This New SaaS API Handles Image Uploading and Resizing

A lot of businesses rely on online spaces, websites, and blogs in order to reach their customers. Regardless of whether it’s a large corporation or a small business, the use of visual imagery and design is essential in order to create a strong brand image, which will inevitably be successful. But creating the perfect imagery doesn’t come easy, usually, it takes a lot of time and energy to produce enough content – especially if the imagery is used on multiple websites and social media platforms. That’s why businesses are seeking easy alternatives to make this process quicker and easier. Here’s how this new SaaS API handles image uploading and resizing, and how this can come in handy for your business!

The importance of resizing images

Images come in all shapes and sizes – sometimes they are perfect, but in most cases, they need altering in order to fit into a certain frame. Regardless of its product imagery, illustrations, stock images, or whatever you are dealing with, alterations are inevitable! Resizing is extremely handy and it can save you the trouble of taking multiple pictures or creating separate pieces, you can use the original with a little altering. But if you are working on multiple platforms and have to do a handful of these alterations, it can get pretty exhausting, not to mention time-consuming. Resizing in bulk is definitely something to look into if you are dealing with a lot of imagery that needs alterations. So having software that can help with this is a must!

What is API?

Not a lot of people are aware of API, but they unintentionally use it every day. Essentially, API is short for application program interface and it’s helping two software work seamlessly. Regardless of whether it’s searching something on your phone or using an app, there is a link that connects everything, and that link is usually an API. As you can see from this Image Upload API guide, it’s not something complicated to understand. Also, businesses benefit from this, especially when using multiple different software -this is quite common, especially if the business is divided by different roles and sections, using multiple different software is inevitable. So communication is necessary amongst that software in order for everything to run smoothly. 

What is SaaS?

Software as a service or SaaS for short is a helpful tool that’s meant to help businesses reach success faster overnight. Its core lies in taking something and turning it into a usable format for the business. The great thing about SaaS is that the price is not set in most cases, it all comes down to the usage. In this case, it’s all about image resizing and uploading, so the amount of storage is directly connected to the monthly price tag. There are multiple ways to pay for this kind of service software, it all depends on if the user is personal like for hobbies, if it’s a scaled usage, perfect for medium storage, or if it’s for blogger corporations with a high level of usage. Also, it’s important to note that the SaaS interface is web-based, so it’s easy to use and good for businesses of all scales. 

Why should you get the SaaS API?

Every SaaS-based company needs to have a good API system first in order for everything to run smoothly. When it comes to running multiple operations at the same time, in order to do it seamlessly there needs to be something that’s going to moderate it. There are also lots of API strategies to choose from, and this can help with the overall workflow optimization not to mention make everything sync up, which is necessary if you want to boost your efficiency. 

Essential features

There is a reason why some businesses can benefit from this kind of thing, especially with a variety of different features that are offered. Not only is this SaaS API uploading images it can resize and edit them, making things that much more efficient for the business. If you are handling imagery for blogs and websites, it can take a lot to go through lots of imagery and size them up or down by hand, so opting for something quick and easy is key. 

Resize, crop, optimize

Alpha transparency, optimization, cropping, upscaling, and cropping – basically, all the essential things to alter any kind of imagery to your liking. With a  little help from AI, you can get precise results and get perfectly cropped and compressed images for your needs. It’s also important to add that multiple different formats are also convertible and optimized, to fit your blog or website! It’s a win-win! 

Boosts performance

Performance is essential if you want to run a successful business, and you don’t want to make your clients wait. Download speed is everything nowadays, so it’s important to have a fast downloading speed, no matter where the users are located! This SaaS API handles this pretty well, allowing people all over the world to get their hands on imagery in seconds. Regardless if you are using imagery for your blog or website, or if you are the link between the customer and a certain image, it’s good to see people being brought together from all over the world because of the utilization of this tool that allies new laws and regulations!

Monitor traffic

By using a SaaS API, you can monitor traffic and storage, which can be a helpful analysis later on.  You can easily see a dashboard with all the needed information, telling you the monthly and daily usage. You can easily see what period is booming, and when is the quiet period and create a strategy with that analysis. This is also extremely useful for identifying trends and optimizing the current strategy – it’s all about finding what users like the most and adapting to it! 

Remote work

Mobilizing the workflow is essential, especially if you are running a small business and trying to push it to a wider range of clients. The great thing about SaaS API is that regardless of what type of platform you are using, using this tool is extremely helpful overall. On the other hand, security breaches are not common, and using SaaS API can actually boost the level of security and provide you and your clients with a safe space. 

Easy to use

If a tool is easy to use and also efficient in multiple ways, it’s definitely a good tool! Whilst things are always adapting and evolving, so is technology! Most SaaS APIs have a clear and precise workplace, especially the interface. The interface is everything, you want to be able to easily handle a tool, even if it revolves around AI, you’ll still need to do lots of things manually. So if someone is unsure on whether or not your business is doing a good job, you at least have a SaaS API on your side to do the work in mere seconds!


Like with anything else, there are certain pros and cons to consider before getting your hands on this kind of thing. Starting with the obvious, altering images and image extraction is extremely helpful. Some SaaS API types offer more. Especially the paid options, whilst others are a bit restrictive. Not to mention the fees are reasonable, even if you need to edit or upload images in bulk. The fee is depending on the number of images, but even so, it’s much cheaper in the long run. Faster loading and download is also a plus and it’s always welcomed when doing something like this.! An easy interface and quick usage is also another extremely important thing, you want to make sure that your employees are well aware and want to easily work just with this kind of interface. 


With pros, there are some cons that should be considered. Depending on the size of the building and the number of employees some people might be against using SaaS API for imagery, even if it’s deemed easy to use and something useful. While the price is set in stone at the beginning, it can vary depending on the amount of imagery you need to go through. On the other hand, some SaaS APIs are not compatible with the latest social media platforms and blogs that are using imagery, this can be applied to WordPress and similar software, sometimes it’s compatible and sometimes it’s not. While it is proven to work and it’s good for the majority, these things are still a big deal and it should be considered before jumping into installing this kind of program. 

At the end of the day, this is proven to be a good thing to have, regardless if you are a beginner business owner, entrepreneur, small business, or something much bigger – the imagery is key and it can sell the product immediately by standing out from the crowd. These changes are seemingly sheer and unnoticeable for the users, but as someone who is running the website or blog, it can be extremely important and almost essential to have such a useful program. Utilizing this kind of tool in your routine will only make it better. Especially long term when your business starts to blossom even more! So SaaS API is definitely something to consider!

Watch Out for PayPal Scams

It is critical that online transactions, particularly financial ones and those involving the exchange of private and extremely sensitive information, are approached with a high level of caution. This means, whenever you are required to enter a username, password, or other information to access an important account. After all, the loss, theft, or compromise of this data can easily affect our lives in a very negative way. Namely, when it comes to financial transactions millions of people use trusted and well-established online companies such as PayPal.

Cybercriminals and scammers are also aware that millions of people use PayPal where they keep money, card information, names, addresses, and more. Such ill-intentioned individuals or groups are always on the prowl to compromise victims by orchestrating schemes, scams, or attacks on vulnerable entry points. For these reasons and many more which we will cover below in-depth, you must understand the many risks out there and pay attention to PayPal scams

What is PayPal?

PayPal is one of the largest payment processors in the world, and probably the most widely-known online payment processor, with an estimated 500 million accounts registered across almost 400 million active users. PayPal began its life in the late 1990s under the name Confinity, and was quickly purchased by eBay at the time for $1.5 billion in 2002, although PayPal is now holding on its own. In fact, PayPal was purchased and sold more than once. Over 85% of online buyers prefer PayPal for its stability, security, and smoothness. The average user also conducts 40 transactions per year, and the average PayPal user has an estimated $480 in their accounts on average. In the U.S PayPal accounts for 25% of online transactions. The company has averaged almost $6 billion in revenue each year. Furthermore, PayPal is constantly innovating, for instance now entering the digital asset markets and allowing users to easily buy cryptocurrency. It is probably the most trusted payment platform in the world and as such has a lot of weight on its shoulders because of its solid, decades-old reputation. A company with so much power and responsibility has to have top-notch security and privacy measures, not to mention protecting their own databases filled with customer information and all kinds of money. 

How to Avoid PayPal Scams

As one of the most widely used companies in the world that are constantly registering growth, PayPal, is a giant bullseye for cybercriminals and scammers looking to find victims and prey on their accounts in various creative ways using several tools at their disposal. Since PayPal is an online platform, the risks are automatically present simply because it operates in the risky realm of cyberspace. Any online platform of this size has to take into account server security, access security, and customer compromise. It is not always easy to secure such a large platform and protect all customers meanwhile offering a streamlined high-class experience, particularly from socially engineered scams such as email phishing. Several other examples of such risks are as follows;

  • Hackers claiming there is a problem with your account
  • Promotional offer scams
  • Awaiting money scams
  • Advance payment scams
  • Shipping address scams
  • Accounts being directly hacked
  • Alternative payment request scams
  • Overpayment schemes
  • Pending payment schemes
  • Fraudulent charity schemes

As you can see, there is no end to the creativity of money-hungry scammers and criminals. This is that which has them scrambling for solutions and that which motivates them most. Quick profits are also what can turn scammers and cybercriminals into merciless killers, unfortunately, such is the nature of money and power. All of these schemes can be orchestrated across several platforms, particularly via email, and social media websites such as Facebook or Instagram. It does not end there, though, as you are also vulnerable to SMS scams, and the hacking of your WiFi hotspot.

The top three most common PayPal scams are what is widely known as ‘problem with your account, ‘promotional offer’, and ‘money waiting’ scams. Not surprisingly, all three of these involve socially engineered email phishing techniques. This is simply because this is the simplest, least effort way to make a quick profit. All three of these scams will involve an email (obviously from a fake sender) that is either urging you to do something or trying to emotionally involve you in clicking a link or downloading an attachment in the email. This is what is known as a ‘phishing’ (fishing) email that tries to bait the user into complying.  

What you can do to avoid all of this is quite simple, however easily overlooked by millions of people that entrust their devices, the security of their devices, and the intentions of others to an irrational extent. Here is what you need to understand and turn into a habit;

  • Be suspicious of every email you receive, and always, always check the sender’s email address because email addresses can be easily spoofed and mimicked today
  • PayPal emails that do not address you by name are 100% fraudulent
  • Never interact with any emails urging you to provide sensitive information or download software
  • Do not click on links in an email before you confirm the above information
  • Always choose your shipping method
  • Block package rerouting with your shipping organization
  • Never deal with anyone else other than verified buyers and sellers online

Remember the adage “if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck.” So, if you ever suspect something is off, your instincts may be trying to warn you. For this reason, it is critical that you also set up spam filters in your email accounts, use antimalware and antivirus software, conduct your transactions with a VPN activated in the background, and never use a public WiFI hotspot to access PayPal or purchase items online. Adding to that, heed the recommendations above and you will avoid %99 of problems millions of uninformed users face daily.

Finally, in addition, here is how PayPal themselves can protect you (to an extent); Paypal Buyer Protection and PayPal Seller Protection.

4 Fast-Growing Industries to Start a Business In

As the world continues to evolve, develop and change, there will always be a need for entrepreneurship to provide the products, tools and services that meet the demands of the consumer. That’s why a list of new business ideas can never be complete, there’ll always be new things added to it, new niches and new areas where investment dollars flock to.

Whether you’re a business owner looking to invest in a niche, or you’re a corporate worker looking to leave traditional employment and seek a career that’s more on your terms, you can find new opportunities in the countless industries that are growing tremendously. Here are 4 you should be paying attention to.


The world of finance and money is going through a huge disruption thanks to the rise of cryptocurrency. This is set to keep growing and expanding as more and more people adopt the currency, and as it becomes ruled as transactional tender in everyday purchases. This huge potential for growth is great news for entrepreneurs who want to get involved in this space. From education to just investing in cryptocurrency, there are many ways you can build an incredible business in this influential space.

Real Estate Investing 

Real estate remains the best way to build passive wealth, and right now is the perfect time to start building your own long-term portfolio. Many people who really want to escape the 9 to 5 trap and truly build a business start with real estate. You don’t have to have a whole lot of money to get started – there are many creative capital-raising strategies that can provide the initial investment that you need.

That includes borrowing money on an existing asset, raising money from your social circle, or building a relationship with smaller, local banks. The wisest way to invest is to buy-and-hold for the long-term so you can see a large increase in your initial investment.

Ecommerce Businesses

As the saying goes, “when there’s a gold rush, sell shovels”. At this moment in time, one of the most lucrative business opportunities is in ecommerce. Creating an ecommerce company is easier than ever today. Finding manufacturers, wholesalers, and dropshippers isn’t as complicated as you might think. And furthermore, setting up a website is easier than ever, and if you design with ecommerce merchandising in mind, you can create a great user experience.

For people interested in building their own businesses, this is probably one of the best times in history to make it happen. There’s so much happening in the world of technology and every single day, it carves out new opportunities and ways of making money.

You can very easily take advantage of all this and build your own brand and reputation. If you have some great ideas, you can start gathering the knowledge you need or even start building a team that can help you start building the foundational pieces of your business. Entrepreneurs are a very important part of moving humanity forward and improving the products and services we rely on every day. If you decide to take on this awesome responsibility, you can create a great life for yourself. Keep in mind that how you structure your business is a fundamental part of starting an e-commerce company. Depending on your products, services or objectives this may vary completely.

Artificial Intelligence

Over the last few years, we’ve seen a rise in the use of AI, and this is set to continue on an upward trajectory. That’s because AI technology has the potential to improve so many areas of human life. AI can be used to make retail better, it can help serve consumers with exactly what they need. There are so many ways you can get involved in this space if you have the technological chops or a really great idea to make the industry better.

Using Analytic Dashboards for Businesses

Today, the world is moving towards more and more information. So if you’re going to be successful in your business, then you need to be able to access the target data fast. You need to know what is happening right away – if your competitor is growing and starting to capture your business customers.

But the problem is that if you’re only capturing the information in your company through a spreadsheet or by talking with your employees, you’ll never be able to keep up with your competitors. When you have lots of data coming in from different sources in different formats, it’s no longer possible to just put everything into one system and see how the numbers are progressing.

To address this problem, we are going to dive into business analytics in this post and focus on a specific type of data grid. Thus, you will know how to keep track of your business progress in real-time and transform marketing operations.

The Four Business Analytics Models

To be able to run a business, you should have the information you need. Everything is easy. If you don’t have that data, you won’t be able to make smart decisions. In other words, the more information you can get your hands-on, the better. However, everything should be structured and visualized in a way that is the most comfortable for you. It’s like being an airline pilot. You can fly around in the sky, going back and forth between continents. But if you don’t have the information that you need to get you there, it’s pretty much just a big exercise in flapping your wings.

Using Business Dashboards

One of the most exciting technologies for business leaders today is “the business dashboard,” a real-time data visualization and analysis tool that enables them to quickly get to business insights and spot trends, therefore, improving overall performance.

The business dashboard has come a long way since it was introduced in the early 2000s. New grids have more sophisticated charting and data analysis capabilities. They are able to collect and visualize big data (data beyond those found in relational databases) and track “customer” interactions (from customers visiting a website, for example, to in-person interactions with a call center representative).

Benefits of Using Business Dashboards

A business dashboard is a very important tool for managing, planning, and monitoring business resources. It is a central control station for your operational activities. It provides management with the ability to review, analyze, compare, and forecast business processes and performances in order to improve the efficiency of operations, achieve business objectives and ultimately generate a return on investment. Here are some of the benefits that you get when implementing business dashboards.

  • A dashboard allows you to provide a transparent, visual, and real-time insight into your business operations;
  • Dashboards provide an overview and allow management to quickly and easily access the reports and information needed to make informed decisions. It allows you to view and share all data and metrics in one place, helping to reduce the time taken to access, understand and respond to data and information;
  • A dashboard is a central control station for your operational activities. It provides management with the ability to review, analyze, compare, and forecast business processes and performances in order to improve the efficiency of operations, achieve business objectives and ultimately generate a return on investment;
  • A business dashboard allows business users to easily monitor business processes from a central location. It is a centralized repository of information about your business. The data is usually stored in a relational database; however, there is a growing trend for companies to use a NoSQL database and even to host the data on a virtual server;
  • A business dashboard lets you provide management with a high-level view of current and historical operations by displaying an accurate representation of the business data. The reports generated by a dashboard can be used to collect useful information about the state of the business;
  • A dashboard may be viewed as a performance chart that is used to measure performance and monitor progress. The dashboard is also used to forecast the possible outcomes of different variables.

All in all, a business dashboard is more than just a fancy name. It’s a tool you can use every day to run your business efficiently. When you get into all the ways it can benefit your business, it will feel as though you’ve just created the best part of your business by adding a few small yet powerful tools. You don’t have to wait until next week for your business dashboard to start saving you time and money.

How to Choose a Web Design Company

A website is the face of a company. It influences its competitiveness, sales, customer engagement, and brand awareness. That’s why it’s vital to pay careful attention to your website. According to Google, users form an impression of a website within 50 milliseconds. Thus, a neat and catchy user interface is worth investing in.

If you already have a website you want to improve, conduct a UX design review to identify user interaction gaps. Once you have all of this information in one place, you can come to a potential vendor with a precise request and avoid confusion.

To choose the right web design company with high-quality web design services, start by making a list of your current business goals, defining your target audience, and listing the issues you want to fix.

Conduct research on recognized websites

Start your research on websites like Awwwards, Clutch, Dribbble, and Behance. These are trusted resources within the IT industry with directories of verified freelancers and agencies.

Clutch and Awwwards are aimed at constructive critiques, reviews, and evaluations. Dribbble and Behance are social networks for designers and design companies to post examples of their works.

Visit a web design company’s website

The website of a candidate web design company is a business card. Therefore, it should look credible and appealing, deliver a great user experience, and provide smooth navigation.

Study the portfolio

A portfolio presents a company’s variety of skills and professionalism. To properly examine a portfolio, you should take three crucial elements into account:

Variety of expertise

The variety of projects a company has completed in different industries will show the company’s flexibility. If the designs vary from product to product, it means that the company takes an individual approach to each client’s needs. It’s great to find case studies with descriptions of clients’ pain points and how the company solved them, especially if these relate to issues you have on your website.

User experience

Check out the websites from a company’s portfolio and try their features to test the quality of the company’s UX design expertise. A website should be intuitive and straightforward. Points to consider:

  • Landing page experience
  • Navigation simplicity between services
  • Ease of determining the website’s purpose

Successful case studies

The best indicators of a web design company’s professionalism and quality are reviews of satisfied customers. If you find them on unbiased sites, they’re even more valuable. Consider searching for testimonials and ratings on third-party platforms like Clutch and GoodFirms. It is an important aspect of finding site architecture and design services.

Investigate social media

Check out a web design company’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Facebook is more informal and employee-oriented, while LinkedIn is more professional and business-oriented.

As the biggest social network, Facebook is useful for raising brand awareness, promoting products and services, and building trust. Things to check out:

  • Contact information and address
  • Corporate culture
  • Community investment
  • Client interactions
  • Everyday company life in photos
  • Page customization

Companies use LinkedIn to attract both clients and employees. Also, it is a perfect website to show a company’s authority and provide evidence of expertise. Points to pay attention to:

  • Contact information and address
  • About us section and business story
  • Team members (including skills and previous experience)
  • Brand hashtags and posts mentioning them
  • Customer reviews
  • Consistency with posting and updating
  • Expertise
  • Solutions to clients’ pain points

By analyzing a company’s presence on these social networks, you’ll see clients’ levels of engagement and trust.

Check a company’s deliverables and workflow

A company’s workflow gives you an understanding of how they will approach your ideas. It sets clear expectations and highlights the benefits you’ll get as a result of each stage of web design process. At RubyGarage, we have a refined workflow accepted by leading agencies. Each stage has its milestones with clear deliverables and deadlines.

1. Project discovery

In the beginning, we define your goals and pain points, outline a solution strategy, and study the needs of your target audience. To ensure the creation of a competitive and viable product, we provide a competitor analysis report, customer personas, and a customer journey map. We also research design best practices.

2. Ideation, information architecture & prototyping

After conducting research, we gather suggestions for solving your pains and create a user flow, sitemap, and other components of the product structure. Then our designers develop website wireframes and mockups.

3. UI design

We create a solid UI solution to bring your idea to life. The UI is not only about aesthetics but also about user acquisition and retention. We establish a visual language to deliver mockups and graphics according to your business needs.

4. Testing

Finally, we test and analyze your concept. As a result, you get a usability and analytics report.

Examine pricing policies

The pricing policy differs from company to company — some charge per project, others per hour. There are advantages to both models.

A fixed price includes fewer risks. For example, if the final variant of the design doesn’t meet your expectations, you won’t have to pay for the changes. It’s a convenient pricing model for a company with a strictly limited budget. Fixed price is usually chosen for clearly defined scopes of work and MVPs, as these projects are small, short-term, and have predictable deadlines.

Per-hour pricing is preferred by vendors, especially if the scope of work is unclear or likely to increase. You may be worried that designers can prolong work, thus getting paid more. To avoid any trust issues, use time tracking tools. The advantage of hourly pricing is that any alterations can be added on-demand at any stage of the project.

Put the company to the test

After you find a couple of suitable web design companies, assign a test task for each. After it’s completed, you’ll see their approaches and the quality of their work. This will help you decide if you’re ready to cooperate with a particular web design company.

To sum up

A trusted web design company is hard to find, so choosing a design company can be challenging. Follow this guide for a quick and productive search.

How to Improve Communications in Your Business

If there is one thing that keeps a business running well, it’s proper communication. This means communication between your team and your system. Training, implementation, and improved security are all going to make a massive difference when it comes to productivity and compliance within your business. However, what do you need to do to improve it?

Replace Outdated Systems

Communication makes or breaks your business. It is an ever-changing field, both technologically and humanly. On the one hand, the PSTN switch off in the US and UK means that some old equipment needs to be retired. On the other hand, new technologies like OTA 5g can bring lower-cost systems online that replace older hard-wired technologies.

Secure Your Communication

In order to avoid your communication channels becoming a liability, you must endeavor to encrypt and secure them. This means securing all types of communication, from emails to voice calls to texts. The good news is that there are all-in-one systems available that cover everything from encryption to vault encryption, all while securing endpoints. Security measures like those at use post-quantum encryption using 521bitECC, Double Ratcheting, and Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman, as well as AES 256bit PGP email encryption and offering a TLS encrypted network your business will be secure.

Build an Integrated System

Communication is often thought of as something solely for people. The fact is the most effective communication in your business isn’t going to be between people. It is going to be between your software and systems. Automation can improve efficiency, can help you run smoothly, and can reduce dead time. You can reduce overhead and improve profit margins simply by having an integrated system that can communicate.

This means that your inventory system can set up automatic alerts and even place orders automatically when you are low. It means integrating new clients and offering better, personalized services easily.

When it comes to communication, work out how your systems can communicate more effectively, and you will have a much better business overall.

Train Your Employees

While learning on the job often means learning while you go for the best results, always invest in a proper training regimen. This will include communication skills. Refreshing every employee on how to properly communicate clearly and respectfully will make a massive difference when it comes to your company and the interpersonal relationships within your company.

Part of this training must include how to use the tools properly. Even something as simple as filing can get complicated if you do not have a uniform system. All of this is part of communication, even if it isn’t direct. Create set standards so that everyone can speak the same language, and you will have a much more efficient workforce.

Create an Effective Brand Persona

Finally, look at how you can improve the communication with your customers. Everything from customer service complaints to social media needs to have guidelines to follow. This keeps the communication focused and uniform. It can also work to help protect your employees by giving them scripted responses when it comes to dealing with complaints or questions.

Being able to convey a message effectively and uniformly will cut down on communication and make even small businesses feel larger and more professional. You will need to tweak these measures as time goes on and be able to adapt depending on the customer for the largest levels of success.

4 Ways to Prevent Cyber Attacks from Happening to You

The birth of the Internet remains one of the most pivotal moments in human history. In fact, the World Wide Web continues to provide people with unfettered access to information, entertainment, learning, and so much more. 

Like any technology, though, it has some drawbacks, the most notable of which are cyberattacks. According to IBM, cyberattacks are unwelcomed attempts to steal, expose, alter, disable, or destroy personal and financial information through unauthorized access to computer systems.

Understanding the different types of attacks — and the stages involved — will help you defend yourself better.

Ways Cyberattacks Can Occur


Phishing attacks are attempts to steal consumers’ passwords and sensitive financial information. During these attacks, scammers create fake hyperlinks to send victims via email or text messages that appear to come from a reputable source.


Malware refers to any intrusive software developed by cybercriminals to steal data and damage or destroy computer systems. Some prominent examples include viruses, spyware, adware, and ransomware.

Credential Stuffing

A credential stuffing attack occurs when an attacker obtains valid log-in details for one system and then tries to compromise additional accounts/systems using the stolen information. These attacks assume that most users reuse their identities and passwords across many platforms.

4 Ways to Prevent Cyberattacks From Happening to You

1. Sensitize and Train Your Employees

Your employees are common targets for cybercriminals looking to steal data. To safeguard your company, train your employees to be wary of bogus emails that ask for personal information or access to certain files. These links can appear authentic to someone who has little or no context about phishing or how it happens.  

Before clicking on any links in an email, first:

  • Hover over them to view the URL.
  • Examine the sender’s email address.
  • Contact HR and be mindful of providing any requested information.

2. Take Wi-Fi Security Seriously

While Wi-Fi-enabled devices are seamless and effortless to use, they’re not free from cyberattacks. When connecting to a Wi-Fi network, know that any device can become infected. If yours becomes compromised, then the entire system is at risk. Thus, to safeguard yourself from attack, be mindful of not connecting any devices to public Wi-Fi networks.

3. Install a Firewall

One of the most effective strategies to defend yourself against any cyber assault is to install a web application firewall. Now, you may be asking yourself, “What is a web application firewall?” A website firewall will block any brute force attacks on your network and/or systems before they can cause damage.

A WAF, or web application firewall, helps secure online applications by screening and monitoring HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. It’s most commonly used to protect web apps from hackers. When a WAF protects a web application, it establishes a barrier between the web application and the Internet.

4. Don’t Reuse Passwords

Using the same passwords repeatedly can put them all at risk if a bad actor manages to get their hands on one. That’s why you should create different passwords for each application you use to increase your security. Not to mention changing them regularly to reduce the chances of someone guessing your password from a previous one.

Keep Your Business Safe

While having burglar-proof windows doesn’t mean your home is free from all danger, having that protection in place is better than nothing. The truth is, you can never be 100% foolproof against cyber attacks. However, you can severely limit your exposure by taking these and other essential steps. Heeding this advice will increase your awareness and better safeguard yourself against cyber attacks.

Get Clear Picture with High-Quality Starscope Monocular Magnification 

The Starscope Monocular is a perfect accessory for amateur astronomers. Its rugged design and waterproof capability make it perfect for wild adventurers, stargazers, and nature enthusiasts. Its compass and the LED light will help you take great pictures. Its CAD and CNC precision ensure the durability and quality of this device. It is also compatible with any smartphone. It will give you clear pictures and easy-to-use controls.

Magnifying Objects Ten Times

Apart from its compass, another feature of the Best Monocular Telescope is its ability to magnify objects up to ten times. This will help you observe objects that are too far for your naked eyes. The device will help you to see them even if they are at a distance. It has an in-built compass and a dedicated phone grip, which will help you hold it in your hands. Besides being fog-proof, it is also waterproof and scratch-resistant.

Waterproof and Fog-Resistant

In addition to this, the Starscope Monocular is also waterproof and fog-resistant. If there is fog, it will capture good quality pictures. Moreover, its durable design will prevent damage caused by scratches and other damages. Aside from being waterproof and fog-resistant, the Starscope Monocular also has a tripod to take high-quality pictures. These features make it a great option for travelers and wildlife enthusiasts alike.

High-Defining Imaging

Another noteworthy feature of the Starscope Monocular is its high-definition imaging. The device uses a multi-coated lens that is resistant to scratches and other conditions. It can capture images as far as 1110 meters, which is an excellent distance for an inexpensive device. A tripod is included, allowing you to operate the monocular hands-free. The Monocular comes in a sleek black color, and has a tripod for easy use.

Very Simple Functions

The Starscope monocular functions very simply. The user-friendly design makes it ideal for both professionals and beginners. Its lenses are multi-coated, resulting in clear images even in low light conditions. The lightweight body of the Starscope Monocular makes it a perfect accessory for outdoorsmen. This lightweight device is ideal for use in dark or nighttime situations. Its adaptable lens allows you to take photos and videos without having to worry about the size of your mobile phone.


Another benefit of the Starscope Monocular is its versatility. The monocular can be used in any weather conditions. It is also compact and can be clipped to your smartphone, making it extremely versatile. The only downside of its design is that it is limited in stock, so buy it now! Once you do, you’ll never regret it. It’s worth the wait. Its unique design is perfect for astronomers and amateurs alike.

Perfect for Hunting

The Starscope Monocular is perfect for hunting. Its lightweight design makes it a great choice for outdoor activities. Its compact design doesn’t make it bulky or difficult to carry around. Despite its many features, it has only one eye-piece, so it’s not suited for those who love to watch birds. However, it doesn’t need to be so small because it’s light and can be used anywhere.

High-Resolution Photographs

Other benefits of using Starscope Monocular include its rugged design and high-resolution photographs. The device is lightweight, and it’s easy to use. The camera is also waterproof, making it an ideal accessory for hiking. The Starscope Monocular comes with a tripod so you can use it hands-free. In addition, you can use it while shooting with your cell phone or other electronic devices. The design of the monocular is also impressive.

What to Look for in a B2B Ecommerce Platform

If you intend to open an online store, you will soon find yourself looking for a good B2B eCommerce platform. But before you get started, you need to understand that there are multiple online portals to choose from. Even though they are somewhat standardized, their features and functionality tend to vary.

Moreover, businesses have different needs. A platform that is perfect for a beauty shop may not be the right one for an electronics shop. As you begin your hunt for a great B2B eCommerce platform, this is what you should look for;


Most online enterprises start small. During the early stages, a simple online portal may work well and be incredibly convenient and easy to choose. However, the needs of the business change as it grows.

Before you launch your business, you need to have an idea of how much you’d want it to develop. Maybe you want to serve thousands of customers. Investing in a B2B eCommerce platform that is scalable highly advisable.

With the right lead generation software at your disposal, you can attract and manage a growing customer base effectively, ensuring your business scales smoothly as demand increases.

The bottom line is that you should look for an eCommerce platform that will grow your business.


Online businesses evolve. Yours will not be an exception.  As your business begins to serve more customers or clients, you will need to keep improving the customer experience. Clients might give some feedback in regards to areas of improvement or other valuable add-ons. If your online portal is somewhat rigid, making the necessary improvements may not be possible.

Choosing a customizable B2B eCommerce platform for your business from the get-go helps you adapt to changes. You can check this site out for more ideas.

Mobile Ready

Today, many consumers prefer using their mobile phones to order online. They like the convenience of purchasing products from the comfort of their homes, while on the go, and so on.  A mobile-friendly portal allows them to shop hassle-free.

A mobile-ready eCommerce platform for your online enterprise will quickly endear your brand to your prospects. Since many people use their phones to search for products online, they’ll find you easily. This will help you grow your sales and brand.

Advanced and Search Navigation

Have you ever searched for a specific product from an online shop without success?  The chances are that you gave up and looked elsewhere. Your clients might easily do the same if your online portal is not well designed or lacks easy searching and navigation.

An efficient search function allows your site visitors to find the items they want quickly. It is one of the features of a B2B eCommerce platform that you should not overlook.

Business people shaking hands in a meeting room

Simple Order Flow

Some B2B e-commerce portals are complex. This makes the buying process slow and tedious. What is more, is that there is massive competition in the online shopping space. Customers want a simple order flow, which allows them to purchase products quickly and easily. An online portal that’s too complicated can easily lead to a loss of business.

It is crucial to interact with the platform of your choice before buying it.  Ensure that it is easy to navigate for your prospects.

If you’ve read this post carefully, you should now be aware of what you need to run a successful online enterprise.

Global Brands Focus On Improving Data Security 

Following the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal, the way that businesses handle our data has come under intense scrutiny in the last few years. Now, some of the biggest names in tech are taking steps to improve customer confidence and ensure that data privacy is a priority. According to CNBC, Google has just announced that it plans to buy cybersecurity firm Mandiant for $5.4 billion. Should the deal go through, Mandiant will focus on increasing security for customer data stored on Google’s Cloud.

The Google/Mandiant acquisition is the second-largest ever for the search engine, topped only by their purchase of Motorola Mobility in 2012. But Google isn’t the only tech giant focusing on increasing data security, this trend is being picked up by other big names too.

Microsoft Closes The Gap 

Microsoft is investing heavily in data security and has recently announced that they’ll be establishing their biggest-yet data center in India over the next few years. The center will be spread across three sites in Hyderabad and will deliver advanced Cloud solutions and data security to individuals, start-ups, and major enterprises. It will also offer its security services to government and educational institutions globally. The development will be Microsoft’s largest investment in data security to date. 

The Microsoft Azure brand has been in the news recently after a critical bug in Azure Automation was discovered. A serious security flaw compromised customer data and identity information and put individuals and huge conglomerates and financial institutions at risk. The bug had been fixed in December 2021, but there was still an insecure endpoint that was a potential issue. In being transparent about how they manage and look after customers’ data Azure is building trust, proving that no one is infallible and that they’re prepared to take the necessary steps to improve their security.

Amazon and QuintessenceLabs Take Action

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has always assured customers that they look after their data, and they put their money where their mouth is by launching Data Exchange for APIs. The new APIs allow for AWS-native authentication and governance and make the transfer of information safer as they continually update integrated datasets. A virtual data exchange API requires state-of-the-art security to keep all information it shares secure, and AWS aims to do this by ensuring that updates are applied automatically in real-time, as information changes. 

Quantum cybersecurity leader QuintessenceLabs is also making great strides in data protection and privacy. They’ve recently raised additional funding to develop their quantum-safe solutions that offer support to communities globally. Yahoo reports that QLabs will be focusing on delivering advanced cybersecurity solutions to an international customer base that deals with large volumes of consumer and corporate data.

With such big names emphasizing the importance of data security and taking steps to improve their offerings there’s a chance that future cyber attacks won’t have as much of an impact. If the tech giants keep investing in thwarting sophisticated cyberattacks there’s a better chance that everyone’s data – from individual to global conglomerate – will remain protected and uncompromised.

Saving on Printer Ink — Best Value for Money

Hewlett-Packard, Canon, and other printer manufacturers sell hardware for any budget, but their consumables seem overpriced. Fortunately, customers do not have to buy costly OEM ink every time they need a replacement. They can shop in the alternative market with compatible and refilled products. Here are five things to know to start saving money today.

1. There Is Cheaper Ink for Virtually Any Printer

Suppose you own an HP Officejet 6958. This printer requires a pack of four cartridges that cost £47.99 in the Hewlett-Packard store. By shopping on the Smart Ink website, you will save over 70%. Its HP 903xl multipack costs only £27.99, but the page yield is much greater. You can print over 250% more pages with this product, which has international quality marks.

Smaller independent brands offer cartridges for all popular printers. The only exception is new models, as development takes some time. After all, compatible products are designed and built as entirely original products. They imitate but do not copy OEM designs.

2. Quality Is Certified

Prominent brands comply with quality standards accepted worldwide. Typically, cartridges are produced in accordance with ISO, STMC, Reach, and CE requirements. This means that any differences in print quality are barely noticeable, if visible at all.

3. You Can Maximize Savings

By turning to this alternative market, you are guaranteed to save money every time. Typically, XL volume products print 200% more pages, which doubles your benefits. Some shops offer extra incentives, such as free shipping and discounts for buying two or more items.

4. Customer Support

Before ordering your first compatible cartridge, find out about the quality of customer service. Top-rated brands provide it around the clock. You can reach them by phone, email, and social media. Check the terms and conditions on the site, including the return policy.

5. You Can Buy Recycled Cartridges, Too

Printing has a substantial ecological impact. Independent stores also sell refilled original products — the most sustainable way to replace ink. Typically, these are OEM cartridges refurbished after the first use. They allow you to reduce the amount of waste.

Remanufacturing is way more complex than ink injection. It involves thorough testing and revamping, including the replacement of worn components. Consequently, remanufactured cartridges provide an excellent quality of printing, which is confirmed by the same international certificates.

6. Choose a Reliable UK shop

As the demand for affordable ink is high, this industry also attracts fly-by-night companies. To stay safe, do some research first. Check the rating of your supplier on Trustpilot, try calling their customer support and make sure it complies with internationally recognized standards. Many of these shops sell both compatible and remanufactured cartridges, so you can compare your potential savings.

Vignesh Sundaresan: “MetaKovan”

Hailing the power of Decentralization is the idea that anyone can reach their milestones. And the most significant evidence of this is “MetaKovan,” a pseudonym used everywhere. So, then who is “Metakovan”?

He’s a person from South India with a real identity, named “Vignesh Sundaresan.” Let’s know about his journey from nothing to a Billionaire. Instead, don’t mislead yourself, as he is not from a wealthy society background. He could not even afford to buy a laptop for himself but just a flash drive to learn to code 1k daily profit, as he is a software engineer by academic profession. Dominating the crisis, somehow, he managed to learn to code and created around 54 websites, out of which 51 of those flopped. He had the potential to learn & start a journey with nothing and make a $5000 investment into a Billion dollar, with a perspective of helping their surrounding people to grow.

Besides, Vignesh is a Y-Combinator alumnus and a co-founder of BitAcces, a Bitcoin ATM startup. He also founded the Lendroid Foundation, a credit card platform powered by the blockchain. Further, he founded a software techno enterprise named Portkey Technologies Pte Ltd. Moreover, he also financed some incomparable crypto projects, like Polkadot, Ethereum, Flow, and Decentral lands.

The legit user-friendly app that has blockchain software introduced in it that helps in keeping all our transactions safe and secure.

After studying at Carleton University, he fell in love with blockchain in 2013. Getting exposed to a globally leading idea of decentralized money, he accumulated that this will be a big boom in coming years. It’s almost turning a decade, and he had made it a long way journey from a broke software engineer to a “Billionaire” crypto holder. Vignesh spent most of his time on Bitcoin and blockchain and invested every little saving into learning and building a Bitcoin company. He acquired Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crypto, & Blockchain.

He founded the e-coin startup and later sold it to Casa Crypto in 2014. He also built Canada’s first Bitcoin Teller Machine (BTM) prototype, initiated in Ottawa. And ought to be an everyday conversation with Bitaccess. The startup became known as BitAccess, which was a Y-Combinator-funded enterprise. The Lendroid Foundation is a long-time dream that he finally realized.


Vignesh believes so much in crypto; all that he owns is in crypto because he feels that everything is virtual in this world now, like decentralized money, Land, Art, and so on. He’s a billionaire with no cars, no properties or lands, or stocks. But he owns a lot in the virtual world, which made him achieve this position. As he’s a firm believer in crypto, he bought a Genesis edition crypto jacket worth $660, connected to a blockchain, and an address printed of his NFT having an NFID chip in it. Nevertheless, he made the most expensive purchase of virtual digital art by an American artist, “Beeple” in his “Everyday: the First 5000 Days” auction, which is worth $69.3M ~ $70M. It is the most extravagant virtual art sold in history via NFT on 11 March 2021. And is the third most costly art sold by the living artists in the world. Mr. Sundaresan also mentioned that “This is the most valued piece of art in this generation to be noticed as a Crown Jewel.”

MetaKovan, in his interview, also announced that they are planning to build a monument in a Metaverse, a virtual space, and is a part of one of his fundings in MetaPurse. He also owns land in Metaverse and plans to build a monument there for the public and introduce these 440 million pixels of digital art in its proper form as a digital native picture to enjoy its beauty.

The reason for buying extravagant art is its uniqueness. It is owned just by him as original, whereas others can download it for free to watch. Also, it was an act of kindness and a helping hand to all the artists, singers, and other persons out there.

Binance vs Coinbase: Which One to Pick?

Binance and Coinbase are two of the most popular cryptocurrency platforms today, each with a unique strategy.

Coinbase is a cryptocurrency exchange based in the United States, featuring a user-friendly interface and a restricted number of transaction options. Binance, on the other hand, is a bit more complex and widespread among professional users for international trading with a range of different currency trading options.

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On a lighter note, Binance is user-friendly and offers a variety of levels for its users; however, Coinbase is a little easier to use when compared to Binance. Binance, based in the United States, is less user-friendly and has higher transaction fees and fewer alternatives. When comparing the low price of Binance to the high price of Coinbase, however, there is no competition.

This article provides a general overview of Binance and Coinbase. We’ll compare a few features to discover better for specific user types.

Features- Binance vs Coinbase

Both platforms are distinct from one another in that they cater to different categories of people. Given this, each has its own set of characteristics. They both have in common that they both offer a mobile application with watch lists and price tracking features.

Returning to additional features, Binance provides the following to its users:

  • Challenges and giveaways are a method to earn extra cryptocurrency.
  • With around 100 indicators and overlays, this is an advanced level of charting.
  • API keys are used to gain access to other software applications.
  • Thirteen different types of transactions.
  • Use of third-party wallets such as Trust wallet.
  • Available in over 180 countries, however it can only be used in 48 states in the United States.
  • Users in the United States cannot pay with credit cards or engage in margin trading.

On the other hand, Coinbase offers its users:

  • Payment through credit card and access for making margin trades (US users).
  • A secure digital wallet that can be linked with other exchanges as well.
  • Access over withdrawing money in a PayPal account.
  • Available in almost 100 countries and 49 states in the US.
  • A newsletter feature updates users with the latest news related to the cryptocurrency topic.
  • The limited charting features.
  • A way to earn cryptos is just by watching short videos available on the platform.

Currencies- Binance vs Coinbase

If you are a user from outside the United States, you will have access to over 500 altcoins on Binance. If you are a user from the United States, you will use 60 different altcoins.

Coinbase, on the other hand, provides consumers with 107 currency trading options in its standard edition and 57 currency trading options in the pro version. Furthermore, the Coinbase platform supports fiat currencies such as the dollar, euro, and pound.

Similarly, Binance supports 18 fiat currencies, including the US dollar, Euro, Australian dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Indian rupee, etc.

The following are a few cryptocurrencies that both platforms support:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Litecoin
  • Cardano
  • Dash

Security- Binance vs Coinbase

Both systems are deemed secure; however, Coinbase has a little advantage in this regard.

Both Coinbase and Binance offer two-factor verification on their platforms, which may be done with a third-party authenticator or by SMS.

Coinbase requires users to provide identification in a government ID or an original image. Binance, on the other hand, verifies US users through investment demand. Binance’s security features also include address whitelisting and device management.

However, on the Coinbase platform, security features include biometric authentication for accessing the digital wallet.

Fees- Binance vs Coinbase

Binance has the lowest fees when comparing the two platforms, whereas Coinbase has the highest. If you are from the United States, you will have to pay slightly more than other customers, but the costs will still be lower than what you would pay on Coinbase.

Coinbase charges 0.5 percent for each transaction, which adds convenience according to the payment method, resulting in fees that can reach 4%. Binance, on the other side, has slightly lower fees and operates on a maker-taker model. As a result, both the maker and the taker pay the same fee.

End Note

Both platforms have distinct advantages and disadvantages. However, usability is determined by what you are searching for as a user.

Crypto enthusiasts also desire platforms where they can view currency listings and track the pricing value. not only gives its customers the ability to trade, but it also gives them the functionality that exchanges like Binance and Coinbase offer.

How Cryptocurrency Can Play Its Role in Building the Global Economy?

Cryptocurrency has been the most popular and contentious topic in recent years, particularly among investors, traders, and corporations. However, it isn’t as if this is a brand-new product in the market. It all began during the Bitcoin Loophole App when a man named Satoshi Natamoko coined the term “virtual currency.” The possibility of a financial system overhaul has been debated since then. However, there is no denying that these disputes have recently intensified in light of recent developments in the crypto and financial markets.

There has been a lot of discussion about cryptocurrencies and their potential to alter the global economy significantly. Experts believe that the bar for economic expansion will be raised and that the economy of developing countries will improve.

Bitcoin, in particular, has shown to be a game-changing technology. The variation in its behavior, but generally its worth, and the introduction of other cryptocurrencies following its popularity and widespread use have undoubtedly moved the supremacy. Now there has been a gradual but predicted intervention of Cryptocurrency in global economic transformation.

1. A Significant Growth in Economic Activities

The tide has turned, and there is now an entire crypto sector dominated by significant institutions dedicated to keeping a watch on new coins from all corners of the globe.

When it comes to the price of a cryptocurrency, the rate at which it is currently trading is rather stunning and shocking. The only evidence of this is the investors who rushed into the market when it was not substantially prominent. They bought some and were able to become financially stable very immediately.

The most recent example is bitcoin, which is the primary reason for many individuals and corporations having the finest financial experiences of their lives. In contrast, others continue to profit from trading.

Traditional currencies are gradually losing their value as a source of revenue, and crypto is on the verge of supplanting the worldwide economic system.

2. Promising Prospects for Weak Banked Countries

A competent banking system is unavailable to 33% of the world’s population. In the event of a financial emergency, such as a loan, banks are unable to meet the demand. People who lack these kinds of financial chances turn to illegal and hazardous actions resulting from not receiving adequate assistance. Those banks which offer a little assistance have their interest rates at an all-time high, which provides no benefit and only adds to the instability.

Cryptocurrencies are a great way to get out of these situations and give people an opportunity to have some financial security in case of an emergency.

Many platforms and applications exist now that make cryptocurrency usage very simple for users. The decentralized network of Cryptocurrency is one advantage that makes it more usable. That is to say; there is a proper bridge for transacting internationally. It is possible to send money anywhere in the world, regardless of where you live.

Cryptocurrency makes use of blockchain technology, which has enormous potential for bringing financial transformation and empowering and connecting underdeveloped countries.

3. Cost-Effective Transactions

As previously said, Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology, which eliminates the need for a physical location. As a result of this benefit, cryptocurrency transactions are extremely limited. Compared to traditional currencies, there is no such phrase for paying employee wages or clearing utility bills, making cryptocurrencies a source of low-cost transactions.

As a result, people are more compelled to take advantage of financial possibilities that make their wallets and lives more manageable. As a result, it has a significant impact on the worldwide economy. Furthermore, depending on the broker you choose, you can not only make money with cryptocurrencies, but you can also be a taker for a very nominal fee.

4. Empowering Small Businesses

It is extremely difficult, especially for small firms, to reach out to customers worldwide using the current finance system. Because of the high costs and complex processes, firms cannot reach a large audience, limiting their growth opportunities.

On the other hand, Cryptocurrency overcomes this problem by allowing small businesses to sell and acquire items or services from all over the world for a fraction of the cost. Companies now can expand, which automatically shifts the global economy.

How to Anticipate Crypto Prices Using Fundamental Analysis

During the Bitcoin Era, crypto engine robot has turned out to be the major source of income for investors worldwide. An investor should be able to anticipate the prices of cryptocurrencies in advance. This allows them to take risks calculatedly, allowing them to make profits upon their investments. One of the simplest techniques that can help investors anticipate crypto prices accurately is the fundamental analysis of a certain currency. Let us learn how you can carry out fundamental analysis regarding a cryptocurrency to predict its prices in the future.

How Is Fundamental Analysis Different from Technical Analysis and Quantitative Analysis?

Technical analysis refers to a method of analysis of the prices of a currency with the help of data regarding crypto prices in the past. Some of the tools used in technical analysis include price bar charts that describe the rate of growth of a certain cryptocurrency. In the case of quantitative analysis, investors can use ratios like Earnings per share and discounted cash flow to determine the potency of a certain currency. However, in the case of fundamental analysis, such data is not put to use. In this case, the investors evaluate several aspects related to the market. Some of the aspects analyzed by investors include the domestic and global market environment and the financial and political situations. If there is instability in the market, crypto prices tend to go down, and vice versa.

What is Fundamental Analysis?

Fundamental analysis can refer to the analysis of factors that affect the crypto market, which affect the value of a certain cryptocurrency. One of the sole motives behind carrying out fundamental analysis is assessing the intrinsic value of a cryptocurrency. This provides insight regarding the justification of the value of a currency- whether it is undervalued or overvalued in the market. Investors tend to analyze factors like the economic state, the company’s management behind the certain cryptocurrency, and its market cap. Fundamental analysis deals with more qualitative and tangible information regarding a currency than statistical data used in technical or quantitative analysis.

Fundamental Analysis Mechanics

Two approaches constitute fundamental analysis. The first one is the top-down approach, preferred over the bottom-up approach. Let us understand what these two are. The top-down approach considers several market-level macroeconomic factors, such as the economy, GDP, inflation, and interest rates. However, the bottom-up approach narrows down upon the financial stature of a company or the revenue it has generated. It focuses more upon microeconomic factors.

Factors You Can Track While Carrying Out Fundamental Analysis

To carry out a fundamental analysis of a certain coin in the crypto market, there are certain factors that you need to watch out for. Some of these factors include the market cap of the currency under consideration, the total and circulating supplies of the coin, its utilities, trading volume, and its partnerships with trusted institutions. Once you analyze these factors, you can anticipate whether the price of the coin will appreciate, in the short term and the long term. While carrying out fundamental analysis, one must also consider the rate of adoption and media coverage for the coin. A combined picture of these factors allows an investor to perform accurate price forecasting for a cryptocurrency. In addition to analyzing the factors mentioned above, you can also study a company’s whitepaper, which will help you largely understand its vision and potency.

Fundamental analysis is an important technique that investors analyze the crypto market and forecast crypto prices. You can use this technique to anticipate the price of a cryptocurrency of your interest. This will allow you to make better choices regarding investment. Fundamental analysis refers to the analysis of qualitative and intangible factors that affect the value of a cryptocurrency. Some of the factors that can be analyzed while performing fundamental analysis include the market cap of the coin the total and circulating supplies of a coin it is important for investors to analyze the macroeconomic factors affecting the value of a cryptocurrency and the microeconomic ones to predict crypto prices more accurately.

Will Ethereum’s Value Overtake Bitcoin?

Ethereum and Bitcoin have shared the same market capacity for the previous two months. The current pandemic scenario, inflation, and potential fluctuations, on the other hand, have been a source of concern for investors.

With all of these significant issues, investors have been concerned and unsure whether to put all of their money into Trading App or Ethereum. Both Ethereum and bitcoin have their own value and individuality regarding the potential rewards.

However, is Ethereum on the verge of overtaking bitcoin as the most popular cryptocurrency? Read this article.

Significant Rise in Ethereum

The last time we checked, the value of Ethereum was $371 billion dollars, whereas the value of bitcoin was $789 billion dollars. This means that Ethereum is over 113 percent behind bitcoin in terms of price value. In order to overtake Bitcoin, Ethereum will have to increase its pricing value significantly in the following months, assuming that bitcoin’s value remains unchanged. Only in this fashion will Ethereum be able to overtake bitcoin.

This development may appear nearly unachievable, yet in 2022, Ethereum made significant progress toward making it possible.

In comparison to bitcoin, Ethereum features a programmable blockchain, which allows it to attract the attention of the developer community. These developers are responsible for the creation of non-fungible tokens, decentralized apps, and decentralized finance. The token marketplace is also expanding, as the number of dApps (decentralized apps) on the Ethereum platform has now surpassed 3000.

More utilization comes with convenience, which dApps provide. As the number of dApps users grows, the number of Ethereum users and the demand for Ethereum tokens increases. The developers are receiving more attention, which means that introducing applications is more likely.

Ethereum 2.0, released in 2022, will have more advanced and extensive features. This proof-of-stake consensus process will give the market better scalability, security, and environmental benefits. The improvement will completely transform the transaction process, increasing it from 30 seconds to 100,000 transactions per second.

The existing Ethereum mining method is similar to that of bitcoin, which uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized network where miners solve mathematical problems and pay with crypto for each problem solved. The solved block is added to the blockchain. This procedure consumes a lot of electricity and computational power, and it also lowers scalability and raises transaction fees. If only Ethereum 2.0 had been released by now, it would have already surpassed bitcoin as the most valuable cryptocurrency.

Will Ethereum Overtake Bitcoin in 2022?

The position is a little complicated and risky for Ethereum since the crypto must not only double its pricing worth in 2022, but it must also hope that bitcoin’s price value remains consistent during the year.

Bitcoin is highly volatile, but it has delivered more positive returns to its holders for the previous 5 years or more, with a claimed return of over 4700 percent. Given the increase in demand over the last few years and the increasing number of people interested in purchasing it, it’s practically difficult to believe it will remain steady at its current price. That’s why, despite the fact, it doesn’t appear that Ethereum will be able to overtake bitcoin.

In addition, the advent of Cardano and Solana in the smart-contract blockchain category has increased Ethereum’s competitiveness. Both of the freshly released cryptocurrencies are attempting to learn about Ethereum’s flaws and address them in their respective cryptos. One of the primary flaws that Cardona and Solana are examining is transaction speed and fees. Furthermore, both cryptocurrencies have seen more significant gains in the last 12 months than Ethereum.

It’s unlikely that Ethereum will replace bitcoin this year, but that doesn’t mean it’s not profitable or worth investing in.

Is it Time to Invest in Ethereum?

Visit the official website to discover more about cryptocurrencies and the best moment to buy in Ethereum. According to data and expert predictions, there are also numerous valuable growing cryptocurrencies on the market. However, Ethereum cannot surpass bitcoin’s original value and outperform it.

Ethereum is undoubtedly a valuable cryptocurrency; however, if you are purchasing it with the expectation that it will overtake bitcoin in 2022, this is quite doubtful.