New PC - Install or Reinstall CompanionLink

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If you have a new PC or if you need to reinstall CompanionLink (due to a re-formatting or otherwise) the following guide will assist.

Checklist Before Installing/Reinstalling CompanionLink

There are a few things to check before using CompanionLink on the new PC.

  • Ensure the Database you want to sync with Act!, Outlook, Palm Desktop is installed on the new PC.
  • Ensure the correct data is on the new PC and/or you are able to open the database.
  • Click Here to verify which version of CompanionLink you are licensed for.
  • If Outlook is to be used, ensure that Classic Outlook is installed using this guide.

Install/Reinstall CompanionLink


For a video guide to Installing CompanionLink Click Here.

  1. Click Here to download the latest version of CompanionLink.
  2. Once downloaded, click the downloaded setup file and click Install.
  3. Select Yes on the Windows UAC popup.
  4. Select OK to Finish the installation.
  • Note: On some machines, the UAC message does not popup automatically, be sure to check the Windows Task bar for the Blue and Yellow shield.

Register CompanionLink


Follow these steps on the Registration screen in CompanionLink 9 and higher:

  1. Open CompanionLink
  2. Click Settings > Registration (button on the bottom).
  3. Enter the first and last name of the license holder
  4. Enter the email address you entered on the purchase order form.
  5. IF you purchased through PayPal, then your PayPal ID is the license email.
  6. Please make sure the 'Purchase ID' field is blank (only applicable for older versions of CompanionLink 9)
  7. Click 'Verify'
  • NOTE: CompanionLink for Google is Settings > Support tab > Registration

Configure CompanionLink


Check one of our Setup Guides to get CompanionLink reconfigured to sync with your mobile device.

Android Phone or Tablet

iPhone or iPad

How to Install Classic Outlook for Windows

Watch this video to see how install Classic Outlook.

If you only have access to "New" Outlook or the free newly branded New Outlook (Formerly Windows Mail), you can install the Classic version of Office from Microsoft's Website.

  • There are 2 types of installers, online and offline. The online installer is easier and usually works, but not always, when the online installer does not install Classic Outlook, you must use the offline installer.

Online Installer (Easiest method)

  1. Click Here to download the Classic Outlook online Installer.
  2. Follow the Install Prompts
  3. Connect Your Email Accounts
  4. Setup CompanionLink.
  • Note: If this does not install Classic Outlook, you must use the offline installer:

Offline Installer (Most Reliable)

  1. Click Here to download the Classic Outlook offline Installer.
  2. Right click the IMG file > Mount
  3. Click Open if prompted
  4. In the mounted directory, Go to the Office Folder and run Setup64.exe
  5. Follow the Install Prompts
  6. Connect Your Email Accounts
  7. Setup CompanionLink.

Setup Help or Advanced Configuration on the New PC

If you want us to set it up for you or you use an advanced configuration such as unique field mapping, multiple sync, multiple data sources, or custom sync filters we would recommend our Setup Service. There are two options here.

Option 1 - RunStart: A RunStart is a one time Setup, this lets us login to the machine, install CompanionLink for you and walk through any custom settings you might need. Click Here for more info on RunStarts.

Option 2 - Premium Support: Premium Support offers one year of continued support which includes installing and setting up CompanionLink for you. Click Here for more info on Premium Support.