6 Good Reasons Why Every Business Should Have Reliable IT Support All the Time

To make the most of your IT investment, make sure to diligently shop around and get trustworthy recommendations and referrals before committing to any IT service department. Look for an IT company that can provide your business with fast, friendly twenty-four-hour, seven days a week, year-round reliable, secure computer network monitoring that allows you to forget your technology troubles so you can focus on your business. Shown below are six reasons why your business should have an IT Support system you can count on all the time.

Information Technology Can Improve Profit by Lowering Costs

A solid information technology department can improve profit and save company costs over time. Hiring reliable IT support can bring about a higher return on investment and drive growth by eliminating extra fees or unexpected costs for repairs and software updates. With tech support, you won’t have to worry about sketchy software investments, and paying a flat rate that is flexible with your budget will give you peace of mind. An empowered information technology department can drive growth for your business by providing proactive solutions to issues before they become a problem. This will save your business money, time and improve profit by minimizing costly downtime.  

Information Technology Innovations Keep Companies Competitive

If a company is unable to adapt to cutting-edge technology, it will be left behind and become irrelevant. Information Technology professionals have skills that can transform and streamline your company’s process and bottom line. The professionals at frontlineinc note that having a qualified information technology department available at all times can help a company outpace, out-deliver,  and outsmart its competitors. They can do this by making improvements to interface design, fostering application development,  and innovating analytics for your business. 

Having a reliable information technology department also enables a business to process large amounts of data using extraordinary amounts of processing power, deft human analytical skills and complex computer software that will propel your company forward. 

Information Technology Support Keeps Companies Safe

A good information technology department should maintain a healthy blend of hardware and software-based knowledge. Doing so allows IT professionals to properly deploy and configure software applications that will run efficiently on the best hardware that a company can afford. Outdated software and hardware can threaten the security of a company because they are unable to deliver optimal performance and prevent malware.

Having proper protection in place can save a company from potential cyber-attacks, data breaches, and other security threats that can significantly damage a business. Lots of Aussie companies are hiring IT services for business at p1it.com.au to ensure that they have a secure network and proper security protocols in place to protect their data and sensitive information. Having a backup plan, ransomware protection, and disaster recovery plans are all critical components that every business should have to keep their company safe.

Improve Customer Service

The more companies innovate, the higher the bar is raised for improved customer service. The era of Digital Transformation, with constantly growing technological advances, has fueled and increased exponentially the needs and expectations of customers and consumers. Having a reliable information technology department is important because if a company is not quick to adapt to cutting-edge technology, they will be left behind and become irrelevant in their industry. Therefore, a good Information Technology Department should always recommend the best cloud service that will provide customers with the best experience. They should also recommend the best network bandwidth needed to support video hosting for video conferencing, as well as the best hardware and software to drive company growth and make customers happy.

Implement Technology to Advance Company Goals

An information technology department that is sharply aligned with an institution’s goals will empower members in all other departments to understand and provide valuable input that is aimed at achieving the company’s strategic objectives. A good IT support team can introduce cutting-edge technologies that can maximize your business potential. In turn, these technologies can then be used to advance your company’s goals. You can also use these technological advances to research other areas for expansion and growth.

Maximize Business Efficiency

A good information technology department can help businesses achieve strategic objectives by applying technology to solve business and organizational difficulties on a broad scale as well. Today, most IT departments are designed to maximize productivity. 

When you invest wisely in IT support, you are making sure to invest in a highly efficient service that strives to give you the best return on investment possible. A professional information technology department will provide your institution with customized service, tailored to what your company needs and how your business operates.

To maintain a standard level of service, security and online connectivity, most successful businesses today rely heavily on computers and networks that connect them quickly to customers and suppliers. Therefore, without a competent information technology department  any business will fail to grow. To drive strong company growth and cutting-edge innovation a strong information technology department should always be encouraged to recommend the best hardware and software available. Finally, make sure to hire an IT partner invested in your company’s success as well as their own.

How can Instagram Ethical Stalking Help your Business Growth?

Stalking is a fairly common phenomenon in the world of social media. Of course, negative thoughts about it immediately come to mind as many users, or so to say hackers, use this method to harm other user’s data/content or thief business ideas/strategies.

But what if you don’t turn stalking into constant Instagram spying and use stalking techniques to improve your business strategy? A special emphasis should be placed on Instagram Stories because there are times when you don’t want to be on the “seen by” list at all, aren’t there?

So, how to become an ethical Instagram Stories viewer and thus grow your IG business to the next level? But before analyzing stalking methods, let focus on how anonymous browsing of Stories can benefit your business development?

Three statements in favor of Stories anonymous browsing

1. Analyze your competitors’ content

Any analysis is an indispensable component of any business. And if you have worthy competitors on Insta, analyzing their Stories will help you grow your business. And that’s where anonymity is certainly not out of place. Take a look at how they use IG Stories feature, how they create them, what they focus on in a Story Insta, and incorporate tricks into business strategy in your way. But, again, it has to be a worthy competitor with a large target audience that is relatively active and popular on the platform.

2. Explore more about your business partners

Insta is a place where you can find out more about a person than you can in real life. That’s why everything he/she posts, creates, how he/she writes and what he/she writes about can say a lot. It’s an excellent idea to be an anonymous Instagram Stories viewer for a while and spy on a potential partner on the other side of the world and find out a little more about him or her.

3. Grab/inspire ideas from influencers’ Stories

Usually, influencers and bloggers spend a lot of time creating Stories. So, you are free to find a lot of value there to effectively develop your product campaign.

There is no need to copy ideas, but just peek at them, and maybe their idea will inspire you to create your own. If you don’t want to follow the influencer or don’t want to be on the “seen by” list, then anonymous browsing will help you.

The ways of Stories browsing in an anonymous way

There are two main ways of “hidden” Stories browsing — using third-party instruments or workarounds (tricky ways).

Web Stories viewers

To be an InstaStalker isn’t so difficult as it may seem, as today there are a vast number of opportunities for anonymous Stories browsing. If you prefer to use external Instagram Stories viewer services, you may try to use online viewers (Insta-Stories, SmiHub, Instalkr, Gramvio, etc.) that show you Stories after a username insertion.

Via airplane mode

It is one of the practical ways to browse content if you don’t do it often. A built-in airplane mode feature is both on Android and iPhone. This function blocks the internet connection so that you are not on a “seen by” list.

For this to work, you first need to refresh your IG news feed, turn on the feature and go back to Insta to view a Story you’re interested in.

Fake account creation

It is an out-of-date but still effective method. But I should warn you that creating a fake account will take you longer than using the previous methods and today is more dangerous as Insta has a strict policy on fake accounts. That’s why you need to do all you can to avoid exposing yourself as a fake and stay on Instagram as long as possible to browse Stories secretly.

Identity Theft: This Biggest Threat of the Century

Identity theft is a billion-dollar industry and is rightly considered one of the biggest threats to your security and wellbeing, but if we are honest, how much do we really know about it and are you doing enough to prevent it from happening to you?

The answer to those two questions, if you are being honest, would probably be a resounding negative, but it’s time to take this threat very seriously indeed.

In 2018 over 16 million Americans were the victim of some form of identity theft, and this level of threat has steadily increased year upon year. Indeed, the cost of this breach of our personal security amassed almost $20 billion by 2018 and the signs are that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Clearly in 2021, and for the foreseeable future, our level of online activity is only growing and the use of our computers and mobile devices for key financial uses will only increase and as it does, so invariably do the ways in which criminals will seek to profit.

What is Identity Theft?

In simple terms, identity theft is the practice of an individual being the victim of some level of illegality resulting in the use of their identity to procure financial gain.

Typically this would entail an ID thief securing relevant banking details needed to raid your accounts and this can happen in a myriad of ways, most commonly being carried out virtually via access to key information online.

What’s the Worst That Can Happen?

It would be fair to say that far too many people either don’t view the threat of identity theft highly enough or feel that any such occurrence would be low-level and easily dealt with by either law enforcement or your banking provider.

Sadly, this isn’t a fair characterization of the potential pitfalls.

While in the past, and still today, ID theft can come from offline means (such as a criminal stealing your wallet or seeing you enter your pin codes at an ATM), a far more common occurrence is online.

Even entrepreneur Hari Ravichandran discovered this the hard way when he applied for a mortgage, only to find out that he had been hacked. This occurrence just underscores the seriousness and far-reaching implications of online identity theft.


Phishing occurs when cybercriminals send you what appear to be genuine communications and links to what appear to be ‘actual’ sites/banks but turn out to be sophisticated duplicates, they then mine your account information and before you can even report what appears to be dubious, your accounts have been cleaned out.

Hacking Your Internet or Wi-Fi Signal

Another common ‘trick’ used by cybercriminals is the act of hacking into your internet supply, accessing your browsing history and looking to secure relevant saved passwords or recording your keystrokes, all with the end goal of getting hold of the key information that will complete the ID theft.

Malware and Data Breaches

The use of malware; which is essentially software designed specifically with the intention of hacking your device, sometimes wrapped up in the ‘apparent’ guise of being a genuine form of virus protection, is growing and you need to do all your can to protect yourself from such an attack.

There are a raft of legitimate virus protection services, far more than we can appropriately cover in one article, but the upshot is this, you need to be running one of these permanently on any device you use to access important information. Failing to do so is basically issuing an open invite to hackers.

Another form of access that breeds ID theft are data breaches, i.e. the act of an entire company or services data by an illicit party, and this isn’t something that you can personally do much to prevent, other than perhaps keeping yourself aware of which banks and financial services offer the most protection.

Can I Stop It from Happening to Me?

Yes you can. There are many ways to keep yourself protected and a lot of these resolve around using common sense. Whether that means keeping your access to important information to just one device (and not in public) or avoiding communication with any parties that appear even slightly dubious.

Virus Protection

When it comes to protecting yourself, start by protecting your computers and devices, making sure to use the relevant protection for the specific model/software. If you are looking for the right way to do so, try to compare between the id theft options that are covered by each service. Do the relevant research and always err on the side of caution when doing so as the threat, and repercussions of, identity theft are serious enough to warrant the need to go that extra mile to prevent such fraudulent activity..

Be Aware, Be Cautious, Be Smart

On the subject of being cautious. That should be a maxim you follow across the board. Think twice before clicking on any link sent to you, avoid accessing any service that you didn’t specifically search for yourself.

Don’t engage in communication relating to your personal details with anyone, especially when in relation to phone calls that were not solicited. Think of these details as akin to the nuclear codes. I.e. there is no need to mention them at all, to anyone, failure to adhere to such a mindset could well have explosive repercussions.

The Most Successful Ways to Bring More Traffic to Your Website

For website owners, heightened traffic is something of a dream. If your website is not attracting many people and is not experiencing high levels of traffic, however, then you may be down in the dumps. Not to worry though, for you are in the right place! There are a ton of different ways that you can bring more traffic to your website, and we will hope to tell you about some of them right here so that you can increase the traffic that is coming to your website.

Yes, in this article, as you have surely guessed, we are going to present to you what we believe the most successful methods of increasing web traffic are so that you can improve your website’s ranking and traffic on Google’s search listings.

Here are the most successful ways to bring more traffic to your website.

Optimize Your Website

One of the first things you should do, in our opinion, and in the opinion of experts, is to optimize your website so that it can run faster. Many people, unfortunately, have websites that are incredibly slow, despite the abundantly available core web vitals speed optimization service that can be found all over the internet. A website that runs slow will never attract high traffic – instead, it will deter the few that do visit your website from remaining and will serve as a detriment to your effort to improve your website’s rankings. Optimize your website if you want to achieve success.

SEO Marketing

SEO marketing or search engine optimization as it is more commonly known is an incredibly popular solution for increasing web traffic and having your website rank higher on Google’s search listings. Search-engine optimization, essentially, manipulates Google’s algorithm in order to rank your website on top. The world of SEO is incredibly competitive, and while you may hire an SEO professional to rank you higher, your competition may well be doing the exact same thing. Because of this, it is important to optimize your website as previously suggested, and employ the other strategies listed here to trump the competition.


Backlinks are a component of SEO but deserve their own mention here. If you can go out and find websites that are willing to host content that contains your website’s link, then you can actually increase your website’s traffic and improve its rankings on the search listings. Backlinks are not easy to come by, and rather, they can be incredibly difficult to find. You will often have to pay a ton of money for backlinks, or you may be able to do an exchange wherein you offer a backlink for a backlink. This is something that you should definitely think about. Here is a helpful resource that will assist you in acquiring more backlinks for your website.


Sponsoring other websites, while not a conventional way to draw traffic to your website, is something to think about. Sponsorship enables you to put your name out there and support good causes. If you act charitably, which sponsorship usually is, then you may find that other websites and people advertise and visit you. Sponsorship is incredibly easy, especially now when there are so many good causes for you to sponsor and so many initiatives to get involved in. Sponsorship is something that can change your website’s future and bring nothing but success.

Indirect SEO

Indirect SEO, such as through social media, is another thing to think about. Social media cannot, on its own, directly influence Google’s search listings – it just isn’t set up like that. You can, however, use social media to influence the search listings and you can definitely improve web traffic through it. To start, you will want to build a follower-base on social media and create a social media identity. Once you begin to acquire followers, you can add your link to your website, send it to them in direct messages, or just post it on your content, and provided that your followers engage with you, they should hopefully click it, thus boosting traffic.


Influencers are a highly effective and popular way of increasing your website’s traffic. Influencers which are social media users who have amassed huge follower bases. Influencers are an incredibly beneficial way for you to increase traffic – the influencer can ‘influence’ their followers into visiting your website and your page. They are a highly effective method of increasing traffic to your website.

You can find influencers on more or less every single social media platform, but Instagram is often the most effective. Increasing your website’s traffic is definitely something we believe that you will want to do. A website’s traffic determines, in a way, its future. We hope that you have enjoyed the content we have provided today, and more importantly, we hope that it has benefitted you and you have learned from it. 

Top Donation Software Apps that help Nonprofits

If you are running a nonprofit then it is absolutely essential that you are using software in order to manage the donation process. There are many of them out there which can help you to better manage your donors, communicate with them and gain important metrics on where you are going right, and where you are going wrong. Anyone in this industry will have trouble picking the very best donation software, which is why we are going to run down a quick list for you here, as to where you should be looking to spend your time and money.

Without further ado then, here is the best donation software for nonprofits.

A Quick Note

Once you have decided which donation software option you are going to use, you may be worried about how you can get your information from where it is now, into the new software. For this you can easily use MoveData, who make it absolutely simple to perform this task.


Donorbox is one of the world’s most commonly used software packages for this type of thing and they are very much the world leaders right now. This software uses some seriously incredible technology to easily integrate into your current setup. Thanks to the way that this software has been put together, it is easy to use and it helps nonprofits to boost the amount of donations which they receive, using smart metrics.


This software is the best all-rounder on the list and it can help nonprofits to really drive their fundraising campaigns. Donation pages can be customized and there are several options which the nonprofit can use to actually show donors where their money is going. Another great feature which we love here is that it is mobile ready so that donors can send money straight from their mobile device.


The specialty of this particular piece of software is that they offer cloud-based solutions for easier management of your donor list. We love the focus on marketing which this particular suite gives too. Integration with QuickBooks and MailChimp is super easy with this too, and you won’t need any help or guidance in getting yourself set up and ready to go.


If you are currently relying on a lot of crowdfunding tools then this is the best choice for you without a doubt. Fundly has donation pages which are simple to customize and they also have the nice addition of a blog which can help you to stay in touch with your donors. Donation pages on this particular software suite are also mobile-friendly so that you have every option available to get that money in for each fundraising campaign.

The choice as to which software you will use is based around the focus of your particular nonprofit and what exactly you are looking to offer your donors. Each donation software for nonprofits option is a great one and they are all much easier to use than you may imagine.

Project Management and Collaboration Tools that You will Definitely Keep Using After Trying

It has already been more than a year since many people across the world left their offices and started working remotely. While employees have struggled since then to establish a ‘working from home’ routine and manage their time well, the executives have pondered a question on how to maintain the same level of productivity and efficiency when there is no direct contact with and between the employers.

In that regard, one of the solutions applied by many small and big companies is the use of project management and collaboration software. In fact, this is a worthy solution not only for remote work but also when you have the whole team in one place. Such software makes the working process easier, enhances productivity, and assists in solving other issues that can be encountered in project planning and implementation. Considering that, we have composed a list of project management and collaboration software, that you will definitely give a go once you try them. 

1. GanttPRO

GanttPRO is a project management and collaboration tool to create a Gantt chart online that helps handle personal as well as team tasks. Thanks to a Gantt diagram view, all the tasks, and their dates are plainly seen on a timeline. With GanttPRO, users have the ability to track responsibilities along with the whole progress. Staff members are always clued-up about the project’s state and also avoid risks and misconceptions in organizing.

Why can GanttPRO be your choice?

Collaboration opportunities in the cloud-based GanttPRO are noteworthy. Project participants can work together in real-time: comment tasks, affix documents, leave summaries to assignments, export their charts in PDF or PNG as well as share them through a public link. With the real-time notifications, project participants will certainly know all changes. In terms of project management functions, this Gantt chart app offers loads of possibilities to manage tasks, resources, costs, and also schedules what makes it outstanding project management and collaboration software.

2. ClickHelp

ClickHelp is a contemporary online documentation software. It’s used by businesses all over the world to create and publish different sorts of documents like manuals, customer guides, help documents, frequently asked questions, and so on.

ClickHelp is easy to use for doc teams. It is browser-based and supports multiple systems: Mac OS, Windows, and also Linux, so you don’t need to set up anything. This makes it easy to create and provide your documentation from any location in the world.

In this online project collaboration and documentation software, you can also work on your documents together with your staff members in one online portal. Absolutely nothing will be missed since notifications will certainly keep everybody from your team updated.

Why can ClickHelp be your choice?

  • Password-protected online assistance.
  • Easy importing and exporting.
  • Effective full-text search.
  • Branding features.
  • And many more.

3. Google Docs

This widely-known web-based project collaboration software needs no introduction. You could not know the applications from the project or time management category. However, if you have ever dealt with records online, it is 100% certain that at least you have heard of Google Docs.

This powerful software allows developing and editing documents any place you are as well as talking and commenting. These incredible collaboration functions make all word-related work a breeze. Google Docs provides lots of templates and add-ons. You just need to log in and that’s it. Everything else you need to do is to enjoy smooth online work with the documents.

Why can Google Docs be your choice?

  • No lost data — everything is immediately saved online.
  • Awesome web link sharing with various accessibility levels.

Rich functionality.

4. Wiredrive

Wiredrive makes media management and collaboration processes smooth and easy to handle. This project collaboration software can become a centralized place where creative teams can keep project-relevant files.

Shared workplaces for tasks and groups enable quick web-based collaboration between project participants: you can review, comment, and track all tasks. On top of that, shared work is encrypted so you do not have to fret about protection concerns.

Why can Wiredrive be your choice?

  • Notifications that keep everyone from a team updated.
  • Powerful search and filtering functions.
  • Presentations in secs.

5. Creativity 365

Even though this software is not as all-purpose as the above-mentioned one, Creativity 365 is a great option for creative industries. It offers Individual, Business, and also Education content production solutions. With the help of this software, groups can quickly collaborate online and implement their concepts across desktop and also mobile devices.

This software consists of 5 applications: Animation desk for producing your own animation, GIFs or storyboards; Write-on for making and editing movies; NoteLedge for taking notes, sketching suggestions or videotaping moments; Markup for making notes of Websites, ePub or PDF files, and sharing them; Pocket Scanner for scanning documentation and digitalizing it.

Why can Creativity 365 be your choice?

  • Great for creative groups.
  • Enormous storage space capacities.
  • Presentation feature.

6. Hightail

Hightail will certainly be your selection if you require working opportunities for file sharing, creative collaboration, as well as task management within your projects.

File sharing possibilities allow for sending out big multimedia data easily. For this, simply select, drag & drop or import your files from other services – Hightail will cover you. Creative online collaboration gives a single space for groups that eliminates miscommunication concerns. With project monitoring features, individuals can gather employees, set up to-do lists for them, discuss tasks, and also appoint follow-ups.

Why can Hightail be your choice?

  • Accessibility codes as well as expiry dates.
  • Lots of file formats accessible for previewing.
  • Data track delivery.
  • Version control.

7. Quip

Quip arranges online collaboration on documents and task lists in a very fluid way as it helps teams work faster and be more productive.

This online document collaboration software serves well for making collective meeting notes as well as handling tasks. Quip will be the place where you as well as your group will keep all documentation to get work done.

Why can Quip be your choice?

  • Opportunities to add project trackers, calendars, as well as numerous other tools right into a Quip document.
  • Combines group conversations, lists, documents, as well as spreadsheets in one place.

The Ultimate solution for Instagram Followers and Likes

Instagram, one of the most popular social media apps, attracts more brands to do marketing on its platform. Instagram has a huge customer base; that’s why every brand wants to market its products on Instagram.

All these brands need to build their Instagram presence when they first come to Instagram. Building an excellent presence on Instagram takes time and effort. GetInsta is an app that makes your journey easy while building a fabulous presence on Instagram.         

GetInsta is a free app that helps increase your followers and likes on Instagram. You must be thinking that it is also a kind of those old free Instagram follower method which were bots. To your surprise, it’s not like that.

All the followers and likes you get through the GetInsta app or website are real and active Instagram users. Our team has developed a magnificent platform where people get free organic Instagram followers and likes. You can also buy Instagram followers.

No matter which device you are using, GetInsta can get unlimited free Instagram followers and likes for your personal Instagram profile or your brand. You can use this app on your android, IOS or windows.  

This article will tell you how to get free Instagram followers and likes using this app on your android. So, let’s go.

GetInsta for Android

I’ll explain step by step how to get free Instagram followers and likes on your android phone. 

Step 1: First, you need to download GetInsta and install it. (you can easily get our app from our website)

Step 2: you’ll be asked to sign up and create your account. You’ll be shown an interface like this.

Step 3: After signing up, you’ll need to add your Instagram account to proceed when you log in. You’ll automatically get some coins to get started, but when these coins deplete, you’ll need to follow or like other people accounts to get coins, or you’ll need to buy Instagram followers.

Step 4: After that, you’ll have to publish a like or follower task.

Then it’ll start the process, and it’ll act as an Instagram auto liker if you selected the plan for likes, and you’ll start getting free Instagram likes for your account.

Advantages of GetInsta

It has so many advantages, some of them are listed below.

100% safe from virus

One of the major benefits of this app is that it is free from viruses, etc. it is a legit way to get organic Instagram growth. 

Compatible with all Android phones

All android mobile phones can run this app. Additionally, you can also use it on your windows.

Unlimited free Instagram Likes & Followers

This app allows you to get unlimited free likes and followers. This app can act as an Instagram auto liker, you need to set this one time, and the rest will be done itself. 

Only real and active users

This app provides you 100% high-quality users who are real people. You can also expect them to be your prospects and leads in the future if you are selling something.  

Instant delivery

You can expect a fast delivery when you set up a like or follower task. You can expect the results within 24 hours.

Final thoughts

In 2021, building an online social media presence is critical for your brand. Excellent organic growth of an Instagram profile may take years or may cost you 100’s of $. GetInsta offers you free and cheap methods to get unlimited Instagram likes and followers.

So, what are you waiting for? Install our app now to enjoy the fantastic benefits that we offer.  

Why you should pick the proper construction scheduling software

Construction scheduling software is offered by vendors and refers to various programs that professionals utilize to organize, assign, and even forecast tasks on construction projects. These programs have been around for years and can come in many forms. Some of these forms can be free and simple tools to highly and sophisticated multi-user systems. 

They can also vary significantly in the functionalities. For instance, large construction companies may need solutions that include a construction scheduling software element. Because construction scheduling software  provides precise planning and increases the pace of projects, there are usually cost savings and shorter completion times. This article explains how you can pick the proper construction scheduling software. 

Understanding a construction scheduling software

If you decide to work on anything that appears to be a complex construction project, then you can benefit from using a construction scheduling software. Regardless of whether you intend to do a simple construction project or a large one, you can suffer if the project doesn’t go as planned. 

The schedule and cost overruns usually happen in many construction projects. These miscalculations can increase and even lead to lawsuits, disputes, or arbitration. Unfortunately, the cost of settling these disputes can cost your company tons of money.

There are various causes that contribute to the inaccuracies like scope creep, change orders, and weather. The big culprit is perhaps the slow adoption of digital technology. As a result, project planning that happens between the office and the field can be uncoordinated and people use paper to do it. 

You need to know that behind-schedule projects can create problems for the owners of the construction companies. Worse still, ahead of schedule can also sometimes create some problems since the funds set aside for these projects may not be invested in other projects. This is the reason why you need to use construction scheduling software to manage the timing and sequencing of the work. 

Increasing scheduling demands for residential and commercial projects

Building projects are usually categorized as either commercial or residential. In most cases, commercial construction projects are usually larger than residential projects. These projects can also need many code requirements like wheelchair access and some fire safety measures. These commercial projects include government facilities, office buildings, factories, and retail complexes.

When it comes to residential projects, these can include development of multi-family residences, such as apartments, individual homes, and single-family homes. Therefore, builders can construct commercial projects utilizing steel and concrete while residential projects can usually have wood frames. 

Commercial projects have a more complex and sophisticated infrastructure. They may need escalators, elevators, parking, and many more. As such, there is also a high level of redundancy build into their internal systems.

Hence, commercial construction projects need more expensive equipment and specialized construction professionals. Commercial contractors can subcontract the work more than residential contractors do. 

There is also an inter-dependency in construction, so a delay in one task can affect all subsequent tasks. This is why you need to buy a construction scheduling software that can be useful to you as a project manager or scheduler.

Prevent Legal Mistakes with Employee Time-Tracking Apps

The tax season increases IRS scrutiny on your payroll and timesheets to curtail fraud. Mistakes in compiling employee wages and work time can result in serious legal consequences such as tax audits and lawsuits. This post focuses on federal regulations for non-exempt workers as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). You’ll also gain tips on how your business can comply by using time tracking systems. Although states have varying requirements on employee records, the FLSA provides a reasonable starting point.

Practical Time Tracking Tips That Improve Business Compliance

The following ideas will help you reduce the hassle of keeping timesheets and ensure your company payroll is legal:

1. Pick a suitable time tracking system

The FLSA isn’t specific about how businesses record wages paid and hours worked. However, its main requirement is accurate record keeping. Small organizations may prefer physical timesheets, but they’ll require additional effort for calculation and storage. Accuracy is crucial for peace of mind and legal compliance. Online time tracker tools offer comprehensive ways of achieving these objectives.

2. It’s permissible to round off time

You may round hours to the closest 15 minutes. However, the Department of Labor recommends rounding down employee hours as much as you round them up. This precaution ensures compliance with its Wage and Hour Division. Although a meticulous HR manager can perform manual computation, digital tracking apps are more precise.

3. Make timesheet submission easy

State and federal laws require employers to pay employees by the stipulated time on payday, even if they haven’t availed a timesheet. The HR department should estimate compensation for those who don’t submit these details on time. This option can result in payroll complications such as over or underpayment.

Digital time tracking systems allow your business to streamline and simplify operations by making automatic updates. Your workers clock in and out electronically, which means they don’t have to make manual submissions for payroll purposes.

4. Only pay for productive hours

The law doesn’t require a business to offer rest or meal breaks to its workforce. However, most companies provide them, so they must comply with regulations regarding break time compensation. According to federal law, you must pay workers for non-meal breaks of up to 20 minutes. Most states recommend one break every four hours.

If your meal breaks are more than 30 minutes long and your employees are free to utilize their time as they wish, you don’t have to pay them. However, federal regulations might require wage payment and overtime if they work during lunch break for longer than 40 hours per week. It’s advisable to contact your employment lawyers for a clear interpretation of these laws.

You can eliminate the risk of excessive payments for breaks if your employees utilize time tracking software. These systems can also determine whether remuneration is necessary for particular intervals. Another benefit is allowing the HR department to monitor hourly workers to prevent them from doing overtime.

5. Keep detailed employee records

According to FLSA rules, you must maintain payroll, timesheet, and other employee records for up to three years after retirement, resignation, or termination. However, it’s advisable to do so for up to five years as protection against potential lawsuits. These details include the beginning of the workweek, daily pay rate and hours worked, total weekly output, and overtime compensation. Time clock software like TimeCamp can help you with tracking your work hours.

Others are the employee’s address, social security number, wage additions and deductions, a birth date if under 19, sex, and occupation. Absence management software helps employers track the attendance and absence of their employees. Although you can compile this information manually, online time tracking apps are significantly more convenient. They save time and energy by automatically capturing, sorting, and updating this data. They also store it in the cloud, where it’s easily accessible for years.

Time Tracking Mistakes to Avoid

Your timekeeping system will be more efficient if you avoid three vital mistakes. The first is failing to collect enough employee details. Apart from punching in and out, track their breaks and work hours. This coherence not only guarantees overtime pay for workers but also reduces your overtime expenses.

The second mistake is failing to make the most of your time tracking software’s features. Examples are: knowing all employees working in real-time and their location. Some apps also allow you to geofence jobs and receive alerts for crucial issues.

Finally, avoid monitoring timesheets, worker’s compensation, and payroll on different platforms. Your business will realize improved efficiency and productivity by tracking all these variables using one system.


Time tracking apps offer several benefits to your business. In addition to ensuring compliance with tax and labor laws, they help you achieve your overall objectives. You can identify the most productive employees and reward them accordingly for the organization’s long-term benefit. Their automatic features also eliminate payment disputes and other problems that could arise if you depend on manual computation. Please consult your employment lawyers for advice on how state and federal laws affect your professional relationship with employees.

Simple Solutions for Dramatically Boosting Your Website’s Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate is the ultimate “is it working?” measurement. And if your conversion rate is lower than it should be, it means you’re missing out on a chance to turn website traffic into valuable revenue.

The What and Why of Conversion Rates

A conversion rate is basically a measurement of how many website visitors take a specific action. Typical conversion goals include making a purchase, submitting a form, downloading a lead magnet, filling out a survey, or engaging with your site in some other way.

Once you have a goal in place (and a way of collecting data against that goal), calculating the conversion rate is easy. You simply take the number of conversions and divide it by the total number of visitors. Multiply this number by 100 percent and you have your conversion rate.

For example, let’s say your conversion goal is for visitors to opt-in to your email newsletter. If you have 800 visitors and 200 fill out the form, your conversion rate is 25 percent.

You’ll most likely have multiple conversion goals – and that’s fine. (You can track more than one conversion rate at a time.) The key is to track the same goals over time, so that you can study the trends.

4 Tips for Boosting Your Conversion Rate

Want to give your conversion rates a big boost? Here are a few useful techniques:

1. Add Exit-Intent Pop-Ups

Pop-ups are annoying. But did you know that they’re also quite effective?

While we wouldn’t recommend using pop-ups for everything, exit-intent pop-ups generate pretty impressive results. Whereas the average conversion rate of a pop-up is somewhere around 3 percent, many top-performing websites are able to get closer to 9.28 percent.

Exit-intent pop-ups are particularly useful for delivering coupons, discount codes, and offers when a visitor is about to leave the page. Consider adding them to your landing pages, product pages, and shopping carts.

2. Survey Your Customers

Sometimes it’s obvious why a page is underperforming or what factors are suppressing your conversion rate. Other times, you have no clue what’s causing poor numbers. Surveying customers can help you get to the bottom of the matter.

With website feedback software, you can collect, organize, and act upon data to improve conversion rates and strengthen your business at a foundational level. You can even use them in conjunction with exit-intent pop-ups to grab feedback when a customer is on the way out. 

3. Write Better CTAs

It’s possible that your calls-to-action (CTAs) are holding you back. Improving the copy and design of your CTAs could lead to a direct improvement. Here are some suggestions:

● Use just one CTA per page. (Multiple CTAs confuse people and make it less likely that they’ll take action.)

● Use color psychology to your advantage. For example, red CTA buttons typically perform better in situations where you’re trying to communicate urgency.

● Use first-person action phrases in your CTA copy (rather than generic and passive language).

No two brands will have the same CTA. How you optimize your calls-to-action will depend on the customer, the product, and the narrative you’re pushing in order to magnetize the former to the latter.

4. Destroy Doubts

A good website proactively acknowledges and destroys all of a visitor’s major doubts and hesitancies. This can be done through a strategic combination of social proof (like testimonials and case studies) and guarantees (such as 100 percent money-back promises).

Adopt a CANI Mentality

At the end of World War II, the Japanese economy was in shambles. Industries were destroyed and the very fabric of the nation had been left in shreds. But it was in the immediate aftermath of the war that the principle of Kaizen was initiated to spur on one of the more impressive recoveries in the history of the world. And it’s a principle that you can use in your own business.

Just as the Utah Beach Museum offers a detailed look at the strategic efforts and resilience that shaped the D-Day landings, Japan’s post-war recovery was a testament to strategic planning and perseverance, leading to one of the most remarkable economic turnarounds in history

The Kaizen principle is built on the idea of constant and never ending improvement, also known as CANI. It’s a belief system of betterment and refinement – i.e. the idea that nothing is ever perfect and there’s always room for improvement.

As you approach your website conversion rate, try adopting a Kaizen mentality. Improvements should be celebrated, but you’ll never be done. Stay committed and focus on constant and never ending improvement.

7 Commercial Real Estate Apps that are Transforming the Industry

People who invest in commercial real estate are all about increasing productivity and profits. With technology today, commercial real estate investors have many Android and iPhone apps available to make them more successful. The apps highlighted below can make investors more money and get more done.

And if you want to get more done after that, consider bringing in a skilled property management team to take you out of the day-to-day running of your properties.

LoopNet Commercial Real Estate Search

If you are shopping for a commercial property to enhance your portfolio or seeking tenants, this app is essential for your cell phone.

LoopNet boasts more than 800,000 property listings and special search filter tools. You’ll find it simple to locate a building that meets your requirements and needs.

What other app allows you to see mortgage lender details, property tax history, and tenant information? Also, this app is perfect for listing your property for sale when the time comes.


This app analyzes investment properties for investors. Just enter the information about a real estate transaction, such as financing expenses or purchase price, and you get a detailed financial projection and analysis.

Many investors use DealCheck to review comps and calculate what offers cost.

Visual Lease

Commercial real estate buyers know that managing leases can be tedious, even when things are running smoothly. When they aren’t, leases can be terrible to manage. But this robust app with an elegant interface lets you manage and organize leases.

You can reduce your operating costs and see a tidy snapshot of how each lease affects your profits. Visual Lease is helpful for all team members, from assistant to the CEO.

Yardki CRM Mobile

This is an accounting and property management app for small and medium-sized commercial property investors. It offers many convenient features, including managing property records, sending letters, and posting rents.

Some find the tool isn’t as intuitive as they want, but if you have the time to learn, you can use this app to manage your properties more efficiently. 

Property Capsule

This is a popular leasing app that is more appropriate for retail properties. Unlike other apps, Property Capsule boasts marketing automation tools.

You can upload real estate photography for listings, plans, property details, and documents in one location. When the information is put into the app, it can be used for marketing documents and email blasts.

Commercial Site Inspector

This app is both a mobile application and a web-based commercial project management tool. It lets the investor review, perform, and report on property inspections intuitively and efficiently.

You can upload maps and pictures and send PDF reports to your team and clients. All data on the website is pulled from a CSI database that you can access on your account.

Verdigris Energy

Do you know what the energy costs are for your building? Do you possess strategies to lower your costs for each property?

Verdigris Energy uses intelligent sensors to help investors track how much energy their buildings use. You also get real-time data that can be used to pinpoint waste that could be affecting profits.

The best thing is forecasting tools allow you to plan your needs and strategies to prepare for the more expensive summer and winter periods.

These commercial investor apps let you manage your time and money more efficiently with each property so that you can make more money and get more done. Whenever you want to use technology to enhance your business, these apps can help you do the job.

How to Transcribe Video and Audio on Mac

Transcribing is a process of converting audio to text (or the contents of a video to text). Though far from creative, this job is often necessary. For instance, you are a journalist. You probably have an audio record of an interview, which you must turn into the text of the appropriate format. Or, you need to document the results of meetings, discussions, conferences, etc. Or, you have dictated some statements and ideas for yourself to work on them later.

Transcription jobs are far from the most exciting activities. Besides, when you do it manually, this routine can drive you crazy. You have to play your audio or video record and type what you hear simultaneously. If the quality of the record is not excellent, you’ll have to stop, listen to the phrase again, play backward, then forward, etc. This all demands time and concentration, which is really draining. Fortunately, there are specialized tools and other alternatives.

Types of available text transcription methods on Mac

The specificity of converting audio to text is dealing with both the audio or video source and text editors simultaneously. This requirement determines the usage of larger screens of PC or Macs and their keyboards to follow the processes.

Depending on the performance method, you may transcribe your audio manually or automatically, using the available technical means or support from specialized services like Transcriberry. Let us review the available opportunities in more detail.  

Manual transcribing on Mac

The available solutions for manual transcribing mostly aim to simplify the processes. The task of recognizing the speech in the source and turning the audio or video to text is still the human transcriptionist’s responsibility.

Mac works with many specialized software solutions that you can download and install on the computer. Also, there are web applications available through the browser. The latter option is even more popular, as it does not depend on the OS at all, and you can use it on Mac, Windows, Linux, or mobile devices if needed.

Whether you work with the installed software or online service on Mac, these solutions follow the same principle. You upload the file with the record to convert it to text. The system allows you to play the record and type the transcription in the working area. The tools locate the player and the text editor on the same screen, and the performer does not need to switch between tabs. The overall process becomes smoother and lets you focus on the task better.

In order to support the human transcriptionist, such software will offer lots of additional means. There are words auto replacement, auto-completion, text suggestions, the possibility to add time codes, etc. The job is still yours, but you can do it faster and synchronize the listening and typing activities. With proper typing skills and good quality of the source video or audio, it is similar to writing by dictation.

Among the many available solutions for manual transcribing on Mac, you’ll find the variants for both amateurs and professionals.

Automated transcribing on Mac

AI-based transcription solutions are on the rise as well. The quality depends on the voice recognition, and the AI capabilities become more advanced in this aspect continually.

Speaking of the Mac capabilities, we should mention its in-build Dictation and Speech utility. By enabling it, you can dictate any text and let your Mac transcribe it in real-time. Using the advanced settings, you can review the results immediately. One of the brightest advantages is that this option works offline as the transcription is performed locally on the machine. Your voice is accepted directly, without sending it through the Web.

Still, this convenient option is far from being a universal answer to all questions. It works with the data obtained through the microphone and won’t process the uploaded files. You might play your record to “dictate” it to the utility. As you know, the results depend on the quality of that material, like with all other tools.

There are other third-party solutions available for Mac. They all combine the speech-to-text AI algorithms and text editors for the human transcriptionists to revise and correct the results of the automated transcribing.

Even the best transcribers use automated transcription systems time after time. For instance, when they have a high-quality source file and need to speed up the initial analysis. Then they work on the recognized data personally, adjusting it to the English audio text.

However, no professional transcriptionist will rely on the automated system entirely. Most likely, you are interested in obtaining the highest quality when transcribing your audio. Then, the best option is to apply the manual approach. The alternative is delegating this job to specialists.

Professional online transcription services

As the number of users in need of transcribing services increases every day, the need gets the supply. Both the desktop and online solutions offer support for the do-it-yourself approach. On the other hand, there are professional companies such as Transcriberry that provide the targeted service.

You might prefer to do the job yourself. In this case, experts will consult you and provide our dedicated resources. They are online, so they are perfectly compatible with Mac. Or, they can take the entire task and ensure the best-quality converting audio to text for your needs.

Types of Sales Representatives and their Foolproof Methodologies

When it comes to sales, it isn’t just about selling the product or service to the customer. You need to understand their requirements, pressure points, and issues before furnishing your product for purchase. Imagine yourself in a mall looking out for different things before buying your said product and an amateur salesperson insisting you buy a specific brand. He/She is not paying any heed to your concern and just babbling about how beneficial the product can be for you. What would your reaction to him/her be?

If the salesperson had known anything about sales methodologies, he/she would try a different approach. And there would have been a brighter chance of you making the purchase thinking that you need to have it. It is what sales methodologies do. It provides you with various sets of rules and rhythms to follow, right from finding a prospect to closing a deal. Sales methodologies are the combination of different researches and findings done over a long period by several researchers. And today, we will be indulging in some of them to give a better perspective.

Before getting to know the methodologies, here are the 5 profiles of sales representatives,

  • The hard worker – The one that goes out of his way to ensure the deal is closed. They are remarkably determined individuals.
  • The relationship builder – Everyone in and around the market knows them. Famous for building connection & trust with everyone around.
  • The problem solver – Their purpose is to solve customer’s problems and consider that to be the utmost priority.
  • The lone wolf – As the name itself suggests, they are the rulers of their own might. They will make rules of their own and aren’t afraid of breaking the norms.
  • Challengers – They are well aware of the customers’ needs and the sales processes. They spend more time teaching the customer about the value proposition than closing the deal.

Now that you understand the types, here are some of the methodologies for closing the deal.

Target account selling

This is the most commonly used methodology. The sales representative has a specific number of leads to persuade and follow up with. This helps the representative to concentrate on the list than try and gain contacts and start with the sales funnel. It does save the time of each person from searching the potentials.

The intention here is to get the potential clients in closing the deals. This requires a great amount of coordination from the sales team along with marketing as well as customer support. 

The Challengers Sale

A challenger is defined by the ability to teach, tailor and take control. As mentioned about the sales representative’s trait above, a challenger studies the customer and their distinctions & how to get them into understanding the usefulness of the product. It is about bringing the balance of customer relationship with getting them to know about the product’s value. 

In Challengers sale, the representative takes control of the conversation and informs the buyer about the know-whats and know-hows that the buyer cannot find on the internet. In return, the buyer gets the best experience while buying the product.

Inbound Selling

Did you know? In this type of sale, more than 57% of customers are already into the sales funnel of buying the product. It makes the representative’s lives easier to persuade the leads and confirm them to final deals. Marketing plays a substantial role in filtering the failed potentials and provides the sales representative with the potential prospects.

In inbound selling, the customer is already aware of the products you cater to and is interested in what you can offer them. They reach out to the sales representative only to help them guide to the right product. So it becomes more of consultation or solution-based than sales.

Buying Signal Sale

A buying signal is an opportunity for the representative to get in touch with the customer and let them know how useful the product is. With the buying signal’s help, you can determine when a prospect would need your offer. Every time a person visits a website, it creates valuable data for the sales team to use. However, they seldomly get any updates about it. Using this technique, you can gather and understand the interests of each customer’s purchase and persuade them accordingly.

However, not every time you’d get a chance to contact the customer directly. And, you’d end up losing a lead or spending too much time on finding their contacts. Here is when you can utilize the tools that can help you in email search. GetEmail.io is a powerful website with a massive database of email contacts to cater. You can easily find your prospect’s email addresses within a matter of seconds. In return, it boosts your productivity while saves enough time for you to concentrate on other leads.

A Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing

Now that we are in the digital age and most of us rely heavily on the online world, we tend to spend so much of our time browsing and surfing the internet. Throughout the years, the worldwide web has become an effective platform for marketing. We even now have the term “e-commerce” or electronic commerce. 

With e-commerce, transactions for buying and selling products are entirely made online. Business owners and manufacturers can just put up their products on a website, and buyers can easily purchase whatever they need. Now, all they have to do is find ways to promote their business — and trust me, with the power of the internet, marketing opportunities are endless. Gone are the days where you have to buy a slot for a TV advertisement or a section in a newspaper just to advertise. And this leads to one type of online marketing, which is affiliate marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of online marketing where a merchant or a business owner boosts their product sales by providing existing content creators or potential affiliate marketers with the same niche links that they can incorporate into their content. Once clicked by the audience, these links will direct them to the website’s shop to purchase the products. 

Affiliate marketers or affiliates earn a commission when someone purchases an item through their link. Their income is solely based on the number of items sold using the link. Depending on the affiliate network, the commission can be a percentage of the sales or a fixed rate per sale. Although no training is required to become an affiliate, there are classes that you can take that can guide you in the industry. Look for the most recommended courses on affiliate marketing to have an in-depth introduction about being an affiliate.

What do you benefit from affiliate marketing? 

It is very easy to start.

To be an affiliate marketer, all you need is a device and access to the internet. Other than that, you must be able to create content consistently. You also must study how to learn affiliate marketing in a professional way. Your content,  it can be a blog post or a YouTube video, must be in line with the merchant’s niche or you can simply review their product. 

It would not cost you anything.

Merchants do not require any fees for aspiring affiliates, so you have nothing to risk at all — except maybe your time and effort for content creation. However, beginners in this industry must ensure that they can widen their audience as their income solely relies on the number of people who purchase with their links.

You get an opportunity to increase your income.

As soon as they get into that groove and people start to purchase products through their links, affiliate marketers can easily earn an income. For your income to constantly grow, you need to keep promoting your website or account through your content to gain loyal followers who can potentially buy your chosen merchant’s products.

It can be done with several platforms.

Affiliate marketing works with almost all platforms, including blogs, Youtube, as well as Instagram. So, if you have been a long-time video creator on Youtube or you already have thousands of followers on Instagram, then you might have an advantage as an affiliate. Building your audience through those platforms can now be easy nowadays.

You can create a wide variety of content.

Depending on which type of content you prefer, you can find an appropriate merchant through affiliate networks. It is at your advantage if you are flexible and can create several forms of content, like blogs, videos, posts, etc. Instagram has this new feature where you can add affiliate links to your stories, and interested followers can just swipe up to get directed on the website.

It can elevate your platform.

If people keep interacting with your affiliate links, the more engaging your account becomes. As a result of this, you get better standing on these platforms’ algorithms, especially with Instagram recently, where the more engagements you have, the more visible you become.

How to become successful in Affiliate Marketing? 

Although it is easy and risk-free to start getting involved in affiliate marketing and possibly earn an income, you still have to maintain good practices to help your earnings grow and be more consistent. To help you with this, here are nine tips and steps that you can follow to become successful as an affiliate marketer:

1. Choose proper platforms for you.

As we mentioned, you can choose from a lot of platforms for affiliate marketing. One factor that can help your success in this career become faster, you must select a platform that you are comfortable using. If you are not a writer, then blog posting would not work for you at all, and you would not need a website. You can always try Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook, where creating accounts is free, and content posting can be pretty straightforward.

2. Stick to your niche.

Before you start, you must choose two to three related niches that you want your content to revolve around. For example, one of the most popular niches nowadays is sports and fitness. If you are a woman who religiously works out and an enthusiast of anything health and fitness-related, you can post about those things and choose merchants that maybe sell workout clothes, protein shakes, sports equipment, etc. In addition to this, if you love fashion, you can post content about that too. Remember, too many niches mess up your content, confuses your audience, and you lose the potential of gaining loyal followers.

3. Build your credibility to attract followers.

Credibility is vital for you to gain organic followers or followers that are legitimately engaging with your posts — in short, not bots. Remember that for affiliate marketing to become an effective source of income, your stats are key. You need to have more followers or an audience that anticipates every post and reacts to each of them. The more followers you have, the more chances of having people that purchase with your affiliate link.

4. Find an affiliate network.

The easiest way to find merchants or sellers that seeks additional promotion through affiliate marketing is by visiting affiliate networks. These networks are what serve as middlemen between merchants and affiliates. Merchants have their products listed in the networks, and affiliate marketers just search through them to find the products relevant to their niche, and they can create content about.

5. Carefully choose the products.

Only choose relevant products and merchants. This way, your content becomes consistent, and you stay within your niche.

Create high-quality content consistently.

Lastly, you have to keep your audience engaged and interested in your content, so they stick around. And when you finally post content on your affiliate links, make sure that you will be able to captivate their audience and persuade them to buy the product. Writing positive reviews about the products is the most common way to incorporate affiliate links.

The secret to becoming successful in this career is to be consistent and dedicated to your content. You have to lure in your audience and convince them that they need these products, so they should click your link and purchase. In affiliate marketing, this is pretty much the only way to earn income.

How to Choose Competent IT Recruitment Services for Your Business

The IT department for any company and industry is an important part of it. These services increase efficiency in business and help an enterprise go with the flow and keep up with technology trends. For this reason, it’s highly important to have a skilled team and professionals that are competent enough to provide your firm all that it needs to have a strong tech front in the competitive world. This why IT recruitment agencies exist.

The work of these agencies is to assess and provide a top-notch workforce to help out any company that needs talent fast. A lot of your time is saved with the help of such an agency, and you are able to focus on the implementation of the process with your swiftly put-together IT team to start getting tech authorized. 

However, you have to be careful in choosing an IT recruitment agency that can be up to par for your needs. Here are some things to implement in your search for the best recruits in your IT team by the following tips:

Get Recommendations

The best way to reach out to the most reliable and dependable IT recruitment services is through recommendations. You can ask your friends or business partners to recommend these to you before you start doing your own research. This way, you won’t have to be doubtful and understand the working of an agency from personal experience. If there aren’t any recommendations, you can check out online reviews on different agencies that are also dependable. 

Dig Deep

Once you select a few agencies to choose from, ensure to dig deeper into their work and history on completing recruitment assignments. Conduct a thorough background check on all the agencies that feel authentic to you and know from their past clients about their working style. This digging can give you valuable information you may not be able to achieve through reviews and ratings alone. 

Propose an Interview

Always ask the right questions you would ask an employee before hiring them to a recruitment hiring manager. It’s important that you understand the terms they provide and find out the hidden information. Understand the recruitment process thoroughly and ask about your involvement in the procedure, if any. Ask about the company’s standards for hiring and supplying a workforce in the IT field that can help lead your firm better. Like this, create a list of important questions to ask and make sure to get all your answers before agreeing to anything and signing up the contract. 

Know Your Needs

When choosing the right IT recruitment agency for your business, you need to understand and write down your needs. This list of needs can help the recruiting firm out tons in supplying you with an efficient workforce. For this reason, choose the IT expertise and positions you’re looking to hire in the company. Come up with the number of employees you need to hire and their employment terms. If you’re looking to hire long-term reliable staff members for your team, explain these requirements to the agency explicitly. Check out the specialty of the firm and its footing in the IT industry before hiring. 

Negotiate Costs

Recruitment agencies are reliable in the essence that they make the recruitment tasks easier for you. They save costs and time spent in interviewing, training, and testing employees. But are they affordable? Different IT recruiters offer varied charges for their services which can depend on the number of facilities you procure. 

However, even if you hire an employee or two, some agencies ought to rip you off for it when there can be found the same expertise of skills in another agency. For this reason, look at the talent before the price tag. Don’t worry about an IT recruiter offering low prices if the talent is worthwhile. It’s best to stick to your budget as well to keep the process as cost-efficient as possible. 

4 Reasons To Understand Your Software Supply Chain

Back in the days, software was supplied to customers in CD-ROMs and floppy disks. One had to get hold of either of these storage devices from the manufacturer and then install the software on their personal computers. But times have changed! Today, all you need is a good internet connection, and you’re good to go. Even the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) applications can now be downloaded from a server, installed, and activated using a unique key.

Because of this connection between the manufacturer and the user, the software can be updated continuously. This creates what the industry has dubbed as a software supply chain. Since the product being delivered is the program free to download, and the good is the code, which is used to activate the product, the supply process should be comparatively easy. The fact that there are no warehouses involved or even transportation headaches make many people think that the whole process is a walk in the park, but it’s not!

A software supply chain can be very complicated, especially for beginners. As such, you need to find ways to learn the ins and outs of your software supply security and every other-related aspect. Still not convinced? Continue reading to learn some more reasons why this knowledge is significant for developing both your business and as an individual.

1. There is More Than Meets the Eye

One reason why you’ll need to learn and understand your software supply chain is that it involves more than what you just see from the outside. Apart from its unique set of tools, procedures, and workforce, many activities still need to be managed. The fact is that most of these things are easily forgotten by business owners, perhaps because only experts can trace them.

However, it’s pretty essential to have an understanding of what’s going on beyond the obvious. Having insights into the details gives you an upper hand in your business’s management process. You’ll be able to make decisions knowing the consequences rather than just relying on what your employees suggest. Therefore, if you haven’t done it yet, make sure you sit down with one of the employed experts and let them take you through the whole of your software supply chain.

2. Individual Decisions Have a Wide Impact

What’s open-source software (OSS)? This is an application that a developer chooses to distribute with “read and write” codes. That means anyone who has access to this software can modify it to meet specific needs. Most applications usually have one or more open-source components.

Some of the rules set by the OSS community are that such applications must be freely available, include a modifiable source code, and have no restrictions for redistribution. How does the developer benefit? Most people opt to distribute their software in such a format to allow for quicker repairs and the development of high-quality applications.

Of course, it may seem straightforward, but the issue of OSS is sometimes complicated. Remember the source code you distribute may contain some crucial information. Therefore, a decision by a programmer or a group of developers can easily pose considerable risks to your business. The courts understand that a breach of the OSS license may lead to IP infringement, but it’s not clear whether it can be categorized as a breach of contract.

There are many cases where a company has faced software-related risks after distributing its source codes. Learning about your software supply chain will help you understand your specific scenario and handle any legal issues that may arise in the future. It’s worth noting that every OSS component should have a license attached to make things easier in case you find yourself in a legal fight.

3. Free but Chargeable

Free but chargeable; quite confusing, right? Well, that’s one more reason why you should get hold of an expert and learn the ins and outs of your software supply chain. A company may provide a set of source codes that you can edit and modify to fit your needs. However, the original developer may attach financial restrictions to go with their software applications.

For one, they may decide that the OSS is only free if not commercialized, and if one decides to sell, then they must adhere to the provided rules. For example, if you’re planning to redistribute such software, you might be compelled to send a percentage of your sales to the source code owner. This is a common occurrence among companies that have already rolled out another version of this software as a commercial product.

4. You’ll Have an Idea of Related Implications

As already seen, different developers have the opportunity to incorporate their ideas into your source code. But as the owner, you ought to understand all the implications of such actions. You can only have an idea in this area if you’ve studied and understood your software supply chain.

 Some of the things you need to focus on are the third-party tools used by the developers and how they’ll affect the customers. Will such actions affect the company in the future?

Once you’ve assessed the obligations and risks, it’s also recommended that you carefully go through the open-source licenses and their implications. Who will be responsible for the risks posed or any breach of license? For instance, take the KODI media player; it’s legal open-source software, but the addons you install on it can compromise its legality and safety.


The software supply chain is thought to be a simple and straightforward system, but it involves many economic and legal regulations. Whether you’re a developer of open-source or commercial software, you ought to adhere to the respective laws of the industry. Understanding your software supply chain will help you decide on the best actions to take at any given time. It gives you an idea of how the consumers should use your software, especially if it’s an OSS. Remember, the distribution of your source code can make or break your business; so, be sure to revise all the relevant open-source licenses before embarking on the distribution process.