In recent years, many healthcare companies have been rapidly mastering and implementing Telemedicine software development, which increases the efficiency of medical services. The development of this technology began immediately after the start of the coronavirus pandemic in the world when the staff of clinics and other institutions could no longer cope with the influx of patients, and contact between people could lead to the spread of infections. Telemedicine allows you to remotely receive patients online, provide timely advisory assistance, make a preliminary diagnosis, send test results to patients, and write prescriptions for taking medications. All this also inevitably leads to a reduction in the cost of health care services.

The Main Advantages of Telemedicine
The wide and rapid spread of telemedicine in many countries of the world is due to the following undeniable advantages of this progressive technology:
- All participants in the healthcare industry have mobile devices running telemedicine applications. Applications allow nurses, physicians, insurers, and other stakeholders to maintain direct contact with the patient and among themselves online. As a result, the speed of patient care increases, as well as the efficiency and productivity of clinic staff.
- Appointment Scheduling apps ensure that patients and medical staff of clinics and hospitals save a huge amount of time on trips to appointments and outpatient examinations, which allows them to not be distracted from important household, business, or office work.
- Patients also have a version of the Health app on their mobile devices that allows them to get complete information about their examinations, tests, and treatment. This involves the clients of the clinics themselves in the treatment process and increases their interest in their own health.
- Mobile applications allow all treating specialists to study the patient’s card with all the nuances of his treatment. This gives a sound scientific approach to the therapy provided, and drug treatment and accurately determines the need for surgical intervention, which increases the patient’s chances for a full recovery. The data embedded in the system is not distorted, not lost, and fully corresponds to the real diagnosis.
- Patient health monitoring is performed more frequently than with a standard outpatient examination. This allows you to identify the disease at an early stage and make timely efforts for effective treatment.
In addition to providing standard healthcare services, telemedicine also greatly expands the possibilities of modern science. Researchers collect statistics on the effectiveness of new medicines, improving their chemical composition in time, conducting laboratory and clinical trials, and this also affects the successful development of global medicine.
What Applications Does Telemedicine Software Include?
Telemedicine software includes the following set of applications, IT technology solutions, and quality services to improve healthcare efficiency:
- Applications compliant with international HIPAA standards to ensure uninterrupted communication for all those involved in the provision of medical services.
- Clients of IT companies can choose for themselves a telemedicine application both from the standard programs that are available, and draw up a technical task for the development of this custom-made intellectual product.
- Every mobile telemedicine application installed and running is scalable because of its flexible architecture. This allows you to constantly develop and improve applications, develop new releases and upgrade them. The client gets the opportunity to order updates, which will be periodically implemented online automatically, immediately after the issuance of a new technical task for developers.
Most large IT companies are permanent partners of large medical and pharmaceutical companies, which ensures continuous updating of databases, as well as following the latest trends in the development of this healthcare services market.

What Modern IT Technologies is Telemedicine Compatible With?
Telemedicine, as well as applications based on it, are compatible with the following types of IT technologies that have long been developed and implemented around the world in large pharmaceutical or medical companies:
- Any Internet application that provides remote access to establish stable online contact between two or more people of different specialties, with the possibility of video conferencing.
- The ability to integrate telemedicine and all applications developed on its basis with EMR / EHR standards, which provide the ability to create unlimited databases with storage, sorting, and processing, as well as a convenient filter system and search for all patient information.
- Considering that most healthcare services are paid, all modern telemedicine applications are integrated with payment systems that increase the security of users’ personal data, as well as protect their cashless transactions, without the risk of cyber-attacks by intruders.
- Each online examination of a patient involves a drug treatment that is prescribed by prescription from the attending physician. To simplify access to the order of medicines, telemedicine systems are integrated with electronic catalogs of large pharmaceutical enterprises. This gives patients the opportunity to purchase prescribed drugs without leaving home and not use various search engines, and specialized Internet sites.
- In addition to patient services, telemedicine also provides downloadable training programs for residents, medical students, or physicians taking continuing education courses. Education is carried out both in correspondence mode with the subsequent passing of exams and tests and with a laugh of remote video communication between the class and the teacher.
One of the most modern trends in the development of the telemedicine market and online patient care is the introduction of artificial intelligence, when the application analyzes the client’s condition based on non-linear algorithms, taking into account all the cumulative problems identified by the results of analyzes and examinations. Such software almost completely eliminates medical errors, as well as side effects during the provision of medical services to the patient.
Why Do Many Customers Choose Customized Telemedicine Solutions?
Despite the fact that there are many ready-made telemedicine solutions on the market, most consumers choose individual developments of these technologies for the following reasons:
- Accurate analysis of the number of medical personnel in a particular clinic eliminates overload.
- Providing round-the-clock services through two-way communication with the patient.
- Accurate determination of the number of services provided by a particular medical institution.
- Adaptation of the interface and program codes, and system capabilities to the individual needs of the client.
- The ability to provide high-quality services at the right time, without failures, violations, and delays.
Thus, individual developments of telemedicine and applications based on them provide full coordination of participants in these business processes and also enable staff to make every effort to quickly recover the patient through the use of artificial intelligence technology.