DejaOffice for Android - Send a log

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How to send a DejaOffice log to support

1. In DejaOffice select Settings, then Logging and Support Settings

2. Enable the checkbox "Start Logging"

3. [Optional] If support requests a log of your Android Contacts and Android Calendar, select "Log Android DB"

NOTE: This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your databases.

4. [Optional] If support needs a log of a Sync; select "Back", and "Back" to get to the DejaOffice Main Menu. Select "Read Android data" and/or run a PC sync. NOTE: Support should let you know which is necessary.

5. Reproduce the issue

6. Return to Settings > Logging and Support Settings > Tap on "Email Support". If you have a ticket or case number, please put it in the subject of your email. Send the email

NOTE: If the log file is particularly large, the Android Mail app can fail to send the message.

1. Connect your device to your PC using a USB Cable.

2. Connect its USB storage to the PC. Check your user manual for specific instructions. Most devices have the option to select "Mass Storage" or "USB Drive" or "Disk Drive."

3. While your phone is connected, browse to the device storage folder.

4. Depending on the age of the phone, the files in question will either be in Android Internal Storage\clusb or Android Internal Storage\Android\data\com.companionlink.clusbsync\files

5. Select all files in this folder using Ctrl-A, and select "Sent to" then "Compressed (zipped) folder."

6. Attach the zip folder to an email to If you have a ticket or case number, please put it in the subject of your email.