How to Use AI Technology in Your Business

There’s no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way businesses operate. But what does that mean for your business? Here’s a look at how you can use AI technology in your business and what benefits you can expect to see.

Use AI to Improve Operations

Artificial Intelligence can significantly increase the efficiency of your business if it is properly implemented. Remember that not only do businesses fall under different industries and categories but even businesses under the same category have varying workflows and operations. For this reason, AI development services work closely with their client businesses to deliver customized solutions. For example, by using AI as a virtual customer service agent, you can free up staff to focus on higher-value tasks. In addition, for an e-commerce store AI chatbots can be used to automatically answer commonly asked questions and direct consumers towards products that they might not have otherwise considered. This will help drive additional sales and improve overall conversion rates.

If your company offers a product or a service that’s in demand right now but soon won’t be due to changes in technology or other factors, you need the ability to pivot quickly. You may find AI training helpful in getting certified experience using AI tools for your business. With AI systems constantly monitoring various data sets, they can easily notify you when things change so that you can respond accordingly before your entire business model becomes obsolete.

Use AI to Generate Insights

The insights generated by artificial intelligence can help you make more informed decisions about your business. For example, if you run a retail store, you can use AI to study customer behavior and preferences. This data can then be used to tweak your marketing strategy, product offerings, and even the layout of your store in order to boost sales.

AI can also be used to analyze financial data in order to identify trends and forecast future performance. Incorporating this into your AI business plan can enhance your strategic planning. This information can be used to make more informed investment decisions or help you adjust your budget in order to stay profitable.

Use AI for Personalization

One of the advantages of using AI is that it allows for a high degree of personalization. With conversational AI technology, businesses can provide a conversational experience to customers that is tailored to their specific needs. By enabling users to have an interactive conversation with the AI system, companies can gain invaluable insights into customer preferences and behaviors.

This means that you can tweak your product offerings and services to better suit the needs of your customers. For example, by using AI chatbots on your website, you can direct customers towards products that they’re more likely to buy. This will increase sales while also helping improve overall conversion rates.

In addition, AI systems have a high degree of accuracy across a broad range of data sets which means that they can measure customer behavior with a high degree of precision. With this information, you can fine-tune everything from advertising campaigns to promotional strategy in order to boost revenue and maximize profits.

Create Intelligent Products

AI is now being used as an integral part of research and development into new technologies such as robotics and self-driving cars as well as other machinery. By using AI to develop these products, you can create machines that are capable of making their own decisions and solving problems on their own. This will allow your business to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in an ever-changing market.

Use AI to improve customer service

There are many ways that AI technology can improve customer service in businesses, and it is a tool that should be seriously considered by all companies. First of all, it is important to remember the basics when thinking about how AI can improve customer service. Customer support can always be much better than it currently is if using AI technology for three very simple reasons:

  1. Customers are not always satisfied with their experience. Be proactive and resolve issues before they arise with an automated system that constantly monitors customer service metrics. A great example of this was provided by American Express, which partnered with IBM Watson to continually monitor activity on its credit cards via social media postings. This allowed them to immediately identify issues – such as fraudulent transactions – before they become serious problems. Imagine how many customers’ days were made when their transactions were blocked before they could be hacked.
  1. Intelligent agents can identify the root cause of customer service issues and create solutions that work in real-time. This provides a dynamic process that is not static like current systems.
  1. AI has the ability to anticipate customer needs before they even realize these needs exist, providing an unparalleled level of service.

Use AI for Marketing 

There are various benefits of AI in the marketing world. For example, you can use AI to collect data about customers and their preferences. This information can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that are relevant to individual customers. Additionally, AI can be used to automate the process of selecting the best marketing approach for each customer. This technology is beneficial for understanding consumer behavior in order to make things simpler for marketers to target specific audiences with individual ads. This is the advantage of using machine learning systems that offer quick cost-effective solutions.

AI can also provide complex analytics that assists in determining what type of advertisements are most successful with certain individuals or groups. Content-based algorithms analyze various factors such as word choice and sentiment in order to determine what someone finds funny, serious, sad, etc., about a particular topic. 

Another use of artificial intelligence is detecting fraudulent traffic on websites which are referred to as “clickbots.” These clickbots look like normal website visitors but their actions don’t help advertisers get more exposure for their products. AI technology can equip businesses with countermeasures to stop clickbots from interfering with their site traffic by adding CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA features.

In conclusion, there are many ways in which artificial intelligence can be used to improve the efficiency and performance of your business. By utilizing AI technology, you can gain a competitive edge over your rivals and stay ahead of changes in the marketplace. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your business, consider using artificial intelligence as a tool to help you achieve your goals.

How is a Video Downloader Beneficial for You?

Platforms for video sharing, for example, Dailymotion and YouTube are incredibly popular sites because they allow free streaming of videos, films, songs and whatnot for the sole convenience of their viewers. Given that these platforms are free to use. Assuming that these platforms run free of cost, you must be thinking for what reason you need a video downloader. Given below are a few reasons why you need a video downloader.

It gives quick speed to the process of downloading. Moreover, utilizing a tool like Twitter Video Downloader ensures that you can easily manage and archive valuable Twitter videos without the need for complex software. There’s another advantage, users can pick a resolution of their choice to download. If you think the download is not proceeding because the size of a video is too large, don’t worry, pick a smaller resolution. Video lovers like me and you can without any problem download and save videos by simply pressing a button, and afterward play it whenever you want and how many times you want.

What are the Advantages of having a Video Downloader?

Save E-Learning Content

We all know that Youtube or Facebook videos are amazing tools to learn. In case you’re a speaker or an instructor you can download informative videos through a site that allows youtube download for PC or download video Facebook and afterward show them to your college students. This is an amazing choice in case you don’t have easy and quick access to the web in the class.

Learning isn’t limited to merely passing information to your students, however, it additionally makes you a student because learning has no end. YouTube and DailyMotion offer informative content that gives such a vast insight into various skills, language and genes. If for instance, you’re figuring out how to code, you can download numerous available videos on the subject and study anywhere without having to worry about finding wifi.

Uninterrupted Video Streaming

Who doesn’t adore continuous video play without any interruptions or loading? Just think that you’re watching a film and right at the climax of the movie, it begins buffering-once more! Those couple of moments of buffering feel like hours, isn’t that right? Thus, to save yourself from that torment you should choose a reliable video downloader. It’ll save a lot of personal time and energy! Also, the downloading speed is very smooth and fast.

Mobdro offers a wide range of genres including Sports, Music, Movies, Entertainment, Technology, Animals, Gaming, Anime, and Spiritual, has become the most popular live-streaming platform for people of all ages due to its user-friendly interface, regions (it can be streamed in 30 countries), and language (it has shows in 10 languages).

Streaming apps might stop working due to technical hitches, restart issues or complete shutdown from authorities. It’s a common scenario for thousands of streaming apps on the internet where the piracy war never ends. However, some apps manage to come back in the same version or different, and others don’t make it. For Mobdro APK fans, fate will decide whether it will revive again. The tech world has various Mobdro alternatives, which will provide the same best quality as Mobdro APK and keep you entertained.

Share Your Content

Assuming you stumble over a really funny clip, one of the first things you’ll need to do after laughing uncontrollably is share that clip with your family and friends. Most video clips can without any trouble be easily shared on Instagram or Facebook, however, shouldn’t something be said about places like WhatsApp? Download these clips, save them on your phones and afterward share them with your family and friends. Even full scenes of American Idol or Games of Thrones can be downloaded and easily shared with others.

Different Video Sites are Supported

Rather than allowing downloading of specific content from YouTube, downloading software allows you to download content from across the web.

Simple To Use

Engineers make software like video downloaders for the client’s convenience, realizing that various kinds of people will be using it, and not every one of them will be well informed about technology. Thus, keeping this in mind most downloading devices or applications have a straightforward interface.

Installation is not Required

You shouldn’t try to download applications on my phone as a result of room and battery use. Additionally, a few applications contain malware and spyware which needs your special attention. Sites that have downloading tools inbuilt are heavenly since they don’t need to be installed or downloaded. All you want is any browser of your choice and you can download as many videos as you want.

Is Ethereum Mining More Green Than Bitcoin Mining?

Bitcoin mining has often been accused of exploiting the world’s energy resources for an unfair advantage. As various renowned tech-heads such as Elon Musk and Bill Gates express concerns regarding the power-hungry cryptocurrency, and countries such as China, Iran, and Thailand ban and restrict Bitcoin mining, there is a dire need to convert to greener mining cryptocurrencies.

After Bitcoin, Ethereum (which is the blockchain) and its cryptocurrency Ether is the largest and most popular cryptocurrency to dominate the market. With Bitcoin’s notoriety increasing due to its horrific energy consumption, Ethereum had no choice but to think quickly and adopt a more sustainable approach to sustain itself. Thus, in this blog, we will be analyzing whether Ethereum mining is greener than Bitcoin or not.

Energy Consumption of Bitcoin

To put things into perspective, if Bitcoin were a country, it would rank in the top 30 most power-consuming countries of the world. At 87.3 TWh annually, Bitcoin consumes more energy than many leading countries of the world such as Finland (which consumes 84.2 TWh annually) and Belgium (which consumes 82.05 TWh annually).

To validate one Bitcoin transaction, 1702.85 kWh of electricity is required, which would be sufficient in powering the average US house for about 58.37 days.

Thus, Bitcoin has had a devastating effect on the environment by devouring a hefty chunk of the world’s nonrenewable resources in its short existence. The carbon footprint a single Bitcoin transaction leaves behind is approximately 549.74 kg of CO2. Therefore if the trajectory prevails, Bitcoin alone has the potential to increase the earth’s core temperature by 2 degrees due to global warming.

Energy Consumption of Ethereum

The first aspect to be taken into consideration is that while Bitcoin is assumed to be running on an average of $0.05 kWh, Ethereum miners are paying an average of $0.10 kWh. The difference is due to Ethereum being run on Ethash. Ethash is an algorithm, which is resistant to application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips, a technology that is prevalent in the Bitcoin network.

Compared to Bitcoin, if Ethereum was a country, it would be ranked as the 46th most power-consuming country in the world, devouring 63.39 TW/h per year. Thus, making Ethereum more power-hungry than Switzerland (which consumes 63.3 TWh annually) and Israel (which consumes 60.5 TWh annually).

Moreover, a single Ethereum transaction requires 144.7 kWh of electricity, which is equivalent to how much power is consumed by the average US household in 4.89 days. Additionally, the carbon footprint of a single transaction of Ethereum is 68.73 kg of CO2, which is equivalent to 152,329 VISA transactions.

Hence, it can be deduced by the statistics provided above that Ethereum mining is much greener than Bitcoin. However, we should further analyze the working of Ethereum to comprehend what it is doing differently than Bitcoin.

What Distinguishes Ethereum from Bitcoin

Observing the fate of Bitcoin, Ethereum had to think fast to find a greener solution to cryptocurrency. Otherwise, the crackdowns we are witnessing for Bitcoin mining will soon be conducted against Ethereum mining. Therefore, Ethereum founders are working on shifting Ethereum mining to a more energy-efficient solution.

By overhauling the Ethereum blockchain code, the newer version will be far more efficient than Bitcoin in regards to data storage, value distribution automation, and decision support. Officially named Ethereum 2.0, this upgraded version of Ethereum is not only efficient in terms of transactions but is cost-efficient as well, aiming to reduce the energy requirement by 99.95%.

How Will Ethereum Achieve 99.95% Energy Reduction?

While Bitcoin uses the Proof-of-Work (PoW) model, Ethereum will shift to the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) model, which will replace power-consuming mining with staking. The PoS model has been divided into 3 stages:

  • The Beacon Chain
  • The Merge
  • To introduce Sharding

Out of these three, the first stage, The Beacon Chain, is already in full effect, which has allowed a conservative statistical analysis to take place.

Contrary to PoW, PoS does not require power-hungry computers to process transactions to earn newly mined cryptocurrency. The validators, who were formerly known as miners under PoW, will have to offer a stake as collateral. For solving the algorithm and processing the transaction, the stakers are rewarded with Ether, which is treated as a passive income.

Greener Results of Ethereum 2.0

According to an estimated statistical analysis performed by the Digiconomist, while Bitcoin consumed almost 14 Gigawatt of power at the beginning of 2021, Ethereum under PoW consumed almost 5.13 Gigawatt of power in the same timeline. Whereas, it is estimated that Ethereum under PoS would consume 0.00262 Gigawatt of Power.

Thus, it can be observed from the conservative estimations above that PoS is approximately 2000 times more energy and resource-efficient than PoW. Hence, Ethereum under this upgraded model will be able to decrease total energy consumption by 99.95%.

According to the Ethereum Foundation, if we translate this data into per transaction figures, we will receive 35 Wh under Ethereum 2.0’s PoS model, which is equivalent to 20 minutes of TV. On the other hand, Ethereum under PoW consumes energy that can be used to run an average US household for 2.8 days per transaction. PoS’s efficiency against Bitcoin is prominent and shows the game-changing potential.

Wrapping Up

From the above literature, it can be confidently said that Ethereum mining is far greener than Bitcoin mining. If the minds behind Ethereum manage to reduce power consumption by 99.95% with the emergence of the PoS model, then it will revolutionize the face of cryptocurrency and the finance industry for a more sustainable, greener, and eco-friendly future.

How to Put Micro SD Card in Computer Without An Adapter

Transferring your data from a storage card to your computer can be quite a lengthy process if you don’t know how it works. Many people connect their phones directly through the USB cable not knowing that using their USB cable will only help them access the contents of their phone’s built-in memory and not the SD card.

SD cards are storage devices which store your data and when you have the entire space on them fully occupied, you need to transfer some of it to your computer to save it as a backup. Many people have no idea how to transfer contents from their SD card to their PC. This is why we are going to bring you one of the simplest methods to carry out this process.

For today, we shall be discussing the difference between an SD card and a micro SD card, how to insert a micro SD card in your computer without an adapter, and some FAQs on micro SD cards.

Difference Between SD Card and Micro SD Card

Your standard SD card is known as the secure digital card and compared to the micro SD card, it is bigger in size. Of course, the word micro in the micro SD card does tell us just by reading its name that it is smaller in size compared to the SD card. The dimensions of the SD card are 24 x 32 x 2.1 but the micro SD card has dimensions 15 mm x 11 mm x 1mm.

The reason there is a difference in the sizes of both SD cards is because of their placement in different devices. Some phones and cameras have an SD card slot whereas some of them have a micro SD card slot. A micro SD card is also sometimes known as a TF card.

How to Put a Micro SD Card in Computer Without An Adapter

The procedure to install a micro SD card is not a complicated process but it can be done in a number of steps. Insert the flash drive into your mobile phone and connect your computer and phone with a compliant USB cable to your phone. Usually, the phones that are being manufactured now make use of a type-C cable.

Once you connect the phone to the laptop, you will receive a notification that the USB has been recognized. Tap the Setup button on which you will send the information. There are two options after this.

In the first option, you will utilize the flash as mobile storage and the second one is to use it as internal storage. Soon after, a new notification will pop up and you will need to click on the “Explore” option. Go into “Settings” and then go to “Store and USB”. Then you may switch your phone to your SD cards and view your files as per your liking.

If you don’t have a file manager then you can obtain support from other applications that are present. An example is the “ES File Explorer” which is a great application to carry out and fasten this process. You can easily download this application from the Play Store which is going to offer you loads of convenience.

No need to worry if there is no built-in micro SD flash slot with your PC or laptop; you can still transfer files from your device to your PC with a tiny SD flash. All you need to do this is a tiny SD flash slot USB data cord smartphone, and with the help of an automated testing service, you can ensure that your file transfer process is seamless and efficient.

To put a micro SD card in your computer without an adapter, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the micro SD flash in the memory slot of your smartphone
  2. Connect your smartphone through a suitable data cord to the PC
  3. Click on the starting menu icon ‘My Computer’
  4. Double-click the smartphone name
  5. Choose the files on your SD flash and drag them to your computer desktop or any other location
  6. The file transfer should begin successfully from your micro SD card to your PC successfully without an adapter.
  7. If you can not transfer files or your mobile is not getting connected to pc then you should check if drivers are updated or not you can download driverpack solution from Driverpack solution will help you to update drivers in one click.

Now that we’ve understood the process of how to insert a micro SD card in a computer without an adapter, we shall be looking at the relevant queries that many users ask in this process.

For trouble shooting SD card not recognized on Mac errors, check out iBoysoft who specializes in data recovery and disk management solutions.


  • Can you put a Micro SD Card in a Laptop?

Yes, you can do so when you insert the micro SD card in the adapter slot. Insert the adapter card in the SD card port on a laptop with the inserted micro SD card. If a card reader has no SD card connector, pop the installation disc into your laptop’s optical drive for an external card reader.

  • What if my laptop does not have an SD card slot?

If your laptop doesn’t have an SD card slot then you will have to find a free USB slot on your laptop which you could make use of. After this, you will need to buy a USB card reader for your type of card (SD card or micro SD card)

  • Is there any need for an adapter for a micro SD card?

SD cards allow for easy file transfer between two devices. A micro SD card adapter is occasionally included in a micro SD card but you can also buy a separate converter. Any computer SD card reader or SD media port can accommodate the adapter easily like a conventional SD card.

  • What is a micro SD adapter used for?

A micro SD adapter is used by a computer to read the micro SD card that is inserted into it since laptops don’t come with micro SD card slots built into them.

What To Do If You Think You Have Lost SD Card Data?

PITS Data Recovery’s software employs advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, ensuring a high success rate in data recovery. With its intuitive interface, you can easily navigate through the recovery process, selecting the specific data you want to recover. The product also offers a range of scanning options, allowing you to target specific file types or perform a thorough scan of your entire Samsung device. PITS Data Recovery is dedicated to customer satisfaction and provides excellent technical support, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. By choosing this product, you can regain access to your lost data and preserve your valuable memories and important information.

Business Success Is Achievable Through UX Designs: Read More!

Creating business value is imperative to achieving growth and success. Every business organization in the world should have UX designs. As such, you should hire a legitimate UX design company to ensure that you can gain the momentum of your business operation. Topping the competition is never easy. But it is doable through the help of a UX design company. Hiring one is suggested because it can lead you to the right way.

Product design is a sensitive matter. You have to make sure that it can meet what the target users are looking for. Meeting the needs and requirements of the potential market should be done through creating a user-centered product. The potential market is looking for a great provider of effective solutions. Resolving problems and issues can effectively be done through UX designs. Hence, you have to incorporate UX design as part of the overall business strategy.

Read more details about UX designs.

According to this Forbes article, there are good benefits that a business can have from a good UX design. It means one thing. If you want to succeed as a business organization, then you have to consider having a UX design team to work in your business. Your biz organization will be able to attract more leads if you can assure them that what you can provide is the best solution for their problems. Problem-solving is the main aspect that you need to prioritize if you want to become a successful business entity.

Improving user experience is the main focus of UX designing. When the experience of the users of your product is great, of course, it can be translated to more sales and revenues. There will be more leads to be converted into regular customers when you are able to provide what the potential market is expecting. Your brand should serve as a solution provider. This is the essence of branding. There have to be stories relevant to what people are clamoring about. Those brand-related stories should be favorable and good. They have to emphasize how beautiful your offered solutions are.

You Can Simply Hit Competitive Advantage Through Having a Good UX Design

Beating your competitors is not that easy. It is never a walk in the park. If someone tells you that his or her business is gaining momentum so easily, you should not believe it. Why? Because hitting a competitive edge requires cleverness and brilliance. Relevance is the rule of the game. It has to be observed. The point is, you need to produce relevant and useful products. This is through this way where you can elevate your chance of winning the tight business competition.

Did you know that 89% of the potential customers will buy from a competitor that can provide them the best experience ever? The implication is that when your business offers poor experience, it is likely that the potential buyers will look for a solution from others. It will be one of your competitors that the potential market will rely upon if you are unable to provide them with their expected products. The quality of the products should be present. It is through this manner where you can have more business opportunities.

Good user experience design is what you have to secure for your business organization to stand out. Be reminded that your business is just one of many companies out there. In your chosen business industry, there are a lot of businesses trying to be on top of the competition. Hitting competitive advantage is quite challenging. But you can achieve this goal once you have the best solution for the target customers. The products to be made available on the market must be relevant. Otherwise, your competitors will beat you. And, of course, you don’t want this to happen, do you?

What should you do right now to avoid misfortune while doing your business? You need the help of a professional UX design team. Make sure that your products or services are created out of great UX designs. It is the satisfaction of the users which you have to prioritize. Nothing else. When you prioritize customer satisfaction, for sure, you will be able to reap massive growth and dramatic success. Certainly, your brand will go to the next level.

Great UX Designs Can Help Your Customers Understand Your Offers

Aside from hitting competitive advantage, another aspect you should look into is the assurance that the potential customers will understand your offers. Having said this, you have to ensure that the offered products or services can answer the call. What does it mean? The potential customers may have specific needs and demands. Those things are based on the present dilemmas and problems they are facing. All you have to do as a brand is to make sure that those things are met.

Your brand performance will become excellent only when you have the best solution for the target customers. For example, you are planning to have a tangible product and you want to sell it online. So, you need a website where you can showcase your planned and conceptualized product. Your website should be able to cater to the needs of the users first and foremost. What is the specific need? The need to have useful and vital information. Hence, the information architecture, content quality and overall visual design must be favorable.

More to say, the product to be sold through a website must be great. To realize this goal, you should understand the needs and problems of the target market. This is through this process where you can make your business profitable. You are on your way to great growth and dramatic success when you have the best UX design. It basically serves as the framework and basis to produce a great product for the target audience. A great user experience design is one that will bring your business to the next level.

Having a UX Design Can Reduce the Costs and Time to be Spent for Product Development.

Reduction of costs when it comes to product development should be evident. This is a helpful way for your business to thrive without compromising your financial aspect. Your pocket capacity might be limited more especially if you are just starting up your business. That is why it is a must to find cost-efficient ways and strategies. Having a UX design is great and helpful for this particular purpose. The point of the matter is that you can save more time and money when you hire the best user experience design company today.

Why is hiring a UX design company helpful in terms of saving money and time? Of course, you need to produce a perfect product for the audience. But then, you should be monetarily practical. Implementing cost-efficient approaches is a must. When you have a UX design, it can perfectly help you in saving money and time. The point is that you can use a UX design to polish a certain mockup for presentation purposes. Instead of having an actual product to be utilized during a product presentation, all you need is a user-focused mockup design. Such a design should be developed with the help of a UX designer.

You can get the comments and feedback from the attendees of the presentation. Who are they by the way? They are those people whom you are targeting as the direct users of your product. They are the potential market. You need their feedback to polish the end product. That before you are going to launch the product on the market, you are sure and certain that they can help the audience in remedying and solving their problems. In one way or another, you can save time and money when you have the best UX design. For sure, you will be able to produce a product with great quality once it is developed through the right UX design process.

Conclusion: Find the Right Company to Help You Today!

You are not a UX designer; hence, you need the help of a professional UX designer. Between a freelancer and a UX company, you are advised to look for a company. Why? Because they have the tools, resources, and right team to work for your business. Under a certain contract to be agreed upon and inked mutually, you will be able to achieve your goals and objectives as a business organization. In other words, your business success is near at hand when you have help from a legitimate UX design company.

A high-quality and positively-impacting product is what you need to launch on the market. You can realize this objective once you are assisted and guided by a legitimate UX design agency. The top-secret of every successful business organization is about having great UX designs that are based on results-oriented UX design principles.

What Changes Have Occurred in Instagram and Youtube in 2021

Social networks develop and update every year. Below is a list of the most important updates of 2021 for two social networks – Youtube and Instagram.


Instagram had 5 interesting updates in 2021, but the logo hasn’t changed since 2016.

Update Feed Algorithms

The update made the distribution of posts in the news feed based on user preferences. That is, the more often a user enters the profiles of other users and performs actions in these profiles (comments, “I like”, saves), the more likely it is that the next time the user enters the feed, the user will see the corresponding content. The updated algorithms of the social network work constantly, remember the actions of users and rank traffic.

Blocking Bots

User profile moderation has become more efficient. If the user violates the conditions of the site, he can be blocked without the possibility of unblocking. This rule applies to both users who visit very rarely and those who promote their profile through third-party services. The algorithms study the limits of each profile and can block any profiles if there are suspicions of cheating. Blocking is also extended when complaints about spam appear (then the profile will be deleted permanently.

Advertising Settings

The target still has a direct link to the social network Facebook. User promotion is carried out through the news feed and stories. There are 4 types of advertising publications:

  • One image.
  • Ring tape.
  • Slideshow.
  • Video.

All 4 types of posts are paid either per impression or per click, as the author decides. The promotion strategy can be configured to work automatically or manually. The social network itself can independently set the minimum cost per click/impression, saving money during a trial run.

In 2021, a modified ad filtering setting appeared, so advertisers have the opportunity to reach users by country, age, gender, marital status and other parameters.

Instagram Reels

Riels is one of the Instagram updates that we started working on back in the fall of 2021. Users ended up with their own local Tik-Tok and the ability to share small videos with music and special effects. Promotion of such videos costs nothing, and interesting publications can gain tens of thousands of views every day.

Linking to Other Social Networks

After another update, Instagram removed synchronization with the Russian social network VKontakte. At the same time, the ability to duplicate content through the application is still available. The “Share” button through other social networks also remained available.


In 2021, Youtube had 2 interesting updates, and they all came in early June 2021 (they were introduced in the US in November 2020).

Advertising Placement

Now video hosting YouTube can place commercials on any channel without asking permission from the channel authors. Previously, this rule applied to those users who were partners of the video hosting program. Now this update has also affected those users who have content for children.

Payout Taxes

Authors who received income through video hosting will now pay taxes to the US budget. Also without the consent of the authors.


Social media logos have also changed. Basically, the logos have changed towards simplification – the letters have become simpler, and their outlines are clearer.

Why You Need Online Proofing Software

Proofing is an essential process of any creative workflow. It allows stakeholders to review and approve a mock version of creative work (the “proof”) without printing or producing the full version of the deliverable. 

However, the proofing process (and the approval workflow in general) is often a significant bottleneck in any creative workflow, slowing down the whole process in general. 

In short, streamlining the proofing process to ensure it’s as optimized as possible is crucial if you want to improve your business’s efficiency and productivity. 

Thanks to technology, however, now we have online proofing as a more optimal method to improve the speed and efficiency of the proofing process, which in turn will provide numerous benefits for the business. 

The Proofing Process

The proofing process originated when printing was invented with the famous Guttenberg printing machine.

Back then, a “proof” is a mock print that a printing company provides to its client for approval. For example, a client ordered 1,000 pieces of brochures to be printed, and in this case, the printing company first printed one brochure as a “proof.”

Only when the client has approved this proof will the printing company start the production of 1,000 brochures, so as you can see, an approved proof prevents potentially costly errors and acts as an approval agreement between the printing company and the client. 

The evolution of the proofing process

With the invention of computers, however, the proofing process has also evolved. With the popularity of home PCs since the late 1990s and early 2000s, a creative agency can now show “soft proof” by showing the computer screen to a client. 

Then, the internet was widely available, allowing us to send image files over the internet. This enables creative workers to send digital proof files via email, and thus the email-based proofing process becomes the standard. 

Online proofing: the key to optimizing approval workflows

Email-based proofing, however, isn’t perfect and has its significant flaws. 

First, different computer monitors might not be color calibrated so that they may produce different colors. Second, is that email is not a practical method when it comes to real-time collaboration and file sharing. 

For instance, if the project has been going on long enough and we’ve shared multiple different files via email, it can be challenging to look for a specific file (version) when it’s needed. Accountability can also be an issue: we can’t tell whether an assigned approver has opened the email and reviewed a deliverable thoroughly, which is another common issue in email-based proofing. 

Online proofing was invented to tackle these issues with email-based proofing. 

An online proofing process uses dedicated online proofing software to facilitate centralized communication and collaboration between creative workers and approvers. 

A graphic designer can share their deliverable on the online proofing system and send a link to the approver. The approver can then click on the link and view the deliverable on the cloud-based online proofing system right away. No downloads and installations are required, then the graphic designer can communicate, leave feedback, and collaborate in real-time on the platform. 

Also, all shared files on the online proofing platform can be easily searchable whenever they are needed. 

How Online Proofing Software Works

While the actual online proofing process may vary with different software solutions, a typical online proofing software will work in the following manners: 

  1. A creative worker uploads a file (the digital “proof”) to the online proofing platform
  2. The creative worker invites other collaborators and approvers by sending an invite link (or other methods) so the other parties can also access the online proofing software
  3. The invitees can join the cloud-based online proofing system without needing to download and install anything
  4. Communications and collaborations can happen in real-time on the online proofing system. Approvers can view files and leave feedback without needing to move to another app or screen. 
  5. When revisions are needed, the creative worker can upload another file (the revised proof). All the different file versions will be stored in the online proofing software. 

With these features, online proofing will streamline the whole approval process while at the same time improving the transparency of the process and accountability of all stakeholders involved in the proofing process. 

Why You Need Online Proofing Software

To really understand the benefits provided by an online proofing software solution, we have to first discuss some of the common problems that happen in traditional hardcopy-based or email-based proofing processes. 

Common issues without online proofing software

  • Frustrating, back-and-forth proofing process, often with endless revision cycles
  • Lack of a centralized platform for communication and collaborations 
  • Lack of transparency and accountability since we can’t monitor who has viewed (or not viewed) the deliverable, leading to potential confusion and disputes.
  • Back-and-forth emails with scattered attachments
  • Need to render/export files before we can send proofs to approvers, wasting time and resources
  • Prone to errors and mistakes due to inefficiencies and manual operations
  • Printed, hardcopy proofs got lost or broken during transport
  • Approvers forgot to review the proof, resulting in missed deadlines

Benefits of online proofing software

An online proofing software solution can tackle the above issues and can provide the following benefits for your business: 

  • Faster and more accurate delivery of your creative projects
  • Reduce or completely eliminate the need of lengthy phone calls and back-and-forth emails
  • Fewer revision cycles due to a more streamlined, optimized, and transparent approval process
  • Facilitating accurate and efficient proofing processes even when your teams are working remotely, including when clients or approvers are located in different cities or even different countries
  • Searchable files, allowing traceable changes on files and versions
  • Reducing errors, improving the overall quality of deliverables
  • Eliminate costs on printing papers, more environmentally friendly

Closing Thoughts

An optimized proofing process can help streamline and improve the efficiency of creative workflows by removing bottlenecks in the approval process. 

An online proofing software solution can facilitate a more transparent and efficient feedback process by offering a centralized hub where all stakeholders of the creative workflow can communicate and collaborate in real-time. 

As a result, the more effective approval process will make it easier for the organization to manage a higher volume of creative production while at the same time also effectively reducing the compliance risks of the product deliverables. 

Looking to Avoid Business Vulnerabilities? 6 Reasons Patch Management Matters

When a software provider sends you an on-screen notification to update your software, you might be in the middle of a project. You don’t have time to wait for your computer to update, so you click on the “remind me later” option. 

All too often, it’s easy to forget to update your software with the latest patches. If you want too long, you could have serious problems that affect your cybersecurity and other vital issues. When you’re in charge of a business or an IT department, encouraging people to download and install updates can be even more challenging. If you’ve been letting your patches fall by the wayside, here are six reasons why you should manage them sooner than later.

Most Businesses do not Have a Cybersecurity Expert On-Site

Cybersecurity professionals demand high salaries, so many small businesses cannot afford to employ them. These businesses rely on their software companies to provide cybersecurity. 

Whenever software companies discover vulnerabilities in their products, they release updates or “patches” to fix the problem. Unfortunately, many companies often wait three or more months to update their software, creating dangerous situations for your data in the meantime. That risk can grow exponentially if you drag your feet around installing the updates. 

To understand the importance, explore more on vulnerability management to see how timely updates can significantly reduce your exposure to threats. By staying proactive, you can mitigate risks effectively and build a strong foundation for ongoing cybersecurity practices.

If you don’t have a dedicated IT department or you otherwise struggle to dedicate time to your patch management strategy, consider automation. Automated solutions like TuxCare patch management install your patches automatically, taking a massive weight from you and your employees’ shoulders. In this case, you’ll never have to worry about accidentally leaving the door open to thieves and system crashes. 

Antivirus Software Often Becomes Outdated

When you neglect your patch management, your antivirus software loses its efficacy because it becomes outdated. Cyberhackers can access your sensitive data and steal information if your software is vulnerable. Patches update cybersecurity measures, making it harder for hackers to penetrate your system. 

A Security Breach Costs More than Patches Cost

The cost of paying for security breaches is more expensive than any patch. Often, patches are entirely free, but they do require businesses to pause their systems for a short time. You might lose a sale or a bit of productivity, but it is nothing when compared to the cost of losing customers because of a security breach. 

If a hacker invades your system because you neglected a patch, they could take your financial information and steal money from you. Cybercriminals could also steal money from your customers, and your customers could come to you for reparations. Patching your software helps you avoid these potential pitfalls. 

Software Becomes Vulnerable to Hackers

Patches update your software in several ways. These pieces of code can fix bugs that affect productivity and correct problems that open your system to hackers.

Patch Updates Minimize System Downtime

When you update your system each time a patch comes through, you shorten system downtimes. Without patches, your system is vulnerable to problems that could force your system to shut down unexpectedly. If you wait too long to update your system, you could be forced to shut down your system for a longer time to access all of the upgrades. 

Avoiding Compliance Fines

Many industries have compliance rules for software systems, and avoiding necessary patches and updates can force you to fall out of compliance. As the expenses for repairing data breaches, compliance fines can be more costly than the time allotted for the patch itself.

Before You Go

When you neglect your patch updates, you put your business, finances, and customer data in danger. You open your business up to potential fines and time-consuming repairs. The best way to avoid software problems is to upload the patches or schedule the upload as soon as they arrive. 

What’s New with 5G in 2022?

5G is the wave of the future — and the future is now. Long heralded as a new era of outstanding connectivity, high performance, and unprecedented technological capability, it’s finally here, and it’s becoming increasingly ubiquitous.

While 5G is largely confined to densely populated areas at the moment, its increasing rate of adoption by the general public and across a wide variety of industries, from retail to manufacturing to healthcare, indicates that it will enter a new phase in the coming year.

In fact, 2022 will be a pivotal year for 5G. It’s highly likely that the vast majority of mobile phones and tablets sold in the next year will support 5G. And the top carriers have all announced their plans for rollout — a rollout that is coming sooner rather than later.

Are you ready for the 5G revolution? Here’s what you can anticipate in 2022.

Adoption Will Skyrocket

Global adoption of 5G will reach — and, in fact, surpass — one billion devices in 2022, Ericsson projects. Its June 2021 Mobility Report notes that it is overtaking the world at a far higher speed than that of 4G. In fact, Ericsson anticipates that there will be more than half a billion 5G users by the end of 2021 alone.

This isn’t true across all regions, though. It will inevitably take longer for some regions to adopt and deploy 5G than others.

3G Will No Longer Work

3G made its debut roughly 20 years ago. At the time, it represented a new era of internet connectivity. But that era is coming to an end. In 2022, all of the major mobile carriers in the U.S. plan to retire 3G. AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon, the 3 top carriers, have announced dates at which this service will end in the coming year.

This should affect very few users since most people have moved onto 4G devices. However, anyone who still relies on a 3G device should be aware that they will long longer be able to make or receive calls and send or receive text messages in early 2022, although wifi service will still work.

New Players Will Join the Game

All the major players have invested in the 5G Infrastructure Market. Apple entered the game in fall 2020, with its iPhone 12 debut, which has 5G capabilities. Samsung started even earlier, back in 2019. But even smaller players are getting in on the action, too.

For example, Nokia will serve as the supplier of UScellular’s standalone 5G network. The carrier serves a relatively low number of customers, despite being the fourth-largest carrier in the U.S., but its deployment of 5G, expected to be completed by the end of 2022, could increase its popularity — as well as that of Nokia.

Some Rollouts Are Slightly Delayed

AT&T and Verizon had originally planned to roll out their new 5G frequency band on December 5, 2021. However, concerns about interference with cockpit safety systems have led them to delay their rollouts until January 5, 2022. Now, they are working closely with the Federal Aviation Administration to hear their warnings about these potential dangers so they can assess and address the safety concerns.

5G Is Going to Be Faster — But Perhaps Not as Fast as Expected

Ultra-fast download speeds are one of 5G’s main claims to fame. And for the most part, it is proving to live up to the hype — to an extent. According to an analysis by RootMetrics, 5G speeds were higher than 4G speeds for each carrier they assessed. For AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon, the speeds were higher than those of the previous year’s 5G results.

However, RootMetrics also reports that these speeds aren’t necessarily as fast as anticipated. Service isn’t equal across the board and, in some cases, download speeds aren’t even that much faster than those of 4G.

It Will Increase and Improve Connectivity

5G has a number of benefits, including lower latency, increased bandwidth, and greater capacity. One sometimes-ignored advantage is the fact that it could improve connectivity for underserved populations.

Communities that rely on wired broadband connections can now enjoy better connectivity, after having been overlooked in the past. Thanks to the performance and super-high speed of 5G, rural communities and areas with low populations now have access to better internet connections.

What’s new with 5G in 2022? As you can see, the answer is quite a bit. 5G certainly had a moment in 2021, with an increased rollout and new benefits emerging. But next year we will see this standard take its capabilities and features to even greater heights. It’s time for the world to adjust to make way for the next era of broadband cellular networks — and technology itself.

The Tech Behind MOOCs

“Remember the MOOCs? After Near-Death, They’re Booming.”

That was a May 2020 New York Times headline.

Massive open online courses, known as MOOCs, became a phenomenon in 2008. Early platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity sought to completely overhaul the concept and delivery of higher education, offering free means of learning from top institutions. These courses were accessible to practically anyone with an internet connection.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of students sought to study with world-class institutions like Harvard, Stanford, and MIT. But as challenges emerged, enrollment began to decline.

Perhaps in response to the pandemic, the MOOC movement was recently revitalized. This edTech innovation now has a new life — and, thanks to technology, it has the power to once again revolutionize education at all levels.

The Tech That Supports MOOCs

Digital Content

The backbone and very essence of MOOCs is the digital content it includes digital readings, video lectures, graded assessments, social networking, and much more. This content is often self-paced and accessible via a library or your account on the platform.

Online Forums

Often, MOOCs offer an online forum where peer learners can ask and answer one another’s questions, get help with assignments, exchange ideas, and pick one another’s brains. These discussion forums give students an opportunity to engage with others, lending a personal touch to a usually impersonal method of teaching and learning.

Educators sometimes engage in these forums, too, offering responses to questions, posing critical thinking questions or topics, or otherwise sparking and continuing discussions.

Big Data Analytics

Big data is the result of tremendous innovation in technology, which has produced an abundance of data. MOOCs, like other platforms, collect information, which specialists can analyze and transform into meaningful insights.

They can, for example, assess performance and progress in given courses and offer guidance on how to make changes for better outcomes.

Predictive Analytics

Meanwhile, predictive analytics can be used to assess students’ learning and predict completion rates and how given individuals will perform in various courses. By analyzing information like assignment completion, the number of logins, and so on, systems can anticipate who is likely to see success in given courses and who won’t.

Using this information, the system could autogenerate messages to coach at-risk students or otherwise provide guidance to steer them toward completion, as well as warn them as to their current progress or lack thereof.

Artificial Intelligence

AI plays an integral role in MOOCs. It’s leveraged for a wide variety of purposes, such as auto-grading assessments. Additionally, it can assist with personalizing coursework and course progression. For example, by analyzing student performance, the technology can offer suggestions, including types of courses that might interest students in the future.

Moreover, AI can offer guidance and assistance through means like chatbots.


MOOCs are lauded for their many benefits, which include:

• Accessibility to a wide variety of learners
• Self-paced learning
• Low-cost or free education model
• Short timespan
• Collaborative environments
• Flexibility
• Breadth of topics

Criticism of MOOCs

Still, MOOCs aren’t without their critics. One of the main critiques of this education model is that there is usually a lack of interaction between students and their instructors. Typically, courses are taught asynchronously, which means that instructors and pupils don’t even share screens and material at the same time. Many believe technology simply can’t replace the personal connection required for learning.

Moreover, teachers don’t actually do the grading of assessments most of the time. While automation and peer grading may suffice in some cases, there are others, such as those in some humanities courses, where a human touch is necessary. Students won’t receive personalized feedback, either.

All of this summarizes a chief complaint of MOOCs: They tend to be highly impersonal.

Another complaint is that MOOCs have previously seen relatively low completion rates, especially compared with other higher education models. Perhaps the low-stakes nature of these courses could account for dropouts, or maybe it’s due to the aforementioned lack of interaction. Whatever the reason, this is something those who design MOOCs must strive to address.

MOOCs of the Future

College and university enrollment fell by more than 3% between fall 2019 and fall 2020 across the United States. This suggests that students could be beginning to question the value of higher education, and they’re left wondering if the steep price of a college education is worth the investment.

Could MOOCs be the solution? With so many topics available, some learners are turning to the model to upskill, relying on a more cost-effective solution for the education on the subjects they really want to learn.

While MOOCs are certainly not without their flaws, they have come a long way in the more than a decade they’ve existed. And as higher education sits at a precipice, MOOCs may very well over be the answer to the challenges of teaching and learning.

How Mobile Phones Are Changing Commercial Security Management

The transition towards a world run largely by our smart devices is certainly in full swing. Almost everyone carries a smart device on their person at all times, and these devices just keep getting smarter. 

Smart homes have been trending for some time now, with residents able to remotely check on their security, change the internal temperature and even start the kettle boiling in time for their return home. But how does this smart technology relate to commercial applications?

The post-pandemic commercial landscape is set to be infinitely more mobile, with the adoption of remote working, hot-desking, and BYOD (bring your own device) showing no signs of slowing. Commercial operations are transitioning towards an all-mobile future, and security must follow suit.

The Security of Mobile-Based Access Control

When commercial door locks and access control systems are paired with cloud-based technologies, the need for businesses to manage multiple fobs or key cards is eliminated. But how secure are these systems?

Given the advanced security that mobile devices now feature, a mobile-based system of access control can be highly effective and reliable. Some of the security benefits of a mobile-based commercial access system include:

  • Each set of mobile credentials is entirely unique to each individual, unlike PIN code entry or traditional key systems
  • Mobile credentials cannot be duplicated as easily as an ID badge or key card
  • Multifactor identification (MFA) processes are built into the device itself
  • Mobile and cloud-based access control systems can integrate with other security systems, like video security, for a more comprehensive management system 
  • Automatic, instantaneous alerts can activate to notify the necessary security personnel in the event of a security breach or incident
  • Access activity records can support compliance and auditing

What is a Mobile Credential?

Mobile credentials are essentially virtual keys that exist on a smart device. With access control systems that are mobile-based, users simply install an app on their device, and either scan a QR code or open a Cloud Key link to gain authorized access to a business premise. Depending on the particular system used, the use of mobile credentials can involve a variety of lock-activating technologies, such as Bluetooth, RFID, and WiFi. When in close proximity to the entry point, an authorized user can either use a mobile application or, in some cases, simply wave a hand across the reader and the door will unlock/open. 

Additional Benefits of Commercial Mobile Access Systems

In addition to enhanced security, mobile-based security systems provide much more convenience of use for employers, employees and managers/landlords

For employees and visitors, mobile-based security systems do away with the need to keep track of any physical keys. These systems also support the need for touchless entry, particularly when paired with automatic doors or gates. This contactless technology enhances public safety by reducing the risk of disease transmission. 

With mobile-based security systems, commercial landlords and managers can remotely manage a building’s security in real-time, efficiently issuing and revoking authorized access on the spot as needed. Such systems also allow for added peace of mind, as users are far less likely to lose their phones or lend them to an unauthorized third party to gain access. 

Business security personnel can use mobile-based security systems to view and analyze video and security event data from anywhere in the world, providing they have internet access. They can also receive real-time security notifications and respond efficiently to security threats without being physically present. 

Final Thoughts

The future of security is undoubtedly cloud and mobile-based. As a result, intelligent commercial security systems have evolved to improve security and public safety while also enhancing convenience and, thus, productivity. One of the most effective ways of incorporating smart technology into commercial security is via mobile access control

Such systems’ security and usability benefits for commercial applications are far-reaching, allowing for optimized security, efficiency in incident response, and the ability to integrate systems for a superior, cohesive security strategy. 

Accelerating Digital Transformation in the Next Normal – How to Grow Your Businesses Using Technology

Disruption has steadily transformed the global corporate environment over the last decade. A perfect storm of disruption has been generated by the convergence of numerous critical aspects, including worldwide accessibility and connectivity online, unprecedented computing power, boundless storage capacity, and inexpensive technological manufacturing costs.

As a result, technological advancements have accelerated, and the new rules of the digital economy have modified long-standing principles about how to communicate with consumers, produce and promote products or services, run a firm, and earn money.

What Is the “Next Normal”?

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a slew of unexpected changes in the global business environment this year. Never before in modern corporate history has there been such a high degree of digital adoption as we’ve seen in the last year. Consumers quickly moved to internet and e-commerce platforms to purchase products and services as the globe fell into lockdown. Furthermore, shoppers prioritized critical purchases like groceries and healthcare supplies above non-essential purchases or brand preferences.

Companies also had to deal with the significant transition to remote work, which required a large portion of the worldwide workforce to work from home. Because many businesses had functioned under the assumption that physical presence was the main or major operating paradigm, few were prepared for such a scenario, let alone be able to provide smart office solutions. To maintain productivity in the digital collaborative environment, businesses have to immediately upskill or reskill their staff.

There are some companies that have understood how to tackle this situation and proceeded to use this remote working environment to upscale their business. Hiring a virtual assistant, for example, is now a choice many entrepreneurs make instead of going for an in-house assistant that would be required to work from home as well. This is a much more affordable option, as virtual assistants are able to do almost everything a traditional assistant does, the only difference being that they work from their home. 

In this environment, strategic company transformation through digital technologies has become crucial to retaining a competitive and resilient market position. The following are three practical measures that businesses may take to expedite digital transformation and win in the “new normal” business environment.

Understand Your Current Position

Before you design tactics to get you where you want to be, you must first understand where you are right now. When pursuing a digital transformation, this health check may help you analyze strengths, weaknesses, pain areas, and roadblocks.

In order to assess an organization’s digital health, three essential components must be considered: market trends, the company’s existing technological landscape, and the company’s skills, capabilities, and products.

To perform your own evaluation, form an internal task force or a small cross-functional team to do research and gather information in these areas. Consider several variables while examining emerging trends, such as changing consumer habits and tastes, new technology and their potential influence in business, and the changing competitive environment, such as industry-changing startups.

To avoid becoming bogged down in too much research, the assessment team should run a quick scan of a wide variety of trends before diving deep into a few areas that might have a significant influence on the company. Focus on connecting market trends or future prospects with the company’s internal capabilities once the evaluation study is completed (i.e., what the company can realistically deliver in the next few years).

Find Disruptions in the Customer Journey and Tackle Them

Analyze your customer journey to find gaps in contact points and interactions that may have an influence on the customer’s experience with your company.

Furthermore, concentrate on identifying moments of truth in the client journey where your organization has the potential to leave a lasting impression. “Moments of truth” are described as interactions with your brand, product, or service that cause a consumer or user to create or modify an opinion about your firm. Concentrate on identifying micro-moments where you can connect with clients to strengthen the bond.

Customers can be engaged in a variety of ways through digital and internet platforms. Other excellent digital solutions are now simple to adopt. For example, there are a plethora of AI-based virtual assistants and chatbots on the market today that are both cost-effective and simple to adopt, yet have a significant impact when done correctly. Companies may use these to boost customer engagement and fill in the gaps in the customer journey with value-added interactions.

Use Technology to Reshape Your Business Model

Companies have been able to create a variety of new business models and income sources thanks to digital technology. Many digital native startups have been able to quickly disrupt established corporations by leveraging these digital-first business models.

Netflix, for example, has drastically transformed how moviegoers access and consume content. Netflix also benefited from the coronavirus outbreak because people resorted to internet streaming as an alternative to going to the movies or watching television. Netflix’s subscription-based business model, on the other hand, has proven to be more sustainable than that of some other younger streaming services, such as Quibi, which was forced to close in the past year.

Companies should analyze their strengths and skills and link them to evolving market demands to uncover pivots that will offer new income possibilities in the next normal to survive and grow. Companies must, however, ensure that pivots are aligned with long-term strategic goals.

As businesses navigate the “next normal” business landscape, which is characterized by quickly evolving consumer trends and new working patterns, digital solutions may help them gain a competitive edge and achieve long-term success. Given the limited capital, time, and resources available to most organizations in the present economic environment, it is vital to focus on the proper activities.

To win the new normal, business leaders should be encouraged to experiment with novel ideas and make the most of digital technology. Most of the time, it does not require a lot of financial investment, as some companies fear, but rather commitment and time. 

Why Collaboration Is Key in Complex Tech Projects

As a team includes people with increasingly specialized skills, collaboration becomes crucial as it allows the whole team to take advantage and make the best use of everyone’s strengths and specialized skills. We all collaborate in one way or the other, most times without knowing it, although everyone understands that working together is a key component to a team’s success. It is, therefore, worth taking the time to explore why collaboration is so important.

It Helps Keep Projects On Track

A key component of getting tech projects completed on time is ensuring they are on track all the way through. When using the right collaboration tools, project managers and team leaders can ensure everyone understands what should be done, when it should be done, and who is responsible for various aspects of the project.

To make things easier and to keep everyone in the look, teams can use a diagram maker to create action plans, bring changes and alterations together in one place, ensure everyone understands the project, its scopes and tasks, and take action depending on the various action items added during the diagramming process. By doing all the above and when used to its full potential, a diagram maker becomes an important tool that helps combine the diagramming process and collaboration to keep complex projects moving forward as expected.

It Helps With Problem-Solving

Everyone gets stuck on one thing or the other from time to time. It often happens that you face a problem, try everything you know and every solution you have, and the problem still remains unsolved. You then run out of ideas and are left with a looming deadline that you do not think you will meet.

While taking some time away from the situation and trying another approach later, the best course of action, in this case, would be to ask for help. You might call up a colleague and set up a brainstorming session for a few minutes to talk through the problem you are trying to solve.

The ability to collaborate with people in this way in the middle of complex tech projects, utilizing your combined skills, knowledge, and expertise is the key to successful teams. Team leaders and project managers should not let collaboration be the last resort, as they should ingrain it into their teams. The more people a team member can reach out to at any time, the easier it becomes to spot potential issues and to find solutions to issues easily and as early as possible.

Collaboration Brings People Together

When working on a complex project, the worst thing a team can do is operate in isolated silos that hinder collaboration. Instead of operating in this way, project managers can form teams of people with different skills. These can include developers, user experience designers, writers, and graphics designers to tackle a complex project together.

Forming teams composed of people with mixed skills works out best for complex projects because these usually require people with diverse skills, varied perspectives, and different areas of expertise.

When different people are set up to collaborate in this way, they have a shared purpose between them, and these connections and shared purpose will help with other complex projects in the future. The point is that collaboration achieved through putting together a mixed-skills team is not only good for the project, it is also great for breaking down walls and barriers in the workplace and forming connections that will be crucial in the future.

Collaboration Helps Reduce Project Complexity

While it may seem that a project is quite complex because it has only a few people working on it, allowing more people to come in and collaborate on the same project can reduce its complexity. With more people working on the project, the project can be divided into mini-projects and tasks where each is tackled by the person with the most skills and expertise in that area.

By dividing up a project like this, other members of the team do not have to deal with the complexities of the other parts of the project. This reduces the mental load of thinking the project is a complex one, it simplifies it and allows everyone to use their strengths to ensure the success of the project.

It Allows For The Transfer of Skills

Savvy business owners, project managers, and team leaders are always looking ahead. They want to know that complex projects in the future can be handled by people with the right skills. A team cannot complete a complex tech project without some knowledge being shared across the different team members.

When people with different skills, experience, and expertise are brought together to achieve a common goal, opportunities for coaching, learning new skills, and the improvement of the whole team and organization appear. Every good team has at least one person who is good at one specific thing and they can share their knowledge so they can contribute to the future success of the team and business.

Collaboration in complex tech projects is not only about ensuring the project is completed in time and according to set specifications; it is also about looking into the future. Allowing collaboration today can have positive ramifications for a team and the overall business in the future.

Why Building Reports with SQL is Ideal for Businesses

Are you collecting data for the purpose of making better business decisions? No matter how much data you collect, you still need to process and build reports from what you collect.

Building reports has traditionally been a complicated process, but it’s easier today with SQL report builders like datapine. For instance, you can run reports quickly without relying on your IT team. You don’t even need to know SQL – the interface is user-friendly and simple.

If you’re not familiar with SQL reporting, keep reading to find out why it’s ideal for businesses.

What is SQL Reporting?

SQL reporting, also called SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a server-based reporting application that processes data stored in a database. Since SQL can be made user-friendly, SQL reports can be created by employees and managers with no technical experience.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a data management language that makes it easy to access data stored in databases. It’s not a programming language like PHP or Python, but rather, it’s more like HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) as it’s designed to provide a simple solution.

What Kind of Reports Can Be Run With SQL?

SQL reports are highly agile. You can run any kind of report, including:

  • Profitability reports
  • KPI reports
  • Management reports
  • Expense reports
  • Industry reports
  • Labor-related reports
  • Sales reports for special promotions
  • And more

All you need to do is define a set of goals and SQL reporting software will do all the heavy lifting.

All of your reports are easy to export to various formats, including PDF, HTML, CSV, XML, and TIFF.

SQL Server Reporting Is Better Than Crystal Reports

Some people might remember Crystal Reports before it was phased out. While both reporting processes are similar, there are several differences. Before user-friendly interfaces were created, Crystal Reports were the simpler of the two options.

Now, SQL reports have actually surpassed Crystal Reports in terms of flexibility and features. Companies have made SQL reports more user-friendly while maintaining the ability to build complex reports. If you’re looking to enhance your database management, consider exploring options to convert Access to SQL Server.

Security for SSRS is more granular, which means you have more options to secure each folder. Security should always be a top priority.

The biggest difference is the price. If you want to run your own SQL reports, it’s free with a Microsoft SQL installation. However, Crystal Reports requires a paid license and you must pay for run times on every client.

While there are some diehard fans, Crystal Reports just don’t match up to SQL reporting. If you don’t make the switch, you’ll miss out on the ability to organize, sort, and personalize your data.

SSRS Can Be Used to Create a Reporting Portal

If you want to display your reports in various applications, that’s easy with SSRS. Say your goal is to provide employees with easy access to data. You can centralize your company data into just about any business application, including your company’s private network.

You can even display data in client reporting portals if you want to keep clients up-to-date with information pertaining to their project.

3 Tips for Making the Most Out of Your SQL Reports

Although SSRS is a wonderful way to process reports, the integrity of your reports will depend on the data you crunch.

Here are 3 quick tips to make the most out of your reports.

1. Only Collect Data You Know You Can Use

Don’t get overwhelmed with minutia. If you wanted to, you could collect an unlimited amount of data, but if you don’t have plans to use that data, it’s useless.

Collecting data you won’t use is a waste of time, company resources, and precious space in your database.

Before collecting specific pieces of data, create a plan for how you’ll use that data. Will it be part of your decision-making process? Will it affect the way you handle your sales calls? How will collecting that data factor into your business decisions?

If you’re not sure how you’ll use the data, consult with a third party to see if it’s necessary.

2. Make a List of All the Metrics That Drive Your Business Decisions

Rather than starting by collecting all data, start by making a list of metrics involved in your business decisions. Then, start collecting data related to those metrics.

3. Focus on the Metrics That Matter

Too many metrics is a sign that you’re unclear on your priorities. Focus on the metrics that matter most. It’s much easier to correlate data and make good decisions when you’re measuring fewer data points.

SQL Reporting Will Help You Make Better Decisions

Whether you’re new to SSRS or you’ve done some dabbling, you’ll be amazed at how much better your reports will be using this wonderful reporting tool.

Should Freelancers Buy New or Refurbished Laptops?

The first thing you need to think about when you want to start freelancing, besides the types of services you will be offering, is the computing device you will be using. Most of your work will be done on a computer, and so it is important to think about the type of computer you would like to buy and that will fit your use cases. When shopping for a laptop, it is common to hear the term “refurbished” or “refurb”. What are refurbished laptops, and how do they compare against new laptops?

Refurbished Laptops: An Overview

A refurbished laptop is a laptop that has been returned to a retailer or manufacturer for a variety of reasons. The retailer or manufacturer then takes these laptops apart, checks them, and ensures everything is working like it would in a new laptop. The major testing these laptops undergo before being put back on store shelves is what differentiates them from used laptops.

When Buying Refurbished is a Great Idea

One of the most common reasons why a laptop is returned to a retailer or manufacturer is cosmetic defects. This means there is nothing wrong with these laptops and after undergoing the required checks, they are often sold for a lower price than new laptops.

This means it is possible to buy refurbished laptops that are essentially new at a fraction of the price of a new laptop of the same capabilities and specifications.

As a budding freelancer, you can shop online for refurbished laptops that have the specifications you are looking for, and you might find them.


One downside of going with the refurbished option is that stock might be limited depending on the retailer and the specific model you are looking for. If you are looking for a specific laptop model, you might have to reach out to a manufacturer directly and see if they have a refurbished option.

A common solution to this is choosing a refurbished laptop that has the same specifications as the one you are looking for, even though it may not be the exact model you need.


Another huge difference between new, used, and refurbished laptops is the warranties offered for them. With used laptops, you do not get any warranty or quality assurances, and so you have to rely on what the seller tells you.

With refurbished laptops, you usually get a limited warranty. This is typically a fraction of the period offered by a retailer or manufacturer for a new laptop. However, even with these shortened warranty periods, you can expect the laptop to last almost as long as a new laptop due to the quality checks and assurances.

New laptops come with a full warranty. This is because they have been fully tested from the factory, and thus the retailer or manufacturer is completely sure about their projected lifetimes.

If you have the money, buying a new laptop is the best option. However, refurbished laptops are a great option if you are strapped for cash. They have been checked to ensure they perform as expected and come with a warranty, even though it might be limited. It would be a bad idea to start your freelance career with a used laptop unless you have a very small budget and trust the seller completely.

How to Choose a Hard Drive: Essential Features

Recently, we’ve been proud of a 40 GB hard drive on our computer! But now this might not even be enough for one high-quality movie.

With the development of technologies, even modern hard drives of hundreds or thousands of gigabytes may not be enough. In addition, hard drives have their own service life, which sooner or later ends, so the purchase of a new HDD or SSD is only a matter of time. If you are worried about the safety of your collection of films, photos, music, or any other data, it is better not to delay the purchase.

Which hard drive should I choose? What is the difference between an HDD and an SSD and is there such a big difference? Which hard drive is good for work and which one for playing games? These and other questions are of concern to any buyer, and we will try to answer them.

Getting to the Basics

Modern storage media can be divided into those with which it is convenient to work, and those on which you can store it. They differ in speed, “capacity” and others.

Types of Hard Drives

SSDs do not yet have the same capacity as HDDs. There are some models with 4TB, but they are insanely expensive and used for special tasks and server machines.

In a normal computer, SSDs of about 320 GB is used. This is because SSDs are more expensive than HDDs. But at the same time, such a capacity allows you to install on a hard drive operating system, as well as the most important programs and games.

SSDs are solid-state drives that have no moving parts, and the storage elements are in the form of chips.

The principle of operation is similar to the flash drive, but these devices are much more complex and faster. The difference in speed is especially evident in comparison with HDD. If magnetic disks can write and read the information at up to 220 MB / s, the SSD drives can be dozens of times higher.

High-speed writing and reading speeds provide faster access to data while working and loading applications. That feature is important for web designers, sound designers, and others. With the help of an SSD drive, you can easily use templates and mockups like this business card mockup. The same Windows operating system which is installed on an SSD boots 10-15 times faster than an HDD.

Read-Write Speeds and Advantages of Different Types of Flash Memory

Sequential read speed is one of the most important considerations for selecting a hard drive for your PC or laptop. The faster it is, the faster programs and games will access your files as they need them.

An SSD with a read speed of about 500 MB/s is the best choice for your home PC.

Writing speed is considered a secondary parameter — it does not affect the computer’s performance so much, rather it will make you wait when transferring large amounts of information from one drive to another, installing programs, and so on. Better if this parameter will be equal to the speed of reading, but in this case, the drive will be a little more expensive.

Briefly About the Main Features:

  • For an office computer, an ordinary HDD with a speed of 5400 rpm and a volume of 300 to 500 GB will be enough;
  • If you buy a hard drive for use in a home computer, where you watch movies and surf on social networks, HDD with 1TB will be enough;
  • If you are an active PC-user, like speed and short downloads, SSD with a capacity of about 120 GB can be added to 1 Tb HDD to install the OS and programs on it;
  • For a quality gaming PC, you might choose an SSD with up to 1TB + one or two HDDs with 2TB each, high spindle speeds, and read speeds;
  • If you’re a geek who likes to play with hardware, then try experimenting with SSD M.2 drives and other new products.

Hope our article helped you to understand the main differences and features of different hard drives.