Bitcoin Vs. Dollar: Which is a Better Investment?

Bitcoin and the U.S. dollar are two of the most popular currencies in use around the world today. However, if you are confused upon which financial asset to rely on between Bitcoin and Dollar, then you can be assured that it is quite obvious. Thus, to give some limelight to your confusions, you can go through the thebitcoincode.

This article will help you understand how Bitcoin works, why it’s useful, and how it is compares to other currencies like Dollar.

1. Bitcoin Vs. Dollar: Price Action

  • The Bitcoin price is volatile. This means that it can go up and down significantly in a short time, making it an attractive investment for traders who want to make money from buying and selling assets quickly.
  • The dollar price is stable, making it an attractive investment for people looking to hold onto their currency for extended periods without worrying about losing out on potentially significant gains or losses from trading.

2. Bitcoin Vs. Dollar: Reliability

Reliability is a significant factor for any investment. If you are not sure about the reliability of your investment, then it will be hard for you to stick with it for a long time. Bitcoin is more reliable than the Dollar because:

  • It is decentralized and not controlled by any government – The Dollar is controlled by the U.S. government, while bitcoin isn’t affected by inflation or monetary policies of any country.
  • The supply isn’t fixed – Bitcoin’s supply increases slowly over time, but it can never exceed 21 million coins. On the other hand, there is no limit on how many dollars can be printed by U.S. Treasury.

3. Bitcoin Vs Dollar: Volatility

One of the main differences between bitcoin and the Dollar is their volatility. If you look at bitcoin’s price over some time, it will be easier to see that it’s more volatile than the Dollar. This means that there are extreme highs and typical lows when compared to the USD – its value can change very quickly in either direction.

The volatility of bitcoin has created a lot of talk amongst experts who believe that its value will increase as time goes by and more people adopt it as their preferred payment method. However, others think otherwise because they feel this digital currency has no backing whatsoever.

4. Bitcoin Vs. Dollar: Convenience and Accessibility

Bitcoin and the Dollar are convenient and accessible. Global acceptance makes Bitcoin easier to access than the Dollar.

Cryptocurrency can be used worldwide, unlike most fiat currencies (e.g., USD). Since bitcoin can be used anywhere, you don’t need to discover retailers who accept it or calculate how much cash you’ll need.

Bitcoin is available worldwide and has lower transaction fees than many other forms of payment. Many credit cards incur processing fees when travelling internationally or shopping on foreign websites or stores.

5. Bitcoin Vs. Dollar: Transaction Speed

If you consider comparing Bitcoins and Dollars in terms pf transaction speed, then you have to keep in mind that Bitcoin takes at least 10 minutes to come to existence. But on the other hand, Dollars take only a few minutes to attain the desirable results. Thus, you should consider these points before deciding your choice of currency.

In summary, Bitcoin is a better investment than the Dollar because of its price action, reliability and volatility.

The cryptocurrency market is still young and volatile, and you can’t miss out on this opportunity to get rich quickly. You will not only make money from buying cryptocurrencies at their early stage but also from their appreciation over time.

With BitQL you can us an AI algorithm in order to speed up your trading accuracy and efficiency.


Well, that concludes the discussion on the comparison between the two currencies. As you can see, Bitcoin has a lot more to offer than dollars, but there are some things it needs to improve before becoming a truly better investment. With its price currently at $2,900 per BTC and growing by the day, there’s no doubt that this cryptocurrency will be around for years to come. So if you want to invest in something good like a good trading app such as Crypto Trader App and start trading today, you might gain profits in the coming years.

Bitcoin Vs Dogecoin: Which Is Better?

You must have heard about Bitcoins as they are the hot topics of discussion in today’s world. However, it is not the sole crypto coin which has successfully won millions of hearts. The News Spy platform are other cryptocurrencies like that of Dogecoin and memcoin as well. Dogecoin itself is a meme coin which came to the trade market as a joke.

However, when Elon Musk declared Dogecoin to be one of his most favorite and preferable cryptocurrencies, people went absolutely crazy after this digital coin.  In fact, Dogecoin got so much popular among the youth, that popular Tesla entrepreneur decided to legalize the car payments with Dogecoins. Hence, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins and Dogecoins are in the hype at present. If you are confused upon which one to settle for, then you can check out the following article right away.

1. Bitcoin Has More Adoption Among Investors

Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency and has been around for a decade in the trade market, which gives it an edge over Dogecoin in terms of adoption. It’s also the most valuable cryptocurrency with a market cap of $66 billion compared to Dogecoin’s $1 billion market cap.

2. Dogecoin Is More Volatile Than Bitcoin

Dogecoin is more volatile than other altcoins. The price of 1 DOGE can fluctuate from $0.00027 to $0.0036, whereas Bitcoin’s range is much calmer, from $9,169 to $7,837. This means that Dogecoin is more likely to experience sudden rises and drops in value than Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency, for that matter.

However, it does bring some benefits for the users because short-term traders can use the higher price swings as an opportunity to  gain profit from them quickly before they settle down again or move on to something else entirely. 3. Bitcoins are easier to store in Digital Wallets When you compare Bitcoins to Dogecoins, you need to remember to consider the storage options in the first place. You can’t make purchases with Dogecoin unless your digital wallet has the coin that you want to spend. However, if you want to buy and sell Bitcoins on an exchange then all that’s required for verification is your email address and phone number.

3. More of the Bitcoin Supply Is Mined Than the Dogecoin Supply

Bitcoin has a much higher supply than Dogecoin, with 21 million coins compared to Dogecoin’s 100 billion. This means that there are far fewer Bitcoins in the market than Dogecoins, making them rarer and more valuable.

Although the price of Bitcoin has dropped significantly in recent months, it is still far more valuable than Dogecoin and many other cryptocurrencies.

4. Bitcoin Is Older Than Dogecoin

Bitcoin and Dogecoin are both cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is the oldest and most popular, while Dogecoin is newer, less popular, and a meme. Age makes a difference with trading tools like BitAlpha AI.

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that can buy and sell goods and services online without being tied to any country or government. The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin in 2009; it’s now accepted by thousands of merchants worldwide, including Amazon, PayPal and other brands like Microsoft.

The more mature Bitcoin has considerably more options available, and greater depth to the trading patterns.

Cryptocurrencies are different from traditional money because they’re decentralized: no person or company controls them—the transactions happen through peer-to-peer networks instead.

5. Both Have Pros and Cons, but Mostly Pros if You Invest Wisely

Of course, there are downsides to both Bitcoin and Dogecoin. For example, there’s a greater chance of losing your coins if they’re stored on an exchange where they can be hacked or stolen. You should research and invest as responsibly as possible, so you don’t lose all your money.

But one thing is clear, if you invest wisely, Dogecoin could very well be the next prominent cryptocurrency—and it has every possibility of becoming a better investment than Bitcoin itself! It is better to set up an account on authentic trading apps like trade crypto to survive the trading industry, especially when it’s other coins than bitcoin.


After reading this article, you should better understand whether Bitcoin or Dogecoin is the right cryptocurrency for you. However, remember that there are many other cryptocurrencies and altcoins out there that could be great investments. However, before getting indulged into the process, you need to make sure that you have done enough research beforehand.

Bitcoin Versus Stocks: Volatility Comparision

While discussing about cryptocurrencies, the first thing that springs up in the mind is none other than the fluctuating market. The volatility of bitcoin has been a hot topic in the news, and now that you’re an investor, it’s a good idea to know how volatile Bitcoin is compared to other investments.

How Do You Measure Volatility?

  • Why does volatility matter? Which investments are more volatile than others?
  • And finally, which stocks have had the highest/lowest volatilities over time?
  • Does a trading platform like the Immediate Enigma site ameliorate the risk?

1. Bitcoin’s Price Is More Volatile Than the S&P 500 or S&P/TSX Composite

Bitcoin is a risky investment. It came to the market to make sure that the financial segment continues to stay strong and intact even amidst the corruption in the political and economical sector. Also, since there’s no asset backing it and its price isn’t determined by supply and demand like stocks are, its value can fluctuate wildly.

In contrast to Bitcoin’s volatility, the S&P 500 index or s&p/tsx composite index has been much more stable than Bitcoin over the past 100 years (see graph below).

2. Bitcoin’s Price Fluctuations Are More Significant and More Frequent

  • Volatility is the amount of price movement over a given period.
  • Bitcoin has a much higher volatility than stocks. To check the updates over trading, you need a proper authentic trading app, and one amongst them is the Yuan Pay group which can help you give the possible predictability.
  • The S&P 500 index, considered a good representation of U.S. stock market conditions on average, has an average annualized standard deviation (or volatility) of 20% over the last ten years. This means that prices move somewhere between +20% and -20% during an entire year, about 68% per cent of the time!
  • Similarly, investors can compare bitcoin’s price performance with other leading cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple [source].

3. Bitcoin’s Daily Price Movements Were Three Times the S&P 500’s

In addition, bitcoin had twice as many days with large price movements. It also had half as many days with small price movements. This means that bitcoin is significantly more volatile than stocks in terms of both magnitude and frequency of price change.

The variability of bitcoin’s returns over time was significantly enough to say that bitcoin is a more risky investment than stocks.

4. Bitcoin Experienced Twice as Many High- And Low-Volatility Days

You may see in the chart above that bitcoin had twice as many high volatility days and a half as many low volatility days. A high volatility day means it traded with a percentage change greater than 5 per cent within 24 hours. This means that there is a lot of movement these days, and traders are more likely to have lost money or made money if they had any exposure to bitcoin. Low volatility days are the opposite — their percentage change was less than 1 per cent.

In both cases, high volatility days are followed by downtrends (bearish trends), whereas low volatility days are followed by uptrends (bullish trends). So this makes things even harder for traders trying to predict what will happen next since there’s no clear pattern between these two indicators!

5. Bitcoin’s Volatility Makes Stocks a Safer Investment

Before you dive into the comparison, it’s essential to understand the difference between stocks and cryptocurrencies.

Stocks are investments in publicly traded companies. In exchange for buying a stock, you receive rights to a portion of their future profits (dividends) and voting power within the company. The easiest way to think about bitcoin is that it’s like gold: It’s valuable because people believe it has value, not because someone will always accept it as payment for goods and services. If enough people stop believing that bitcoin is worth anything, then its price will drop dramatically—precisely what happened when China banned trading earlier this year. Try Bitcoin Dynamit to use AI-based tools to trade Bitcoin like a pro.


While it may seem like a no-brainer that stocks are safer than Bitcoin, it’s important to remember that both have risks and rewards. If you’re looking for more stable investments, then investing in stocks might be the right choice. On the other hand, if you’re looking to take on some risk with hopes of making some money from an exciting project or product, then maybe cryptocurrency is the ideal investment vehicle!

Bitcoin Trading Tips: Do’s and Don’ts

If you’re new to cryptocurrency, one of the first things you’ll want to learn about is Bitcoin Trading Website. Many crypto enthusiasts and trade market advisors can become your best friends and savior during the investment and trading process. However, before you start investing your time or money into Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, there are some do’s and don’ts that will help you avoid making costly mistakes and save yourself some time.

1. Focus On Your Trading Strategies

The first and foremost thing that you need to follow during initial and novice trading days is to start the process by focusing on your trading strategies.  It’s a set of rules you follow before, during and after each trade. Using a crypto otc desk with a planned strategy formula can help you earn some significant amount of profit even during the early stages of your trading in Bitcoins.

2. Create a Positive Attitude Toward Trading

Trading requires two strategies. Set realistic goals and expectations. Don’t expect to become rich overnight.

Process over result as traders often make decisions based on the price action on their screen. If you have this propensity, you may struggle when things go wrong, or something unexpected appears on your screen, which could affect your trading decisions and lead to poor results.

3. Practice Before You Trade

After deciding to trade, start practicing. Use a demo account like  the ekrona app that gives easy learning access and teach ways to earn through trading. Many individuals fear demo accounts because they  cost money. Demo accounts are free and don’t involve investments or transactions. You can practice without risk.

Try paper trading if you don’t have a demo account or don’t think it’s enough. Paper trading entails setting up fake trades and help in observing how they play out on paper before executing them in real life. Once this process has been accomplished enough, you can be sure that you have learnt all you need to make confident decisions when making the first actual trade (s).

4. Learn From Your Losses

Trading mistakes are inevitable. You’ll likely make many. Traders learn by making mistakes, evaluating them, and not repeating them.

5. Learn to Grab Right Opportunities

Before completing a deal, you must choose the correct time, place, and information. Many things can alter the trading process and make it hard to pull the trigger.

Patience is critical; knowing when not to trade so you don’t lose too much money during execution is another vital thing which you need to keep in mind.

An amazing trading platform, CoinGPT enables eager traders to choose the most lucrative Bitcoin trading chances depending on their trading preferences and style.

6. Don’t Overtrade

Never Lose More Than You Can Afford

Trading’s golden rule is regularly ignored. Start slow and build your position as you learn the market. You don’t want your emotions to generate dangerous deals, so ensure a failed strategy won’t cost you too much.

If Possible, Avoid Margin Trading

Margin trading implies borrowing money from your broker to buy more assets than you could with cash on hand. However, there’s no guarantee that everything will go as planned when using borrowed funds instead of money.

Keep Calm

To avoid emotional decisions, it’s essential to maintain calm when making trades. Don’t overreact when your strategy fails or the market surprises you. It would help if you stayed grounded during these times so you can analyze what went wrong with your trading process and determine how to proceed with future trades while keeping things as simple as possible until they become more familiar with the methods used by traders who have used them successfully for years without fail.

 Don’t listen to friends who have significant bitcoin investments and brag about how great it is. Maybe they’re lucky or trade on their laptop instead of working.

Don’t listen to your family. This includes parents, siblings, and grandparents who may be trying hard but don’t comprehend cryptocurrency or how it might enhance their lives.

7. Stay Away From Pump and Dump Groups

Pump-and-dump groups are unethical. They’re unregulated, so you could lose money if something goes wrong. They’re not upfront about their dealings and use bogus information about legal coins. Some are malevolent; others are frauds to steal users’ money. Pump-and-dump groups should be avoided.


It is hoped that you have found this article informative and have been able to apply some of the tips  given you. Remember, trading can be a rewarding experience if done correctly, but it can also be tricky if not approached with caution.

Top 6 Popular Programming Courses

Programming courses are hugely popular these days as they’re essential in today’s job market. But with so many to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. So let us do the work for you and put together a quick list of 6 popular programming courses that are worth checking out.

1. Python

Python is currently the most popular language used in data science and is used by many of the world’s leading companies. If you want to get into big data, Python is the perfect language to learn. It is a course that will teach you how to build HTML5 and SQL database apps – the skills that are most sought after in the modern job market.

2. R and Software Development

This course teaches you fundamentals of programming in the R language, a powerful language used by many of the world’s top tech companies and research institutes. If you want to be well versed in statistical analysis and are willing to learn a new skill, this course is for you.

3.Fundamentals of Java Programming

Java is one of the leading programming languages in the world and one that almost all developers have heard of. It is used as an enterprise language by most companies and startups alike, which makes this course essential for those who are serious about their careers. It teaches many fundamental skills such as data structures, algorithms and software design principles with Java GUI development on Windows/Linux/Mac platforms using Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE).

4. Google Cloud Platform Architecture

Google Cloud Platform is a Cloud software that is based on the same technology that runs Google Search, Google Maps and Gmail. This course will teach you how to use their myriad of applications at your disposal and help you to create a highly available and scalable application using their entire suite of cloud-based tools. This course help with programming homework.

5.Android N Developer

If you want to be able to develop apps for an Android device, this is the course to take. Fundamentals of Java Programming is a pre-requisite as it teaches students how to code in Java on the Android platform. It also teaches how to develop mobile apps using the Android SDK, a collection of tools to help Android developers write apps for users on Android devices.

6. Redux and React

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. This course will teach you how to use both technologies and how to combine them together to build scalable, easy-to-maintain, and performant web applications. It’s perfect for students who want to get into web app development.

7. iOS 11 and Swift Developer

This course teaches you how to develop apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch platforms using Swift. It also teaches you how to use Apple’s Cocoa Touch frameworks and APIs to enhance your apps. iOS 11 Developer is a massive undertaking that can take up to 15 hours per week and lasts for 10 weeks. It is perfect for students who want a career in mobile app development and are serious about becoming iOS developer.

Bringing Your Dog to Work Can Be Beneficial for Your Productivity

As workplaces become more stressful, it’s no longer useful for employees to practice mindfulness to escape the daily stress. Since the workload can become overwhelming sometimes, a new solution to relieve stress seems to make an enormous change at the workplace: bringing your dog to work can benefit workers’ mental health and productivity levels, among other advantages.

Dogs Can Reduce Mental Health Issues

Spending time with pets, not dogs, has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in the human body, meaning that it can minimize stress levels. However, being around a friendly dog can lower your blood pressure, often making you feel dizzy and experience strong headaches.

But since stress levels can be reduced when being around your fluffy friend, you can become more productive than before since you don’t feel fatigued or overwhelmed anymore. Plus, knowing that you have someone to rely on when feeling distressed can greatly improve your work life.

Dogs Can Make You Adopt Healthier Habits

Having your dog with you means that you need to care for them. Providing food, fresh water, playtime and frequent walks can benefit you since you’ll have to get up from the chair and move. Know that if you stay sat too much, your back might start to hurt, along with your neck and hands, so getting up often can help you avoid health complications.

But since you want the best for them, you should also consider dog insurance for your puppy so that if illness or accidents do happen, your pet insurance may help you cover vet costs. You can help your dog while saving money for their toys and other supplies.

Dogs Can Increase Workplace Socialization

Having your dog next to you will always draw people who want to pet them or take photos. Even on your way to work, people will come to you only for this purpose. This is a crucial aspect of one’s life, as working might not help us socialize too much, which can negatively affect you since it can lead to loneliness.

On the other hand, it’s better to bring them to work rather than leave them at some because dogs, too, need to be social, especially when they’re puppies. If they are around people and other animals all the time, it’s easier for them to adapt to new environments and get friendly with people. This will help your dog have a longer and happier life.

Wrapping Up

Taking your dog to work can be highly beneficial for your mental health. It can reduce stress and bring more happiness and socialization into your life. At the same time, it will prevent you from slacking as you’ll need to feed and take them out frequently, so you’ll also be in good shape. Don’t forget to also take care of them and provide with health insurance, good food, fresh water and plenty of play because dogs need to be active in order to have a long life.

Why No One Trusts Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook or Amazon

Tech companies are collect consumer data because they profit from selling it to advertisers, and marketers who use it to target their products to you. Sometimes this is a thinly veiled invasion of privacy, when you google up a swimsuit store, and within hours you start seeing swimsuits on your phone, your tablet and your PC browser. There is a very real possibility that your browser history may soon be used to affect your credit score. So there is a ligitimate area of concern when you use products from any major corporation that profits from information gathered from your use of the product.

Why No One Trusts Google

It’s simply that straightforward: nobody believes Google. Google’s entire modus operani is to introduce a free service, like a browser, gain market share one it, and then quietly change it so that it sells advertising to you. A free email system that quietly shares your inner thoughts with marketing teams. A browser that shuts off all other advertisers, but that collects data for Google’s benefit and profit.

Every time you commit your personal information to a Google service, Google turns around and starts to charge you, or sell your data. No wonder people who value privacy avoid Google products.

Google’s data harvesting discoveries are often a surprise to those that think Chrome is a browser, and not a harvester of advertising data. The entire Google Ecosystem is designed to capture data for Google’s revenue engine, which is totally based on selling your data for this highest price, and in a way that you will not notice or blame them.

Ceasing to use Google Chrome is a good first step. Even those who have privacy concerns cannot abandon Google Chrome in terms of the general population of this planet. Why is Google Chrome so effective? Because of its usability, it functions best even for persons who are not particularly comfortable with computers. Even those websites that don’t function properly on any other browser are displayed attractively by it.

Google gathers all of our information to profit from advertising. Google’s problem is that, unlike Facebook, it holds opposing positions. On one side, protecting your privacy with Android and its mail, docs, and drive ecosystem; on the other, an advertising powerhouse that generates most of its yearly revenue from $100 billion or more in ad expenditure. So it is essentially identical to Facebook in that way.

Why No One Trusts Microsoft

With Windows, people what a simple and clean operating system that has few problems and is stable. However, Microsoft wants a constantly updated OS that will someday allow them to charge a monthly price to use your PC. Microsoft will win this battle.

The result is a hopelessly complex Windows OS that auto-updates without permission and any update at any time may brick your PC without so much as an “I’m Sorry” from Microsoft. Windows XP was clean and straightforward and needed very little maintenance. Microsoft killed it.

Microsoft 2010 was the ultimate in functionality and required no maintenance. Twelve years later, people are using it fine. It had one problem – a perpetual license. Subsequent versions of Microsoft Office, also known as Office 365 and Microsoft 365, are sold by subscription. They are subject to constant updating from Microsoft to the point where Office 365 how carries advertising for non-Microsoft services. What could be ethically faulty about using your software to carry advertising that makes the vendor money?

Why No One Trusts Apple

Apple found itself in hot water when third-party contractors revealed they were able to listen in on audio recordings from Siri requests, which included all kinds of personal conversations and activities.

More than any other company, Apple has built a reputation on trust.  They promise the most effective devices and freedom from viruses and ransomware.  So you would think they would be the most transparent when real life happens to them.  The fact is that one lawsuit discovery showed that 128 million iPhones were hacked and Apple did not tell anyone.

Why No One Trusts Facebook

Facebook monitors your internet activity. The most recent iOS 14.5 Apple update allows users the choice to opt into monitoring across other applications and websites—a mechanism that Facebook relies on in order to serve you advertisements. You would have to be living under a rock to have missed this. The social network has been at odds with Apple for the past six months because of this.

Facebook naturally gathers your data even if it doesn’t monitor you across other websites and apps. It knows who you’ve interacted with and when, it has your preferences, it has your date of birth if you’ve submitted it, and it can approximate your age. The vast data machine of the social network is fed with all of this information.

Why No One Trusts Samsung

Samsung is based in South Korea.  There always seems a strange disconnect with the odd language usage in their marketing materials.  This is no mistake.  Samsung has numerous lawyers in the US assisting them to ensure that it says exactly what they want it to say.  You, the customer, have absolutely no right to privacy.

Creating a Samsung account requires give over your name, age, address, email address, and gender.  They wll also reserve the right to collect data such as credit card information, username, password for your device and for 3rd party services, photos, contacts, text messages, recordings of your voice generated using voice commands, location data, wifi access points, cell towers and payment info.

The company says it uses this information for ad delivery, customer communication, enhancing their services, improving their business, identifying and preventing fraud and criminal activity, and compliance with legal requirements.  They reserve the right to share this information subsidiaries and affiliates, business partners, and related third parties.

So next time you go to the bathroom with your Samsung phone, keep in mind that your private moment may be shared on audio and video to Seoul Korea and everyone they consider a business partner.

How to Secure your PC from Google, Apple, Facebook and Apple

  • Do not ever use Log In through Facebook, Google or Apple
  • Keep your data Secure locally – do not use data storage services
  • Do not share your contacts with any service.
  • Use tools that will store your data securely like DejaOffice PC CRM Standalone.

When you start with a new PC, it is important to take steps to log in without a Microsoft account.  To do this, when you get to the log in screen, cut off your PC address and follow these specific instructions for offline Windwos 11 registration.

As you set up your programs and services, avoid using any services that log in through Google, or Facebook.  You will need to log into Google for Google Services, and Facebook for Facebook access.  But never use Google, Facebook or Apple logins for banking, photo management or document management.  Doing so may give up your privacy and right of ownership on those documents and photos.

When you create documents or use software, be sure to use a local program and not a web service.  So use Microsoft Word, and not Google Docs for your documents.  Use a local email system like Thunderbird and not an online system like Gmail.  You can use the same email provider, but be sure to store your mail offline so copies are not available in case your email provider gets hacked.

Some programs offer to capture your Contact List.  This is a red flag warning that they are capturing data to be used in advertising. There are a number of legal hoops they have to jump through.  So if any screen mentions GPDR, CCPA or privacy, it is right to assume they are asking permission to breach your privacy.

Tools You Can Use Securely:

Tools you can use securely:

  • Thunderbird Email – Thunderbird is from Mozilla, which is a non-profit. It is the only free email client from a company that does not profit from advertising revenue.
  • Firefox, not Chrome – Firefox is also from Mozilla. While not as flashy as Chrome, none of the ambiguity mars Google’s privacy features in Chrome while profiting from Advertising fed through Chrome.
  • DejaOffice PC CRM Standalone for PC and phone – From CompanionLink, this product is marketed as a modern-day Palm Desktop. A fast and easy Personal Information manager from another company that does not profit from advertising.
  • Microsoft Outlook using IMAP folders – Microsoft Exchange is suspect, but Office also supports IMAP emails. The IMAP protocol is secure and flexible. As long as Outlook supports IMAP folders, you have a secure solution for your business.


Apple claims to be better at protecting your data than Facebook or Google. But they have been caught red-handed in allowing 100 million customers to be hacked and not disclosing this fact to the public. 

So long as these industry titans blur the lines of ethics through extended customer agreements and finely printed contracts, every person needs to make efforts to keep their data secure and private. The US Constitution guarantees us a right to privacy. You need to use every opportunity to say No to corporations who profit from violating that right.

What Are The Best Computer Jobs For 2022 And Beyond?

Are you thinking about a career in computers and IT? The computer jobs listed below are in demand in 2022 and should be popular in future years, too. 

Software Engineer Or Developer 

If your goal is to be one of the best software developers, you have an excellent career path before you! Demand for software developers and engineers will rise as technology advances and software and apps become more complex and demanding. 

For instance, the fast adoption of the cloud and related technology is increasing the need for software engineers who know how to build cloud programs that are scalable. Plus, the growth of complex computer systems will spread as smart devices become more prevalent and complicated. You can expect a lot of job possibilities if you decide to earn a degree in computer and science and become a software engineer. 

Data Scientist

A data scientist leverages technology to learn insights from the massive amounts of data they collate. In this field, you need a solid grasp of quantitative reasoning, statistics, and computer programming chops. Plus, it’s essential that you have superb communication skills so you can present findings to non-technical stakeholders. 

A data scientist truly is a scientist, just a different one than those who use chemicals or other substances to create things. Instead, the data scientist relies on data and sometimes text to address challenges and solve problems. 

Database Administrator

A database administrator uses software to organize and store company data. The professional must ensure that the data is open and accessible to authorized users but unauthorized people cannot get to it. 

Database administrators also determine user needs to build and maintain databases, and they test and modify databases as the organization grows. Also, many databases contain important financial and personal information, so you also need to be highly focused on security. 

Web Developer

As a web developer, you will work as a freelancer or full-time employee to develop websites. Depending on where you work, you could focus your efforts on developing the front-end that users see. Or, you might concentrate on back-end development, which means writing computer code to make the website function well. 

A web developer also can serve as a webmaster who maintains the site, adds content, and provides troubleshooting when necessary. 

Information Security Analyst

As an information security analyst, you will safeguard critical information for all types of organizations in their computer systems. Your major job is to protect critical computer systems from cyberattacks and cyber criminals breaking into the systems and stealing important data. 

In your day-to-day work, you could install and manage firewalls and software that does data encryption. Other vital job duties are to find risks and cracks in a company’s network and stop a data breach if it ever happens. 

Every type of organization in the country needs information security professionals who know how to prevent and stop cyber crimes from happening. 

Computer and Information Research Scientist

These are highly trained and skilled computer workers who invent and design novel approaches to technology and computers while also finding new uses for existing technology. These computer professionals can work for technology companies, businesses, healthcare facilities, and much more. 


There are so many computer-related career paths to choose from in 2022 and beyond. If you are thinking about working with computers and technology, a good first step is to get your degree in computer science or information technology. With that undergraduate degree, you will have the skills and credentials to get a job in one of these fields. 

How to Save a Failing PPC Advertising Strategy

Pay per click (PPC) ads are typically a valuable strategy, allowing businesses to practically guarantee a stream of web traffic in exchange for a fixed amount of money. You only pay for the traffic you generate, so you don’t waste any of the dollars you spend, and because you have almost total control over factors like keywords, audience relevance, and ad copy, you can transform your strategy in any way you choose.

Still, PPC strategies aren’t guaranteed to succeed. So what happens when you find yourself with a failing advertising strategy? What steps can you take to restore its momentum?

Set Realistic Goals

First, set realistic goals for your campaign. If you’ve been struggling to see a positive return on investment (ROI), you’re probably not going to dramatically change your profitability overnight, even if you completely overhaul your strategy. Instead, set healthier and more achievable targets like boosting your conversion rate by a specific amount after one month of optimization.

Consider Increasing Your Bids

It may seem counterintuitive to put more money into a failing strategy, but increasing your PPC ad bids could have the power to reverse your momentum. Sometimes, PPC strategies fail to offer a significant return because the strategists organizing them are too cautious or too frugal. Stepping up your bidding strategy and competing for more visible, popular keywords could be exactly what you need to make this strategy more viable.

Choose Stronger Keywords

Keywords are at the heart of any search strategy, be it paid search or organic search. Conducting more thorough keyword research and choosing stronger keywords for your campaign will almost certainly make it more effective. The question is, what counts as a stronger keyword?

You’ll need to consider the following:


How relevant are these keywords to your organization and the products you’re selling? Are these keywords relevant to your target audience?


Which types of keywords are most valuable from a selling perspective? Are there certain keywords and phrases that are more appealing to people at later stages of the buying cycle? Are certain keywords inherently more valuable than others in terms of attracting conversions?


Highly relevant, highly valuable keywords suffer from a significant drawback: excessive competition. You’ll be dealing with major players if you step into this arena – and you’ll pay a premium for the privilege. Accordingly, sometimes it’s best to seek out a smattering of low-competition keywords to hedge your bets.

Differentiate From the Competition

One of the most important business fundamentals is competitive differentiation. You need to find a way to make your business stand out among similar competitors. In general business, this usually amounts to lowering prices, offering higher quality, or offering more robust customer service. But in the realm of PPC advertising, you’ll need to differentiate yourself in other ways, offering more compelling copy, more creative positioning, and more relevant offers.

Outside help should be more than welcome when looking to enhance your PPC advertising efforts. You can easily grow your business with PPC Geeks if you allow them to guide you through optimized ad strategies, creative ad copy, and targeted campaign management. Their expertise in analyzing market trends and audience behavior can help create PPC campaigns that truly stand out. By partnering with professionals, you’ll be able to leverage their experience to fine-tune your advertising approach and achieve a higher return on investment.

Segment Your Audience and Refine Your Messaging

It’s a good idea to segment your audience so you can refine your messaging and achieve greater relevance. Instead of targeting only one audience segment, and instead of writing generically to achieve mass appeal, you can write different types of ads for different types of people. This will help you achieve higher relevance, minimize competition, and still resonate with your target audiences.

Experiment With Your Copy

Experimentation is the only reliable path to improvement in any PPC strategy. There’s no perfect formula for PPC ad success; audiences vary too wildly and are too unpredictable for this to be the case. Instead, you’re going to have to figure out what works and what doesn’t by conducting active experiments. Tinker with different variables, including headlines, ad copy, and positioning to see what brings you the most value. With enough iterations and attentive improvement, your results could skyrocket.

Optimize Your Landing Pages

If your ads are attracting clicks but people aren’t converting, your problem may lie with your landing pages and conversion optimization strategy, rather than your PPC strategy overall. If you’re driving plenty of traffic to your landing pages, but people just aren’t buying what you’re selling, it may be time to completely overhaul those landing pages. Improving the design with better photos, more attractive colors, more suitable fonts, and more obvious calls to action (CTAs) can help. Making your offer more compelling, with a lower price or implied urgency, will also help.

If you’ve tried all of these steps and your PPC advertising strategy still isn’t working, there may be deeper problems affecting your work, such as a bad brand positioning strategy or product value issues. You may also be struggling with PPC ad fundamentals. Consider working with a PPC advertising agency like Mercatus, or an expert in search marketing to help you identify the root causes of your problem and apply a fix.

3 Ways Data Can Leak From Your Phone

Nowadays, most people take their smartphones with them anywhere they go. However, what many may not realize is that their trusty device is spying on them 24/7. The data it collects may then be leaked to the internet without you even knowing and there are malicious third-party actors who won’t think twice about putting it to good use.

Today, we are going to take a look at 3 ways data can leak from your phone and see what steps you can take to avoid falling victim to cyber threats. 

Leak 1: Internet browsing

Since it’s so handy to get things done straight from your phone’s browser, people use it for all sorts of purposes, including online shopping, reading news, socializing, and even online banking. Some of these activities may be harmless, but with others, you’re putting your sensitive info at stake and even your bank balance at the mercy of how well your device is configured for optimal security. In case you’re using an older operating system and don’t update your apps often, you’re inviting trouble.

Leak 2: Malware

Malware is lurking around every corner, and on rare occasions, it even manages to slip under the radar and finds itself in Google’s official Play Store. In fact, malware could be lurking on your device at this very moment. While running regular antivirus scans is a good idea, it won’t cover you 100% since not every scanner can detect everything. Worse yet, every malware is a complete wildcard in terms of what it can do. Some of them spy on your online activities and forward them to third-party advertisers while others can potentially even read what you type, otherwise known as keyloggers.

Leak 3: Google Services

If you’re an Android user, your phone is virtually tied to Google Services in one way or another. Gmail, Google Play, Google Maps, Google Translate, and the list goes on. Did you know that Google tracks every physical step you make? It’s quite transparent about it too. You can go to Google Maps Timeline which shows you which parts of the map you’ve visited at what times and even draws a line that represents your travels. Now imagine what hackers could do with this data if it ever lands in their hands. 

Your Smartphone Could Be Leaking Your Personal Data

If at some point your personal data ever finds itself on the internet without your permission, you could be in a whole lot of nasty surprises. Not only could you suddenly find yourself targeted by ads that know a surprising lot about you, there’s also a chance someone could blackmail you or steal your identity to commit banking fraud and other sorts of mischief.

To protect yourself from similar scenarios, your best bet is to take certain preventative measures such as tweaking the privacy setting on your phone and never entering any sensitive information through public WiFis and other networks of questionable origin.

However, your smartphone can still leak some of your personal data despite your best effort to contain it. If this happens to you, manually removing it is an option, but it won’t be easy. These third-party brokers and online data aggregators often deliberately design the removal forms as difficult as possible to make your job harder.

The solution is to use services like Incogni to have your personal data removed with the use of smart automation that auto-fills these needlessly complex and time-wasting forms and makes sure your data stays off of them for good. This is possible through automatic monitoring – as soon as any of it resurfaces, the removal procedure will be re-triggered without you having to lift a finger.


Your smartphone can be a leaky faucet so do what’s necessary to minimize the risk of losing control of your personal data. Preventative measures are the best thing you can do, but there’s always an option even in the bleakest of scenarios.

8 Video Marketing Tips to Boost Your Profits

In today’s social media-driven world, businesses need to be active on various platforms in order to build brand awareness and drive sales. While there are certainly many various types of content that can be shared on social media, one of the most effective is videos. Videos are engaging, easy to consume, and can be very shareable. If you’re not utilizing video as part of your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach a wider audience, boost your profits, and grow your business.

Not sure where to start? Here are 8 video marketing tips to get you on your way:

Keep it Short

While there is no definitive answer to the question of how long a social media video should be, there are a few general guidelines that businesses should keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to remember that people have short attention spans, especially when they are scrolling through their social media feeds. As such, videos that are too long are likely to lose viewers before they reach the end. Additionally, videos that are on the shorter side are more likely to be shared than longer ones, and they’re also more likely to be viewed on mobile devices, which have small screens and limited bandwidth. For these reasons, it’s generally advisable to keep social media videos under two minutes, but preferably between 30 and 60 seconds. Of course, there are always a couple of exceptions to this rule, but in general, shorter is better when it comes to social media videos.

Be Creative With Your Content

Creativity is key. People are constantly bombarded with content, and if you want your videos to stand out, you need to get creative. Unusual or unexpected video content is more likely to grab attention and be shared, so think a little outside the box when brainstorming ideas. Also, keep in mind that humor is often a winning formula – everybody loves to laugh, so if you can make your viewers smile, you’re more likely to make a lasting impression. Of course, being creative doesn’t mean being crass or insensitive. Your videos should always be respectful and professional. But don’t be afraid to take risks – a little creativity can go a long way towards helping you and your business stand out from the others.

Use Relevant Keywords and Tags

You also should make sure that your videos are properly tagged and use relevant keywords. Keywords are the terms that people search for when they’re looking for videos like yours. By using the appropriate keywords, you can ensure that your video appears in the top results for relevant searches. In addition, you should also use tags to categorize your video. This helps the YouTube algorithm to suggest your video to users who are watching similar videos. As a result, using relevant keywords and tags is essential if you want to grow your business using social media videos.

Share and Promote Your Videos Across All of Your Social Channels

One way to ensure that your content is seen by potential customers is to promote your videos across multiple social media channels. By posting links to your videos on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram, you can reach a larger audience and increase the chances that your content will be seen by potential customers. In addition, promoting your videos across multiple channels will help to boost your search engine rankings, making it far easier for new customers to find your business when they are searching for products or services online.

Use Royalty-Free Music

When creating YouTube videos for your brand, it’s important to use royalty-free or non-copyrighted music to avoid any legal issues. Royalty free music is music that can be used without paying any royalties, and it can be a unique way to add a professional touch to your videos. Non copyrighted music is music that is not protected by copyright law and can be used freely. While both types of music can be used without fear of legal repercussions, royalty-free music is often of a higher quality and can provide a more polished look for your videos. In short, using royalty-free or non-copyright music in your social media videos is a smart way to avoid any legal issues and create videos that will help you stand out from the competition.

Collaborate With Other Businesses

When businesses come together to create content, they can share resources, ideas, and audiences. This can help create a more diverse and dynamic video portfolio while also saving time and money. Furthermore, collaborating with other businesses can help build relationships and foster a sense of community. These connections can be valuable not only in terms of creating new opportunities for joint ventures and marketing but also in terms of networking and advice-sharing.

Host Contests or Giveaways

Giveaways and contests are a great way to grow your business on social media. They increase engagement by giving followers a reason to interact with your content and share it with their friends. Contests can also create a sense of community around your brand, which can lead to loyalty and repeat customers. Furthermore, giveaways and contests can help you reach new audiences by tapping into the social networks of your participants. And finally, they provide an opportunity for you to showcase your products or services in a fun and positive light.

Add Captions or Subtitles

In a recent study, it was found that nearly 85% of Facebook users watch videos without sound. That statistic should come as no surprise- we live in a world where people are constantly on the go, and it’s not always easy to stop and watch a video with the sound turned on. As a result, if you’re using social media to promote your business, it’s essential to add captions and subtitles to your videos. This will ensure that your message is getting across, even if people are watching without sound. In addition, adding captions and subtitles can help to improve the SEO of your video, making it more likely to show up in search results.

The Bottom Line

Video should be an integral part of every business’s marketing strategy. By following the tips above, you can create engaging video content that will help you reach a wider audience, boost profits, and help to grow your business. Not every strategy will be the same for every business, so choose what combination of methods will work best for you.

Top 9 Best Email Marketing and Software Tools in 2022

The email proves time and again to be a powerful marketing tool. It is an inexpensive way of connecting with clients and offers a significant return on investment. Email marketing and software tools can streamline the email marketing process, freeing up valuable time and resources for businesses. The vast amount of email marketing tools available can be overwhelming. Different programs will work better for different business sectors and company sizes, but there are some clear winners that span multiple sectors very well. 

This article will look at nine of the best email marketing and software tools on the market in 2022. It examines the key features that make each marketing tool stand out from the crowd. In addition, it breaks down the pricing options available for each. 

There is a wide range of price plans available for the companies featured on this list as some are geared more toward small businesses while others have the capacity to work better on a large scale. All of the marketing tool companies listed here have some form of no- or low-cost plan available so it is possible to try different tools and get a feel for which one will work the best for your business. 

With any of these emails services, you can make use of free responsive email templates that are available online.

1. Selzy

Selzy is an easy-to-use email marketing service that targets small and medium-sized businesses. The platform is so user-friendly even a newbie can set up their first email campaign in 15 minutes.

Top Features:

  • Email WYSIWYG editor and 100+ free email templates
  • Personalization and segmentation
  • List hygiene
  • Analytics and A/B testing
  • Email recommendations for a better delivery rate
  • 24/7 support via live chat, phone, and email

Price Plans:

  • Free forever plan with up to 1000 contacts and 15000 email sent per month
  • Paid plans start from $7/month depending on the tariff, the contact list size, and the final scope of work and extra services
  • Pay as you go plan with $0.005/email

2. v-user 

Our recommendation for the best software for sending bulk emails is the v-user Bulk Email Sender bot. This tool allows you to send bulk emails through the Gmail website (using Gmail accounts). This feature allows almost all your messages to land in users’ inboxes, and because of the natural nature of the emails, you can also get better feedback. 

Top Features: 

  • One-time payment and permanent license 
  • No need to pay for sending emails 
  • Sending bulk emails through Gmail site 
  • Sending with Gmail accounts 
  • Delivering more than 90% of messages in the Inbox 
  • Ability to Email with HTML Templates 
  • Automated Switch of Accounts 
  • 7-day money-back guarantee 

Price Plans: 

  • Free demo version; 
  • Package is $59 for unlimited emails.

3. Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the most well-known email marketing tools available and for a good reason. It is tried and true by many small business owners, and it has withstood the test of time. It bundles basic but effective, easy-to-use features into affordable plans, which are accessible to small and large businesses alike. 

Top Features:

  • On-the-go mobile app;
  • Easy drag-and-drop editing;
  • Detailed reports;
  • Segmentation auto-generates engagement with targeted audiences;
  • Able to run Facebook and Instagram ads;
  • Easy to upload contact lists from other programs;
  • A/B testing to determine which email campaigns are most effective.

Price Plans:

  • The basic package starts at $9.99/month;
  • The Plus package starts at $45/month.

4. Omnisend

Omnisend makes the top nine list because it is one of the best tools for e-commerce email marketing. It also features a no-cost option for subscriber lists of up to 250 contacts.

Top Features:

  • Easy drag-and-drop editing;
  • Effective, eye-catching email templates;
  • Advanced reporting;
  • Dynamic content blocks;
  • Segmentation based on relevant factors for personalized emails;
  • A/B testing.

Price Plans:

  • $0, $16, or $59/month depending on the number of subscribers and additional feature options such as SMS marketing. To be sure of your choice you can compare Omnisend and tinyEmail

5. SendPulse

SendPulse rates among the top email marketing and software tools due to some unique features and pay-as-you-go packages that start at no cost for up to 100 subscribers. This makes it a great option for businesses just starting out with a small subscriber list.

Top Features:

  • Email verifier to improve delivery rates;
  • 24/7 support and video training on effective email marketing;
  • Chatbot add-on packages;
  • Ability to handle high-volume subscriber lists;
  • E-commerce integration capabilities;
  • Detailed reports.

Price Plans:

  • Free up to 100 subscribers;
  • The Pay-as-you-go plan is as inexpensive as $0.0018/email for subscriber lists of 500,000.

6. Klaviyo

Klaviyo is a top performer due to its highly customizable content based on powerful segmentation features. Like Omnisend, its features are particularly useful for e-commerce businesses.

Top Features:

  • Behavior-triggered automation such as back-in-stock notifications and order and shipping updates;
  • Personalized content based on behaviors such as abandoned carts and recently viewed products;
  • Boasts hundreds of predesigned templates and a subject line generator;
  • The company claims an average 90% return on investment.
  • Fully integrations with the LeadsBridge platform.

Price Plans:

  • Free to get started and get comfortable with the platform;
  • $45 or $60/month based on the size of the subscriber list.

7. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is an intuitive, easy-to-customize email marketing tool that works well across a variety of industries.

Top Features:

  • Well-organized automated contact management;
  • User-friendly drag-and-drop content editing;
  • Practical mail engagement metrics.

Price Plans:

  • The most basic plan starts at $29/month; the professional package $129/month;
  • Customizable plans at customized prices.

8. HubSpot

HubSpot makes the list because of its high performance for B2B companies. While it is one of the most expensive tools on the list, it has the features to justify the cost, and it offers a free version of its most basic product.

Top Features:

  • Free HubSpot CRM keeps client contact information safe and secure;
  • WordPress plugin;
  • Free version for beginning small businesses.

Price Plans:

  • Free version for most basic services;
  • Monthly paid plans start at $45/month all the way up to $1200/month.

9. Sendinblue

Sendinblue is one of the top email marketing tools of the year based on some very useful features and affordable pricing options. 

Top Features:

  • Built-in CRM;
  • Landing page creation;
  • Options for SMS and chat add-ons;
  • Shared inbox to keep teams organized;
  • Landing page creator.

Price Plans:

  • Free for unlimited contacts up to 300 emails/month;
  • Packages at $25 and $65/month;
  • Customizable plans for high-volume businesses.

10. MailerLite

MailerLite offers a no-cost option to start, has very affordable pricing plans, and offers incredible customization tools.

Top Features:

  • Supports e-commerce integration;
  • Custom labeling to create interest groups for more personalized and targeted marketing campaigns;
  • 24/7 user support.

Price Plans:

  • Free up to 1,000 subscribers;
  • Packages at $9 or $19/month for unlimited emails.

11. Mailchimp

Mailchimp rounds out the list of top email marketing and software tools. It has a good selection of plans available depending on the business needs. It is one of the most simple-to-use tools making it great for businesses new to email marketing.

Top Features:

  • Great learning resources for beginners;
  • 100+ templates to select from;
  • E-commerce integration;
  • Top-rated email deliverability;
  • Many setup options: SMTP relay, email API, webhook, or plugin;
  • A/B testing is available.

Price Plans:

  • Affordable plans starting at $11 and $17 per month;
  • Premium package with unlimited contacts and most advanced features starts at $299/month;
  • Transactional credit purchasing is available in bundles starting at 20,000 sends; credits never expire.

12. SendX

SendX is an easy to use and affordable email marketing software. It allows you to send unlimited email campaigns, build your email lists, and automate advanced email sequences. There is 24×7 Live Support, and a bundle of responsive email templates for your email campaigns.

Top Features:

  • Dedicated IP for Email Deliverability;
  • Drag and Drop Editor;
  • Optimization for mobile users;
  • Over 1500+ Email Templats Collection;
  • 1000+ 3rd party app integrations;
  • Seamless drip email campaigns.

Price Plans:

  • Affordable plans starting at $7.49 per month (billed annually), for up to 1000 subscribers with a 14 day free trial.
  • Premium package with unlimited contacts and most advanced features starts at $89.88 per month. Emails per month: Unlimited

Final Thoughts

Narrowing down the top nine email marketing and software tools on the market right now is not easy with the huge selection of high-performance tools that are available. The nine discussed here have proven themselves with great practical features, satisfied clients, and proven results. This list has options for businesses of all types and sizes so you’re sure to find the perfect one for your business!

Dodge Charger Insurance Cost and Quotes

One of the crucial things which most car shoppers fail to account for is what their insurance will cost them. They are quite excited to get a brand new 2022 Dodge Charger SRT out and even spend thousands of dollars for the down payment along with planning the monthly payments. However, fail to get complete information regarding what Dodge Charger insurance will cost them.

Insuring a brand new Dodge Charger is not something cheap. It is most likely going to be double or triple the amount you would pay for a used car. If you really want to get this sports car, you must be aware of how much insurance is on a Dodge Charger. The cost will be dependent on several factors, as the rates are different for different models.

The Dodge Charger insurance cost & quotes may be dependent on your location, age, education, driving history, and many more related things. Well, there is no doubt in saying that sports cars are expensive both in terms of price as well as insurance. So, is the case with the immensely popular Dodge Charger. In 2022, the average cost for insurance is around $373 per month. 

This post will discuss all the details related to the Dodge Charger insurance cost & quotes. We will be providing you information regarding the Dodge Charger Auto insurance, the Dodge Charger insurance cost & quotes, along with factors that affect it. So, without much delay, let us begin the post and find out all the relevant information.

Dodge Charger Auto Insurance

You must be aware that it is legally needed in all 50 states that car owners must have auto car insurance policies for their vehicles. Some states may only need a limited amount of auto insurance whereas some may require users to purchase policies covering a higher amount of damage coverage. 

The cheapest cities or states are the smaller towns where there are the least cases of car accidents. While the most expensive ones are where there is a higher percentage of vehicular accidents. 

Sports cars are quite expensive in terms of both the price along with the insurance rates. The Dodge Charger has an average insurance cost of around $373 per month. Let us read ahead and get more information related to the Dodge Charger insurance cost & quotes.

If you are looking for a free SR-22 quote on your insurance, then you should have luck on a car insurance comparison site online. Many offer free quotes such as this site:

What is SR-22 Insurance? 

An SR-22 is a document that certifies a driver’s financial responsibility as required by their state or a court order. An SR-22 is not an actual “kind” of insurance, but a paperwork submitted with your state. This document serves as evidence that the minimum liability coverage mandated by state law is met by your motor insurance policy.

How Much Does SR-22 Insurance Cost?

Companies like USAA, State Farm and Progressive offer the cheapest rates for SR-22 drivers. Whereas, regional companies like Farm Bureau, Erie and American Family also offer cheap SR-22 quotes if you live in an area these companies serve. 

An SR-22 costs approximately $25 to file, though the cost may vary by state and the insurance company. In some states, you’ll have to pay the filing fee up front. At Progressive, the fee for the SR-22 filing is your cost for each policy term. You will also need to pay the filing fee with each policy term that the SR-22 is required.

How Much Does Dodge Charger Insurance Costs?

The Dodge Charger Insurance cost & quotes will differ depending on different factors. However, if you wish to know the average cost in 2022, it will be somewhere around $373 per month or $4476 per year. Well, the Dodge Charger is surely not a cheap car to get insured. It is due to some factors that are mentioned below.

  1. Chargers are mostly driven by younger individuals.
  2. Dodge Charger is more expensive than economy cars. The higher the value of any vehicle, the more insurance premiums will be.
  3. These Chargers are the sports cars that are more likely to be involved in reckless accidents.
  4. Chargers’ drivers are more likely to get tickets for traffic violations.

So, this is why one needs to be quite careful before purchasing this car and getting insurance for that. However, the Dodge Charger Insurance cost & quotes are on an average basis. So, you might even have to pay less or more based on your driving experience, your credit score, or even whether you are in your mid-thirties. 

Not just it can also be based on your age. So, let us further have a look at these factors that affect the Dodge Charger Insurance cost & quotes.

Factors Affecting Dodge Charger Insurance Cost & Quotes

As we have discussed above different factors may affect your Dodge Charger insurance cost & quotes. So, let us check out what these factors are.

1. Year of the Dodge Charger

One of the biggest factors that affect your Dodge Charger Insurance cost & quotes is the year of your vehicle. Suppose, a Dodge Charger of 2022 or 2021 will be quite expensive to insure than a 2015 or 2016 Dodge Charger. 

It is because many new cars lose up to 10% as soon as one drives them off the lot. If you have a classic or historic model, it might be expensive to insure as a higher value depends on the depth of restoration. 

2. Trim Model of Your Dodge Charger

Another major factor that can affect the Dodge Charger insurance cost & quotes is the trim model of your Dodge Charger. Well, in general, the smaller the engine is, the less you will have to pay for insurance costs. Here are the most common Dodge Charger trim packages listed below in the order of most expensive to insure to least expensive ones.

  • Scatpack or SRT Hellcat Package (Highest insurance costs)
  • R/T or Dodge Charger Daytona (Average insurance costs)
  • SXT/ GT (Cheaper insurance costs)

3. Color of the Dodge Charger

The color of your Dodge Charger is another thing that contributes to Dodge Charger insurance costs & quotes. If you have a basic color Dodge Charger such as silver, black, or white paint color, then you usually pay a little less than someone who has bright green, blue, or red paint color. This is because bright-colored cars are statistically more in accidents and might commit more traffic violations. 

4. Driving Record

If you have a good driving record and it is clean, which means no recent tickets, accidents, or tax liens, then you might get a good insurance rate. However, if the case is reversed, you might end up paying higher for the insurance.

5. Miles You Drive the Charger

Several insurance companies charge car owners more in case they have planned on driving their car for more than 12,000 miles per year which is the national average. However, in case, the case is the opposite for you, you might save some money on your insurance quotes.

6. Credit Score

Another thing that affects the Dodge Charger insurance cost & quotes and the premium costs is your credit score. In case you are having a low credit score, you will more likely to miss a payment or have an insurance lapse. This will cost the insurer more cost and time for getting your account up to date.

7. Age

If you are a driver who is under 25 years of age, it might be the most expensive to insure. Once you reach 35, you might view a considerable fall in the monthly premium costs. Well, senior drivers who are 65 or above have the best ability to get cheap insurance. 

These are the common factors that affect the Dodge Charger insurance cost & quotes. So, need to take care of these factors before you choose insurance for your Dodge Charger.

This is all about the Dodge Charger Insurance cost & quotes. You need to take care of the factors that are mentioned above which might affect your insurance costs and quotes for your Dodge Charger. Choose the right company to get your sports car insured and take care of the factors before choosing insurance!

E-Wallet App Development: How to Develop a Mobile Wallet App?

A mobile wallet app is a digital wallet that allows users to store, send, and receive money using their mobile devices. Mobile wallet apps typically use near-field communication (NFC) technology to make transactions, which means that they can be used at NFC-enabled terminals to make payments or send money. Some popular mobile wallet apps include Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. However, the custom-developed e-wallets are a built-in solution for certain platforms and business workflows. Payment-heavy businesses set up wallets to offer the functionality of crypto exchanges, loans, and loyalty programs. Yet, the main idea is to provide P2P and international transactions via integrated payment gateways. So, from the back-office perspective, an e-wallet offers card issuing, payment processing via Visa and Mastercard, and client identification as money receiver or transferee.

What Are the Benefits of Developing a Mobile Wallet App?

First of all, a mobile wallet is an e-wallet available via mobile with client authentication via the Face ID or two-factor checkup. Nowadays, companies use cross-platform app development and do not limit themselves to the mobile version only. They offer adaptive responsible mobile wallet versions for fast access to the products and services. Think about a traditional neobank functionality then. It is commonly based on the same banking core as the e-wallet.

1. Increased Security

Mobile wallet apps offer increased security compared to traditional wallets. This is because they often come with features such as fingerprint authentication and two-factor authentication, which make it more difficult for criminals to access your funds.

2. Convenience

Mobile wallet apps are also more convenient than traditional wallets, as they can be used to make payments anywhere in the world with just a few taps on your smartphone.

3. Enhanced Customer Loyalty

Another benefit of developing a mobile wallet app is that it can help you enhance customer loyalty. This is because customers who use your app will be more likely to return to your business in the future, as they will appreciate the convenience and security that your app offers.

4. Increased Sales

Finally, developing a mobile wallet app can also help you increase sales, as customers are more likely to make impulse purchases when they have their credit card details stored on their phones.

How to Develop a Mobile Wallet App?

1. Choose Your Platform

The first step is to decide which platform you want to develop your app for. There are many different mobile platforms out there, so you’ll need to choose the one that makes the most sense for your target audience.

2. Find a Payment Processor

To accept payments through your mobile wallet app, you’ll need to find a payment processor that supports mobile payments. There are many different options out there, so be sure to do your research and find one that fits your needs.

3. Create a User-Friendly Interface

One of the most important aspects of any mobile app is its user interface (UI). When it comes to mobile wallets, it’s especially important to create a UI that is easy and intuitive for users since they will be dealing with sensitive financial information.

4. Implement Security Features

Another important aspect of developing a mobile wallet app is making sure that it is secure. You’ll need to implement various security features, such as encryption, to protect users’ information and prevent fraudsters from taking advantage of them. Security is a key consideration in ewallet app development, ensuring user trust and data protection.

What Are the Features of a Mobile Wallet App?

1. The ability to store multiple payment methods – debit and credit cards, loyalty cards, gift cards, etc.

2. The functionality to make payments in-store, online and in-app.

3. The use to send and receive money transfers.

4. The ability to track spending and set budgets.

5. The loyalty points and rewards management.

Check out the functionality of e-wallet software development by and see if it will be the product your business needs. 

Will Tech Stocks Rise or Plummet if the U.S. Economy Hits Recession?

Economists are waiting with bated breath as the nation inches closer to a possible recession. Tesla CEO and tech whiz Elon Musk have predicted that the U.S. economy will almost definitely face a recession sooner than later, given increasing inflation and interest rates. Musk isn’t alone in predicting this alarming state of affairs. Top analysts at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have cautioned their clients about a possible recession on the horizon as well.

How will a possible – and likely – recession affect tech stocks? The Bank of America believes that tech stocks will disappoint if the U.S. goes into recession, estimating that the S&P 500 could plunge by around 20%. These figures were drawn from an empirical estimate from previous recessions, where earnings fell to 14% on average.

However, not everyone thinks tech stocks will dip. Experts at Morgan Stanley believe that investments tied to the retail sector, restaurants, and hotels are at a larger risk of falling, while stocks linked to the tech, Internet, and household goods industries will fare better. This is because, with the economy likely plunging into recession, people can’t afford to spend much on things like deliveries, takeout, or fine dining. There will still likely be sufficient interest in the tech sector. It remains to be seen which tech stocks will shoot and which will disappoint. So, let’s discuss the U.S. recession and see how tech stocks will likely behave.

The U.S. Economic Situation: A Bird’s Eye View

Before we discuss the rise or fall of tech stocks, let’s take a look at what’s been going on with the U.S. economy. There have been concerns about the economy facing recession since earlier this year after reports came out about consecutive GDP declines across two quarters. The decline raised eyebrows and started an important political dialogue: is the U.S. in the recession?

The National Bureau of Economic Research has not made a formal judgment. While there are markers that would indicate the country is already in recession, there are also contradictory signs that signal the economy is making gradual progress. GDP decline and the highest inflation rate in over forty years are signs enough for some people, who insist that the economy is in a recession.

For others, the economic story seems different and almost promising. Some economists are using the Sahm Rule to underline their beliefs. The rule states that a recession occurs when the three-month average of the country’s unemployment rate increases by at least half a percentage over its lowest in a year. According to this rule, the economy is not in recession, since reports in mid-August showed a decrease in people seeking unemployment benefits. What’s more, layoffs have been at an all-time low.

Among all this uncertainty lies the core understanding that, recession or not, the U.S. economy is suffering and any progress has been painfully slow. Certain sectors have taken it harder than others but the stock market remains bearish as nationwide pessimism has set in, with most people believing that even if a recession hasn’t occurred, the country will soon find itself there.

So, where does that leave tech stocks?

The Recent Stock-Related Technological Overview

Panic around tech stocks began sometime in April when Amazon reported a sharp drop, a first in major losses since 2015. The situation seemed to plummet with Netflix (NFLX) plunging by 70%, Alphabet (GOOGL) by 22%, and Apple (AAPL) by 18% in an overall downturn trend.

This situation came about despite most investors believing that tech was a solid investment due to globalization and an increase in tech innovations during the pandemic. However, analysts are cautioning people to wait and watch before panic selling because they anticipate steady growth as economic conditions stabilize.

There is also merit in differentiating between tech stocks. While some tech giants have found themselves plummeting, enterprises such as cybersecurity and cloud operations have fared surprisingly well. On the other hand, stocks related to cryptocurrency and blockchain have taken a hit, with investors panic-selling their bitcoin.

The only sectors that seem to be performing well are energy and utility, with people bailing on tech stocks despite the Fed’s efforts to combat inflation. This is unsurprising, however, as high-interest rates will curtail discretionary spending, forcing the real estate market to plummet, too.

The Conclusive Verdict

It’s a dismal time for tech stocks on the whole. Mega-cap tech is suffering the most, with companies like Snapchat (SNAP) reporting a 79% drop since the start of the fiscal year. Shopify (SHOP) is close on its heels with a 74% drop despite its stock split. Investors seem to be pulling out in droves, as pessimism continues to sweep the nation despite weak silver linings here and there.

The global economic downturn, political conflict, and ever-increasing inflation have caused mass panic. Investors are solely looking at short-term benefits over longer-term ones. This could explain the drastic drop in large-cap stocks, as investors are finding it hard to trust tech giants, preferring to sell and secure their cash instead. In fact, big techs have lost over $1 trillion in overall value recently.

Another reason for the lack of faith in tech stocks is the end of the pandemic. While consumers were more than happy to immerse themselves in virtual experiences during the lockdown, an increasing number of people are now investing in offline activities. These real-world experiences weren’t available a year ago and could explain why the tech market has seen a sharp downturn, except for selected few companies.

The downward trend has also influenced the niche tech market. Venture capitalists who were eager to invest in unique tech startups and quirky tech have lost steam amidst economic uncertainty. No one seems to invest in a niche technology solution when interest rates will continue to rise into next year.

Even as economists try to come to a unanimous verdict about whether or not the U.S. is in a recession, the uncertainty has been enough to send mega-cap and niche tech stocks spiraling. It’s fair to say that this situation is an accurate predictor of what will happen if the recession does hit.

What Kind Of Software Is Used In Retail?

Retailers have to juggle many balls inventory, pricing, customer service, marketing, etc. And one of the most critical tools in their toolbox is software. But what kind of software do retailers use? How does it help them run their businesses? This post looks at some of the most common types of retail software and sees how it helps stores stay efficient and profitable.

Inventory Control Software

One of the most important aspects of running a retail business is keeping track of inventory. After all, if you run out of a product, you can’t sell it. Inventory control software helps retailers track what they have in stock and can even help them predict future sales trends. This way, stores can order the products they need when they need them and avoid costly stock-outs.

Modern tools will automate many tasks associated with inventory management, such as reordering products when they fall below a certain threshold. This can allow store employees to focus on other tasks, like helping customers.

Point-of-Sale (POS) Software

When a customer makes a purchase, it’s essential to have an efficient and accurate way to ring them up. That’s where POS software comes in. This software streamlines the checkout process and can even track sales data over time. This information can help make strategic decisions about things like pricing and promotions. Modern tools will have features like barcode scanners and credit card readers, which can speed up the checkout process. Before choosing any POS software, do your research through the official website of the company. This is where you look at the pricing and every attribute. Some systems can even integrate loyalty programs so that customers can earn rewards for their purchases.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a type of software that helps businesses to manage and store data related to their operations, customers, and finances. ERP software typically includes modules for accounting, inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM), and supply chain management (SCM). While ERP software can be used in various industries, it is particularly well-suited for retail businesses due to the large amount of data that needs to be managed. In addition, ERP software can help businesses to streamline their operations and improve their customer service. As a result, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is an essential piece of software for any retail business.

Retail Management Software

Retail management software is a type of software that is used to manage different aspects of a retail business. Retail businesses can use this software to manage inventory, customers, and sales.

Retail management software can also help businesses keep track of their finances and employees. Larger retail businesses typically use this type of software, but it can also benefit smaller businesses. Retail management software can help businesses save time and money, and it can make running a retail business much easier. If you are considering starting a retail business or already have a retail business, you should look into using retail management software.

These are just a few of the most common types of retail software. By using these tools, retailers can streamline their operations, increase sales, and provide a better experience for their customers. Consider investing in some of these software solutions for your store, and you’ll be glad you did.