Competitor Price Tracking and Monitoring Software

In modern business, there is fierce competition between companies offering similar services or products to consumers. This applies to both the real sector of the economy and IT technologies. Priceva Competitor price tracking and monitoring software will allow you to track the offers of other companies in time, adjust the indices and attract more customers. This portal is described in detail below with all the details and instructions for use.

What Are the Benefits of Priceva?

Priceva Competitor price tracking and monitoring software service is in high demand among representatives of all industries of large, medium, or small businesses, as it has a lot of the following undeniable advantages:

  • Quick registration in the system, without the need to fill out voluminous and complex forms.
  • The presence of a demo version allows you to understand all the intricacies of the platform for free.
  • Users are immediately offered four types of periodic subscriptions, which differ in the set of services, cost, and nuances, which allows each interested person to choose exactly the tariff plan that fully meets his requirements.
  • Each registered user receives system notifications about changes in competitors’ prices automatically after daily monitoring, which allows him not to miss important information.
  • A very simple interface that does not require special knowledge to use.
  • An integrated approach of artificial intelligence to the analysis of current indicators of current market prices with index adjustments depends on the period.
  • The innovative theology of artificial intelligence offers each half-table a unique system of interaction with databases, adapting to his needs in the process of primary work and based on the analysis of requests.

Thus, Priceva software is one of the most advanced on the market and also eliminates the need for users to independently monitor competitors’ offers or check the results issued by an automated system since they are based only on current data based on the market situation.

Priceva Competitor Price Tracking and Monitoring Software Capabilities

Each user who has registered and issued his tariff plan for subscribing to system updates gets full access to the following set of useful functions for tracking specific offers on the market:

  • The offer interface combines queries, automatic market diagnostics, as well as the issuance and reading of results with the compilation of statistics, comparison of optimal indicators with values ​​and parameters selected by the user, and this combination greatly simplifies the user’s work with the system.
  • A convenient system for searching for the necessary design parameters through the application’s own internal spreadsheet in Excel format. There is also a filter by categories and other parameters, allowing you to quickly select the desired position without any double results or the need for a long search.
  • Price monitoring can be done on request and constantly monitoring the results of an automated platform that will independently carry it out at selected time intervals.
  • Each user gets access to automatic commands, which eliminates the need for manual data entry. Priceva portal guarantees the absence of errors and the human factor, which allows you to get only the expected result.
  • A convenient and effective informative system of notification of current prices for each competitive enterprise of interest. The application is available on both PC and mobile devices, and the user is aware of price changes even when the system is offline.

Additionally, each user can register their current e-mail address in the system and receive a newsletter from the application about adjusting market prices immediately to their mailbox.

What Is the Software or Platform for Re-Evaluation?

The Priceva platform also offers each user many other possibilities, namely a universal algorithm for re-evaluating their offers, based on an analysis of the competitive market. This platform works according to the following algorithm:

  • The user sets boundary conditions, according to which, if the price of competitors goes down or up to certain values, his offers are automatically re-evaluated.
  • Based on the analysis of proposals from similar companies, statistics are automatically generated with a table in Excel format convenient for each PC user.
  • If necessary, the user can also activate the advanced price analytics function to collect competitors’ offers in more detail, which will allow him to always have advantages over each of them.
  • There are separate applications and settings for specific retailers, depending on the scope of their commercial interests, as well as convenient filtering of companies by brand.

In the application, it is possible to analyze both the maximum and minimum or average market prices from each competitive enterprise. Such information will always help you organize profitable promotions, and discount programs and be one step ahead of your competitors.

Services That Are Offered in the Most Affordable Plan

For those heads of companies or representatives of various business areas who have issued a paid subscription of a standard format, the following minimum set of useful functions is offered:

  • A service for tracking current market offers from competing companies, with an analysis of the commercial field of activity.
  • Comparison of selected products with the current pricing policy of the customer.
  • Registration of statistics in a readable format using standard text editors with the possibility of sending it to the addressee or printing information on paper.
  • Re-evaluation of own offers for the least popular products provided that they do not participate in the discount program or other promotions. This function allows you to accurately set the desired range, price ceiling, as well as parameters for their adjustment. As a result, the system will automatically compare the numbers with competitive offers and quickly adjust the retailer’s internal prices.
  • Diagnostics of the availability of goods that are of interest to the customer, namely, the analysis of its sales statistics after adjusting prices.
  • Checking each competitor for a dumping policy will allow you to keep the price on time and not lose the planned profit. Thus, goods from a particular retailer always stand out from the average market price, the cost of which is significantly lower for biased reasons.
  • The application analyzes the digital shelf with the most in-demand products since they often form the largest part of the retailer’s revenue and profit.

The Priceva application provides the customer with complete market analytics, allows you to adjust your business plan quickly, adjust to the average offers of competitors, and also not miss the expected profit, which will ensure the rapid growth of the company and other benefits.

Nucoin by Nubank – Introducing the New Cryptocurrency Backed By Warren Buffet Himself

The Brazilian bank Nubank will shortly launch a cryptocurrency rewards program. The latest foray into digital assets by a major financial institution will occur next year when the Brazilian startup for digital banking Nubank introduces its own coin.

Nubank said Wednesday it will launch the token, called Nucoin, in the first half of 2023. Holders of the token will receive discounts and other benefits, according to Nubank.

The digital bank, which is supported by investors such as Softbank Group Corp. (9984.T) and Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa.N), led by Warren Buffett, reported having 66.4 million customers in Brazil, its primary market, up from 62.3 million at the end of June. A holding company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., owns subsidiaries involved in a range of commercial endeavors, including manufacturing, retailing, freight rail transportation, utilities and energy, insurance and reinsurance, and utilities.

What is Nucoin?

In 2013, Nubank made its debut in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with a purple no-fee credit card. Brazil is infamous for its high-fee, antiquated banking system. The company has accumulated 70 million users across Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia since its start nine years ago.

The coin was created using the “Layer 2” Polygon network, which aims to reduce congestion on the Ethereum blockchain, where transactions can sometimes be expensive and time-consuming to complete. According to Polygon, its platform can handle hundreds of transactions every second. Companies like PayPal and Robinhood also provide cryptocurrency trading. While this is going on, the Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs has its own internal cryptocurrency trading department.

About 2,000 customers will be invited to take part in a debate on the project’s specifics, including its Web3 features and decentralized method of product creation, starting this month.

In May, the bank announced a partnership with Paxos to enable its customers to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrencies through its app. This move aimed to improve access to crypto assets, reduce complexity and friction for users to buy, hold, and sell digital currencies through the bank’s app, and eliminate the need to open or transfer money using a new account.

Immediate Edge offers traders of all skill levels a comprehensive trading experience on a flexible but user-friendly interface.

What Makes Nucoin Different?

Earlier this year, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway sold off a portion of its interests in Visa and Mastercard and increased its exposure to Nubank by investing $1 billion in equities after selling $3.1 billion in shares of each of the two companies.

The new token launch coincides with a depressing period for cryptocurrencies. Many digital coins, including the biggest currency in the world, bitcoin, have lost more than half of their value since the beginning of 2022, and the market is currently experiencing a severe downturn that speculators are dubbing “crypto winter.” Its objective is to provide clients with advantages like discounts and rewards as they acquire Nucoins. The tokens can be exchanged for benefits and special prices on particular goods.


Governments in the United States, the European Union, and other countries have introduced frameworks for regulating the business, and regulators have since grown more cautious about digital currencies and the potential damages they pose to consumers.

According to Nubank, there is a chance that Nucoins might one day be tradable. Currently, the lender’s banking software lets its Brazilian customers conduct Bitcoin and Ethereum transactions.

The Future of eCommerce Websites: eCommerce Trends Now

In the wake of the pandemic, eCommerce has become an indispensable part of the global economy. With worldwide sales totaling more than $5.7 trillion in 2022, it’s a field that is growing exponentially, both in sales and in a number of retailers. In the face of this strong and growing competition, savvy top eCommerce website developers are looking for ways to help retailers improve their online presence and attract new customers.

If you are shopping for an effective B2B eCommerce platform for your online store, you may be dismayed by the number of options. Businesses have various requirements. An electronics store may not need a platform that is ideal for a beauty salon. Finding an effective eCommerce platform can be very challenging.

With this in mind, we have assembled a list of seven key eCommerce trends for 2023.

eCommerce Development Trends Overview

In August 1994, a man named Dan Kohn sold a CD to a friend and was paid $12.48 plus shipping via credit card, thus completing the very first eCommerce sale. In the nearly 30 years since the nature of purchasing online has changed dramatically. What was once a novelty is now standard operating procedure.

What does the future hold for eCommerce software development? Using market research and customer analytics, we’ve identified the following:

1. Omnichannel

The integration of technology into our personal lives has led to an expectation of seamless, high-quality customer experiences. People expect to be able to browse for items online, make purchases and pick up items in person without friction. In other words, they expect an omnichannel experience.

During the pandemic-induced lockdown, this fully integrated approach became the norm for many retailers and food service companies. Customers could browse a website, research products, make purchases, and schedule pickup all from the convenience of their home.

Even following the removal of in-person restrictions in many places, this trend has remained hot. A successful omnichannel makes cross-channel transactions convenient, which can sometimes be challenging for retailers. To make the most of it for your company, enlist the help of an eCommerce development agency that can integrate your sales experience, inventory, and customer service into a unified experience.

2. Mobile Shopping

In 2022, mobile shopping accounted for 72.9% of all eCommerce sales. In other words, nearly three out of every four online purchases were made from a smartphone or tablet. This means that it is crucial that you employ a responsive design in eCommerce web development.

Consumers expect an easy online shopping experience that can be initiated and finalized from their internet-connected device. If your site doesn’t have a user-friendly mobile shopping experience, you’re missing out on sales, so you should contact an eCommerce development company immediately. 

Here are a few things to consider when developing your eCommerce store:

  • UX/UI – User experience and interface are vital parts of any online shopping personalized experiences. A website that’s difficult to use will drive customers away before you can make a sale.
  • SEO Optimization – Google has been using mobile indexing as a ranking factor since 2019. Your site should be optimized to ensure users on mobile devices can find you easily.
  • Payment Options – Checking out from your online store should be quick and easy, with multiple options for customers to choose from.

3. Marketplaces Boom

Though sites like Amazon and eBay have been around for years, the online marketplace model has exploded in popularity recently. This is not to say single-brand stores are obsolete, but there has been an increased demand for one-stop shops, particularly for niche products

One reason for this, as any reputable software development company will tell you, is the spike in digitally driven consumerism. 61% of shoppers start product research on Amazon. Google and are not far behind. Customers want a place to compare options and read reviews prior to making a purchase. Reviews on Walmart provide valuable information to customers who are looking to make a purchase. They help customers evaluate products, compare options, provide feedback for improvement, and receive customer support.

Another factor in the increase in marketplace sales is internationalism. The internet allows people to compare products from down the street and across the globe simultaneously. While this can be good news for marketplaces, it can also present unique challenges in eCommerce software development, as different currencies, shipping methods and security concerns must be considered.

This trend is especially important for retailers seeking entry to the growing Chinese digital market, as single-entry point marketplaces dominate the online sales ecosystem.

4. On-Site Search Personalization

Big data allows for unprecedented personalization when it comes to advertising and marketing. As a result, many digital shoppers have come to expect individualized experiences, with 88% of online shoppers acknowledging that personalized experiences factored into their likelihood of making another purchase with an online retailer.

Smart eCommerce businesses will include on-site personalization that tailors search results based on each user’s past behavior on their site, demographic information, and other collected data. While this is a boon for digital marketers, personalized product recommendations often require special software development services in both the USA and abroad to implement.

eCommerce Link Building is another effective way to gain traffic and grow your business. Building links back to your site will increase your SEO and give your brand higher authority.

5. Deliver on Delivery

Getting a customer to add your product to their cart and initiate the checkout process is only half the battle for eCommerce companies. Delivery options play a huge part in many purchase decisions, with 68% of U.S. respondents to a 2019 survey stating they did not complete a purchase because of them.

When implementing your custom eCommerce web development solution, here are some delivery options to consider:

  • Free Delivery – Shipping can be expensive, but many consumers expect it to be included in the sale price, particularly on more expensive purchases.
  • Multiple Options – If a person needs a particular item quickly, they’re far more likely to make that purchase with a digital retailer who offers them one- or three-day delivery options than one that only offers standard five to seven business days.
  • The Delivery Experience – 85% of online shoppers said a bad delivery experience would keep them from buying from a retailer again, according to a 2022 study. Don’t lose customers because of a poor fulfillment system.

6. Flexible Payments Continue

In the second quarter of 2022 alone, there were approximately 52 million data breaches worldwide. As such an unfortunate reality, many people are justifiably leery of buying things online. One way your eCommerce site can overcome this is to offer a variety of ways for them to pay.

Whether they want to use a credit card, PayPal or Bitcoin, different customers have different payment preferences. Allowing them to pay in the method of their choice has been proven to improve conversion rates and decrease cart abandonment. Allowing customers to create a user profile on your site that securely stores payment information also encourages repeat business.

7. User-Generated Content

Every brand claims it’s the perfect solution to a customer’s need. It’s therefore no surprise these claims are taken with a grain of salt. Luckily, there’s an easy solution: user-generated content or UGC.

UGC is the reviews, videos, photos, and other content created by the people who are actually using your product. Due to its authenticity, data has indicated almost 80% of shoppers take it into account when making a purchase decision.

A handful of great reviews or an appearance in a viral TikTok could be the very thing that propels your site to the next level. But unfortunately, even the most skilled eCommerce website developers cannot create this for you. The only way to get great UGC is by consistently delivering exceptional experiences.

Customer Experience is an Always-On 2023 eCommerce Trend

As an online retailer, creating a positive experience with your brand should always be your top priority. Consumers want a hassle-free purchasing journey and you should give them what they want. Make it easy for them to discover their options, make purchases and have items delivered.

Take a holistic approach and consider every step of the sales funnel, from awareness through retention. Everything should work together to provide optimal customer experiences. If they don’t, you’re costing yourself sales.

Get Trending

The march of technology is endless. As it progresses, the way people interact with it changes – particularly in the world of eCommerce. While the landscape has grown more competitive, by taking a proactive approach to changes in market conditions and trends, you can ensure your brand is well-positioned.

Flexibility is key, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Not every trend will work for every business. But one thing is certain: with some hard work, top rated software development services USA, and custom eCommerce web development, you can set your company on the road to success.

How to Get Passive Income as a CPA Forex Affiliate

Before there was a global pandemic, people could board airplanes and travel across borders. If you’ve ever gone abroad, you know that finding a currency exchange station at the airport and then changing your wallet’s cash into the local currency are routine steps.

What is Forex?

Forex is a global financial market that enables currency trading. You could earn if your prediction that one currency will be stronger than the other turns out to be accurate.

The largest financial market in the world is the foreign exchange market, also known as “Forex.” The world’s currencies are traded on the decentralized, international FX market. Exchange rates fluctuate by the second, causing the market to be in constant motion.

The “real economy,” which includes things like foreign trade and tourism like the airport example above, accounts for a very small portion of currency transactions. Instead, the majority of currency purchases (and sales) on the global foreign exchange market are made for speculative purposes.

Currency traders, also referred to as currency speculators, purchase currencies in the hopes of later selling them for a profit. If you can convince other people to trade Forex, you can join an affiliate program and make passive income.

What is CPA?

A marketing metric known as cost per acquisition (CPA) calculates the overall expense associated with getting a new customer to do a particular action. In other words, CPA represents the cost of moving a single consumer through your sales funnel, from initial contact to final conversion. Depending on your marketing objectives, the action may be described as a click, a purchase, a lead, or a wide range of other alternatives.

In affiliate marketing, the cost-per-acquisition model, also known as the cost-per-action model, is frequently employed when marketers or merchants, in this case, are ready to pay a commission for a particular activity or acquisition. This could involve a variety of different actions, including straightforward ones like signing up, starting to trade, or filling out a form to capture leads.

If your referral simply registers for one of the many demo accounts that Forex trading platforms make available to their users, you may be able to earn money. Checking the payment structure based on activities for the CPA Forex affiliate programs that you wish to join is the best course of action.

CPA Affiliate Program

Joining an affiliate marketing organization that employs the CPA model has a variety of advantages. The ability to develop passive income streams is perhaps the biggest perk of joining one of these schemes. You will want to create content that attracts a respectable amount of visitors so you can profit from it and monetize it. However, aside from that, all that is required is discovering and optimizing effective marketing channels.

Although many Forex brokers and trading platforms have their own CPA Forex affiliate programs that you can join, it is preferable to engage with a Forex CPA network that provides you access to numerous companies if you want to promote a wide variety of businesses.

The economy of scale is one of the main advantages of working with a CPA network as compared to numerous separate CPA forex affiliate programs.

Benefits of Being a CPA Affiliate

Your business may almost reach an unlimited audience by selling things online but finding the proper leads and turning them into consumers isn’t always simple. Cost-per-action marketing, or CPA marketing, is a form of affiliate marketing that companies of all sizes utilize to scale their marketing initiatives and reach a bigger audience.

This is forming a partnership with a blogger, influencer, or publication who promotes your goods in return for a commission. When a customer purchases a product as a result of the affiliate’s marketing efforts, the affiliate gets paid a commission. To promote the advertiser’s goods, the affiliate might, for instance, create a review, place a banner ad on their website, or upload a video to social media.

CPA marketing only requires you to pay after the sale happens, in contrast to other forms of digital marketing strategies like cost per click (CPC), where you pay to display your brand without a guarantee of a sale.

Choosing a CPA Program

It’s crucial that you only cooperate with reputable affiliate marketing networks. You must pick an appropriate CPA affiliate network with recognized companies for you to promote because your visitors will trust you with whatever you are pitching to them. There are many possibilities available, but there are a few straightforward things you may take into account to limit your choices.

CPA networks with negative reviews should be avoided. You can choose a reputable network by reviewing its reviews. There are many top CPA networks for newbies, but there are also many CPA networks with dubious procedures, so you must be very careful while selecting.


An affiliate receives the payment at a fixed percentage, which might vary from product to product.

It is useless to evaluate this value solely on its own. You must also know the typical conversion ratio or how well leads are turned into FTDs. Even if the affiliate network offers you $1,000 CPA, if the conversion rate is only 1%, it is of little use to you. With a CPA forex affiliate network that pays $200 CPA but only has a 20% conversion rate, you will be much better off. Finding out the EPC (profits per click) that the program creates is another important step in determining how much value may be produced as a CPA affiliate. The potential for increased earnings increases with the EPC. You can use a trading journal to keep track of your earnings or losses.

Cookie Window Model

The typical cookie expiration window for CPA affiliate programs is between 30 and 90 days. You will benefit more if the window is longer. The cookie window essentially controls how long your inbound leads will be valid. The cookie will automatically expire if a user clicks on the link you provide to access the brand (broker or exchange) but doesn’t do anything for a predetermined time. If they later convert, you won’t get paid for it.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, CPA marketing necessitates time commitment to create a beneficial relationship between publisher and advertiser manually. CPA Forex affiliate networks and programs, like Algo-Affiliates, are a great option for people who wish to monetize their traffic and have a sizable audience. Become a Forex Affiliate Today to Increase Your Earnings!

Startup Management 101: Using Tech to Get Ahead

There’s no denying that in this day and age, company owners either acclimate to modern tech standards or risk stagnating their business. Any entrepreneur who doesn’t make full use of modern amenities will find themselves lagging behind the competition.

While it might seem like a frustrating fact of business management, it doesn’t have to be such an issue. After all, one of the most significant advantages of startups is the potential for a fantastic start. A company that takes the time to prepare for an optimal beginning will always have a bright future ahead.

While you have a lot of work to do, using tech to get ahead is all about finding ways to improve and optimize business practices. Here are a few surefire ways to build a foundation for a successful business.

1. Taking advantage of AI to elevate your business

There are a remarkable number of ways artificial intelligence has served to improve the business sector. The fact that it’s still considered burgeoning tech means that current technological standards are only the tip of the iceberg for AI! It can be used for process automation, closed captions, and transcription—even business forecasting.

As if that wasn’t enough, there are also data annotation services to help optimize AI programs, ensuring your business software works precisely as intended through accurate labeling. There are so many ways to take advantage of AI, though it depends on your chosen industry. AI can even be used to scour through the latest trends and news, giving you access to everything you need to improve your company.

2. Using software tools to fully optimize your company

No matter which industry you choose, there will always be business software that matches your pursuits. For instance, auto detailing software can streamline scheduling, customer management, and invoicing for businesses in the automotive detailing industry.

One general example is marketing, though you don’t necessarily have to do everything yourself. Something as simple as hiring an SEO agency can ensure that your business gets the exposure it needs online. That said, you can take from their example and inquire about the various types of software they use to market your business.

There’s even the potential for software development, where your business creates the software it needs to accomplish your goals. Another advantage of software involves the use of data management platforms, making it easier for you and your staff to tackle day-to-day company responsibilities. For instance, incorporating software solutions for general admission seating can streamline event management and improve the overall attendee experience.

Or you can go the easier route and use online marketing tools like PosterMyWall to manage all your marketing needs, from creating fabulous small business flyers, to social media publishing and email marketing, to creating your own brand kits so your business can always stay on brand, and stay ahead.

3. Taking advantage of tech to improve the customer journey

While digital marketing is there to point potential customers in the direction of your business, it’s still up to you to ensure that the customer journey goes smoothly. For example, web optimization ensures your customers have the highest chances of making a purchase when they get to your landing page. AI and various types of business software can also help your company with an online ticketing system and virtual agents for customer service.


Tech is an integral part of any business, especially if you want to outpace the competition as a startup. The earlier you rely on business software, the easier it becomes to manage your company, especially with regard to scalability.

CompanionLink to Launch Outlook Sync for monday sales CRM

Supported sync destinations include Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Google, iCloud and DejaOffice

CompanionLink Software, the long-time leading maker of PC-based Sync Products, is launching a Sync driver for monday sales CRM in September 2022. This driver will be supported throughout our product line, allowing integration from monday sales CRM to PC Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft 365, Google, iCloud, iPhone, Android and DejaOffice.

A month ago, announced the availability of the monday sales CRM. The CRM is a fully customizable multi-user CRM you can set up in minutes, giving small business owners and large business sales teams the ability to manage their sales cycle and customer data. Introduced by (MNDY), monday sales CRM seamlessly integrates with hundreds of apps and services, but not Microsoft Outlook on the PC. Instead, CompanionLink will supply an Outlook Sync product.

Market Position

CompanionLink plans to release software that fully supports Sync with Contacts and Activities in monday sales CRM. Based on a Windows software engine, CompanionLink products commonly connect a legacy platform with a novel platform.

CompanionLink solves a common business problem. Although dynamic teams seek to implement new and powerful web-based technology, established processes and staff rely on traditional PC-based tools to be productive in their everyday assignments. CompanionLink solves this problem by creating software that connects the legacy tool, like Microsoft Outlook, with new platforms like monday sales CRM. As a result, the CompanionLink customer gains the best of both worlds as they maintain their legacy systems while engaging in dynamic involvement with monday’s modern productivity tools.

Outlook Contact Integration with Monday CRM

CompanionLink’s new driver connects Outlook Contacts to monday sales CRM contacts. Your entire contact list is available on Monday in just a few seconds. CompanionLink’s product works without regard to whether you use the email portion of monday sales CRM. You can add the Outlook fields to your monday sales CRM template, and the CompanionLink driver will sync them. CompanionLink supports all forms of Outlook folders, including POP3, IMAP and Exchange folder types.

Outlook Calendar Integration with monday CRM Activities

The new driver connects Outlook Calendar with monday sales CRM activities. This connection ensures your daily activities are shared between Outlook on your PC and monday sales CRM for your team.’s product lacks a formal week and month view, and many people find these views fundamental to how they schedule their activities in Outlook.

CompanionLink products that integrate with monday sales CRM

When CompanionLink introduces a new driver, it is supported throughout the diverse CompanionLink product line. Customers who use monday sales CRM can take advantage of the following products:

CompanionLink Professional

CompanionLink Professional is sold as a perpetual license for $149.95 per user one-time charge or as a subscription for $28.95 per user, billed once every three months. CompanionLink Express is installed on your local Windows PC and will integrate the following data destinations:

  • PC-based Outlook versions 2007 and higher
  • iCloud Contacts and Calendar
  • Gmail Contacts and Google Calendar

DoubleLook Enterprise

CompanionLink’s DoubleLook Enterprise provides server-based integration used by larger-scale websites to automate the sync process. DoubleLook is commonly used in corporations with a Corporate Exchange server instead of Office 365 hosted by Microsoft. DoubleLook integrates the same destinations as CompanionLink Express, including Exchange, iCloud, Google, and DejaCloud.

DejaOffice on PC, iPhone and Android

DejaOffice CRM is the highest-rated CRM product in the Android App store. It provides a convenient database for handling Contacts, Calendars, Tasks and Notes. The iPhone and Android-based DejaOffice App is free. While DejaOffice will not connect directly to monday sales CRM, customers set up a DejaCloud connector to handle this task. DejaCloud is a sync service offered by CompanionLink.

DejaFlow Automatic Sync

CompanionLink hosts a service called DejaFlow. When monday sale CRM is added to this service, small businesses can quickly add and maintain a connector for a fraction of the cost of Microsoft Automated Services, Appy Pie or Zapier.

Simple Setup

CompanionLink products are focused on the consumer market and are very easy to set up. Supply your login credentials. For example, with monday sales CRM, you create an API key, enter this value in the software, and then select simple items like which user records you want to integrate. You do not need to script separate actions like add, change, delete, or worry about complex data flow.

Speed and Performance Metrics

CompanionLink makes full use of App Hooks, which allows sync to be done in a few seconds. For example, once you have connected your Outlook to monday sales CRM, a new contact added in Outlook can be viewed on Monday at about the same speed as you switch to your browser (about 3 seconds). In addition, when you add an activity in monday sales CRM, it will display on your Outlook Calendar the next time you look at your calendar.

A Step Up for monday CRM customers

While provides Google and Outlook integration, CompanionLink’s PC-based tool can provide an alternative level of service. As an established 3rd party vendor, CompanionLink provides a simple setup, fast sync, and technical support service in the style typical of legacy PC products. CompanionLink runs as a traditional Windows App. You install the product, set up the integration, and run automatically for weeks and years without any need for adjustment or maintenance. If you purchase a perpetual license, it is a one-time charge, so you do not need to spend money in future years until the PC or web-based platform requires an updated version.


CompanionLink’s products with the new monday sales CRM driver is now available in late September 2022. If you are interested please click here.

Tech Support

CompanionLink provides free telephone tech support in our local time zone from 7am-3:30pm US Pacific Time. In addition, you can email 24×7, and CompanionLink will respond to all messages on the next business day. CompanionLink is located in the US in Portland, Oregon.

CompanionLink also provides a one-time setup service called RunStart, for $69 and Premium Tech Support, for $149 per year. An experienced technician will log into your computer with both services and provide hands-on assistance for setup and maintenance tasks.

About CompanionLink Software

CompanionLink® Software, Inc. is a pioneer developer of data synchronization solutions for mobile phones and CRM software and services. They also develop a DejaOffice® for Outlook® App, which runs on Android™, iPhone® and iPad® devices. For 30 years, CompanionLink has connected Contacts, Calendars, Tasks and Notes from legacy platforms to innovative new web platforms as well as mobile phones and tablets. For more information, please visit and

CompanionLink, DejaOffice, and DejaCloud are registered trademarks of CompanionLink Software, Inc. Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

CompanionLink Professional
Average User Rating:
Average rating: 4.83 out of 5 based on 659 reviews.
Free 14 day trial. Price $24.95 3-Month Sub - $149.95 One-time License.

Useful Tips to Help Improve the Way Your Business Works

Running a business is no easy task, especially in this competitive commercial environment. There are many challenges that your company will be facing in the initial years of operation; some of these challenges are hard to tackle and are usually why a lot of startups end up shutting down after five years of operation. Multiple areas of your business need attention, and as its owner, it is your job to ensure that each part of your business is running smoothly and is able to effectively navigate any bumps in the road. Here are a few tips that can help you improve your business operations.

1. Better Management of Resources

You need to organize and manage your business to ensure it operates without difficulties. Organization of business tasks could include overseeing and managing your finances, corporate affairs, and how your employees behave in the work environment. Poor management usually results in a business shutting down after 2-3 years of operations. If you’re looking to stay afloat in this cutthroat market, you need to learn how to manage your entire company and get everyone on the same page.

There are tools available to aid business managers, such as company or team management software. The aim of this software is to boost your business’ productivity levels while aligning your company finances with your long-term plans and goals. Being a business manager can be exhausting, and these organizational skills and management tools will help relieve the burden of managing your company and delegating responsibility.

You can only organize and manage your business if you have a business plan that can help you work towards achieving a specific goal. Usually, a business plan should be realistic and achievable, allowing you to measure your employees’ and company’s progress. Identifying your target market and their needs and establishing your business values are a few stepping stones that help formulate a business plan to achieve your long-term goals.

2. Use Customer Experience Software

A customer experience software helps a company manage and track their customer’s feedback. This software designs and analyzes a customer’s experience while deriving ways a business could elevate its clients’ experience. If you decide to use a lead provider of customer experience software, it will allow you to assess your customers’ satisfaction levels, brand loyalty, and repurchase rate.

You can effortlessly gather customer feedback data about your company from social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. This data can then be grouped to measure the overall experience that your previous clients have had. You can then improve your customer retention rate by improving your services, offering them better quality products, providing them with after-sales services, and more. 

However, customer experience software will be valuable to your company if your previous clientele provides feedback about their experience. When dealing with your clients, try encouraging them to leave reviews on your website, preferably positive. According to a study done, more than 92% of potential customers will scour through online reviews before purchasing a specific brand’s product or acquiring a service from a particular company.

One way of making sure that your clients leave reviews on your website is to offer them incentives for leaving reviews, such as a 10% off on their next purchase. Companies can also request that their customers leave video testimonials, if possible; some potential clients can be skeptical about online reviews, believing that the reviews are biased and a form of paid promotion. Video testimonials will give them a sense of security and help them realize that the feedback in question is unbiased and a true reflection of the services provided by the company.

3. Automate Tasks

The level of business competition these days is cutthroat, which is why you must automate your business tasks as much as you can. Automating tasks can include emailing your employees their paychecks, or sending your vendors electronic receipts. Such duties are monotonous, boring, and can waste your employees’ time by distracting them from their work.

By automating your business tasks, you give your employees the chance to work in a more productive environment, allowing them to work with increasing efficiency. Although automating your business tasks might be a little costly in the initial stages, it will help benefit your business in the long run.

4. Train Your Employees

Training your employees will polish up their old skills and help them learn new ones they could utilize in their job. Research and studies have proven that on-the-job training leads to job satisfaction, which results in employees being motivated to work harder and be more productive. By staying up to date on the latest trends in the industry, your employees will have an upper hand and be able to tackle any problems on their own.

5. Have Daily Meetings

Everyone hates meetings; they’re long, boring, and tedious, and you often feel like falling asleep when you’re not even halfway through them. However, research has proven that keeping your daily meetings short and to the point (10 minutes to be exact) leads to efficient and productive meetings, with a generation of new ideas and the involvement of every member. Having company meetings is a necessity; however, your company does not need conferences that eat away the entire work day and distract both you and your employees from being their productive selves.

Having daily 10-minute meetings is an excellent way to keep your employees up to date on any new business developments. It also encourages them to present their ideas and contributions, engendering in them a sense of loyalty and belonging to the company. A streamlined meeting improves employee efficiency and eliminates valuable work time being wasted on unnecessary discussions.

6. Use Task Management Software

Communicating through fax and email is a thing of the past; if you want your business model to operate efficiently, you need to start using task management software. Task management software will streamline communication with your employees and have all your conversations and tasks in one place. 

Task management software has been proven to be especially useful for corporations whose employees work in groups and teams. This way, the group members’ individual assigned tasks and progress can be viewed by anyone. The ability to track and view each other’s progress will enable employees to reach out to their respective team members and help them out if need be. It also allows everyone to achieve their goals efficiently. Team leaders can encourage and motivate members who are slacking behind in terms of task completion.

7. Create an Email List

Most companies think of reaching out to their customers via email as something of the past, but corporations that tap into email marketing have been successful so far. You can expand your email marketing list by reaching out to your contacts and adding your previous clientele. You can also have a registration form on your website where interested people can fill in their details to get added to your email list.

When you’re marketing to potential customers through email, try not to clutter their inboxes with irrelevant information. The content you distribute via email needs to be relevant, gripping, and easy to read and understand. Sending out readable, relatable, and engaging content will give your potential customers a reason to open your email and read it. To pull in subscribers, you can give them special incentives or reward them with gifts such as coupons, shipping offers, or discount rates for signing up.

8. Openly Communicate With Employees

Establishing a culture that promotes openly communicating with your colleagues will help your employees easily find solutions to their problems. Your employees should not feel apprehensive about voicing their concerns or providing you or their colleagues with feedback on how they should be performing specific tasks. One of the main reasons a company grows is its ability to foster an environment where employees feel comfortable speaking out about how the company is run. Believe it or not, your employees might provide you with practical advice or tips that can help your company flourish in ways that even you might not have thought of. Encouraging your employees to think, be creative, provide feedback, and voice their opinions and ideas helps your business become more efficient.

9. Have Flexible Working Hours

Covid has completely changed the way employees work; with a team of hard-working and devoted employees, it’s easier for your employees to be more productive with more flexible working hours. Flexible working hours increase employees’ job satisfaction and loyalty to your company. This way, your employees will be working at hours that are more convenient for them, allowing them to be more productive. Your employees can work from home and be more diligent and dutiful towards their work. Flexible working hours and the ability to work remotely will be especially appreciated by workers with children and families.

Multiple aspects of a business need to come together and work harmoniously to ensure its success. A business manager needs to organize and manage these areas effectively for optimal productivity. Focusing on your customers, employees, and key business operations will help your business flourish. By keeping these tips in mind, you can prevent your business from becoming stagnant and allow it to grow and prosper.

How to Use SalesHood To Optimize Your Product Distribution

If you’re looking for a way to optimize your product distribution and get more sales, then you need to check out SalesHood. SalesHood is a tool that helps businesses improve their product distribution and sales processes. It can help you get your products in front of the right people at the right time and make it easier to sell your products.

In this blog post, we will explain what SalesHood is, how it works, and how you can use it to optimize your product distribution. We’ll also give you tips on getting started with SalesHood and making the most of its features. The best part is you can also learn and look into a sales distribution partner like Frank Doolittle.

What Is Saleshood, And What Does It Do For Businesses?

SalesHood is a software company that provides businesses with tools to optimize their product distribution. SalesHood’s platform enables companies to manage and automate their sales operations, including product distribution.

SalesHood’s products are designed to help businesses streamline their sales processes and improve efficiencies. The company offers a range of products, including a sales order management system, a customer relationship management (CRM) system, and a product distribution management system

SalesHood also provides consulting services to help businesses implement their products and optimize their sales operations

Here are some of the ways SalesHood can help your business:

  1. Improve product distribution: SalesHood makes it easy to get your products in front of potential customers. You can use its features to target specific customers, create custom marketing campaigns, and track results so you can see what’s working and what isn’t.
  2. Increase sales: SalesHood can help you increase sales by automating your sales processes. This means you can focus on selling, not on administrative tasks.
  3. Save time: SalesHood’s products can save you time by automating repetitive tasks and giving you more visibility into your sales operations.
  4. Reduce costs: SalesHood can help you reduce costs by eliminating manual processes and increasing efficiencies.

How To Use Saleshood To Optimize Your Product Distribution

SalesHood offers businesses several ways to optimize their product distribution. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of SalesHood:

  1. Target specific customers: Use SalesHood’s targeting features to reach the right customers for your products. You can target customers by location, demographics, interests, and more.
  2. Create custom marketing campaigns: Use SalesHood’s tools to create custom campaigns that reach your target customers. You can create email campaigns, social media campaigns, and more.
  3. Track results: Use SalesHood’s reporting features to track the results of your marketing campaigns. This way, you can see what’s working and what isn’t and adjust your strategies accordingly.
  4. Automate your sales processes: Use SalesHood’s automation features to streamline your sales processes. This way, you can focus on selling, not on administrative tasks.
  5. Increase efficiency: Use SalesHood’s products to increase efficiency in your sales operations. This can save you time and money.

How To Get Started With Saleshood?

SalesHood offers a free trial, so you can try its products and see if they fit your business well. To sign up for a free trial, visit SalesHood’s website and create an account.

Once you’ve created an account, you can start using SalesHood’s products to optimize your product distribution. If you need help getting started, SalesHood offers training and support resources on its website. You can also contact SalesHood’s customer support team for assistance.

  1. Sign up for a free trial: To get started with SalesHood, sign up for a free trial. This will give you access to all of the features and functionality of the tool.
  2. Create an account: Once you’ve signed up for a free trial, create an account.
  3. Add your products: Once you’ve created an account, add your products. This will allow you to track and manage your product distribution.
  4. Start tracking and managing your product distribution: Once you’ve added your products, start tracking and managing your product distribution.

SalesHood Vs. Other CRM Tools

Unlike other CRM tools, SalesHood is designed explicitly for product distribution. This makes it uniquely suited to help businesses optimize their product distribution.

Some of the benefits of using SalesHood include:

  1. The ability to see how products perform in different markets:  With SalesHood, businesses can see how their products perform in different markets. This allows them to make changes to their product distribution strategy accordingly.
  2. The ability to track and manage inventory: With SalesHood, businesses can track and manage their inventory. This helps them ensure that they always have the right amount of product in stock and that they are not over- or under-stocking their products.
  3. The ability to optimize pricing: With SalesHood, businesses can optimize their pricing. This helps them ensure they get the best possible price for their products.
  4. A complete picture of your product distribution pipeline: With SalesHood, businesses can see a complete picture of their product distribution pipeline. This helps them optimize their product distribution strategy and make sure that they are not missing any opportunities.

What the Future has in store for Data-Centric Security

Given that many are looking to or already have migrated some or all of their infrastructure to the cloud, data is constantly on the move. Data critical to your organization’s functioning is often moves across networks and to other locations you might have little control over. This data is also something that hackers are on the prowl for and looking to incept and steal given the opportunity. Given this new reality, a new security methodology was developed, called data-centric security, to combat threats attempting to hijack and profit illicitly from your data.

Put simply, this new method of protecting data is based on creating policies to determine what data is in need of protection and following those policies to decide who can access that data. In general, the more sensitive the data, the fewer people and systems will be granted access to it. These policies are flexible enough to move with the data when transferred but still retain all the restrictions imposed on it by the policy rules.

Changing Threats, Changing Methodology

One of the reasons the data-centric approach was developed was that data, no matter the size of the organization or the security budget, was that advances in technology that meant data had to inevitably move to different locations, often across continents gave hackers the chance to incept that data. If no security measures and policies were in place upon intercepting the data, it was simply a matter of reading whatever was stored in the data packets.

Data-centric security arose to meet this challenge by developing security software that would impose policies on data to make sure if incepted it was encrypted and couldn’t be accessed. What’s more is that these packages allowed for the easy creation of policies and provide visibility throughout an organization’s data and the devices it is stored on, be it traditional hard drives or cloud storage solutions. Such solutions act as a vigilant gatekeeper and are in line with what we at Archtis keep striving for in the face of ever-changing threats.

Changing Technology to Meet Data-Centric Needs

With the advent of renewed development of artificial intelligence and machine learning the ability to develop data-centric security software was given a shot in the arm, so to speak. Advancements in these fields allow for better predictive models to be developed around how data moves from machine to machine and person to person. Further, they improved visibility throughout an organization’s chosen data storage methods. 

Visibility has always been a concern for security researchers and those tasked with defending IT infrastructure. Defending the precious data is an all but impossible task when you have no visibility over and within the data storage medium. With the current cloud migration revolution, visibility became more of a concern as data was no longer been stored in on-site servers but across an entire cloud network.

The future of the data-centric approach is based on leveraging new technologies to grant administrative staff better visibility even when working with cloud infrastructure. Further, technologies will be used to allow for more efficient scalability and data compliance with regulatory and industry best practices.


While the advent of cloud technology and fast data transfer has enabled businesses to grow and thrive they have likewise presented new opportunities to hackers and other malicious parties. Data-centric security, when applied right, can be the missing security piece to organizations needing to protect their data, which is almost every one of them.

How Chip Shortages Will Affect iPhone and Samsung Prices in 2022

The worldwide microchip shortage has been impacting manufacturers across industries since 2021. Industry experts and thought leaders have warned tech and automobile companies to batten their hatches since the shortage could continue on into 2023.

Several big names have experienced the semi-conductor shortage. Apple, for example, had to cut down production of the iPhone 13 by 10% last year because their suppliers couldn’t acquire enough chips for the units. This caused Apple’s share prices to drop by around 8% even though the microchip shortage cannot be attributed to them or any other individual corporation.

Speaking of corporations, the global shortage has also impacted Samsung’s production. Samsung is the world’s largest smartphone manufacturer in that they also supply components to other companies, such as Apple. The Korean giant’s stance has been to possibly raise component prices by about 20% to absorb increased raw material costs. This would have a worldwide effect, as other tech and automobile manufacturers would have to tag higher prices for products to cover these microchip costs.

Before we dive deeper into how the chip shortage will impact iPhone and Samsung prices in specific, let’s take a look at where this supply and demand discrepancy came from.

Reasons Why We’re Experiencing a Global Microchip Shortage

The shortage began in 2020 when the world went into lockdown. People had to stay at home round the clock and turned to electronics for entertainment and stress relief. This unprecedented increase in demand made companies struggle to get products out fast enough, resulting in additional pressure on manufacturers. The factories responsible for making semi-conductors couldn’t keep up.

It’s important to note that this backlog could have been avoided if factories had access to the same amount of labor and raw materials. A global lockdown also meant that shipping ports were closed and cargo waiting to be transported for months. The supply chain industry took a massive hit, meaning factories just couldn’t make the microchips even if they wanted to.

The automobile industry is another reason for the global shortage. Automakers canceled their orders for microchips when the world went into lockdown, anticipating a declining need for cars. However, the demand for new cars didn’t drop and car manufacturers found themselves amidst a microchip shortage, as they panic-bought components from their usual suppliers.

Experts believe the shortage will continue well into 2023 and tech companies should be on the lookout for new strategies to help them circumvent any crises.

How Will Samsung Prices Be Affected?

We have mentioned that Samsung will raise their components price by nearly 20% to combat rising material and manufacturing costs. The question remains: how will this price hike affect the everyday Samsung consumer?

Samsung is a tech giant that could ideally absorb rising costs if necessary. It would be unfair to label them as purely numbers-focused, as the company tried its best to keep the cost low for the components they supply. However, external circumstances like the war in Ukraine, increasing lockdowns in China, and the global supply chain disruption have forced them to increase prices. They considered the price hike after two major semi-conductor manufacturers, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and United Microelectronics Corp., also showed signs to do the same.

So, how does a component price hike affect everyday consumers? Firstly, expect to pay more for your favorite products in the short term. This applies especially to Samsung’s flagship phones, which will release on time despite the global chip shortage. This is because Samsung has a brand image to maintain and they will pay top dollar to do it. However, consumers will also have to do the same to afford one of those flagships for now.

Even if you discount Samsung’s own products, the second effect you will feel is an overall increase in gadget prices. So, expect your favorite tech products to experience some sort of price hike in the coming months. Samsung is the world’s fourth largest microchip manufacturer, meaning that an increase in its prices affects the entire global market.

How Will iPhone Prices be Affected?

Apple has been facing its own share of problems from the global chip shortage. This has been most noticeable in the iPad manufacturing chain, where the company struggled to get enough devices out due to the worldwide semi-conductor shortage.

The shortage might primarily impact Apple’s profit margins, as its star products bear the brunt of the manufacturing crisis. According to Counterpoint Research, the net profit margin for most smartphone manufacturers is approximately 5-10%. Apple enjoys a higher range, but might still be in trouble, as some experts say that Apple will have to raise prices to balance their costs even before they make a profit in 2022. However, Apple reported a 20% increase in profit last year, awarding them increased market value despite the global chip shortage.

Despite Apple’s business strategy might be impacted but they do have a trump card. The company likes to keep a diverse set of suppliers, making them less vulnerable to a single manufacturer. Moreover, due to their deep pockets, they have been able to favorably negotiate with suppliers.

What Happens Next?

Industry experts have varying forecasts for the global chip shortage. With China and some parts of Europe still experiencing frequent lockdowns, it’s hard to say whether the supply chain for microchips will right itself.

Some companies are trying to fight the issue head-on by setting up domestic production plants in the U.S. and weaning themselves off of foreign manufacturers. There is still more demand than supply in the market and industry leaders like Cristiano Amon, CEO of Qualcomm, have predicted that the shortage will be here until 2024 for some companies.

There is no denying that the global shortage is here to stay until at least 2023. This means that you should be prepared to pay more for your favorite electronics for the time being.

Know Why It Is Beneficial to Go In for Cryptocurrency Courses

Keeping in mind the evolvement of crypto in the past years, is it beneficial to go in for cryptocurrency courses? In this article, you will be getting all of your answers and discover the worth of such courses. You will also find out whether it is essential for an individual to join such courses or not, giving an idea about beginning an enhancing career in Bitcoin Motion. You can also avail yourself of the distinctive branding changes introduced by such courses. Currently, you can pay using these with the help of crypto.

Value for Your Money

The course of cryptocurrency backs up solidity and involves a beginner’s guide on making the right investments. Such courses also include quizzes to check out your learning of several key terms and concepts. These quizzes are valued for your money, mainly if you are starting to get into cryptocurrency. It helps you to learn about how to fix up your wallet and cryptocurrencies and also makes you understand the blockchain technology and how it works.

It also makes you understand how to create a varied portfolio and utilize digital currencies. Furthermore, it helps you in learning about the risk managements and tactics related to cryptocurrencies.

Such courses also involve a guide about assembling a PC for mining through scratch. It is an ideal course for people interested in crypto investments and mapping out strategies for improving their trading skills. Many people are enrolling in these courses, and several websites offer such courses. It is one of the websites that is preferred by many people.

Avail These Courses for Enhancing Your Career

The requirement of such courses for enhancing your career is the main subject. Although, there are several ways you can understand the use-cases of virtual currency. You might learn the primary and develop your knowledge from these professional courses. It would be best if you also stayed alongside the recent regulation upgrades in legal, political, business, and technology.

Users who are not aware of crypto get frequently confused by professionals diverging recommendations, so it is essential to learn how it functions and then start your educational voyage. Also, these courses are not only for financial professionals, and they are beneficial for several familiar people with Bitcoin and many various digital coins accessible for trading.

On the other hand, from making your path more straightforward, understanding the primaries of cryptocurrency will also allow you to gain more money from the ROIs. The skill you will obtain will permit you to be independent financially and enhance your balance of work-life. If you are wishing to work from home or initiate your start-up business, understanding the primaries of blockchain can be an ideal kick-off to your journey. There are various advantages of this brand-new technology.

What Cryptocurrency Courses Will Teach You?

Investing in these courses like the ones at Immediate Spike will help you learn about decentralized applications, wallets, smart contracts, and blockchain technology. It will also allow you to learn how to utilize and create wallets, develop an expanded portfolio, and learn about the working of virtual money. Furthermore, through this course, you will also learn to detect scams and how to control risks.

Worth of Your Money for These Courses for Swing Traders

It would be best if you created an analysis of the cost-benefit when selecting a particular course for trading cryptocurrency. Even though few ideal courses in cryptocurrency are cost-free or are much expensive. Go for an entire course that offers almost everything you require to begin trading and makes you validated as a trader of crypto.

Generally, every trader grasps the position late at night, overviewing the markets that bounce forth and back and tries to purchase at the top or base of a string, with the help of technical symptoms, state when rates are probably to trend downwards or upwards. In a few scenarios, events in the news might be the turning point for the movements of the prices.

Swing traders typically don’t have any issues in managing some trades. They are a bit more nervous and wish to learn the alignment of prices as per their positions. Several such kinds of traders do not have much time to understand the late strategies of crypto or control their positions in trading.

Through courses in crypto, you can also understand how to evaluate the functions of virtual currency if compared with general finance. It will also teach you about several approaches you need for your startup via cryptocurrency from various bitcoin trading platforms, for instance, the technology of leveraging blockchain.

A Modern Guide to Customer Appreciation

From giving clients thoughtful gifts to celebrate holidays and occasions to special deals for loyalty, there are a lot of ways to show customer appreciation in the modern world. Customer appreciation is important in an increasingly digital and technology-driven world. It sets businesses apart when they build a human connection with their customers. 

Customer appreciation shows you’re willing to go the extra mile on behalf of customers and that you will make for them. You are showing that you value your customers. 

Below is a guide to everything modern businesses should know about customer appreciation. 

What is Customer Appreciation?

Customer appreciation is a way to show gratitude to the people who keep your business going. A customer appreciation strategy can be used as a way to reward loyal customers and show them they’re important to the success of the brand. 

We can also look at customer appreciation as a gifting strategy that helps you go beyond your products and services to engage customers and build positive, strong, long-term relationships. 

 It’s a marketing strategy that recognizes your best customers. There’s an art to helping your customers feel engaged and to showing gratitude, which boosts referral rates and retention. Customer appreciation is proactive, and simply showing gratitude is the foundation. Over 70% of customers say they’re more likely to recommend a company when it has a good loyalty program they feel caters to their experience. An estimated 68% of customers say they won’t buy from companies they don’t feel care about them. 

There’s a psychological and emotional benefit as well. 

Particular benefits of customer appreciation include:

  • Your brand value increases. If you’re a brand with more satisfied customers and good feedback and reviews, you’re going to be more competitive in the larger marketplace. You can create a positive impression and then get more customers through word-of-mouth referrals. 
  • If your customers love your brand and the service you provide them, it raises customer loyalty. After you earn the trust of customers, they’re not going to go anywhere else to get the same products or services that you offer. You’re going to be able to grow your business as such. 
  • When you make your customers feel special, while it’s a longer-term endeavor, you’ll see growth in your profits. 
  • Appreciation generates word-of-mouth marketing. Word-of-mouth marketing is low-cost and high-impact. When you make people feel special, they’re going to share your brand with other people. 

Customer Appreciation Day

Every day should be a customer appreciation day to have a strong brand, but there’s also an official day that you can make extra special. National Customer Appreciation Day is April 18, but you can always choose a different day if you’d like while still celebrating in small ways throughout the year. 

If you’re going to do a customer appreciation day, make it well-advertised, so your customers know you’re planning it. You don’t want it to go unnoticed. 

General Ways to Show Customers You Appreciate Them

The following are some general ways to show appreciation for your customers:

  • Write thank you cards. Thank you cards are an old-fashioned yet always effective way to show appreciation. We all like to receive a handwritten thank you note from time to time. Don’t use a thank you card as a way to pitch a sale. It should only be about the customer and not about your customer. Make it as personal as you can. 
  • Send out gift cards or coupons. You can also include these with a thank you card. 
  • Do customer spotlights. This is a fun way to showcase your most valuable customers, and they’ll have fun with it. You can do a profile and post it on your blog or social media pages. You can ask your customers directly or send an email and see who might be interested. It gives you good content for your social media channels, along with improving your customer experience. 
  • Create a customer loyalty program. Loyalty programs help keep your customers around, and they’re going to come back again and again if you’re offering worthwhile referral rewards and perks
  • Provide free upgrades, especially if you have a subscription-driven business. For example, software companies can offer complimentary upgrades so their long-term customers can try new features for free. 
  • Distribute swag. Swag is fun and exciting, and it’s something everyone loves. Plus, it’s promotional for your brand. Customers remember brands that give them promotional items, and they’re twice as likely to have a positive impression with this type of advertising compared to an online ad. 
  • Send personalized gifts. This is a big one—you’re really going the extra mile to show your customers you care and you’re interested in their happiness. 
  • Pay attention to detail. Customer service is a place where even the smallest details matter. You can solve customer problems by being detail-oriented in everything you do. Maybe this means that your customer service team learns more about your good customers and can then point them in the direction of the right products for them and make tailored suggestions. When you know what your customers need, and you’re helping them find solutions, that in and of itself shows that you’re dedicated. 
  • Check-in regularly. Businesses will often complete a transaction, and that’s the end of it as far as their communication with the customer. If you want to be a brand that builds relationships, you can follow up with your customers regularly after the transaction to make sure their needs are still being met. For example, check-in shortly after a purchase to see how happy the customer is with the product or service. Maybe they need some help with onboarding, and this is a time you can go above and beyond to show appreciation. When you’re proactive, you’re also saving customers time if they need anything from you. 
  • Personalization is one of the most critical elements of being successful in today’s business world. Customers don’t just want personalization. They demand it. You’re showing you notice your customers, and we briefly talked about above how that can make such a difference in the experience they have with your brand and business. 
  • Listen to your customers and get to know them just like you would anyone else. You can also use data and analytics to track what your customers have bought in the past and what areas they’ve needed help with, and you can keep track of all the interactions they have with your team. Then you can start to look more deeply into customer insights and find patterns that can be helpful in showing appreciation. 
  • Support causes that are important to your customers. Customers increasingly want brands they do business with to support issues that are important to them in an authentic way and reflect their own values. Maybe you support a charitable cause with each purchase a customer makes, for example. 

Customer Appreciation Gifts

The concept of customer appreciation gifts is mentioned above. They are one of the best ways to show employees that you care. 

Some of the ways you can use gifts for customer appreciation include:

  • Occasion gifts can be something traditional, like Christmas and holiday gifts. You can also give gifts for different types of occasions. For example, you might do customer anniversary gifts, or you could send gifts when customers meet a certain spending total. These can be surprises, which adds another beneficial element to the experience for the customer. 
  • If you’re a business or service provider where there are big ticket items involved, you can show your customers they matter with a gift at the end of transactions. Realtors helping clients close on a house is an example of this. 
  • If something goes wrong, you might right it with a gift. A gift can show that you’re truly sorry and you want to make it right. Small gifts can go a long way from turning a disgruntled customer into one who’s happy and will return to do business with you. 
  • Random and surprise gifts for no reason can always be fun too. 

So what about the types of gifts that are appropriate for customer appreciation? 

The more you know your customers, the more you can align gifts to their preferences and unique characteristics. 

There are trending products, like portable speakers or headphones, that tend to be universally liked. You might give a productivity gift, like a planner, or you can send flowers which is a traditional approach to showing appreciation. 

Utilitarian gifts are always great too. For example, maybe a phone stand, tote bag, or a charging cable set in a case are gifts that people can put to good use, and they’re budget-friendly from your perspective. 

Snack boxes, stainless steel water bottles, and wine tumblers can be good gifts, and if you want to splurge a bit more, maybe something like wireless earbuds or a luxurious blanket will make a good gift. 

Customer appreciation is one of the defining features that can set you apart from other businesses in the long term, so it’s worth investing effort into getting it right. 

10 Ways to Protect Your Small Business from Scammers and Ransomware

As a small business owner, one of the biggest challenges you face is dealing with fraudulent activity and enhancing cybersecurity in your business. Dealing with these two problems seems like too much obligation, and it feels easier to let things be. However, the potential loss is too high, so you’re better off not leaving anything to chance.

Having to deal with overpayment scams, false billing, ransomware, whaling, spearfishing, or some other kind of cyber-attack is a bigger nightmare. It cannot compare to the price of investing in robust security patches and systems.

That said, here are ten ways to help you stay safe from most of these prevalent issues.

1. Educate Yourself and Your Staff On Cybersecurity

As the adage goes, education is power. The tech world evolves daily, so you cannot afford to lag behind. Nowadays, fraudsters are not lazy people who just look for opportunities to take off with anything lying unmanned.

They are tech-savvy brains who work hard to find out how businesses are run, their security vulnerabilities, and how to take advantage of them. If they work that hard, you have to be smarter and always stay a few steps ahead of them. Engage in continuous training for everyone within your business.

2. Don’t Compromise on Background Checks When Hiring

Today, depending on details in a job application to assess a potential employee would be a serious mistake. Before welcoming anyone to your payroll, ensure they fit your business culture. It would help to find out how they handled their professional responsibilities in their previous workplaces.

Also, you can use Nuwber to verify their real identity and if their profile matches what you find. Several sites like LinkedIn offer professional information, so don’t skip this vital part of the hiring process. Take time to hand-pick employees who will be handling high-value assets or cash. This should also apply to staff with access to or control of sensitive data.

3. Get a Cybersecurity Insurance Cover

Perhaps this sounds like a luxury you can’t afford, but here’s why you should make cybersecurity insurance a must-have. First, the insurance company will provide comprehensive cover based on your needs. Subsequently, if they discover that you are highly vulnerable, their business is at risk.

They will go out of their way to help you evaluate your data and software security. They will also check into potential weaknesses with your integration with third-party businesses such as electronic banking to ensure you’ve got everything correctly. Talk of the enemies to your enemies being your friends; couldn’t be put any better.

4. Invest in Secure Data and IT Infrastructure

In the modern world of cloud computing, you need a serious investment in a reliable firewall coupled with apt software for dealing with viruses and other malware. Investing in secure software application development solutions will enhance your sales and provide solid security benefits.

Your programs as well as spyware and ransomware for your data security, are not exclusive. However, don’t make the grave mistake of depending entirely on cloud-based data storage. Always have an up-to-date offline database for all your programs and files. They safeguard you from having to lock down in case of a cyber-attack.

Most importantly, a well-secured offline data bank is your ultimate insurance against data loss in a severe security breach. You can always “go analog” to sustain operations until you’re secured again.

Make sure you have skilled professionals for support on your side as well. Companies are often looking to find UCC services at because these can provide you with experienced professionals who understand the industry and are quick to respond. For example, you can find UCC professionals who are experienced in filing financing statements and managing debt transactions.

5. Separate Your Money from Your Business

Securing your money is a crucial safety measure. First off, separate personal finances from your small business funds by putting them in separate accounts. Keep bank and credit card information from getting into the wrong hands by restricting access to them. You can also limit the number of persons who have clearance to transact on behalf of the business.

Forbes magazine advises that you should get a designated device for financial transactions. Have a computer for your financial transactions and nothing more. Also, make it a routine to review your online transactions so that you can catch suspicious activity in time.

6. Embrace a Strict Password Policy

Leaked passcodes are the easiest ways for unauthorized users to access your business systems. You need a strict yet practical password policy that controls access to online platforms and offline systems. A multi-layer approach such as multi-factor authentication and administrative supervision would be instrumental to minimizing breaches and tracking who’s logged in, where, and why.

7. Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

Hackers are as dangerous to your wireless network as to your data and systems. An unsecured wireless network can easily compromise all data being shared through it. Likewise, if everyone has access to your Wi-Fi passwords, they can perpetrate data fraud or pose cyber threats to your business. Secure your Wi-Fi network with a secure access protocol, and have a guest access protocol for outsiders. Also, ensure that all your wireless access points are not set in broadcast mode.

8. Implement a Standby Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan

The best way to prepare for a disaster is to mitigate its impact. Just like an emergency response protocol, have a plan for what you’d do in case of a cyber-attack or detecting fraudulent activity. Have standby contacts and an immediate response protocol.

9. Get an Enterprise Fraud Management (EFM) System

Fraud management systems are real-time monitors for internally and externally initiated activities that could lead to fraud. They help you stay on top of accounts, users, and channels. You need a solution that integrates seamlessly with your business, offers an efficient solution and fits within your budget.

10.   Restrict Access Control

To keep fraud and cyber-attacks at their lowest, you need to know exactly who has access to what and where, and how they do it. Granting unnecessary or unmonitored access to staff members makes it difficult to track security breaches or data theft sources. You can always use multi-level clearance for censored access to sensitive data and system control.


As a small business owner you have unlimited risk factors of cybersecurity, and fraud shouldn’t be daunting or too expensive for you. It could mean taking simple measures such as adding spam filters to your email and other communication channels. On the other hand, this can mean something more technical, like getting an insurance policy. Whatever it is, nothing is too much regarding security and data protection.

How to Use Flipbooks as a Small Business

Digital flipbooks are interactive e-books, intended to help businesses attractively present information about their products or services. A flipbook looks exactly like a printed publication, with the ability to flip the pages.


Some of the benefits of using a flipbook for your small business are: 

  • No longer paying to print the magazine
  • Offering an engaging and interactive experience to readers
  • Attracting new customers
  • Offering more information about products and services
  • No boring PDF and product catalogs
  • Responsiveness across all devices
  • Security of your information

How to Use flipbooks

Flipbooks are great tools to promote your business, so you have to make them look professional, engaging, and easy to understand. Try to make the most of the benefits and features that the tools for creating flipbooks offer.

Make Them Easy to Read

Even if any flipbook is interactive and eye-catching, make sure that you increase the interactivity and offer an outstanding customer experience to people flipping through your flipbooks.

Try not to add too much text. Focus on images and videos and get the best out of these features. Add buttons where it’s needed. 

Design Good-Looking Flipbooks

Whether you have an e-commerce company and want to create a digital magazine with your products, or you want to make a portfolio with your achievements to sell your services, a flipbook is a good solution to stand out in front of your potential customers.

You can choose the style you want for the flipbook. You can even use templates. Some templates already have interactive elements. All you have to do is to customize them to align with your brand.

You can see below an example of a flipbook template that you can use for your business.

Customize Flipbooks Based on Your Business Needs

Add your brand colors and logo to all your product pages. In this way, if customers come across your content by chance on the internet and find out about some products, they will become familiar with the brand and will be interested in checking your site to see what else you have to offer.

Use Interactivity

Transform static content into interactive flipbooks. You will gain many customers in this way. Try this to differentiate from your competitors.

Add videos, buttons, and links to your products.

You can use video widgets and add a caption. You can even embed different elements directly on your flipbooks. You can link to products and even add product tags. 

You can use social media buttons and video buttons where you add the URL, choose the size and modify the tooltip. 

Share Flipbooks with Ease

You can share the flipbooks on social media or your website.

You can share a flipbook directly from your current page, via e-mail, share the direct link or the full view link, embed the flipbook player on your website, or download it and share it wherever you want.

Use Flipbooks for Any Product

Present all kinds of information that you want to reach your audience with a flipbook.

Flipbooks can be used in many different niches like newspaper publication, furniture, human resources (for announcements), marketing agencies, telecommunications, computer hardware, software, etc.

Choose an Appealing Layout

You can use a double-page layout, to make your digital magazine look good and the information easier to understand. This design is usually used when presenting a product in an environment. Also, it is used for more similar products. For example, if you have a furniture business, you can present products in a room. Use real pictures and add tags to the products you are selling. Add more details that open with a click on the products.

Embed Flipbook Animations on Your Website

Flipbooks attract attention so you can use flipbooks with your products on your landing pages. Check what are your highly converting landing pages and update them by adding flipbooks and analyzing the impact on the users.

Create a Brand Style Guide

Even if you have a small business, you should start to aim high. For example, you can create a brand style guide, in case some collaborators would agree to use your logo to help you with your promotion. A brand guide flipbook would look professional and would impress them.

Get Customers Insights

There is a flipbook making software that offers a flipbook analytics feature. It is called Flipsnack.

By using this software, you can see what were the pages where your customer spent more time and understand what are your strengths. Working on your strategy increases your customer satisfaction and retention.

SEO-Optimize Your Flipbook

First of all, you have to make the flipbook public. Then do some keyword research and set a meta title and meta description. Try to gain links from other websites to your flipbook. Use a tool like Flipsnack that allows you to use your domain for all your flipbook catalogs.

Use All These Benefits in Your Favor

Get the best out of the opportunity of using flipbooks by using all these benefits: use videos and buttons, use templates for great designs, share flipbooks, embed flipbooks on your website, and get insightful marketing statistics from them.

How To Find The Top Angular Development Company

Angular is a powerful framework for building single-page web applications. Angular development companies can help you harness the power of Angular to build fast, efficient, and scalable web applications. When choosing an Angular development company, it’s important to find one that has extensive experience with the framework and can provide a robust development solution that meets your specific needs. Here are a few tips on how to find the top Angular development company.

1. Look for a company that has extensive experience with Angular

When looking for an Angular development company, it’s important to find one that has a lot of experience working with the framework. The company should have a deep understanding of Angular and be able to provide a robust development solution that meets your specific needs. A company with extensive experience with Angular will be able to help you avoid common pitfalls and deliver a high-quality web application. There are many angular developers out there, so make sure to find one that has a strong track record of delivering successful projects. It’s also important to find a company that is up-to-date on the latest Angular releases and has a good understanding of the framework’s roadmap.

2. Make sure the company offers a comprehensive development solution

The company you choose should offer a comprehensive development solution that includes everything from project management to quality assurance. The development solution should be tailored to your specific needs and should include all the features and functionality you require. A comprehensive development solution will help ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget. Additionally, the company should offer support and maintenance services to help you keep your application up and running.

3. Choose a company that offers competitive pricing

When choosing an Angular development company, it’s important to find one that offers competitive pricing. There are many companies out there that charge high prices for their services, so make sure to find one that offers a fair price for their services. It’s also important to find a company that is willing to work with you to create a payment plan that fits your budget. Additionally, make sure to find a company that offers a money-back satisfaction guarantee so you can be sure you’re getting the best value for your money.

4. Make sure the company has a strong portfolio

When choosing an Angular development company, it’s important to look at their portfolio to see the types of projects they’ve worked on in the past. The portfolio should showcase the company’s experience and expertise in Angular development. Additionally, the portfolio should highlight the company’s ability to deliver high-quality projects on time and within budget. A strong portfolio is a good indication that the company is a reputable and reliable partner for your project. This is especially important if you’re working on a large or complex project.

5. Choose a company that has a good reputation

When choosing an Angular development company, it’s important to find one that has a good reputation in the industry. The company should have a positive track record of delivering successful projects and should be well-known for its quality workmanship. Additionally, the company should have a good relationship with its clients and should be able to provide references upon request. A good reputation is a good indication that the company is a reliable partner for your project. It’s also important to find a company that is willing to put your project first and that is committed to providing the best possible experience for their clients.

6. Make sure the company has a good communication policy

When choosing an Angular development company, it’s important to find one that has a good communication policy. The company should be willing to communicate with you on a regular basis and should be available to answer any questions you have. Additionally, the company should have a clear and concise communication policy so you know what to expect from their team. A good communication policy is a good indication that the company is committed to providing the best possible experience for its clients. 

When choosing an Angular development company, it’s important to consider your specific needs and requirements. Additionally, make sure to find a company that offers a comprehensive development solution, competitive pricing, and a strong portfolio. Finally, choose a company that has a good reputation and communication policy. With these factors in mind, you can be sure to find the best company for your project. It’s also important to find a company that is willing to put your project first and that is committed to providing the best possible experience for their clients.

Payment Gateways and Their Role in eCommerce

With the convenience of shopping online, most customers prefer to purchase goods from the internet rather than in a brick-and-mortar store. That’s why it’s essential for businesses to have an eCommerce site to boost sales. From the perspective of customers, the online payment procedure may look quite simple. However, the entire process is quite complex.

As an eCommerce business owner, you need to avail yourself of the services of a payment processor too. They will set up your eCommerce merchant account through which you will be able to receive your funds. However, it’s important to note that payment gateway and payment processor are different terms.

If you’re interested in knowing about payment gateway, how it differs from a payment processor, and its role in eCommerce, keep reading this article!  

What Is a Payment Gateway?

A payment gateway is software that authorizes a transaction made by the customer. It creates a safe channel between the bank, the customer, and your store. Therefore, it helps you securely process payments to reduce the risk of fraud for sellers and customers.

It can be integrated with other accounting software, tax management tool, or eCommerce platforms. The most common examples of payment gateway are:

  • PayPal
  • Amazon Pay
  • Stripe
  • Apple Pay

What Is the Role of Payment Gateways in eCommerce?

You need to access the services of a payment gateway to process card transactions. Since it authorizes transactions, you won’t be able to receive funds in your bank account without a payment gateway.

Furthermore, it also accepts and handles online payments. As soon as a customer enters their credit/debit card information while making an online purchase, it temporarily stores the data in a secure way.  

After the customer enters the credit/debit card information, a transit takes place between the banks and payment processors. And a payment gateway will make sure that the route is properly encrypted to keep sensitive info safe from the hands of cybercriminals.

Of course, this will maintain the trust between your business and your customers and prevent your goodwill from tarnishing.

Moreover, the payment gateway streamlines the reconciliation and bookkeeping process for eCommerce businesses by providing in-depth reports regularly.

How Is a Payment Gateway Different from a Payment Processor?

Although both terms are used interchangeably, it’s imperative to remember that they are not the same. Most payment processors (also called payment service providers) now offer the services of a payment gateway for a complete service package.

A payment processor creates a channel between the seller’s and customer’s banks. It will set up a merchant account for you, so you can receive funds in your account smoothly after releasing the funds once they are verified.  

On the other hand, the primary goal of a payment gateway is to streamline your checkout process and provide an exceptional shopping experience to the customers on your eCommerce store by encrypting confidential data and securely processing payments.

How to Choose the Right Payment Gateway for Your Business?

Since there are a wide variety of payment gateway service providers, you need to make sure you choose the one that is right for your eCommerce business because the right one will impact your brand’s bottom line.

Asking about the pricing, terms, features, payment methods, integrations, customer support service, currency options, and flexibility of the plan will facilitate you in making an informed decision.