement link for HR, and Demo signup link for Sales).

WiseStamp is integrated with cloud based information processing tool providers like Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace.

WiseStamp features:

  • Email signature generator
  • Office 365 signature management
  • G Suite  signature management
  • User directory integration
  • Signature segmentation
  • Email signature click tracking

Cost: 14-day free trial, then $2/user per month.

Flatlogic Generator

The future is in low code. Cloud-based web applications just like any web service tool can be built without wasting time with custom code or extra syntax, but with the help of Flatlogic generator. Web app generator gives you the real toolkit to create your fullstack apps.

How it works: you define the appropriate model of your software creating a skeleton with the right stack, front-end and back-end, and an appropriate database. Flatlogic handles deployment and hosting for you. There is no need to download and install the final result, because everything is available online.

Cost: From USD $19 per project.


Timely is an automated time-tracking tool that also lets you track projects, monitor budgets, and view team performance all in one software. With Timely, you can examine past costs, tasks and turnarounds to set competitive rates and improve future project profitability and efficiency. Timely prioritizes privacy in its functionality, giving each team member their own private work timeline so they can control what information is displayed publicly. And with automatic time-tracking and timesheet app, your team can focus less on daily admin tasks — and more on the work itself.

Cost: Starts at $8 per user per month when billed annually.


In these times of information overload, choosing effective channels of communication with job candidates, working on resumes, growing teams of remote employees, partners, or even potential clients is a key to improving team productivity and overall project success.

We hope these SaaS solutions will be useful to your business and justify their popularity.

What Makes No-Code Software Development Tools a Better Option?

As far as the creation of software applications is concerned, there is a new movement. This movement is triggered by the invention and spread of a new kind of software application creation tool.

With easy-to-use no-code software development tools such as this platform, coming up with a website, mobile app, and other digital operating systems has never been so easy. This among other reasons is why people are gradually beginning to make the most of it.

But in addition to this, other things seem to make the use of these software creation tools a better choice. We will shed more light on this here and advise that you keep reading.

Why No-Code Software Development Tools Should be Considered

There are various schools of thought as regards the use of these easy-to-use software development tools. Some consider it far less than what traditionally designed software creation techniques can offer.

On the other hand, the school of thought on the other end of the continuum believes that No-code software development tools bring a lot to the table. This is as long as the right option is engaged among the various options available. Well, we share the same opinion with the latter and these are some of the reasons:

You Can do More in Less Time

Traditionally creating a new software application is not a small task. Even the simplest functioning website, mobile app, online portal, or any other digital operating system requires a lot of work at creation.

Aside from a tiring amount of coding that goes into the creation, designing of the back-end and other things are involved. Well, you have a lifesaver in no-code software development tools.

This is because you do not have to do all the IT rituals associated with traditionally creating a software application. You only need to make use of the ideal template and things take shape from thereon.

For those eager to hear how fast no-code software development tools can help out, you should know that you can create something functional in a matter of minutes.

Frequent Upgrades

The school of thought that believes these tools are not up to the task mostly holds on to the fact that upgrades might be a problem. Well, this is far from the truth. This is considering how many of the service providers that offer these tools are great in this regard.

Although there are some below-par service providers, to be frank, this is not a general problem. This is why identifying and working with the right option is of utmost importance. You will have no problem in this regard if you can make sure of this.

A Wide Range of Amazing Options

People that undermine no-code software development tools fail to realize or admit that there are many amazing options to consider. This is in the form of templates that can be converted to your desired software application in the long run.

This is not what you get when you traditionally develop a software application or have someone do so for you. You would have to think long and hard about what should be integrated into the general design. On the other hand, you already have so many amazing options and only need to make choices with no-code software development tools.

You Save More Money

We stressed above that traditionally designing a software application is time-consuming. What could take you days traditionally designing a software application, can take a few minutes with these easy-to-use tools.

As a result, you would discover that it is money saving. But this is not the only side to it as hiring a developer to traditionally design a software application can be expensive. So, you might have to make good use of this option when the need arises.


Software developers are still very much useful. This is because there are some complex software application creation tasks that they cannot handle for now. But this is only for the time being as service providers that make these tools available are getting better by the day.

Should you need to have especially a simple software application up and running, we suggest that you make good use of No-code software development tools. This is considering the several benefits they have to offer as discussed here and even more.

Trends and Tools for Call Center Automation

While the pandemic impacted call center operations, their services are vital to keeping businesses going. The technological advances in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and robotic processes automation help continue customer care. In addition, call center automation is increasing at a more rapid pace. Thus, companies must ensure that they implement best practices for a smooth-flowing operation. 

Shifting from a traditional to an automated business process is challenging. There should be a balance between your customer service automation approach and humans. Tools are meant to facilitate workflows and help humans improve their productivity and efficiency. However, you cannot remove the human factor in call center operations because customer service (CX) deals with humans. 

Implementing Intelligent Automation

The most important best practice in call center automation is to balance the core service goals and the key performance indicators (KPIs) with automation. The primary goals are to improve operational efficiency and the experiences of customers continually. In addition, the company must know when to deploy AI-powered virtual assistants and employ human interaction with your live agents to achieve these goals. 

Smart Dialing System

Today, a very effective tool for contact centers is a cloud predictive dialer, an automated, cloud-based automated dialer that determines when an agent will soon be available. According to the performance of the agents.

A predictive dialer detects when an agent is about to end a call and puts the next call through. Thus, the system places many phone calls, drops unanswered calls, and immediately routes the call to the agent ready to take the call. The result is improved efficiency and performance for the center’s agents.  

Automated Interactions

The term refers to any CX tool that lets a customer talk to a program instead of a human. This is a better option than a customer being put on hold and forced to listen to annoying music, which frustrates customers. You can reduce their frustration and potentially gain more customers by using automated software with advanced voice recognition technology to enhance customer experience

Workflow Automation

A myriad of mundane and simple yet repetitive tasks take time to complete. You can maximize the time agents spend on their actual functions with automation software that can quickly organize customers’ accounts and other paperwork and make it easy to do follow-up tasks such as call logging, emails, and invoicing. Often a workflow automation program is AI-powered, which helps reduce errors.

Guidance for Agents

This call center automation tool allows agents to get a customer’s information as soon as they call in. During the call, the program’s multifunctional user interface lets the agent look up the details of the customer’s account, history of payments, purchases, and other relevant information that can assist the agent in helping the customer. In addition, there is automation software that can create call scripts to help respond to customers’ requests, which can lead to positive reviews.

Post-Call Analytics

Today, most businesses use analytics to improve their services, understand customer behaviors, and provide vital information for the company. For example, use automated call center software that will store transcripts and record other essential individual call information.


Automation is part of today’s modern businesses. Automation is vital, but it will be more effective if you can balance automation and better performance from your employees with empowering tools and best practices. 

What Are the Best Android Applications for Editing Photos?

Snapping photos is something we all do regularly using our smartphones. Every single smartphone out there processes images differently as well as produces photos that may not appeal to everyone. For instance, some smartphones may capture photos with higher saturation levels, while others may capture warmer tones as compared to what the scene really looked like. This is where editing the photos you take comes in very much in handy.

Irrespective of if you have the best flagship smartphone that money can buy, or a more affordable phone, editing photos in the way you like them is very important. Specifically, if you plan on posting your photos on social media platforms, as it’s vital to give them a good look in order to make them attractive. To do so, you’ll need a good photo editor and we’re here to help you with just that. Here are some of the best photo editor apps for Android to help you make your photos look the way that you want them to.

Adobe Apps

Price: Free / Up to around $52.99 per month

Adobe has released a tonne of editing tools over the last number of years. Included in the package are some of the best photo editor apps which are available. Some of the choices include the following:

  • Adobe Photoshop Express,
  • Adobe Photoshop Mix, as well as
  • Adobe Lightroom.

Each one of these apps has a variety of features to assist you to do things. You’ll have the ability to do simple stuff such as removing red-eye to editing RAW files that have been taken by your smartphone or DSLR camera.

In particular, Adobe Lightroom gets updated rather frequently with new features. The only possible caveat is that some of the apps need an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription in order to utilize all of the features. Those who use Adobe CC already should definitely just get these since they’re included with a CC subscription anyway.


Price: Free

The Snapseed is available on iOS and Android and is best for advanced photo editing on a mobile device.

Google’s Snapseed packs a punch, surpassing desktop photo editors with its massive range of features as well as an intuitive interface. Just as you’d expect, this free photo editing app comes with a wide range of pre-set filters. However, as opposed to most apps you are able to edit these filters and even create your own from scratch so you can play on Android as much as you like.

Snapseed has all of the classic tools, such as cropping, straightening, frames, text and vignettes. And the sharpening element does the job without making the image appear grainy. Then, things become interesting.

Snapseed has precision masking, which gives you the ability to edit the depth of field – photographers frequently do this to make the background blurry and bring the foreground even more into focus. In addition, there’s a “Selective Adjust” tool. This allows you select a particular area of your photo and adjust the saturation, contrast as well as brightness of that single point. What’s more, the photo editor app saves your edit history, so you are able to amend your previous edits at any point.


VSCO is basically like a social media app however just for photos. It’s almost like Pinterest in the sense that users are able to post their photographs for other VSCO users to look at and appreciate.

Apart from being a network to share your images, VSCO has an in-built photo editor which works well for basic edits in terms of lighting as well as colours, just like Lightroom. You are able to modify the brightness, contrast, saturation in addition to hue levels of an image together with sharpening it or adding some grain.