Manual Sync Mode for Android USB Sync
As part of the DejaOffice USB Sync process, DejaOffice mounts and un-mounts your Android devices's USB storage (SD card) to the PC automatically. Sometimes, DejaOffice may not be able to mount your specific devices USB storage, and may require the use of "Manual Sync Mode." This issue is usually due to carrier and manufacturer tweaks made to the Android OS.
If your device fails to complete a successful USB sync 3 times, the option for "Manual Sync Mode" will appear in DejaOffice Settings/Sync Settings. With this option checked, your device will be able to sync via USB, just with a few added steps.
PLEASE NOTE: This setting is rarely needed, and should only be enabled if instructed by CompanionLink/DejaOffice tech support.
How to sync using "Manual Sync Mode."
1. Turn on "Manual Sync Mode" in Settings/Sync Settings
2. Press Sync in DejaOffice
3. When then Android contacts/calendar sync finishes, the following will pop up:
1.Please Close DejaOffice
2.Connect a USB cable and turn on USB Storage
3.After the PC sync completes, disconnect the USB cable
4. Follow these steps by first, closing DejaOffice by selecting the Back button
5. Connect the USB cable to the PC and drag the notification bar down to find "USB Connected" (or similar message)
6. Connect the device in USB Storage mode (sometimes called Mass Storage or Disk Drive mode)
7. The CompanionLink PC sync should start. Wait until it finishes.
8. When the PC sync completes, disconnect the USB cable and DejaOffice should re-open and finish the sync.