Windows 11 launched recently and Microsoft delivered some big changes to the storied operating system, including its first name change in six years. The Windows 11 update began rolling out on 5 October 2021 although it will be released in a phased approach on eligible devices.
Windows 11 comes with a tonne of new features, such as the ability to download as well as run Android apps on your Windows PC and updates to Microsoft Teams, the Start menu and the overall look of the software, which is cleaner and Mac-like in design. Keep in mind that not all of the features are available today.
Windows 11 isn’t just Windows 10 with a new collection of wallpapers. Thankfully, many other tweaks and improvements make an upgrade to the latest OS seem enticing. That said, the new OS’s wallpapers are, indeed, beautiful!
Beautiful Glass
Windows 11’s new desktop aesthetics try to mimic the look of glass. As a result, there’s a lot of transparency on many desktop elements, from windows to menus. This transparency goes hand-in-hand with related effects like a background blur, drop shadows, and rounded corners. All GPU-accelerated for a buttery-smooth user experience. It should both be more elegant and snappier than Windows 10.
Bar to Dock
Like Mac OS and many Linux Desktop Environments, Windows 11’s taskbar can turn into a dock. The icons on it can be centred, which is very helpful when using Windows 11 on a touch-enabled device. Fans of the classic taskbar will still be able to align the Start button as well as app icons to the left. Note that if you like Windows 11’s looks, and especially its centred taskbar, we’ve looked at how you can make your Windows 10 desktop look like Windows 11.
Return of the Widgets
Did you prefer widgets, the little floating informational windows in Windows Vista and 7, to the Live Tiles of Windows 10? The new widgets in Windows 11 appear in a dedicated pane, which slides in from the left of the screen. In addition, they also seem to be more geared towards presenting information instead of working as mini-apps. Still, that’s not a ground-breaking feature.
Easily Accessible Snap Layouts and Groups
Windows already supported snapping windows to the sides or corners of the screen in rudimentary arrangements. Originally “borrowed” from other OSes and advancing mobile technology, the feature was further expanded with Windows PowerToys’ FancyZones feature. Now, a new, as well as improved version in Windows 11, brings the feature to everyone, placing it in a quick menu hovering over the maximize button.
Android Apps on Windows 11
Up to Windows 10, if you wanted to run an Android app or game, you could either remote control your smartphone or run an emulator. Windows 11 will come with support for Android apps baked-in. Theoretically, you’ll be able to install almost any Android app or game, click on it, and then it will pop up on the screen, almost as with native Windows software.
What Are the Advantages Of Windows 11? was last modified: February 25th, 2025 by Mark Morrison
Snapping photos is something we all do regularly using our smartphones. Every single smartphone out there processes images differently as well as produces photos that may not appeal to everyone. For instance, some smartphones may capture photos with higher saturation levels, while others may capture warmer tones as compared to what the scene really looked like. This is where editing the photos you take comes in very much in handy.
Irrespective of if you have the best flagship smartphone that money can buy, or a more affordable phone, editing photos in the way you like them is very important. Specifically, if you plan on posting your photos on social media platforms, as it’s vital to give them a good look in order to make them attractive. To do so, you’ll need a good photo editor and we’re here to help you with just that. Here are some of the best photo editor apps for Android to help you make your photos look the way that you want them to.
Adobe Apps
Price: Free / Up to around $52.99 per month
Adobe has released a tonne of editing tools over the last number of years. Included in the package are some of the best photo editor apps which are available. Some of the choices include the following:
Adobe Photoshop Express,
Adobe Photoshop Mix, as well as
Adobe Lightroom.
Each one of these apps has a variety of features to assist you to do things. You’ll have the ability to do simple stuff such as removing red-eye to editing RAW files that have been taken by your smartphone or DSLR camera.
In particular, Adobe Lightroom gets updated rather frequently with new features. The only possible caveat is that some of the apps need an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription in order to utilize all of the features. Those who use Adobe CC already should definitely just get these since they’re included with a CC subscription anyway.
Price: Free
The Snapseed is available on iOS and Android and is best for advanced photo editing on a mobile device.
Google’s Snapseed packs a punch, surpassing desktop photo editors with its massive range of features as well as an intuitive interface. Just as you’d expect, this free photo editing app comes with a wide range of pre-set filters. However, as opposed to most apps you are able to edit these filters and even create your own from scratch so you can play on Android as much as you like.
Snapseed has all of the classic tools, such as cropping, straightening, frames, text and vignettes. And the sharpening element does the job without making the image appear grainy. Then, things become interesting.
Snapseed has precision masking, which gives you the ability to edit the depth of field – photographers frequently do this to make the background blurry and bring the foreground even more into focus. In addition, there’s a “Selective Adjust” tool. This allows you select a particular area of your photo and adjust the saturation, contrast as well as brightness of that single point. What’s more, the photo editor app saves your edit history, so you are able to amend your previous edits at any point.
VSCO is basically like a social media app however just for photos. It’s almost like Pinterest in the sense that users are able to post their photographs for other VSCO users to look at and appreciate.
Apart from being a network to share your images, VSCO has an in-built photo editor which works well for basic edits in terms of lighting as well as colours, just like Lightroom. You are able to modify the brightness, contrast, saturation in addition to hue levels of an image together with sharpening it or adding some grain.
What Are the Best Android Applications for Editing Photos? was last modified: October 26th, 2021 by Mark Morrison
Are you interested in developing Android apps however Java is not your companion? The Android universe is mainly built using Java, Kotlin, Flutter as well as Corona using Lua Scripting Language. This is mainly a gaming engine that is used in games such as Angry Birds. However, in recent times, Python has made its way into every single domain out there and Android is no different.
What Is Python?
Python is a very popular, object-oriented as well as high-level programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum and was released in 1991. Python is a simple language that is easy to learn and understand. The Python language is capable of working on a number of different platforms such as Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi and other similar platforms. It runs on an interpreter system, which means the code can be run easily as soon as it is written. Python is a quick language. The syntax of Python is far easier than the syntax of any other language.
Why Android Development Using Python is Possible
Android development in Python has been made feasible only thanks to an open-source Python library for developing mobile apps as well as other multi-touch application software that is called Kivy. Its first release was in 2011 and a stable version was released in 2019. Kivy not only supports Android application development however its applications can be run on IOS, Linux, OS X, Windows, as well as Android. Kivy is written in Python and Cython, and most of the main developers are from Russia.
What Kinds of Mobile Products are Good for Python?
Previously, Python mobile development was not popular. However, things have altered with the appearance of a number of different Python GUI frameworks. And currently, this programming language is used widely in mobile apps development so you can use iPhone to play on the go.
Python is somewhat versatile. It can be utilized for building various apps: starting with web-browsers and ending with simple games. One more powerful advantage is being cross-platform. So, it’s possible to develop both Android and iOS apps in Python.
What Are the Issues in Creating Android App With Python?
Although Android app development utilizing Python is possible, it won’t be as effective as Android apps that are developed by utilizing Java. As we all know, Java is the official language for Android as was proclaimed by Google. Java for Android is the Standard of Android, and other languages that we utilize may not be as up-to-the-mark as Java. Let us see some of the possible issues that might arise:
These frameworks might not support every single feature of an Android operating system.
Own tools cannot be always used.
These codes may not run very fast as they generate the native code first which are then optimized by making use of the native compilers.
At times, the high-level graphics might not be supported and at times it is possible that 2-D/3-D graphic support is just not there.
If you are looking to hire Android developer, it is best to go with someone who has experience in Java. Not only will they be up-to-date on all of the latest features and changes that Google makes to their operating system, but they will also have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to developing Android apps.
Can You Build an Android App With Python? was last modified: December 11th, 2023 by Mark Morrison
Why is a mobile app so necessary for food service businesses? No matter the size of a company, it needs a food delivery app. It could be a chain of restaurants or a small kitchen that doesn’t even have a guest room, but having a tool like this greatly expands the capabilities of the establishment.
Here are a few reasons why mobile food delivery apps are necessary for every establishment:
Growing market value. It’s impossible to grow a company without attracting new customers and making a profit. The introduction of new technology will acquire new customers and increase their loyalty; thanks to it, the average check also increases.
Saving customers’ time.
Quick and easy way to order food. The easier it is to collect, the better for the customer.
ROI. This is a measure of the profitability of the investment, or, to put it simply, the payback rate. Food delivery app development is an investment that will increase ROI.
Business expansion. Implementing new technology helps you expand your business significantly.
A food delivery app is an important tool for any foodservice company. Expanding opportunities, increasing the audience, increasing profits, and growing the business is by no means a complete list of what introducing new technology brings, especially against the backdrop of a competitive market.
How Food Delivery Apps Work
The global food delivery market is estimated at 83 billion euros. The sphere is growing and becoming even more powerful. Hence online food delivery is inevitable. A mobile food delivery app has three models of operation, and each one has its characteristics:
Aggregators. It presents a menu from different establishments. The customer places an order, after which the aggregator manager transmits the data to the restaurant’s courier delivery service. Partner conditions bring the aggregator a profit. Advantages for the establishment: no need to create your app, additional audience expansion. Cons: Loyalty develops not to the restaurant, but the aggregator; the payments are considerable, so the profitability of the dish decreases, although the overall profit increases. The owner of the aggregator may not even have an established and still receive income from the meal delivery app.
Available services. New services that provide aggregator and delivery services for restaurants have been developing recently. The owner of such a service must organize the logistics for food delivery from establishments and create his courier service.
Own services. It is possible to invest in creating your mobile app development for food delivery, and this is the best solution for medium and large establishments.
Main Characteristics of Food Ordering Apps
Each mobile app for food ordering has a unique design, in most cases maintaining a common brand style, different functionality, and features.
Customer version
The client version of the app should look stylish and attractive and be as easy to understand as possible. The main goal is to allow customers to order quickly and comfortably. Technically, the customer version of the app development should have the following features:
A personal profile. It specifies information about the client, preferences, payment methods, and other useful information. You can make it functional to save orders to repeat them, save the address so that you don’t have to enter a new one each time, and so on.
Delivery time and real-time tracking. A useful feature that will show how long it will take for the courier to arrive. A good addition is the ability to track where the order is at the current moment.
Payments. The functionality of fees should be stylishly designed to evoke a sense of security and be technically competently implemented. Multiple payment methods, repeat payments, card scanning, and other solutions will help make the payment process fast and secure.
Ratings and reviews. Before ordering, a customer should get acquainted with the dish, and the best way to do that is to study ratings and thoughts about the establishment and the word itself.
Push notifications. This feature will allow you to receive messages about changes in order status instantly.
This is a necessary set of features in a mobile food delivery app development for the client. The rest of the features are implemented at the request of the app owner.
Courier Version
Courier is the most important link in the chain between a client and an establishment. The overall efficiency of an establishment depends on its work, so the courier version of the application should include the following features:
Personal profile. It contains information about the courier, his rating, feedback on his work, the number of completed orders, and other useful information for the courier.
Order management. Ability to accept, reject orders, review details, write a comment, and other features to ensure efficient handling of orders.
Status. The function allows you to see the quality of the order, its details, and other necessary information in real-time.
Locations and Routes. The courier needs to provide a quality map with locations and routes. This will improve efficiency, logistics, and speed of delivery.
The Courier version should not be too busy, but at the same time, understandable, accessible both for Android and on iPhone.
Admin Version
In any job involving human contact, there are disagreements and difficulties. When working with the food service industry, there are even more such issues and problems. The administrator solves them. In addition, he has to process orders, receive payments and control the work of the couriers. The administrator’s version must include the following functions:
Personal profiles. And both customer and courier profiles. This will help to organize the work and improve the contact between the institution and the customer.
Content management. Adding new items, changing prices, the ability to block establishments or individual dishes, and other content management functions should be implemented.
Order processing. The administrator accepts online orders and processes them in the shortest possible time. If it is an aggregator, it redirects the order to the establishment; if the application is created for your restaurant or cafe, then the processing and implementation of the order.
Receiving payments. The payment function is implemented in the client version of the application. In contrast, the administrative version must provide the ability to view the payment status, receipts tables, and other information related to payment.
All three versions of the food delivery app development should include these feature sets. The rest of the features are selected individually, depending on the budget, amount of time allocated, specifics of the establishment, and other data.
Food Delivery App Development Stages
Developing a mobile food delivery app development is a time-consuming and responsible process that takes quite a lot of time. The product consists of several stages. It is important to think through every detail and take care of the design and unique features to get ahead of the competition and offer customers the best conditions.
Before technical development, it is necessary to study the market, target audience, partnership terms, and other details. Detailed information makes it easier to create a general app development concept and think through a marketing plan.
The app design must comply with several important conditions: ease of use, attractiveness, and accessibility. The designer’s task is not just to develop a pretty look that will look good on an iPhone or Android system. The main goal is to make an understandable interface that will help reduce the time to order.
The designer provides a prototype on which programmers work, and from the picture, transfers all the ideas to understandable Android or iOS code.
Search and Menu
An important task of a mobile food delivery app development is organizing a convenient search and menu.
Upload on the App Store and Google Play
Once development and tests are completed, the app is uploaded to services. At this stage, an active marketing plan for promotion begins.
Updating and Processing Reviews
For a food delivery app, customer feedback is the most important because the goal is to make a convenient and practical service based on users’ opinions.
Developing a mobile food delivery app is a great investment for most food establishments. The main task is to satisfy the customer’s needs and make ordering fast and easy. Then the business gets an expanding audience, increasing loyalty, competitiveness; hence — the income increases and the company grows.
Development of a Mobile App for Food Delivery was last modified: October 26th, 2021 by Jhon Mery
Online safety is a significant concern for anyone who uses the internet for business or pleasure.
Whether you are buying everyday goods through an online retailer, playing casual games on a reputable platform, or reading the latest news from around the world, your identity is at risk in the digital space.
By protecting your information and devices, you can ensure that no nefarious actor gets a chance to leverage your personal details.
Below are the top five Android apps to help you play, read, shop, and learn online safely and with peace of mind.
1. Password Manager
If you spend any amount of time online, you are probably exhausted from trying to remember passwords for different websites. Digital security experts believe that having the same password for various sites or apps is not wise, as a single data breach could compromise your accounts on every platform.
Installing a password manager on your phone from a reputable company is the only way to ensure that you can easily remember all your passwords. Rather than having to recall and type up passwords each time you want to log into a site, you can use the password manager to fill in your details instead.
Ensure you are using a password manager that provides full encryption for your account. That means even if your password data is stored on their servers, all the information is encrypted and only accessible with your master password. You can even enable two-factor authentication on your account, ensuring that if someone does get your master password, they also need access to your smartphone to get at all your other passwords.
2. Bouncer
Bouncer is a relatively new and unique security app that you should have on your Android smartphone. Many people have an issue with Android games, where they are asked to provide various permissions to access different features within the game.
If you download a new game on your phone and you want to try its various game modes, you may feel it is a risk to give the application all the various permissions it is seeking. Rather than giving up those permissions permanently, you can use Bouncer to temporarily give those permissions to an app.
Such a feature ensures that you can use the game without any problems by giving it the permissions it is seeking, albeit temporarily. Bouncer will take away those permissions in the background when you are done playing, ensuring the app is not accessing your location, camera, microphone, or other data without you knowing.
While you can use Bouncer for playing games on your Android phone with peace of mind, you can also use this application for other apps. If you are watching a television show on Netflix or Hulu, Bouncer can grant temporary permissions while taking them away after you are done watching.
3. VPN
A virtual private network, or VPN, is the ideal way to protect yourself when playing online games on a public Wi-Fi network. Imagine you are at a public library, train station, airport, or at your workplace, and you do not want to use up the mobile data from your smartphone plan.
When you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, other people on the same network can hack into your device with relative ease. That means you could be playing a arcade game or sports game on your phone, but someone may be stealing information from your device without you knowing.
A VPN creates a barrier between you and anyone else on the network. They are not able to access your device, as you connect to the internet through the VPN, not directly through the public Wi-Fi network.
Any reputable VPN from a company that charges a modest monthly fee is a great investment. If you are concerned about the cost, you can look into annual plans, as most VPN providers offer steep discounts if you pay for one, two, or three years up-front.
4. AntiVirus
Most people associate viruses with computers, especially Windows PCs. While computers are more susceptible to viruses and malware, the problem can occur on Android phones as well.
Not only can a virus result in annoying pop-ups or random app installs on your phone, but it could even result in the theft of your personal information. Avoid such a fate by installing a reputable antivirus program on your phone.
Such an application constantly monitors your phone’s internal storage and attached memory cards for any suspicious activity. If any file or program appears out of order, the antivirus can quarantine said file or program until you decide what to do.
5. Banking Application
When you are playing online games, such as battle games, racing games, or even mobile games with microtransactions, you may have to enter your credit card or bank details to add money onto digital accounts.
Even if you are using the proper precautions on websites and apps when entering payment details, your information may still get into the wrong hands. Having the banking application of your bank or credit card provider on your phone gives you instant access to information about your accounts.
If there is any transaction on your card or bank account, the relevant banking app pushes a notification to your phone. You can immediately take action to prevent further problems when you see any transaction you do not recognize.
Enjoy Games to the Fullest with Peace of Mind
Playing online games is a wonderful way to spend time. Whether you have a few minutes to get through during your morning commute, or you want to kick back on your sofa after a long day at work with a glass of wine, you can enjoy a myriad of games on your Android phone.
By installing the most relevant safety applications for your smartphone, you can keep your private information secure while gaming online. These apps make the experience of using a smartphone, accessing the internet, and playing mobile games seamless, secure, and worry-free.
Top Five Android Apps to Play Safely Online was last modified: February 25th, 2025 by Alessandro Coraglia
The software development industry relies on several advanced methodologies, tactics, and strategies to enhance business productivity. In fact, each methodology is a structure that plans and controls the information encoded in software. Development methodologies can improve project management, optimize computer functions, and create highly scalable technology. As an aspiring software engineer, you should learn the different methodologies that can improve technical function.
There are many software development methodologies that improve functionality. In this article, we’ll discuss the software development methodologies that improve functionality.
DevOps Pipeline
One software development methodology that improves functionality is the DevOps pipeline. Use the DevOps process to ship updates faster. Then, optimize the DevOps processes with the pipeline tool from JFrog. This way, you can continuously streamline and secure your development team’s tools. Moreover, you can use this methodology for continuous integration and continuous delivery. With this function, you can automate everything from code to production for high-powered technology. Furthermore, the JFrog pipeline optimizes the process for building, testing, and deploying software solutions. Additionally, the pipeline methodology can improve functionality on both cloud and on-prem subscriptions. Certainly, consider the DevOps pipeline methodology to improve your software functionality.
Agile Development Methodology
Agile development methodology is one of the most popular ways to improve software functionality. Agile development methodology enables your company to focus on user satisfaction. Your team would complete tasks over short time periods of just one to four weeks. During this time, the iterative model provides you with multiple tests as development continues.
Next, you would use Agile development methodology to obtain feedback from customers. You can then make the necessary changes to your software. Additionally, your team can take full advantage of this methodology’s functionality since it has few defects. This way, you can streamline productivity and improve performance across your software team. Surely, consider agile development methodology to improve software functionality.
Of course, the waterfall software development model is another great choice to structure your project. Employ waterfall to manage projects with clear, stable objectives. Waterfall’s sequential method will handle your team’s tasks one at-a-time. Moreover, waterfall will improve functionality by ensuring each step is complete before moving on.
The rigid, linear style of waterfall is easy to understand and manage your SDLC. Thus, you can explain the waterfall methodology to your team quickly since it is fairly simple. You will benefit from using waterfall if your team changes personnel frequently. Throughout the development process, waterfall maintains itself, so many functions are performed automatically. Definitely, look into using waterfall to improve software development functionality.
Feature Driven Development
Feature-driven development is another software development methodology that improves functionality. Use FDD to develop an overall model. Then, plan each feature by building a feature list with the platform. Next, use FDD to design your software. This way, you can visualize your development project. After this, FDD can build each feature for you. Throughout this process, FDD will provide you with status reports, results, and possible errors. Additionally, FDD gives you quick, efficient responses to platform changes. Moreover, these quick responses allow your team to process information faster. This way, you can accomplish more in the given workday. Long-term, this will allow you to maximize profitability, expanding your earning potential, and get more projects done. Surely, consider using feature-driven development to improve software functionality.
Scrum Development Methodology
Scrum development methodology can also help improve software functionality. Apply this methodology to manage your development project. Specifically, use scrum development for emerging technologies and rapid changes. Then, you can implement scrum to plan, meet, and review important software features quickly. This technique allows your business to accelerate the development of software by processing many iterations at once. With scrum development, even your slowest-moving development projects can be fast-tracked. Certainly, use scrum development methodology to improve software functionality.
There are many software development methodologies that improve functionality. Taking advantage of the latest models, you can future-proof your development pipeline, learn new skills, and follow the latest trends. Plus, these tactics enable you to optimize your workforce and experiment with productivity-improving measures. The DevOps pipeline will fully automate your software and integrate it continuously. Then, waterfall will provide you with a rigid, step-by-step system for project management. Feature-driven development implements many notification features to help you stay on top of your software development project. Scrum development methodology can rapidly quicken the pace of your software development process. Finally, agile development methodology prioritizes user satisfaction over process-oriented structures. Consider these options when improving your software development functionality.
5 Software Development Methodologies That Improve Functionality was last modified: April 25th, 2024 by Scott Fluent
Your office chair has a significant impact on your productivity, your mood, and even your health – whether you realize it or not. If you’re like most people, this is where you’re going to sit for 40 hours or more each week.
During those 40 hours, you might be constantly adjusting your weight and dealing with discomfort, or you might be perfectly comfortable. And when you’re done with work, you might end up suffering from the aftereffects of poor posture all day – or resting peacefully on some other piece of furniture.
So how can you be sure that your home office has a chair that’s a perfect fit for you? What does it take to buy the best office chair?
Research and Shop at the Right Stores
One of your first steps should be researching and considering different office furniture stores. Different stores will offer different manufacturers, brands, and options – not to mention different prices. Ideally, you’ll find a few worthy shopping options based on the following:
· Convenience/accessibility. First, how convenient or accessible is this store? Most modern customers look for online stores that offer free or inexpensive home shipping. Otherwise, you can search for a store that’s physically close to your home.
· Selection and options. What range of options are available at this store? Can you choose between many different brands and manufacturers? Can you customize your order to fit your needs better?
· Prices and policies. How much are the office chairs here? If you’re not satisfied, can you return the chair and get your money back?
· Customer reviews. One of the most important variables is finding an office furniture store with excellent customer reviews. Customer reviews will tell you all about this store, including its customer interactions, its product quality, and even its shipping speed; it’s a great way to confirm your choice or provide the red flags you need to move on.
Set Your Budget
Next, you’ll want to set a firm budget for yourself. You can get an inexpensive office seating for less than $100, but if you want something more robust or more supportive, you might need to spend a few hundred, or even a few thousand dollars. If you’re working with a thin budget, you may consider shopping for used options; used office chairs can be as good as new ones while offering a much lower purchase price.
Choose Which Type of Chair You Want
With a budget in mind, you can start making decisions about what type of office chair you want.
· Seating style. How do you want to be seated? Do you want a traditional chair with a full back, so you can lean as you see fit? Or do you prefer a stool seating style, or something more novel, like a kneeling chair?
· Attachments and accessories. Do you want your chair to have a headrest? What about armrests? Should it lean back? Should it roll?
· Material. Do you prefer a mesh material? Leather? Vinyl? There are countless options here, each with pros and cons – it typically boils down to personal preference.
· Size, shape, and aesthetics. Don’t forget about aesthetics. How big should your chair be and how should it look in the context of the rest of your office?
Know Your Measurements
Before you take the next steps, take some measurements. How high is your desk currently? How tall are you? How much space will you have to place this chair? Do you need room to move around in this chair? These measurements can help you find a chair that’s a perfect fit for you and your office.
Keep in mind that most modern office chairs are adjustable, at least to an extent. If you purchase an adjustable chair, you don’t have to get the measurements exactly – as long as you’re in the ballpark, you can make adjustments until it’s a perfect fit.
Shop Around (and Try Things Out)
Now you’re ready to start shopping around. Don’t go with the first office chair you find and don’t buy from the first online store you come across. Instead, take your time, review your options carefully, and think critically about your decision. If you can, try out multiple chairs in person to see how they feel; you may only be able to do this at physical retail locations. Otherwise, it’s hard to know whether a chair will work for you based on photos and a written description alone.
There’s no such thing as a perfect office chair, but using these strategies and recommendations, you may end up with the “perfect” chair for you and your needs. Pay attention to your comfort and posture throughout the day, and if your chair isn’t working the way you thought it would, or if it begins to wear out, don’t hesitate to make another upgrade.
How to Buy an Office Chair That Fits You Perfectly was last modified: February 17th, 2025 by Alex Sanders
Investors and financial advisors often recommend real estate as one of the best ways to make money. And it’s true that real estate investing is one of the most common ways for people to become self-made millionaires. With a rental property, you stand to make money on a monthly basis (as you collect more in rent than you pay in ongoing expenses), while simultaneously benefitting from long-term property appreciation.
However, investing in rental property isn’t a guarantee of profitability. In fact, many novice investors end up losing money on real estate deals and rental property management because they make rookie mistakes.
So what, exactly, makes a rental property profitable?
The Basics
The profitability of a rental property ultimately boils down to four variables:
· Immediate costs. What did you pay for the property and what will it take to get the property in proper condition to rent?
· Long-term costs. What will you pay for the property on an ongoing basis, including costs like mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and ongoing maintenance needs?
· Rental income. How much money will you be able to generate in rental income? Don’t forget to calculate potential income loss from vacancies as well.
· Sale price. What could you eventually sell this house for?
Working with a property management firm can help you better understand the influence and role of these variables – and select a property that’s optimized for all of them. But if you’re going it alone, you’ll need to dig into each variable in more depth to do your due diligence.
Key Factors for Rental Property Profitability
The variables listed above can be further analyzed and broken down. These are some of the most important factors dictating the ultimate profitability of a rental property:
· Neighborhood rental demand. How much demand is there for rental property in this area? This can dictate your profitability model in multiple ways. For example, high demand usually means your vacancy rates will be lower and you’ll be able to charge more in rent – but it also tends to mean that competitive bidding will push purchase prices higher.
· Purchase price. How much are you going to pay for the rental property? You might be able to find a great deal if the house is in a state of disrepair or if you personally know the person selling it. Otherwise, your purchase price will be mostly dictated by market forces.
· Current condition. What state is the house in? Buying a fixer-upper and making repairs can be a great way to minimize your purchase price and customize the property to look and function how you want, but it can also be a money pit. If the house is in terrible shape, it could cost a fortune to get it in good condition.
· Deterioration potential and upkeep costs. You might be able to get the house in livable shape for now, but what does the future hold? Older houses tend to deteriorate faster and have more maintenance and repair issues than newer properties. Accordingly, they carry higher long-term costs.
· Neighborhood trajectory. This neighborhood may be in high demand at the present, but what does the future hold? Neighborhoods on a growth trajectory, with more jobs, new amenities, and renewed public interest tend to have higher rates of property appreciation over time.
· Tenant quality and consistency. What type of tenants will you be able to attract with this property? Ideally, you’ll find people with decent credit scores, a reliable income, and long-term interests in staying in the neighborhood. It’s hard to predict this when searching for and buying a rental property, so you’ll need to double down on your tenant screening to turn this variable in your favor.
· Competitive properties. What are the other properties in this area like? Is the neighborhood more populated with renters or owners? What’s the average price of rent? How do the other landlords and property managers in the area operate? The competition can significantly influence your potential success.
· Ongoing management and care. How well do you plan on taking care of the property? If you invest in maintenance proactively and preventatively, and if you’re willing to make necessary upgrades over time, your property will more reliably appreciate in value.
· Length of holding. How long do you intend to hold this property? Some rental properties only start to become profitable after several years of growth; they aren’t get-rich-quick schemes. Do you have the investing time horizon to support this?
As you can see, the question of profitability for a rental property isn’t a simple or straightforward one to answer. To fully understand the situation, and maximize your potential profitability, you’ll need to do exhaustive research and analysis before making any real estate investment decision.
What Makes a Rental Property Profitable? was last modified: October 21st, 2021 by Alex Sanders
Some businesses might not think much about the value of a payroll service and might think it’s more an extraneous cost than a meaningful asset. After all, if a business has thrived for this long without it, why change now?
While you may have once operated perfectly fine without payroll software, it’s becoming more and more commonplace. There is a good reason for that: It’s a money saver. If you are still not convinced, here is what you should know about payroll services and how they can reduce labor costs:
1. It Cuts Down Processing Time
Most veteran workers understand that payment processing takes up so much time. You need to verify where the payments are going, calculate working time and double-check countless data points.
With modern payroll software, most of this is done for you. That means you’re paying less for more work. When employees are no longer worried about having to wade through the intricacies of doling out salaries, they can focus on bigger, more important issues.
2. It Decreases the Risk of Costly Mistakes
Humans make mistakes. Nobody is perfect, and that is to be expected even in a professional setting. Unfortunately, when it comes to paying your employees, such mistakes can be more than just a minor nuisance. Employees can be missing out on their paychecks.
In the past, you simply had to deal with it. Now, you can do something about it. Many of today’s options come with ways for employees to double-check their data and submit any errors they may have made in timekeeping for review. Furthermore, many suites on the market now come with built-in onboarding support, meaning your newest employees can be paid just as quickly as everyone else!
3. It Offers Peace of Mind
These days, many things are uncertain. If you rely on old-fashioned methods of payrolling your employees, odds are your records are stored on a singular, local machine. If anything happens to that computer, your records are gone!
The majority of newer, sleeker programs are designed to store their data in the cloud. This means that even if your entire network were to go down, you’d still have access to your crucial payroll records.
4. It Lets You Pay Employees From Anywhere
With much of the data stored securely in the cloud, many of the most cutting-edge payroll software enables you to issue payments to any employee from anywhere!
The pandemic has shown us that home offices are both viable and popular options for many workers, so having this ability is a handy way to attract even more talent to your company.
5. It automates the tedium and increases your overall efficiency
The main draw of most modern payroll software is automation.
Today, you can find affordable options that will not only track working data and check-in/check-out times, but also provide reliable tax forms whenever they’re needed! Many programs now offer the ability to automatically output everything from Forms W-2 and 1099 to procedurally prepping information for state and federal tax time.
Bottom Line: Payroll Services Worth the Investment
These few points are by no means the full potential offered by payrolling software. The right choice will be something that can scale with you, empowering you to grow without worry.
With today’s automation, you can count on payroll software to help you find more time to do what your business really needs to do.
Reduce Labor Costs With Payroll Services was last modified: October 21st, 2021 by Jamesh B
The UK average employee turnover rate stands at around 15%, although that figure fluctuates depending on what study you look at. That does not sound like a terrible figure – does it? Well, if you consider the average number of employees for a small business is 10, that is 1.5 employees lost a month, so we will round it up to 2. The cost of replacing one employee in the UK is £50,000 – which accounts for their entire first year of employment.
So, effectively, small businesses are spending up to £100,000 because of their ‘employee churn’, a term used to describe the number of employees leaving at a given point in time.
Since employee churn equals costly financial implications, what are they demanding in return for undisputable loyalty? Let us explore.
A Recognition Rich Culture
A study in 2017 found that 81% of people were looking for another job. Interestingly, money is not what it is all about. 74% of employees would take a pay cut if it meant working in their dream job, and 23% do not need a pay rise to take on a new role. What do they need? They need to work in a recognition-rich culture that focuses on employee engagement, which has been proven to boost a business’s profitability by 21%.
There is no better way to improve employee engagement than to look at employee engagement strategies offered by an employee engagement agency. Incentive Smart offers a comprehensive high-reward-based employee loyalty programme that helps to improve communication, provides an area for feedback, and creates a place for positive reinforcement. You can find more on their website Working with an incentives scheme agency helps employees to feel energised, motivated, and willing to work.
Investing in Employee Happiness
You can invest in employee engagement, but without taking the time to invest in the happiness of your employees, it will be hard to unlock the true potential of an employee reward scheme. A study carried out by Workplace Insight found that only 46% of employees are happy most of the time at work, and 26% are rarely ever happy.
Happiness and positive vibes are infectious and can infiltrate an entire company. Just look at Google the reviews of what it is like to work there, and you will realise the potential of a happy workforce. How has Google consistently ranked as one of the best companies to work for? Innovation.
Google was one of the first companies to introduce nap rooms to their offices. If you have ever felt that afternoon office slump where even matchsticks would struggle to keep your eyes open, you will know how happy the option of a quick nap would make you. They have ideas and mood boards on the walls, indoor slides, bikes to get around, relaxed clothing requirements, the freedom to come and go as long as work is completed, and the list could go on.
They have broken free from the structured corporate mould and redefined what it means to be a 21st-century brand. And, employees want just that. A space to be creative, open, without pressure, and with flexibility.
Do Not Micromanage
It does not get much more pre-21st-century employee management than micromanaging. Micromanagement is a style of management where an employee is closely observed or controlled, to the point it can feel overwhelming, yet it is still a regular occurrence. Micromanaging happens when there is no trust between the manager of their employees, and it leaves employees feeling stressed and devalued.
The trouble is, 71% of employees say micromanaging interferes with job performance, and 69% of employees would actively look for another role. Find a balance between management and allowing employees to use their own initiative.
Remove the performance pressure unless there is a reason for it, say if an employee is significantly underperforming. If they are, consider a buddy support system with another high-performing employee. It is a less invasive management method and can be highly motivated and educational for an underperforming employee.
Finding the sweet spot that keeps every employee happy and loyal is a tricky skill to master. Fostering a happy and inclusive working environment helps, as well as incentives, company days out, and a general openness to discuss problems. The more time you invest in your employees, the more they will give back.
Here Is What Studies Show Employees Want in Return for Loyalty was last modified: February 9th, 2023 by Mildred Austria
As your business success begins to flourish, you may find your success comes at a price. As your enterprise inevitably grows, so do your responsibilities, yet the amount of time you have to complete these tasks is only diminishing. It’s at this point that most entrepreneurs and small business owners should consider utilizing a variety of software applications and online tools to help streamline their daily operations, enhance their productivity and keep their business success on track.
Business people in a video call meeting
In this post, we’ll explore some essential software that your growing business should be using. Read on to find out more.
VAT Software
The pressures of accounting and financial management can quickly become overwhelming for small business owners, especially as your enterprise begins to grow. Whether you have minimal experience in handling company accounts or you’re still scrambling together receipts, expenses and financial reports, VAT software is an essential tool, you shouldn’t be working without. Using VAT software is easy to implement and makes navigating your tax obligations easier, allowing you to submit VAT returns to HMRC effortlessly.
No matter how complicated your VAT return may appear, small businesses can streamline their VAT responsibilities with just a few simple clicks. VAT software will also help you create a digital paper trail, one that allows you to register all your VAT-related actions and activities in one easy-to-manage location, highlighting how much you owe with monthly snapshots and giving you the knowledge to make better business decisions. With the right VAT software application, you can protect your business from penalties incurred through late submissions or inaccuracies in your reports.
Time Tracking Software
As your business flourishes, you may find that the hours available to tackle your responsibilities proficiently begin to diminish, and effective time management becomes an essential part of your working day. This is where time tracking software can help. By highlighting how long it takes you and your employees to complete specific tasks, you’ll be able to use this data to your advantage. By developing accurate time frames that streamline your daily operations, you can encourage employees to make the most of their working day and to meet the expectations of your clients, effortlessly.
Understanding how you and your employees spend your working hours keeps everyone accountable while still providing full control over the working day and maximizing efficiency across your business. If you’re working on an hourly basis, then time tracking software also helps to keep payroll/invoices as accurate as possible.
Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM)
Developing meaningful and beneficial relationships with your clients can drive your business success forward. By carefully managing those relationships and interactions using CRM software, you can also improve those relationships and use them to your advantage. This software provides a central location for all client (and prospective client) data to be collected, stored and updated, as well as building a library of individual customer interactions which can be used to curate unique and specific future interactions that can lead to a sale.
A CRM tool gives your customer service the edge, and can completely transform the way your clients view your business. And as this software is cloud-based, this information can be accessed securely from anywhere – so no matter where your working day takes you, your growing business can maintain strong customer relationships effortlessly.
Communication Software and Tools
As a growing business, you’ll already recognize the importance of strong communication. But as your enterprise continues to push forward, the importance of communication now applies to both external and internal situations. Maintaining strong levels of contact between you and your clients was something you undoubtedly managed via email chains and multiple messages across various platforms, but now your communications approach directly impacts the customer experience and employee collaboration.
Therefore, it makes sense for growing businesses to utilize communication software to improve communication workflows and to keep their employees organized. Tools such as Slack and Skype are perfect for businesses with remote teams, whilst video conferencing/calling applications such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and even WhatsApp can keep you and your clients in touch and improve the client experience.
Social Media Management Software
A strong online presence is one of the key factors of business success, and while your business is experiencing growth, you must take the management of your social media platforms seriously. SM management software can help you manage multiple accounts, using one login and an easy-to-use interface that helps you move from one platform to another. SM management software means you’ll never miss a notification or an opportunity to engage with your followers. You can also schedule posts ahead of time, freeing up more time for you to focus on other areas of your growing business.
Final Thoughts…
A variety of software and tools can help your growing business continue to flourish. Consider these options above to continue with your success.
Essential Software Your Growing Business Should be Using was last modified: October 21st, 2021 by Julia Evans
Have you ever wanted to check up on your Business Competitors’ activities on Instagram? Chances are that you might be even looking for ways to figure out what your potential customer targets engage in on one of the world’s most socially active platforms. With respect to your search for a working and reliable Instagram online tracker or Instagram story viewer like GlassaGram, this article is going to be a must-read!
With over a billion downloads and millions of daily active users, Instagram stands out among the most popular apps worldwide. Apart from that, the platform also ranks as one of the best social bookmarking sites, thus, making it an essential and excellent tool for online marketing and advertising strategy for your brand.
And while Instagram helps you out with some basic information about an account’s followers and following lists, the same will not assist you in your brand’s growth and success. In order to maximize that potential, using an Instagram online tracker that gets you hard-to-get analytic information is the way to go.
However, with tons of falsely advertised monitoring tools available on the internet, we’ll take a look at one of the most comprehensive and reputable Instagram activity tracking tools that works just like advertised – Snoopreport. Read along as we’ll discuss more about it in the following subsections of the article below.
What is Snoopreport?
While some may call it Joe Goldberg’s go-to tool, Snoopreport is an Instagram tracking instrument or service through which you can gather detailed information related to a target account’s user activity on the social networking platform.
“Believed to be the only legitimate and working Instagram user activity tracking tool,” as cited by the official website, Snoopreport pulls out weekly account analysis reports depicting the target user behaviour including the accounts’ likes, follows, and much more.
Sounds great, right? It is. If you want to know how to use the service, check the video below.
Now, if you’re wondering how this service can be beneficial, head on over to the next section where we’ll take a look at its useful features and how it can be instrumental for your growth.
How Can Snoopreport Help You Professionally?
As already mentioned, Instagram is one of the widely used platforms for digital marketing. And an Instagram activity tracker will only assist you to maximize your brand’s potential. With Snoopreport, you can easily keep tabs on your business competitors and analyze their performance. This will not only help you to figure out the needed business strategies but also boost your numbers in the marketplace in the form of sales and customers.
Apart from that, with a tracking tool such as Snoopreport, you can also know about your competitor’s new products and ideas – as they post them. This is advantageous to narrow down your search for particular influencer profiles that can promote your product to their audience.
But what about the influencers themselves? How do they benefit from the Snoopreport tracking service? Well, to put it simply, using the positive stalking prowess of Snoopreport, content creators can focus on their very own growth just as with a professional brand.
With Snoopreport, creators can monitor the postings of other fellow influencers of the same field and industry. This will not only help them to keep in touch with the current trends but also lets you understand these trends’ engagement in order to figure out the much-valued information of What Works and What doesn’t!
This results in carefully optimized content that’s good which ultimately helps the creator’s growth in the industry.
How Can Snoopreport Help You Personally?
While using an Instagram activity tracking service for personal uses sounds downright fishy and somewhat creepy, Snoopreport aims at using the tool for healthy and positive stalking. Although invading someone’s privacy is not something that’s appreciated, something we stand by, you can use this service to enhance your skills in a healthy manner.
So, how to use Snoopreport without turning out to be a total creep? Well, suppose you’re about to go out on a first date. If you’re familiar with How I Met Your Mother’s Janet McIntyre episode theme, then you probably got the idea where we’re heading with this.
In today’s world, for a date to be a guaranteed success, you ought to know the person’s likes and dislikes beforehand. And with a little stalking, you’ll be able to put together a list of the person’s hobbies and interests that will help you to figure out their personality.
Now let’s take another situation, suppose you want to check up on your Business Competitors, be it your close friends, family, kids, boyfriend or girlfriend. The Snoopreport Instagram tracker can easily help you to know them better.
Not only will it give you an insight into your person’s activity log with likes and all, but you can also pull out the Instagram activity data from up to the past 36 weeks. But what exactly are the contents of the Snoopreport activity report? Let’s find out.
What Does the Report Contain?
The comprehensive weekly report from Snoopreport showcases a summary of the user activities done in the week including Liked Users, Favorite User, Liked Content, Liked Made and Follows.
Apart from this short summary, there are other sections namely,
Likes, showing a list of the received likes by the target account.
New Follows, showing the tracked user’s new Instagram followers in a date-and-time-detailed listing.
Liked Media Tags, showing the target account’s most liked tags in the past week either in a cloud view or list view.
User Interests, showing the categories that the target user has shown interests in the previous week.
What Other Advantages and Features of Snoopreport?
Get quick insights of your favorite Instagram user account’s likings and other activities.
Deal with your trust issues regarding your partner with Snoopreport’s effective tracking.
Track while being anonymous without logging in your Instagram account.
No need to download any app, just visit the official site and create an account.
Wrapping Up
This brings our article on the benefits of using an Instagram tracker to a conclusion. If you want a reliable and 100% working service for user activity tracking over the popular platform of Instagram, you better check out the comprehensive Snoopreport tracking tool.
We hope that you found the content quite helpful and informative. Share the article and let us know your thoughts about the tracking and analysis of user data in the comment box below. We’d love to hear from you! For more interesting articles, keep visiting Path of EX – Yout Spot For Trending Stuff!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is Snoopreport Safe and Legal?
Yes, Snoopreport is completely safe and legal. Working in the ethical zone, this Instagram activity tracking service gathers data and information available on open and public sources.
Can Snoopreport track Private accounts?
As Snoopreport makes the use of legally and publicly available data, you can only get your hands on tracked information from a public account such as a celebrity or any public figure. Thus, it’s not possible to get the same kind of data from private Instagram accounts.
What is Snoopreport’s subscription cost?
In order to meet the needs of every user, Snoopreport offers three subscription plans. These include a Personal Plan to track two accounts for $4.99/month, a Small Business Plan to track up to ten accounts for $14.99/month and the Professional Plan for $44.99/month that lets you track a hundred different accounts.
Instagram Activity Tracker | A 100% Working Tool to Improve Your Business was last modified: May 1st, 2023 by Lokesh Jaral
Litecoin (LTC-5.121%) is considered the first successful alternative cryptocurrency, paving the way for future developers and helping them expand the user base for cryptocurrencies. By 2011, other networks had already tried to alter Bitcoin’s code and modify its features, but it was only Litecoin that made an impact.
Let’s see how the project made historical significance, what it represents now, and what to do if you buy Litecoin (LTC).
Who Created Litecoin and Why?
Charlie Lee, the founder and creator of Litecoin, is a computer scientist and graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The former Google engineer became highly interested in Bitcoin (BTC-2.095%) and the new blockchain technology in 2011. In October, he posted about “playing around with the Bitcoin codebase” on the Bitcointalk forum. He also expressed his intention to create “a coin that is silver to Bitcoin’s gold”.
Lee announced the exact time of the official launch along with Litecoin’s source code and binary one week leading up to it. This gave miners plenty of time to plan ahead prepare to start mining at the same time.
150 LTC coins were pre-mined before the launch – these were the genesis block and the block to confirm its validity. Since miners have already changed their files, they could quickly get a 50 LTC reward once the network went live. Subsequently, Bitcoin grew from a side-project to a full-on fork of the Bitcoin blockchain.
In 2017, Lee donated all of his LTC, dissociating himself from using Litecoin for personal benefit, and focused solely on managing the Litecoin Foundation.
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin
There are a few technical innovations in LTC that were meant to overcome the shortcomings of BTC.
Segregated Witness (Segwit)
Litecoin was the first network to successfully implement Segwit in 2017 and increase the number of transactions for one block. Segwit essentially divides a transaction into two sections and reduces the weight of transactions on the blockchain. Segwit has also become a solution to transaction malleability.
Lightning Network
The Lightning Network is an off-chain protocol, facilitating the first-ever off-chain atomic swap between Bitcoin and Litecoin. Off-chain swaps are meant for smaller transactions, which otherwise clog up the mainnet and slow down validators working on bigger transactions. It’s a win-win situation – now, users don’t have to sacrifice protection for speed and utility.
The activation of the highly anticipated MimbleWimble protocol is aimed at enhancing the network’s fungibility and scalability and is scheduled for the end of 2021. This will be an opt-in upgrade, parallel to LTC’s main chain.
What Can You Do With Litecoin?
Litecoin is often used as a speculative instrument. Traders and investors rely on the limited supply of LTC to generate a satisfactory return on their capital. So far, the results have been tremendous – in 2017, one LTC cost $2-$4, and now it’s worth around $150, ranking #16 by market capitalization on CoinMarketCap.
Aside from being a trading asset, LTC is used as a digital currency and enables instant payments to anyone in the world. Consumers describe LTC payments as secure and frictionless. You can also use Litecoin to pay for goods and services online. For example, AMC (AMC +2.48%), a large movie theater chain, will begin accepting LTC for online ticket sales and concession payments by the end of this year.
There are over daily 100,000 transactions processed by the Litecoin network between 200,000-300,000 active addresses. This is a fantastic sign that the network’s payment processing has a competitive advantage.
What Is Litecoin? was last modified: October 22nd, 2021 by Saqlain Javed
The use of software within medical devices has grown rapidly in the past 40 years. However, we can notice a rapidly growing trend in the last 20 years. The main reason for this is the interest in things and improved coercivity. With broad access to smartphones, enhanced sensors, wireless connections, artificial intelligence, and clouds, every industry experiences changes.
Modern technologies impose drastic changes in healthcare in terms of delivering services. It is crucial to know that medical software is an essential element of medical devices. Therefore, things are about to get better within the industry.
SaMD, or software as a medical device, is a unique product that serves a medical purpose, experiencing immense popularity lately. There is no hardware included in the process, or the hardware has already been subject to improvement. Therefore, the software can quickly receive feedback meant to improve the service. Some of the leading aspects for immense growth are machine learning and AI.
The Basics
SaMD, or software as a medical device, is a special software designed to execute medical functions. It can be a mobile device or software specifically designed to prevent, treat, diagnose certain conditions. These functions can be performed without the use of hardware, which makes the process more straightforward. They can be connected to other medical devices or virtual networks without the use of special hardware.
SaMD Challenges
SaMD is a useful software that has two main functions. Firstly, it uses data to prevent, improve, and diagnose conditions. In addition, the software has a quick feedback-giving process. Lastly, modern technology is subject to improvements and will be updated to suit the emerging needs.
Even though the software comes with a wide array of benefits, there are specific challenges. We know that digital products are prone to changes to suit the current needs of the market. The rapid improvements need to fit with the regulations, clinical efficacy, and patient safety, vital aspects of healthcare. If a software developer manages to keep all the elements, they will succeed in this specific industry. If they aren’t ready to follow the drastic changes while being mindful of all aspects, they will fail.
The software developers should assure patient safety, innovations and get quick feedback. If we follow the TPLC approach, there is a high chance of succeeding. The total product life cycle gathers valuable techniques, such as improved UX, human factor, agile development, up-to-date data, and other implementable methods.
Large businesses should carefully approach this concept. It would be best to get started with pilot programs to see how the operations proceed. In addition, speeding up the feedback receiving process would be beneficial. Some companies will even implement changes in their current quality management system to fit the new practices better. If your quality management system already solves the methodology at the product level, it is considered an ideal base.
How to Start the Business
Just like with any other business, you need to do a deep market analysis. To define a clear marketing strategy, take some time to study the market, consumers, and competitors.
Then, it would be best if you double-check whether your product can be categorized as SaMD. Think about how to do the FDA registration and make a strategy. Next, you should define your software’s features and requirements. After that, you need to plan a developing and testing process according to the already defined features.
You need to determine the architecture, tech stack, and integration. Develop your proof of concept, and finally create the product. Do the trials, register with the FDA, and launch your product.
How to Start Software as a Medical Device Business step by step was last modified: October 20th, 2021 by Edward Roesch
Cyberattacks are becoming more common and more dangerous. With the world in lockdown, many companies have resorted to working remotely and allowing their employees to use their devices and their own internet to get their work done.
However, the majority of people do not have a full understanding of the true dangers they may face when they work remotely or use their devices online. This makes it much easier for hackers to target them to commit their crimes.
Cyberattacks can sometimes be difficult to identify. However, it is important for your own safety, and the safety of those around you to be able to identify a cyberattack and take the necessary steps to protect your devices from them.
What Are the Signs of a Cyberattack?
Identifying cyberattacks can be extremely difficult. This is because most modern-day cyberattacks can go undetected and under the radar. If you are not prepared for it, it will be unexpected and it can cause you a lot of headaches.
Moreover, if you do not know that your devices have been attacked, you could be putting those around you at risk as well. Cybercriminals can use your devices to break into those that you are in contact with as well.
The first sign of a cyberattack is that you might notice some files going missing, or even some new files appearing on your device. Many viruses are programmed to destroy or remove files from your device, and this can be a clear sign that your device has been infected.
Some malicious software will make new files show up on your device. These are used as a trigger to get the victim to click on the files and inspect them. Oftentimes these files act as a trigger to install viruses, spyware or ransomware as soon as you click on them.
Files going missing or appearing on your devices can also be a sign of spyware being installed on your device. Spyware will allow a hacker to remotely control your device, even when you are not using it. They can use this software to delete your files or download new ones.
Another sign that you have been the victim of a cyberattack is if your personal or work files are suddenly encrypted or inaccessible, meaning that no one will be able to open the files. This is often done by ransomware which is used to encrypt files until a ransom fee is paid to the hacker.
You may also notice that your device becomes significantly slower and begins to lag more often if it has been infected with a virus. In some cases you may also experience your device freezing, crashing or restarting on its own.
If your accounts have been compromised you may notice fraudulent transactions taking place on your bank account, passwords being changed or even emails or messages being delivered that you have never sent.
If you pick up on any of these signs you should take immediate action before it’s too late. If you have no cybersecurity measures in place, you need to be taking a close look at the section below to see the best cybersecurity tools you need to use.
What You Should Do in the Case of a Cyberattack
If you have experienced a cyberattack, the chances are that it’s too late and your device has already been compromised. It can be difficult to identify which parts of your device have been compromised by the hacker, so it is best to take all the necessary steps.
The first thing you need to do is change your passwords. You should start with your most important accounts such as your banking and email. Doing so will keep the cybercriminal out of your important accounts.
However, you may want to use a different device to do this in case your main device has been infected with spyware, which will allow the cybercriminal to see your new passwords and still break into your accounts.
You will also need to start setting up your cybersecurity measures. This is vital to keeping your devices secure and preventing any further cyberattacks. Below we will discuss the best cybersecurity tools for you to use.
How to Prevent a Cyberattack
Preventing a cyberattack comes down to using the correct cybersecurity tools. There are many different ones to choose from, however, there are three crucial ones that you must use if you want to keep your devices secure.
With any of the following software, it is important to use reputable developers who are well known. Cybercriminals use fake cybersecurity software, also known as rogue software, to break into people’s devices. You must do thorough research on any software you want to install on your device and find several different reviews from multiple sources.
Rogue software is a new form of cybercrime that allows criminals to easily break into people’s devices since they are willingly installing software that they believe will protect their devices. Instead, they are putting themselves more at risk, and cybercriminals will be able to install malicious software onto their devices.
The first tool you need to get is antivirus software. This will help you even if your device has already been compromised. Antivirus software will constantly scan your device for any malicious software and it can take the necessary steps to remove it from your device.
Another tool you need to use is VPN software. A VPN is capable of encrypting your internet connection, which means that no one will be able to see what you are doing on your device, and they won’t be able to snoop through your files. VPN software will also allow you to change the location of your IP address by connecting to one of several different global servers.
To keep your accounts as secure as possible, you must ensure that you use strong and unique passwords. However, this means that your passwords are difficult to keep track of. The solution is to use a third-party password manager. Password managers will keep all of your passwords safe and allow you to access them securely. You should avoid using the default browser’s password manager as these are not secure and can easily be breached by a cybercriminal, in which case all of your accounts will be at risk.
How Do You Know if You Are the Victim of a Cyberattack? was last modified: October 20th, 2021 by Matt Outreach
There is no doubt that the world is going digital, and cryptocurrencies have come to stay and even dominate. Many people use cryptocurrencies to invest and save their money but are unaware that cryptocurrencies could be used to pay bills and the perks attached to using them to pay bills. There are a lot of cryptocurrencies, and almost every one of them is accepted in stores and international markets.
Reasons To Pay With Cryptocurrencies
As earlier stated, there are a lot of cryptocurrencies, and by making payments with any of them, you avoid the stress of paying a service or conversion fee. In addition, by doing this, you stand a chance to pay bills faster by utilizing your wallet or account. Other reasons include:
Transactions Are Conducted On a Peer-To-Peer Basis
A lot of cryptocurrencies have payment systems that are peer to peer. This simply means that users can make and receive payments to or from anyone on the network around the world. This simply means that in a situation where you decide to shop with Bitcoin, doge, or any other cryptocurrency, your transaction will be seamless except if you are sending or receiving from a regulated exchange or institution. Still, there is no requirement for approval from another external source of authority. Although fiat currency exchanges charge unnecessary so-called “maker” and “taker” fees, as well as deposit and withdrawal fees occasionally, those who use cryptocurrency to shop are not subject to the litany of traditional banking fees. This simply implies no account maintenance or minimum balance fees, no overdraft charges, and no returned deposit fees, among many others.
Lower Transaction Fees for International Payments
To run wire transfers and make foreign purchases, you certainly have to pay fees and exchange costs. On the other hand, cryptocurrency transactions have zero need for an intermediary institution or government involvement, which simply means that the cost of transacting is relatively lower as against bank transfers. This has a lot of advantages for international traders and travelers.
Payments are Mobile
People who own cryptocurrencies can pay for their coins anywhere and anytime, provided Internet access. Furthermore, personal information is not necessary to complete any transaction.
Transactions are Safe
It is a great thing that cryptocurrencies are not physical, which makes it impossible to be robbed. It will also be difficult for hackers to gain access and steal a person’s cryptocurrency. The applications are heavily equipped with proper security, which makes it technically impossible to steal. Rather than depending on credit card and debit cards, which could be easily stolen or even go missing, cryptocurrencies are indeed a better option to make payments and make purchases because transactions conducted between two (or among multiple) addresses are secure.
As the days go by, cryptocurrency becomes a more accessible, faster, more reliable, and highly secure way to pay your daily expenses and even make purchases because the world has chosen to embrace digitalization. But it doesn’t even stop there. For example, you could pay the gas, electric, cable, and cell phone bills with cryptocurrency to save your money, time, and unnecessary stress. So, if you don’t already pay your bills with crypto, what are you waiting for? Get started!
Proven the Main Benefits of Paying for Products With Cryptocurrencies was last modified: October 19th, 2021 by Allen Brown