3 Simple Bot Mitigation Techniques

More than 40% of all internet traffic comes from bots, and a quarter of total internet traffic comes from malicious bots. 

This is why it’s important to detect the presence of bad bots as soon as possible and manage their activities accordingly. In short, a functional bot mitigation strategy is crucial for any business and even individuals with an online presence. 

What Is Bot Mitigation

A key aspect of bot mitigation is to identify the bot traffic and properly distinguish bots from legitimate users, but there are other aspects to bot mitigation we should consider. 

First, it’s crucial to understand that not all bots are bad. Bots are by nature, just tools. They are computer programs that are programmed to execute automated processes without any human intervention. These bots can execute repetitive tasks at a much faster rate than any human user ever could, and so they aren’t necessarily good or bad, it all depends on how the process/task it performs. 

With that being said, there are actually many good bots that are beneficial to our site, application, and/or business, like Google’s crawler bot. Yet, there are indeed bad bots operated by cybercriminals to perform many malicious tasks. 

Thus, a crucial aspect of bot mitigation is distinguishing between good bots and bad bots based on signatures, behaviors, and other factors. 

Another important aspect of bot mitigation is what we will do to malicious bot traffic once it has been properly identified. 

Completely blocking the bot and denying it from accessing our site’s resources might seem like the best and most cost-effective approach at first glance, but it isn’t always the best approach in all situations. 

Block or Not Block Bot Traffic

There are two main reasons why blocking bot traffic isn’t always the best approach. 

The first has been briefly discussed above: we wouldn’t want to accidentally block good bots, and even worse, legitimate human traffic. This is an issue we know as false positives

The thing is, today’s bad bots have become so sophisticated in masking their identities and impersonating human behaviors. Bot programmers are now really advanced and many have adopted the latest technologies, including AI to hide the bot’s presence. 

So, even distinguishing between bot traffic and human users is already challenging enough, much worse differentiating between good bots and bad bots. When we aren’t sure about the identity of the suspected malicious bot, then blocking is not a good idea. 

The second reason is that blocking will not stop persistent cyber criminals from attacking your site. They will simply modify the bot to bypass your current bot mitigation measures, and they may also use information you’ve accidentally provided, for example in your error messages when blocking the bot, in upgrading this malicious bot. 

In such cases, blocking the bot can be counterproductive, and this is why there are other bot mitigation strategies you should consider. 

Bot Mitigation Approaches To Consider

If blocking the bot isn’t always the best approach, what are the alternatives? Here are some bot mitigation techniques to consider: 

1. Rate Limiting

A key principle to understand when mitigating bot activities is that bots run on resources, which can be expensive. Thus, all bot operators would like the bot to execute the tasks as fast as possible while also using as few resources as possible. 

Rate limiting, or throttling, works based on this principle: by slowing down our reply to the bot’s requests (i.e. lowering bandwidth), we can significantly slow down this bot’s operation without letting it achieve its objective.

The hope is that by slowing it enough, the bot operator will be discouraged and will move on to another target. 

2. Feeding Fake Data

Similar in principle to rate limiting, but here instead of slowing down our bandwidth, we’ll reply to the bot’s requests with fake content. For example, we can redirect the bot to a similar page with thinner or modified content to poison its data. 

Again, by letting the bot wastes resources, the hope is that the attacker will simply move on to another website instead of persistently attacking yours. 

3. Challenging The Bot With CAPTCHA

When we aren’t completely sure about the identity of a client (whether it’s a bot or a human user), a fairly effective approach is to challenge the client with CAPTCHAs or CAPTCHA alternatives

Keep in mind, however, that CAPTCHAs are not a one-size-fits-all solution and might not be ideal in certain cases: 

  • The most sophisticated bots with AI technologies can effectively solve CAPTCHA challenges.
  • While we can make the CAPTCHA more difficult and challenging for bots, it will also increase the difficulty for human users, which may ruin our site’s user experience
  • With the presence of CAPTCHA farms, CAPTCHA isn’t effective in stopping persistent attackers who are ready to invest in the services of these CAPTCHA-solving farms. 

It’s worth noting, however, while CAPTCHA isn’t bulletproof, it is still a fairly effective bot mitigation technique in various situations to defend against less sophisticated bots. Use it tactically and sparingly. 

When To Block The Bot Traffic

Blocking the bot traffic altogether remains the most cost-effective approach in theory since we wouldn’t need to process the bot traffic and use our resources in any way. 

However, blocking the bot traffic is only ideal if we have an adequately strong bot detection solution in place that can consistently distinguish between good bots and bad bots, and can keep detecting the presence of malicious bots even after they’ve been modified and improved. 

An AI-based bot mitigation solution that is capable of predictive, real-time behavioral analysis is essential, and by investing in one, you’ll get the easiest and most effective bot mitigation solution to implement in protecting your business from various bot threats. 

Kaseya Ransomware Attack – 5 Things to Do to Protect your Business

Ah, lovely holiday weekend. We closed early on Friday. All the staff is enjoying family time. Many are out of town. The ideal time for a horrific ransomware attack to shut down hundreds of businesses and cost millions of dollars. Happy Independence Day!

In my 30 years of running our business servers, I have noticed that system penetration attacks, denial of service attacks, and various other cyber attacks increase when people are away from their systems. The attackers choose this time hoping that people are not watching the server messages that hint their system has been compromised. In recent times, organizations are getting more cautious about this problem. Hence, they are actively seeking qualified ethical hackers who have pursued a professional ethical hacking course and are a good fit for their team.

Starting mid-afternoon on July 2nd, an nefarious group succeeded in compromising a network security reseller named Kaseya. Through Kaseya’s VSA management tools, they hit IT related businesses with ransomware. Ransomware is software that locks a server or data files and then demands a ransom to unlock them.

Kaseya Underwhelms in Response

True to holiday mode, the response from Kaseya has been underwhelming. They claim to be the victim. They claim only a few customers are affected. They state they had complete control of the attack within two hours. They offer a solution to turn off any server using their service. Meanwhile, because of the attack, a chain of 500 stores is closed in Sweden, paralyzed 200 US Companies, and caused thousands of network technicians to return to work to mitigate the damage. What is missing in Kaseya’s response is a sense of responsibility and scope. It is clear that Kaseya’s management is still by the barbecue and not in the office.

Is your Business Affected? Is your Business Next?

The year 2021 has been awash in cyberattack and ransomware news. If you are not now taking steps, then you should think about it. Like any disease, these attacks are like a virus, and you can take steps to avoid your company getting sick. This may save you thousands of dollars. Here are five steps you can take this month to lower your risk.

1. Recognize Phishing Email in all its Forms

Hillary Clinton would have become president if it wasn’t for a mistake made by Democratic Chairman John Podesta. The campaign was a target, and they already knew there were emails sent their way for information. John clicked twice and entered his email credentials. Within minutes, 50,000 campaign emails were in Russian hands, and Hillary’s campaign was toast. How could any high-level manager fall for a simple spoof?

The spoofs are getting pretty good. It takes an effort not to click. We all get them. What is typical now is they come in a short email, with no explanation and a simple and logical attachment. The only clue is that the sender is not known.

Sometimes the sender is known or even a known vendor. Here at CompanionLink, a quick view of our publicly available DNS reveals that we use Rackspace for business emails. You can guess we get many messages that claim to be from Rackspace. Things like “Phone message from Rackspace” (we do not get phone service from them), or Mailbox Full, or Mailbox Corrupted. My favorite is the ones that make you panic – “Your credit card has been billed for $6,533.32” or “Your bank account has been closed for fraud.”

Avoid the panic. Tell your staff to forward all odd messages without clicking. Then, if needed, log into your Email Portal or Bank to ensure there is no actual problem.

2. Train your Staff – Really – to Recognize and Mitigate Risks

We all know the drill. You have a 30-minute meeting with your Vice President to underscore the importance of security for your business and your customers. He tells the tech manager in 4 sentences and maybe sends an email to all. Your team managers respond upstream in glowing terms, and then behind your back, convey a “don’t screw up” message downstream. The line staff gets the message: “Please don’t leave food in the refrigerator more than 3 days, remember to buy a secret Santa gift, and do not take down the entire company with an insecure password.” Unfortunately, the line staff just treats it as another empty command from from the top.

The most common method of attack is phishing emails

The SolarWinds attack vector is not known. What is known, however, is that for five years, certain SolarWinds systems were available using the password Solarwinds123. While the company CEO claims they immediately locked out the password after being notified that it was publicly available, others dispute both the timeline and the extent of the password use.

This goes beyond simply choosing a good password. And it goes beyond any automated system that forces you to change passwords frequently. The best hygiene is to ensure every system you have has a different password and your passwords are stored securely. These are opposing goals but worthy of taking time to get it right.

3. Do not use Unnecessary Vendors

SolarWinds, Microsoft Exchange, and Kaseya show the vulnerability when an IT vendor becomes the source of a security breach. A company whose only fault is to purchase services from a vendor is suddenly left with a million-dollar mess.

For the most part, you can identify your IT vendors by looking at the bills you pay. If you pay for a service, your company may be vulnerable to a breach of that service. Keep a close eye on payments large and small because instead of paying them, they may cost you. Be sure the service is necessary and justified. Check your emails for unpaid providers like Facebook and Google, since these notices mean that you are paying by having your information sold (advertising) rather than from your bank account.

4. Do not Trust the Cloud

People who trust the cloud are the same ones that sign agreements without reading them. Their trust is misguided. You can be sure those click-through agreements have huge loopholes for data breaches. Your best security is not to be a target. Staying small and anonymous may work better than making waves and becoming a victim.

The Microsoft Exchange attack targeted corporations that run their own private Exchange servers. The problem was not systems that were up to date but systems that were lagging in updates. These were companies that made the best effort to run secure servers but that had fallen a bit behind on maintenance, which was not surprising during the COVID era. Most companies focused on how to pay staff and not on whether to install routine security updates.

For Email that is internet-based, you are safer using IMAP protocol that does not connect to LDAP logins which may allow system-level passwords. For in-house systems, like CRM, there are still many vendors that can supply an on-premise CRM that is a fraction of the cost of a cloud system and that ensures that even if your internet is down – your customer data is safe within your corporate firewall.

5. Beware of Security Dominoes

A security domino is any system that, when breached, leads to other systems that may be breached. Password vendors Lastpass and 1Password are targets for bad players. And it would be best if you kept in mind that Yahoo and AOL have been breached multiple times, as have Facebook and Twitter. Even Apple, who sticks its finger in Microsoft’s eye on viruses, has been found guilty of sickening silence when 128 million iPhone users were hacked.

For corporate servers, ensure that your logins are qualified not just by password, 2FA, and 3 Dimensions, but ensure their IP matches a minimal set of known IPs. Do not use IP location since any VPN user easily spoofs location. You need to limit access to the specific IP network that your team uses. Primitive firewalls like Iptables can sometimes block better than sophisticated ones that allow anyone to get to a login screen. The networks your team uses are limited and known. Strength lies in simplicity.


To the management of Kaseya, your company got attacked. Start your message by taking responsibility – until known otherwise – your company was vulnerable to an attack. If you did your job right, this attack would not have happened. Start by owning that fact.

Hundreds of IT workers got their holiday ruined. Reach out. Tell them that Kaseya management is called back at the office and will stay full-time to ensure the fastest possible response.

Finally, reach out to your customers – who have been damaged – to help mitigate their future losses and explain what you are doing to make up for their current losses. You have insurance. They do not.

For everyone else – sit down on Tuesday with your monthly vendor bills, and go through one-by-one. Make sure you are protected if that vendor is breached. The year 2021 has seen an unprecedented rise in successful ransomware attacks, and the trend is not in your favor.

How did Windows 11 Leak? Is Microsoft’s Codebase Secure?

The Windows 11 official launch event took place on June 24, but the internet was already flooded with leaked Windows 11 ISO news on June 15. At first, the screenshots of Windows 11 appeared at Chinese site Baidu, and then the early build leak of Windows 11 ISO started revolving all over the internet. How does a tech giant like Microsoft let this massive leak happen? If Microsoft cannot handle its most important project’s privacy, how can we suppose that our data handed by them is secure?

There is no official announcement from Microsoft till now about how this leak took place. But Microsoft is issuing DMCA complaints to those sites that are distributing the leaked Windows 11 ISO. To have a closer look at how did Windows 11 leak, this blog presents some possible scenarios that could have led to this incident.

4 Possible Scenarios behind Windows 11 Leak

Different theories are rising related to Windows 11 leak. Some are considering it a marketing stunt, while others are considering it a serious security loophole. We have researched the possible scenarios that could have resulted in Windows 11 leak and come with the following 4 points:

1. Link to SolarWinds and Exchange Attacks

Microsoft has experienced significant cyber-attacks in the past couple of months. The prominent one is the SolarWinds attack that made thousands of global businesses, including government organizations and Microsoft its victim. The attackers even got access to Microsoft source code by gaining control of a few internal accounts. However, Microsoft later announced that the hackers just got access to view the code and the stolen source code had no impact on its products’ security.

After the SolarWinds attack, Microsoft experienced a second attack in 2021 on Microsoft Exchange Server. Four zero-day vulnerabilities were exploited by attackers from China. They deployed backdoors and continue to use them to conduct wide-scale malware attacks.

Microsoft is anxious to move on from these many cyberattacks. One hundred thousand corporate customers have spent significant amounts of money cleaning up the damage. Now the question arises, is the Microsoft codebase secure. Clearly, attackers managed to penetrate deep into the systems without being detected, so how can Microsoft be so sure about its recovery? Therefore, the recent cyber-attacks on Microsoft can be linked to the Windows 11 leak. There is no such clear evidence on it, but chances are there that it is a potential reason behind the leak.

2. Intentional Leak from Microsoft

There is a high possibility that Windows 11 was intentionally leaked by Microsoft to create the hype and gain the attention of users. Well, if this was Microsoft’s plan, then it seems to went perfectly. Windows 11 became a trending topic on the internet before its official release, and everyone started to explore what new offerings it is going to provide.

But why would a tech giant like Microsoft has to leak its OS when it can easily market it after the launch event? The possible answer could be the attention its competitors are gaining from users in the COVID-19 pandemic.

When Microsoft launched Windows 10, it was declared as the last Windows version. The possible reason was the growth of smartphones as the main computing devices and decreased use of PCs. The sales of computers dropped, while the sales of smartphones increased exponentially. So, that’s one possible reason why Microsoft decided to stop releasing new OS every two or three years.

But COVID-19 shifted things greatly. The demand for computers increased due to remote working and online studies. Chromebooks sales accelerated, while Apple also released its fastest-ever M1 chip for Macs. This possibly left Microsoft and its computer manufacturing partners in a miserable stage. So, that might have triggered the need for Windows 11 to bring market balance.

But since Windows 11 is mostly an improvement of UI and features-enhancement of Windows 10, so to bring solid market impact, Microsoft might have played the leaked Windows 11 ISO stunt. They have managed to gain attention on the internet, let users test out the leaked ISO, and also successfully shifted the attention hype from its competitors.

3. Insider Dishonestly

Microsoft is an ideal tech company to work in. From the diversified work environment to great salary, Microsoft employees experience both personal and professional growth. But not all employees have the same intention. Therefore, one possibility behind Windows 11 leak is that the employee(s) managed to steal the Windows 11 build version without getting caught and then sold/released it on the internet anonymously. Usually, tech companies ensure strict internal security measures, but there are always some chances of security loopholes.

4. Remote Working Vulnerabilities

COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the environment of remote working. Plenty of companies are running their businesses remotely. But remote working requires employees to have access to business-sensitive information from networks that are not that secure as the workplace networks. This is the reason that cyber-attacks are already rising since COVID-19. The chances that Windows 11 got leaked due to remote working vulnerabilities is quite rare, but still, it is one of the possibilities to consider.

Wrapping Up

Microsoft 11 leak is real, and Microsoft also agrees on it. But no one is answering how this huge mistake even occurred. One concerning element is that if Microsoft’s codebase is not secure, why should customers not consider its products may have hidden backdoors. Is every Windows and Office 365 user now vulnerable to privacy breaches, theft of investments, and ransomware? Everyone’s business is now susceptible to be shut down?

We now await to see how Microsoft responds to this leak.

Want To Lower Your Business Electricity Bill This Summer? Find Out How

Every business aims to increase production and reduce operating costs to the barest minimum. Electricity usage plays a crucial role in every business operation irrespective of the company’s sector. So, the higher the electricity utilized by a company, the higher the payment for the electricity bill.  

However, energy cost payable varies, and usage is subject to weather conditions. For instance, during winter, when the weather is cold and snowy, air-conditioning, refrigerators, and other cooling appliances usage drop drastically due to the cold weather, thus reducing the electricity bill. But the situation changes inversely during summer due to a high level of heat. 

To reduce your business electricity cost during summer, here are some tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Install Daylight Control 

Daylight control is a technological device that uses sensors to adjust electric lighting in response to available daylight. This device reduces electrical bulb energy consumption, and it is suitable for a business situated in areas where sunlight is prevalent. With daylight control installed within your business premises, you will be able to minimize energy usage and cut down energy costs payable by at least 20% – 80%. 

In addition, if you newly install daylight control, ensure you check if it is compatible with your bulbs. However, if you have previously installed one before, check them out to see if they are still in good condition. 

2. Change The Air-conditioning Filters

When the weather is hot during summer, your air-conditioning needs to be in good shape due to rising heat. To minimize the cost of air-conditioning, always prioritize maintenance by changing the filter when the need arises. The continuous usage of a damaged filter usually causes the air-conditioning unit to overwork, leading to increased energy usage to power the appliance. In addition, if your business is situated in an area prone to dirt or dust, ensure you change the air-conditioning filter at least once per month.

3. Change your energy provider 

A lot of businesses use the same energy provider for many years, without realizing that they may be spending thousands of pounds monthly when there are cheaper options out there. The energy market is highly competitive and each company tries to offer the best price to their clients. Take advantage of this fact using this link and compare the pricing you are currently on with what other companies are offering. You might just be able to save a couple of pounds by just changing your energy provider. 

4. Nothing Compares To Natural Air

The primary purpose of installing cooling appliances such as air-conditioning and ceiling fans is to cool down the hot atmosphere, especially during the summer when the sun is more burning. If your company location is close to areas where the climate is cool at night and breezy during the day, using natural air to reduce heat is not a bad idea to conserve energy.

To reduce your energy cost and consumption, open your windows during the day, using natural ventilation to cool down the atmosphere without relying solely on air-conditioning and ceiling fans. Using natural ventilation is costless and healthier for the body system than air-conditioning other appliances.

5. Check out for insulation

Insulation is when air from outside enters the building, and conditioned air escapes through cracks. If your office space is insulated, it can be challenging to identify, making it difficult to ventilate. Always check through for any form of roof leakages to identify leaking spots. Eliminating the flow of air from outside and inside will keep your electricity consumption and cost at bay.

6. Unplug unused devices 

During working hours or close of business, ensure that devices that are not in use are correctly unplugged from their respective outlets. Depending on the company’s nature of business, only devices needed for daily operation should remain plugged. In a situation where some appliances or equipment will have to remain plugged consistently, you can reduce their energy consumption by using power strips. The use of power strips ensures that power consumption by devices is minimal when not in use. 

Every business needs electricity to sustain its operations. However, as a profit-oriented establishment, there is a need to block loopholes and manage cost-effectively. During summer, the weather becomes hotter compared to spring, autumn, and fall. To make the atmosphere around the business facility cooler, heat-controlling appliances such as ceiling fans and air conditioners must be in good condition. 

Following the tips outlined in this piece, you can effectively minimize your business energy cost all summer and reap the benefits of reduced energy consumption. Apart from saving you so much money, it’s also so much better for the environment. 

How to Choose the Right Route Planning Software to Help you Streamline your Operations

When you are running a business, your processes must be seamless and efficient, including your deliveries. The reason behind this is that seamless business operations translate not only to cost savings but additional revenue as well. In this case, the best thing that you can do is to leverage technology, such as the use of software to plan your delivery routes more effectively. This article lists down some of the ways for you to choose the right route planning software to help you streamline your operations.

Route Optimization

One of the primary things that you need to look for in route planning software is its optimization features. Keep in mind to use a route software that boasts of features that you need because in doing so, you will be able to optimize your business operations with efficient planning of your deliveries. Otherwise, you will only tend to add up to your overhead costs.

One of the features that you need to look for when it comes to route optimization is its processing speed. As much as possible, you need to go for software that will be able to process optimal routes in a couple of seconds. You should also consider software with an autosave function as well as one that offers multiple optimal routes for you to choose from.

Real-time Data Mapping Updates

Another thing that you need to consider to be able to choose the right route planning software for your business is real-time mapping updates. In this way, you will be instantly alerted in case there are road mishaps that entail the need for you to change direction or whether there are road closures that you need to avoid. This will save you time in updating the delivery information to your dispatch team, yielding an efficient process.


The best route planning software will also provide delivery analytics and reporting, which will allow you to have a good idea of whether the routes you have taken are indeed optimal or otherwise. This will prove to be beneficial as you grow your business to scale later on. With accurate data on the reports generated by the software, you will be able to have a good basis on the best practices that you can continue and improve on the ones that need to be enhanced.

Customer Support

Finally, you should go for route planning software that offers excellent customer support. In this way, you won’t have a hard time when you encounter issues in the software that need to be addressed instantly.

To be able to choose the right route planning software to help you streamline your operations, you need to consider the software’s route optimization features. Apart from this, you should also go for a route planning software that boasts of real-time data mapping updates, as well as accurate and comprehensive reporting. It should also provide efficient customer support that will help you with any concerns you may have regarding the software. All these are geared towards ensuring that you choose the perfect route planning software for your business.

Top Tips to Help You Build Your App Faster and More Precise

App development has become a serious industry in the year 2021. It’s difficult to think about any brand or its presence online without using apps. Apps provide an attractive and easy way to connect users to your products and to brand your business. A lot of work goes into building the perfect app for your business. Whether your app will be designed to sell your product, communicate with your customers, or save pictures of cute cats, there’s a lot to think about. 

Developing an app is a great way to keep up with the times and bring your business more income. There are a lot of steps between having an idea for a great app and the final finished product. If you’ve ever wanted to know what you need to craft the perfect app, you’ve come to the right place! Here are the top tips you need to help you build your app the right way and in record time. Follow these tips to build your app faster and better!

Start with a Strong Concept

The first step in any successful business or personal venture is to make a plan. When it comes to creating and designing an app, it can be very easy to get muddled up in all the details. For starters, you need to identify what exactly your app will be providing to its users. Decide on the objectives of your app and what the overall concept is before you start the programming. Create a vision board of all the functions you would like to include to achieve your business goals through the app. Get creative and distill whatever great ideas you come up with into a solid, easy-to-follow plan that has room for improvement.

Who is the App For?

The next step in good app design is figuring out who the target audience is. The best idea in the world for an app means nothing if you don’t have a market for it. Identify your audience by researching the business potential of your app. This step is crucial for constructing both a successful and profitable app. Conduct some surveys, monitor the stats and trends, and ask around. There are plenty of ways to gain intel on who would be interested in your app. Once you’ve identified your target audience, you can begin to work on how to best connect with and provide for them.

How will your App Make Money?

Developing an app can cost a pretty penny. When developing a successful app you need to make sure that it will be profitable for your company in the long run. It’s important to ensure that the app is either lucrative or that development is effective and inexpensive. Outsourcing developers and app designers from flutter app development company is a great way to keep costs low while working. Outsourced professionals can finish the job quicker and better. There are many ways for your app to make money. In-app purchases, pay to download, or advertisements are all great ways to make sure that your app pays for itself. Research and decide on what would work best for your business.   

Features you Need and Features you Want

The next step in perfecting your app design and function is deciding on what features to add. Features make up a large part of why users like or dislike certain apps. Many businesses make the mistake of adding too many features to their apps which has a negative effect. When deciding on features, focus on the bare essentials. Take inspiration from popular successful apps and make them your own. When developing an app, adding is always easier than removing so think less is more when choosing what features to add. Prioritize function over beauty and your app will surely be a success.

Design and Develop your Prototype 

Now that you’ve answered all the tough questions, it’s finally time to start designing and developing. Get creative and find inspiration for your app design and have some fun with it. Choosing the color scheme, font, and animations is the easiest part. This part requires experienced graphic designers and developers. and After you’ve designed the wireframe, user journey, and user interface it’s time to begin the development stage. This is always the trickiest and most nerve-wracking part of app development. It’s important to not lose hope in your developers. Make sure you have the right team for the job or this stage will take a while. 

Keep your Team on the Same Page

The biggest mistake businesses make when developing an app is a lack of communication. In order for your app development to flow as smoothly as possible, you need to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Coordinating creative projects and projects that require a lot of people working together can be difficult. Remember to send those update emails, hold those meetings and try to stay on top of things. Take the necessary steps to ensure that everyone stays in the loop and that no one is doing their own thing without supervision. This will save you both time and money in the long run while you develop your app.

Review and Debug

After you’ve successfully released your prototype or final version of your app, you are officially done with phase one. Phase two includes reading through, listening to, and taking feedback from users. This phase is crucial if you want to develop a successful and respectable app. Consumer feedback can let you know about any bugs or problems that have slipped by testing. Constructive criticism from consumers can prove invaluable to your app’s longevity and future. Make sure to be open to suggestions from your audience and remember that a developer’s job is never truly done.

App development is a huge undertaking for any business of any size. If you want to make sure the development process goes as smoothly as possible you need to start off with a good plan. Having a strong concept beforehand and asking yourself the right questions is key. Doing the right research and planning ahead will save you both time and money. Finding the right team of expert designers, coders, and developers is necessary to get the job done right and fast. Keep your team on the same page and make sure that everyone is motivated and doing their job. Listen to your users and modify what you can to provide them with the best experience possible and your app is sure to be a success.

How COVID has Changed Executive Assistant Roles Forever

The full impact of COVID has been devastating and as well as the obvious changes to our lives, such as social distancing, not seeing family and friends for long periods and being required to wear facemasks, the job market has also seen significant shifts.

When the pandemic first began to impact the economy, the government instructed people to work from home wherever this was possible. Where this was not possible, many businesses had no choice but to furlough staff and close their business or run their business in a different way.

One positive that has come from the need for businesses to adapt, is that more businesses have explored the ways that technology can help them to run more efficiently or to enable them to diversify their products and services.

Many businesses have seen that there are many benefits to having home-based employees, from reducing the cost of running business premises, to giving employees more flexibility in their work-life balance. One job that has arguably changed forever is the role of Executive Assistant, one that traditionally involved working in close physical proximity to the executive that is being assisted.

Throughout the pandemic, this type of role has had to adapt quickly, by utilizing online solutions to provide support while working in separate locations to the exec. For businesses that already had a good technology infrastructure to enable home working, the changes were less disruptive. However, for many companies, setting up the right IT frameworks to enable employees such as executive assistants to work from home was one of the biggest challenges they faced.

The impact on the skills required for Executive Assistants

With many EA roles now being performed from home, there is an increased demand for people with good IT skills. Executive Assistants have always been required to have good office management skills and to be proficient with the relevant business systems but now they need to be up to speed with more types of software.

For example, project management software is integral to collaborating with execs and their management teams, in the place of having physical meetings. Also, being proficient in arranging video calls through software tools such as Zoom, or Microsoft Teams is also important with many businesses encouraging employees to work from home as much as possible and to avoid physical meetings.

Therefore, Executive Assistants looking for new roles, or to continue to be able to perform to a high standard, need to have the right experience and qualifications to suit the new world of more digitally-reliant working processes.

Completing executive assistant courses can help people to develop the necessary skills that enable them to proficiently use all of the technology tools that are required for modern day exec support. There are a wide range of different courses that are available to complete online, that will help people to get offered a role as an Executive Assistant.

Businesses use different types of online collaboration and project management tools but some of the most common ones include Monday, Asana, Slack, Google Docs and Microsoft Teams. Becoming as familiar as possible with these tools will give you a big advantage over other job applicants, so try to practice using them and discover all of the main features for each one.

During an interview, you may be asked about your knowledge about some of these online solutions, so if you can demonstrate in your answer that you have an in-depth understanding, then you will certainly improve your chances of being offered the role.

Now you know how the role has changed in the last two years, you can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be more successful as an Executive Assistant.

Informative Guide with Tips and Tricks to pass CompTIA security+ SY0-601 exam

There has been a gradual growth in the field of cybersecurity with time. CompTIA Security + SY0-601 exam is one of the premier IT certifications to enter the area. The field is recognized globally, and it ensures that the person has the required fundamental skills needed to perform the core security functions. This exam is used to examine the basic level skills or the basic knowledge of the field. The CompTIA security+ SY0-601 exam is an entry-level exam, but it is not easy to pass. If you are looking for tips and tricks to pass the CompTIA security+ SY0-601 exam, this is the right place for you.

Here are some of the tips & tricks that can be beneficial and will add in passing the CompTIA security+ SY0-601 exam:

Get to know the Security+ exam domains. The first step in this regard is getting to know the six Security+ fields. These are:

  1. Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities (21%)
  2. Technologies and Tools (22%)
  3. Architecture and Design (15%)
  4. Identity and Access Management (16%)
  5. Risk Management (14%)
  6. Cryptography and PKI (12%)

Gather data on each domain and study the information that comes under each of them. Focus on the area that you find challenging. Before moving to the next part, make sure that you have mastered the existing one.

1. Make a Study Plan

After knowing the domains and all the areas under them, it is time to make a study plan. Schedule your studies wisely and keep all the things belonging to the same category together. In between the domains, make sure to learn new things about the previous one and prepare yourself for the upcoming one.

Other things that need to be considered while making your study plan are:

  • · The time of your examination, i.e., how soon can you go for it?
  • · The amount you can spend on courses and training.
  • · The training method that suits you the best.
  • · The things that you already know.

2. Take Practice Exams

As this is an entry-level exam, you might be unfamiliar with the test-taking techniques and strategies. To get yourself out of that nervousness, take as many practice exams as possible. You can also go for single-domain-based practice exams. Review the CompTIA’s practice questions too.

3. Get Familiar with Your Exam.

You can get all the required information on the official site of the CompTIA security+ exam. Make sure to check that out. The site also has many valuable links and information like training providers, study material, etc. Get an overview of the exam, the certification, the number and type of questions in the exam, and the passing marks, etc.

4. Start with Free Exam Prep Resources.

A lot of sites and resources have CompTIA security+ SY0-601 exam objectives and questions available for free. You can use them to evaluate your understanding of the CompTIA security+ SY0-601 exam. These free exam prep resources will help you a lot, especially in making an effective study plan.

5. Find and Join a Security+ Online Community.

A simple search on Google will take you to multiple CompTIA security+ SY0-601 exam communities. Become a member of these communities and learn from the experience of others. One thing to be careful about is to beware of toxic people in these groups. A lot of people vent out their anger in these groups. So, be careful and don’t let them affect or discourage you.

6. Relax and Clear your Mind

These tips will help you in staying focused and relaxed during the exam:

  • · Be aware of the time and keep a record of it.
  • · Read the questions carefully.
  • · Stretch and relax your muscles during the exams. It will relax your mind too.
  • · Do not panic. There is nothing to feel stressed about the exam. If you cannot get through the exam this time, there is always a next chance.


The CompTIA security+ SY0-601 certification is a great thing that showcases your capability. But great things come at a cost. Only those who try hard will succeed. Therefore, put in all of your efforts and try your level best to pass the exams. Please keep all the tips mentioned above and tricks in mind and give it your best!

Google’s FLoC Raises Major Concern in the Tech World

We all know that third-party cookies of companies track their users on the internet. What about if these cookies stop tracking you? Following Google’s latest announcement, they will not support third-party cookies on Google Chrome. This action will change the way companies track their users. One might think that Google will respect privacy and shun tracking. The answer is NO! Google has proposed that they be in charge of tracking by introducing new technology. Federated Learning of Cohorts or FLoC is meant to replace third-party cookies.

What is FLoC?

The Federated learning of Cohorts is Google’s machine learning-based advanced technology to replace third-party cookies. FLoC will allow every browser to research how people navigate and search anonymously. Later it will group them into “cohorts”. This will alter the way of identifying the targeted audience for advertisements. Previously, third-party cookies used to show ads based on personal interest, but now FLoC will advertise based on the cohort. As per the Google statement, it will make users more anonymous and less needed information for targeted ads.

FLoC is an advancement of artificial intelligence. The federated learning of this technology works on machine learning algorithms that require fewer user data than third-party cookies. Google argues that if ad businesses and services adapt anything like this, it will protect users’ information from tracking methods.

Working Concept Behind Google’s FLoC

Based on Google’s explanation, FLoC will allow personalized advertisements with the superficial data of users, such as interest, frequently visited pages, etc. The concept behind Google’s FLoC is assigning each browser an anonymous ID and then will group these IDs into large groups. Thus, the advertiser can only access the overall patterns and will preserve user identity.

Google tries to prove this concept by saying that FLoC will establish user IDs and assign people to cohorts via an algorithm called SimHash. Google designed SimHash to help Google’s web crawlers locate nearby identical pages. However, it will not save your data on a server because this occurs on your computer. It was one of the privacy concerns users had with third-party cookies. They store massive user data collected from the browser for an indefinite period under ambiguous security measures.

The product manager at Google, Marshell Vale, ensures that FLoC will not use any user’s sensitive data. So, for example, if any user visits any religious or medical site frequently, that information will not be included in the cohort dataset. This will make tracking flexible for both advertisers and users.

Tech World Response to Google’s FLoC

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) pointed out that the third-party cookies are moving towards death, and Google wants to take its place. EFF declares Google’s FLoC as a terrible idea and potentially harmful. EFF forces everyone should reject this Google’s technology and Google’s attempt to misguide others.

Brave and DuckDuckGo suspect that Google will automatically implement FLoC without informing the Chrome users. They added that it is why they already have blocked Google’s FLoC on their desktops, as it will harm the user’s privacy and will show creepy advertisements.

The CEO and co-founder of Brave, Brendon Eich, and the senior privacy researcher, Peter Synder, explained in their blog that Google is acting privacy-friendly. Still, it is making people less private. They added Google should first explain how Google’s FloC will determine whether the cohort is sensitive and is not using any personal information.

Amazon and Mozilla not behind FloC

One of the world’s largest platforms, Amazon is blocking Google’s FLoC and added code to its digital properties. The reason for being a hindrance to FLoC’s success is protecting its intellectual property and prized data. Google is Amazon’s big competitor. Thereby, Google’s tracking policy can affect Amazon’s advertising policy.

Many other Google competitors have also commented on Google’s FLoC. For example, one of Google’s major browser competitors, Mozilla Firefox, said that the company does not plan to implement FLoC, and they are looking for other privacy policies. Microsoft also disabled Google’s FLoC policy in Microsoft Edge for now.

WordPress, another powerful company that powers over 34 percent of websites, will block FLoC. A WordPress senior contributor said they had taken no decision for the future, but they will not support Google’s FLoC.

Possible Privacy Concerns

Though Google has revived the privacy policies with FLoC, it still presents privacy concerns that cannot be ignored. Google has kept the same previous policy for advertisement and only changed the way of targeting the audience. It has raised more prominent issues, as follow: 

Browser Fingerprinting

Browser Fingerprinting is a process of extracting small information from a person’s browser and then combining them into a unique identifier. Your browsing behavior makes you unique in the crowd. So, the more unique your browsing behavior is, the easier it is to fingerprint you. As FLoC creates cohorts based on user patterns, it makes it effortless for the intruders to identify you. In the third-party cookies, the attackers have to find you among million peoples, but now they have to identify you among cohorts of a few thousand people.

Data Democratization

FLoC will reveal your cohort data to collaborate with marketers. This information may include the login information that can help them identify you. Let us suppose you have signed in to a website with Google as a service, which implies your sensitive information, such as name and login details, will be saved already. Later, that information can be utilized to link your Cohort ID, which is meant to be anonymous. This mix-up of information can facilitate cyber-trackers to become more active.


Google has developed its tracking policy to take advantage of the misery of third-party cookies. Though Google has shown a pleasant picture of Google’s FLoC, the big names of the digital world are opposing it. The reason behind this is the controversial disguised face of Google. Google has already started the trial of FLoC on 0.5% of users located in the United States, Mexico, New Zealand, Japan, Indonesia, India, Brazil, Australia, Canada, and the Philippines. Over time, more clear aspects of FLoC will show up and make the market respond.

New Way to Sync Google Calendar with Outlook – Automatic and Free

It takes just five seconds for DejaFlow to update Outlook when you change Google. CompanionLink has delivered a low-cost PC app with this amazing speed for nearly a decade. Today CompanionLink is launching DejaFlow. DejaFlow is a low-cost online service that connects Google with Outlook online, for free, without needing to install anything on your PC or Mac.

Businesses need a Simple Connector

Thousands of services are tied to Google Calendar, but most business people use Outlook. Outlook has a primitive ability to subscribe to a Google Calendar.  However, this requires you to publish the calendar on the open world-wide-web which is hardly private.

Existing Tools are Expensive and Complex

So there is a pressing need to connect the two. Microsoft Power Automate is an expensive, complex tool that cannot do the simple task that customers need; Add, Change and Delete Appointments and Recurring Events, with two-way sync between Outlook and Google.

Everyone has just one calendar. You may keep it on Outlook or on Google. You place your appointments on it. You depend on your PC or Phone to ring alarms to notify you of places to be and things to do. Having a phone that uses Google and a Computer that uses Outlook makes it hard to schedule and plan.

Vendors like Zapier and Power Automate have tried to make a toolkit to handle this task. But 95% of business customers do not need a toolkit; they need something that works.

Free, fast and automatic connector for Google Calendar, Contacts and Tasks with Outlook 365, Microsoft Teams and Outlook.Com

The Experienced Pioneer of Calendar Sync

CompanionLink understands your needs. We have created products to fulfill this need for 30 years. We know all about how calendars work with each of the vendors, both Microsoft and Google. And we are good at it which keeps our costs low. As a result, we can reflect these low costs to our customers with low service fees.

DejaFlow connects Calendar, Contacts and Tasks from Gmail and Google workspaces accounts.

These can be connected to any online Microsoft account, including Office 365, Corporate Exchange, Microsoft Teams, and Free Office.Com/Hotmail Accounts.

Planned updates will add a direct connection to Apple iCloud, Act! CRM, Pocket Informant, and DejaCloud.

POP3 and IMAP Solution

For Outlook customers who use IMAP and POP3 folders, the calendar information is not stored online. For you, CompanionLink offers CompanionLink for Google for windows-based PCs and CompanionLink for Mac for macOS computers. The installed software will automatically synchronize from our local calendar to the online calendar.

Online Calendar Solution

DejaFlow is a SaaS website to connect Outlook Calendar with Google Calendar. Setup is a simple three-step process; Create a DejaFlow account, identify your Outlook and Google Calendars, and press Sync. The initial connection takes about two minutes for most people, and DejaFlow automatically matches any duplicate entries. Once Connected, any change in Google Calendar, and any change in Outlook Calendar, will flow to the other side within about 10 seconds.

You can use DejaFlow for Free! As long as you have 500 records or less, you can use the service forever without a charge. Most people have under 500 records in their calendar.

Affordable Pricing

Most businesses will have more than 500 records. Companies should plan on paying $1.50 to $5 per month per user for the DejaFlow service, which is still just a fraction of the cost of competing services.

For 2 Connectors up to 5,000 records, DejaFlow costs $4.95 per month or $39.95 per year.

For 5 Connectors (5 users) and 30,000 records, the cost is $11.95 per month or $99.95 per year.

Both Free and Paid customers can take advantage of CompanionLink’s email and telephone technical support.

CompanionLink for Google
Average User Rating:
Average rating: 4.83 out of 5 based on 660 reviews.
Free 14 day trial. Price $14.95 3-Mo Subs - $69.95 One-time License.

About CompanionLink Software

CompanionLink® Software, Inc. is a pioneering developer of data synchronization solutions for mobile phones and CRM software and services. They also develop a DejaOffice® for Outlook® App which runs on Android, iPhone®, iPad®, Windows Phone®, and BlackBerry® devices. For 30 years, CompanionLink has helped mobilize information across devices, computers, applications, and web-based services. For more information, please visit www.companionlink.com and www.dejaoffice.com.

CompanionLink, DejaOffice and DejaCloud are registered trademarks of CompanionLink Software, Inc. Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Kicksta vs Sprout Social

In this digital world, having an Instagram presence is very crucial for promoting your brand or content. And to influence people on Instagram, you need to have a large following and increased engagement rate on your Instagram profile. Several tools and growth services can streamline the process of content creation, post scheduling, increasing followers, and gaining engagement on Instagram. 

Two of the most competitive growth services are Kicksta and Sprout Social. Both the tools focus on increasing followers on Instagram. And both of them are the best sites to buy Instagram likes to improve engagement rate. So which one should you choose? Check out the comprehensive comparison between Kicksta and Sprout Social given below to pick the best Instagram growth tool for yourself. Let’s get started!

Product Features 

Sprout Social 

For social media management, Sprout Social offers several services such as – 

  • In-depth social media audit
  • Advance scheduling and post automation 
  • Social media content calendar 
  • Data analytics and reporting 

Besides these services, it also provides major tools required to gain engagement on Instagram. It is compatible with a lot of different social media networks and helps in increasing your followers at every platform. 


Kicksta is an Instagram growth service and the best site to buy Instagram likes, comments, and followers. These tools are also crucial to gain engagement on Instagram. Some features of Kicksta include – 

  • Smart targeting algorithm – Kicksta’s AI-powered technology helps to get high-quality followers on Instagram. 
  • Automation – Kicksta automates finding similar Instagram profiles along with auto-engaging of the target audience. 
  • Kicksta focuses on growing genuine Instagram followers, likes and comments. This helps to improve brand awareness. 
  • Data analytics and reporting 

Pricing Plans 

Social Sprout 

Social Sprout offers three different pricing plans – 

  • The standard plan at $99/ month/user – this plan allows the user to connect up to five social accounts. Here, you can get a content calendar, publishing tools, an all-in-one social inbox, comprehensive reporting, profile, and keyword monitoring. You also get some paid promotion tools to boost your profile. 
  • The professional plan costs around $149/month/user – this plan allows the user to connect ten social profiles. It offers custom workflow, content tagging, detailed analytics reports, helpdesk integration, and optimal post scheduling. 
  • The advanced plan costs around $249/month/user – with this plan you can connect the ten social profiles. Along with this, you get access to automation tools like Chabot, digital assets library, custom URL tracking, message spike alerts, and automated inbox rule builder. 


Kicksta follows a ‘pay for what you use’ model. In this model, the user can cancel the subscription at any time. And the money for the remaining days on the scheduled subscription will be refunded back. There are two subscription plans offered by Kicksta – 

  • The standard plan costs around $49/month/user. This plan assures moderate growth speed with automation tools. The user can target up to ten new accounts. 
  • The premium plan costs around $149/month/user. This plan assures four times faster gain in genuine and real Instagram followers. It also provides more engagement rate with the automation tools. Additional services include live chat support, email support, advanced targeting options, and blacklist capabilities. 

Data Analytics and Reporting 

Sprout Social 

In terms of data analytics, Sprout Social offers plenty of reporting features. For example, this tool compares your post-performance with your competitor’s post. Additionally, it tracks team productivity and task performance. If you opt for upgraded plans, Sprout Social offers custom reports, interactive charts, and graphical representations along with advanced filtering. All of these tools are excellent in gaining engagement on Instagram.  


Kicksta provides insightful insights on profile performance and individual post-performance with the help of graphs and numbers. All the data can be accessed easily from the user-friendly analytics dashboard. In addition to this, Kicksta also allows the user to analyze their engagement rate and followers gained during a particular time frame. 

Which among the two is best?

Considering all the key factors that are required to gain engagement on Instagram with quality followers, Sprout Social wins them all. Although Kicksta is also an excellent tool to get genuine Instagram followers. Perhaps it is one of the best sites to buy Instagram likes, comments, and followers. However, its limited features and data analytical tools do not match the level of Sprout Social. 

Another factor that makes Sprout Social a much better growth tool is its ability to generate traffic to your website using social media posts and marketing. Additionally, flawless user experience, customer support, and excellent product features make Social Sprout the number one choice. 


Choosing the best social media management tool is a very challenging task. There are several factors involved that decide which tool is the best for maximum social media growth. While both Kicksta and Sprout Social provide unique features to get genuine Instagram followers, Sprout Social beats it in terms of superior automation tools, improved product features, and data analytics. Although the pricing plan of Social Sprout is slightly expensive as compared to Kicksta. It is the best out of the two when it comes to growing your Instagram. 

Understanding the Benefits of Using Antivirus Software

In the past few decades, the advent of the internet has changed our perception of the world and how we do things. Now, almost everything is done online and much of our most personal information is in cyberspace. This is why digital security is integral more than ever in this day and age. This doesn’t necessarily mean getting sophisticated technologies to protect your privacy. It starts with something as simple as installing antivirus software. Here is how it can help you. 

Protection Against Viruses 

As the name implies, the first and most important function that antivirus software serves is protecting your devices against viruses. If you don’t know it already, a virus can not just slow your computer, but also do more harmful things like reformat your hard drive or compromise your files and data. This is where the antivirus software comes in. It detects potential viruses and starts removing them. The great thing about this software is that it doesn’t wait for the virus to start causing problems to your computer. It eliminates the threat before it can harm your system and files. Good antivirus software works without you knowing, so you won’t be making much effort. 

Guarding Privacy 

While the internet has made the world interconnected and granted us access to endless information, it also made your information and privacy within reach for hackers. In many cases, a virus can be a hacker trying to gain access to your personal information. This is another reason why you should get good antivirus software. As you can see on https://softwarelab.org/, it helps if you slow down and consider different options. Compare different software and find one that works best for you. Antivirus software can protect your personal information when you surf the internet and protect vital information like your credit card information from potential hackers. 

Spam Protection 

Believe it or not, one of the most common ways for a virus to invade your system is through pop-up ads that annoy you when you open websites on the internet. Unfortunately, these ads are not just annoying. They can also allow viruses to enter your computer system and cause a ton of problems. Spam websites are also a way for viruses to attack your computer, and most of us click them inadvertently. Antivirus software can protect your system from spam websites, and it blocks the ads that might contain potential viruses. 

Protection Against USB Drives

Well, it’s actually protection against any removable device. Reading this, you have probably thought of a million times you’ve connected external hard drives and USB devices to your laptop. Every time you do that, you risk infecting your system with viruses and malware. You never know what that removable device could cause to your system. Antivirus software will scan any removable device you connect to your system, ensuring that the USB or hard drive will not transmit any viruses to your computer. 

Malware Protection 

Antivirus software also protects your system from data thieves and hackers that might try to infect your system with a vicious malware. This is one of the most commonly used tactics by hackers to steal data and personal information, and malware can be quite difficult to deal with if you don’t have antivirus software. If you find yourself in that situation, hackers can ransom your data or delete them, causing problems that you don’t really need. With antivirus software, you get protection against malware and avoid such nuisances. 

Improved Performance 

As we mentioned earlier, if your system is attacked by a virus or malware, its performance will significantly slow down. This can be problematic for graphic designers, coders, or anyone who needs their system to be working at its full potential. Antivirus software protects your system before a virus could wreak havoc, as we mentioned earlier. Some even clear disk space and delete any useless files on your computer that might be slowing it down. 


A firewall keeps an eye on incoming and outgoing traffic that your computer network deals with. Firewall protection paired with antivirus software ensures that any data coming into or out of your computer is checked, so nothing suspicious could compromise the safety of your network. This protects your computer from phishing attacks, which are very common. 

To put it simply, antivirus software provides you with convenience. You won’t have to constantly worry about your personal information and the security of your data. It also saves you the trouble of having to deal with viruses and malware, which can cause all sorts of problems. With virus protection, your computer can live longer, which means you will save money in the long run.

Top Trading Tips To Help You Think Like A Professional

More and more people are starting to turn their heads toward the idea of trading, especially as they start to realize the importance of having multiple streams of income. While many people view trading as an opportunity to make supplemental cash, others opt to make it their full-time profession. Regardless of whether you want to build a career around trading or hope to make it your side hustle, there are many things that you need to consider. If you are a new trader, you are probably excited about finding out how you can make money immediately. However, you need to keep in mind that trading is a risky business; you need to think strategically and weigh out your options before taking any steps forward. You have to understand its dynamics and its every aspect; having realistic expectations is key. Read through our article to find out the top trading tips that will help you think like a professional. 

Stick to a Trading Plan

Trading is a business and is a risky one for that matter. Just like every business has its own goals, objectives, and strategic plans, your trades need one too. Your trading plan should include your entry and exit points, as well as a money management standard for each of your purchases. Luckily, with the help of technology, you can easily approximate your risks and assess trading ideas nowadays. This will prevent you from risking or experimenting with real money. This testing practice is known as backtesting, and it is designed to help you put your trading idea to the test with the use of historical data. This will allow you to find out whether your idea is practical. After you develop your trading plan and backtest it, you can finally implement it into real-time trading. You need to make it a point to stick to your plan; completing trades that weren’t part of your game plan, even if they seem like great deals or turn out great, you will still be considered a poor strategist. 

Trading is Your Business

As we explained above, your trading practices, even if you are no more than a hobbyist, should still be treated as a full or part-time business. This is because otherwise, you will never be keen on learning. You may also find yourself frustrated because trading doesn’t yield a regular or reliable paycheck. When you approach trading like you would approach your business, you will be able to accept that it comes with losses, expenses, uncertainty, taxes, risk, and a lot of stress. Think of yourself as a small or growing business owner rather than a trader; a trader, much like a business owner, must strategize, research, and continue to develop so that their business’ potential is maximized. 

Make Use of Technology

Trading is a highly competitive business and therefore, you should always assume that others are making the best use of all the available and accessible technology. Using charting and VWAP platforms can help you gain insight into several aspects and perspectives of the market. Carefully analyzing the charts as well as backtesting your ideas before you proceed with them can help you avoid many potential risks and losses. These platforms are widely available on smartphones for download, which is something that you need to take advantage of. This allows you to stay on track, be constantly aware of major updates, monitor your trades, and keep an eye on the market on the go. Even if it’s as minor as having access to the internet, every aspect of technology can play a great role in helping you advance in your trades. Understanding the power of technology and knowing exactly how it can help you in your trades can help you increase your performance. Look out for new products, services, and platforms that can help you become a more insightful trader; technology is always evolving!

Trade What You Can Afford To Lose

As a newbie, you may be tempted to go all-in so that you can generate higher rewards. This is highly risky; professional traders know that they should not be trading at the expense of other important obligations. Your trading account should only include the money that you’ve allocated for your trading expenses- money that is really expendable. If you are not there yet, then you should save some more before you start trading. 

Whether it is because of the increasing financial awareness or the need for supplementary streams of income, many people have started taking an interest in trading. Unfortunately, many people think of trading as a mere hobby or a side job. While many of their trades may end up successful, they will never be professional traders. When it comes to trading, the key is to treat it as your business.

Understanding and Preventing Privilege Creep

Businesses are in the midst of a transition. Many are trying to determine what the right path forward is for them after the pandemic, as far as remote work or hybrid work. Some companies are bringing employees back to the office full-time, while others are going to implement more flexible policies.

There’s a lot to think about and potentially reconfigure for businesses right now after they were thrown into having employees work remotely because of COVID-19.

IT teams, in particular, are taking on a lot of that work. The IT teams in many workplaces are trying to figure out how to balance changing needs with cybersecurity risks that can come with long-term remote or hybrid work.

They also have to think about what it might look like to manage day-to-day IT concerns when teams are dispersed some or all of the time.

One big issue that can become more pervasive with remote work is privilege creep. It can go under the radar more if workers are on a hybrid or fully remote schedule, and it creates a significant cybersecurity threat.

With that in mind, the following are some of the main things to know about privilege creep and preventing it from occurring in an organization.

What is Privilege Creep?

Privilege creep is also known as access creep. This occurs when an employee, often gradually over time, gets more access rights than are needed to do their job.

Privilege or access creep can be the result of not revoking access that was granted for temporary or special projects or not making the necessary changes to reflect different job duties or requirements. When someone gets a promotion or takes on a different role in a company and they get new access privileges, but their previous roles aren’t revoked, it also contributes to this issue.

Basically, the overarching idea with privilege creep is that employees have access to data, resources, and applications not needed for their duties, which then puts the system at risk.

The biggest risk with privilege creep is often the potential for insider threats to occur. Also, a hacker may be able to get into higher levels of a company network if they have just one set of stolen credentials.

There are problems with compliance that can stem from privilege creep too. If your organization is one that’s in an industry handling sensitive data, such as health records, and there is privilege creep happening, you may not be in compliance with laws and regulations.

Along with cybersecurity issues that can come from privilege or access creep, there’s also an impact on productivity. You want your employees to only use what’s absolutely necessary for their job. The more access they have, the more time they might waste on things like recovering passwords.

Preventing privilege creep can have the added benefit of streamlining workflows.

Conduct Regular Access Reviews

One of the most important things you can do on a regular basis is conducting access reviews.

An access review should be part of your overall cybersecurity plan. Access reviews allow you to get a view of who has access to what. Set a timetable when you’ll regularly conduct access reviews to audit existing permissions.

You can analyze all the user accounts that are part of your organization. Make sure that everyone within the organization has access to only what they need.

If you’re part of a larger organization, you might rotate audits across departments.

Each employee should have access privileges reviewed at least biannually. Their current permissions need to be both assessed and justified during an audit.

You also want to take away permissions they don’t need and delve into why they have those permissions and why they weren’t removed.

Formalize Your Employee Change Process

A good way to avoid privilege creep and other cybersecurity risks is to formalize the steps in the process when an employee goes through a change. This might mean a demotion or promotion or any kind of change in role.

The IT department should be in the loop on these changes in addition to human resources.

Always Follow the Principle of Least Privilege

The Principle of Least Privilege or POLP is a reference to best practices to reduce cybersecurity risks associated with privilege creep.

The idea is that any user, process, or program has the bare minimum privileges required.

By adhering to this principle, you’re reducing the likelihood of an attacker getting access to sensitive data or critical systems.

If there is a compromise in the system, it can stay confined to its origin area, or at least that’s more likely what’s going to happen with POLP.

To provide an example, Edward Snowden leaked millions of files from the NSA because he had admin privileges. His highest-level role was creating backups of the database. Now, in the time since that happened, the NSA uses the principle of least privilege, and around 90% of employees have had higher-level access privileges revoked.

Another example is Target. Hackers got access to tens of millions of Target customer accounts because an HVAC contractor had certain permissions. Target allowed itself to have a broad attack surface because it didn’t implement the principle of least privilege.

A few best practice tips to implement POLP include:

  • As was touched on above, you’ll need to do a privilege audit. You should check all the accounts that currently exist and programs to make sure they have only the permissions needed to do their job.
  • All accounts should, as a rule, start with least privilege. Any new account privileges should, as a default, be as low as possible.
  • All admin accounts should be separated from standard accounts.
  • If someone needs elevated privileges, restrict them only to the time periods when they’re needed.
  • Set it up so that you can track individual actions.

Limiting privileges and maintaining principles of least privilege is an important component of modern cybersecurity. It should be one of the biggest priorities for an organization because not doing so creates an enormous attack surface and opportunities for lateral movement at a minimum.

How to Top Up a Bitcoin Wallet

If you want to take advantage of the potential gains from the crypto market, especially by investing and trading in Bitcoin, you first need to know how to top up a bitcoin wallet. This is because you cannot buy or invest in Bitcoin if you do not have a Bitcoin wallet. A wallet is a safe and secure form of storage that allows you to send, receive bitcoins and store digital coins. So, if you want to hold or transact in BTC, you must have a wallet. There are different types of Bitcoin wallets such as mobile, desktop, online, hardware, and paper wallets. Since your balance will go down after you pay with the coins or sell them, you need to know how to top up a bitcoin account, so you can replenish the wallet and keep enjoying the benefits of these digital coins.

Steps follow to top up your Bitcoin wallet

When we look into how to top up your Bitcoin wallet, we assume that you already have a wallet because you cannot have any of the cryptocurrencies without one. Below are the steps to follow when topping up your BTC wallet:

Make your Bitcoin order

Typically, you need to find a reliable exchange from which to buy your BTC. The exchange should charge reasonable fees and be secure and trustworthy since you could lose your money if you are not careful.

To place an order, you only need to choose the amount of crypto you want to buy, indicate your payment method, and then move to the next step. And If you are looking for a safe and reputable place to trade bitcoins, Bitcoin Prime is the perfect choice.

Depending on the exchange you choose, you can pay with various means. Would you like to top up your Bitcoin wallet on Nakitcoins? It would be one of the wise decisions you can make because Nakitcoins is one of the best Bitcoin exchanges. It offers you the chance to walk into their office in Turkey and buy bitcoins with cash with no limits, and you enjoy the utmost security and privacy.

You can also buy online through the Nakitcoins website because it is a decentralized exchange. You can use your bank card or a cash voucher such as Neosurf to pay for the coins. Also, selling BTC on Nakitcoins is equally convenient, as is exchanging them for other cryptocurrencies.

Key in Your Wallet Address

Each Bitcoin wallet has a public key and a private key. These are generally lengthy strings of numbers and letters. The public key is visible to other people and appears on the blockchain network. You give out your public key to those transferring coins to you. On the other hand, the private key is your wallet’s password. You are the only one who knows it, and you must keep it secure by not sharing with others or even losing it because it cannot be reset.

To buy Bitcoin and send it to your address, that is, your Bitcoin wallet, you have to enter your public key, which may also be referred to as the wallet address. This will enable the exchange to send the coins to your Bitcoin wallet. Once you have entered the public address, you only have to confirm your wallet address via email. Then you can wait for the bitcoins to be sent to your crypto wallet.

Now you know how to do a Bitcoin top-up if you have been seeking information on how to top up a Bitcoin wallet. As you choose the exchange from which you will buy bitcoins, you need to be cautious and choose only secure platforms that charge reasonable fees. Also, ensure they will process the transfer of BTC to your wallet speedily and have a good reputation.

Expert Inventory Management Tips for Small Businesses

Owning a business is not easy, it takes a lot of time and energy to get things right so it makes sense why some small businesses seem to fail in the long run. The main thing a lot of business owners seem to miss is proper organization! So here are some expert inventory management tips for small businesses!

Make a plan 

First things first – you need to establish what kind of business you are running and find the best solution that suits your needs. Is your business handling digital assets, offering services, or is it a real-life thing like a cafe or a store? All of them have one thing in common and that’s inventory and assets – but they all come in different shapes and forms! So your first step is to make a plan that is going perfectly with the nature of your business, this is the only way you can actually make things run smoothly! Doing additional research, finding valuable helping tools and resources is always welcomed so make sure your plan is not lacking anyhow! 

Categorize your inventory

Depending on what kind of business you are dealing with, you need to categorize your assets. This can be done by sorting your assets by usage and function, so you know where to look for them in any given situation. You want to focus on making things functional and practical, and it all starts with making a good plan and organizing your space – regardless if it’s physical or digital. A business can crumble with a lack of management, and this also means focusing on your inventory and behind the scenes as well!


Another important factor in organizing and managing your assets is learning how to prioritize! Some things are more important than others, and you should sort things out by the level of importance or usage – depending on what it is. This way you’ll know exactly what goes where and it won’t cause you any trouble. And overall it’s just way better to sort out things this way, for instance, if you are selling items, particularly things with an expiration date – prioritizing them is key! You want to sell everything, and to avoid any losses, regardless of if it’s money, time, or assets! 

Using the right tools is key

If you truly want to transform your business and help boost productivity, getting the right tools is the best thing you can do! Instead of doing everything by hand, there are so many software and apps you can use to do the job for you. Why work hard when you can work smart, right? Software apps like Grey Trunk focus on tracking your assets and helping you stay on track with the organization. There is nothing more annoying than not knowing where something is and having to seek it yourself. That’s where handy IT comes in to save the day and do the work for you! Nowadays technology is so evolved, there is no reason why you shouldn’t use it to your advantage, especially when it comes to maintaining and building your small business!

Regular checkups

Having a plan of action is extremely important when running your business, you don’t want things to go off the rails! Keeping things organized will also help with being able to track your assets and regularly check how your inventory is doing! This way you won’t come across any problems and create an even bigger problem down the line! Counting, taking a double-take, and making sure that everything is right where it’s supposed to be will help your business a lot in the long run! If there are any losses or potential clogs in the inventory, you’ll notice it right away and sort things out – so make sure you are doing it regularly!

Always strive for better

Technology is evolving, and things can change overnight, as shown during the global pandemic and similar occurrences. So being able to adapt and evolve during hard times is key. Regardless of whether your small business revolves around offering services or dealing with products – management is extremely important. Being able to constantly learn new ways and being up to date with the technology is a must, so make sure you are doing your research as a business owner!

At the end of the day, if you truly want to build a successful business you need to be on top of your game and covering all that is to cover inside the business. So many things make the business, never leave things behind! Make sure you put organization and functionality on the top of your list and see how much it will help grow your business out!